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This is a new thread that follows up from another thread I opened originally about "German Dental Clinic"!


Day 1,... after the morning-rain stopped I walked the short distance from my hotel to "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic" opposite K-Bank on South Pattaya Rd.

I had booked my appointment at 11:30, but was already in the dentists room at 11:20, which was great because I hate waiting-rooms!

Small simple room with dentists chair, and a happy smiling female dentist without a mouthcover on greeting me!

I immediately got some nice vibes from her and this place, she told me her name was Dr Jay.

She spoke perfect english and directly gave me a feeling of confidence, seemed like a fun and joyous person and all my anxiety and nervousness disappeared!

No heavy cloth was put on my face as in the other place, and during the examination she told me very clearly what she saw and showed me in the mirror.

Before she even had diagnosed my problems, I knew this was it, I had found my dentist at last!

I have been checking my own teeth before my trip to try to get a picture of what is wrong and what could be done, I'm ofcourse no dentist, but I was very happy when her diagnosis was identical to my own!

So this is what is going to be done:

I will be having 6 new Zirconia Crowns, one rootfilling and some minor fillings.

Crowns will be done for 13000 baht each all incl.

Rootfilling will be at 6000 baht, but I will not have time to have the crown fitted this trip so

she will do a temporary filling until my next trip next year.

She counted on 2 weeks to have the job done this trip, she doesn't want to do all the crowns in the same day.

She expects the total costs to be around 85000 baht, which is within my limits of max 100000 baht.

I could have opted for the cheaper Nickel-Chrome based crowns at 7000 baht each, but I prefer the best and longest lasting quality Zirconia.

If I was a retired pensionist or older I might have gone for the cheaper standad crowns, but I expect to live at least 20-30 years more! Hopefully!

Only some minor complains about todays visit:

Aircon in the room was freezing cold!

X-ray is obviously not included in the free exam, but that is probably the same for the other cheaper clinics as well.

She didn't mention or notice that I have some minor stains at the back of my lower front-teeth, and

also didn't say anything about my upper front teeth that has chipped edges and also scratched and worn enamel.

She also didn't mention anything about cleaning of toothstone, although I brush and clean my teeth every day there should be something to clean off after not going to the dentist for 8 years!

Maybe she saved it for my first real appointment tomorrow, will also ask her about guarantee.

So tomorrow the "work" starts at 10:30 in the morning, I'm in for X-Ray, Tooth impression and small filling.

Day 2,

Another dark,gloomy and very humid day in Pattaya.

Stayed in last night, hard to sleep and nervous for the coming visit to the dentist today!


It went better than expected!

I was the first patient of the day at 10:30, they are open 10:00-20:00.

Started with the X-Ray, Dr Jay didn't notice anything new on them than she already knew.

Made 2 jaw impressions one upper and one lower in some kind of fastdrying "clay".

Then she drilled and filled a smaller cavity on a premolar in lower jaw, changed the old filling to white composite that looked much better and more natural than the old Amalgam!

She then continued to drill out and clean the tooth that she expected to do a root canal treatment on.

I didn't feel a thing even without anesthetic, and since it looked much better after removing the caries and since I didn't feel any pain, she came to the conclusion the nerve and pulpa was still intact and alive without infection and hence I would probably not need a root filling after all!

She filled the tooth with a temporary filling and said just in case that we should wait about 2 weeks and if I haven't had any pain during that time she would fix the filling permanently and I wouldn't need any rootfilling or even a crown on that tooth after all!

She said that after a root filling the tooth is dead, and might sooner or later get loose and fall out, so better to try and keep it alive as long as possible.

Will also save me 13000 baht + 6000 baht, so I keep my fingers crossed!

I finally asked her about my chipped front teeth, but she didn't think it was too much, and also said a filling wouldn't last long, she simply polished down my teeth a little bit at the chipped edges, and although slightly shorter than before they still look OK and natural!

This visit lasted about an hour and total cost was 2000 baht!

Tomorrow is going to be a hard day though!

The Dentist will do the teeth that needs crowns on one side, 2 downstairs and 2 upstairs!

Drilling and removing of caries, then some rebuilding to support a temporary crown.

She counted on at least 2 hours work.

Then she's off for a few days Holiday, so my next visit will be 5 days later, when she will do the two last teeth for crowns on the other side.

Then maybe wait another week to get the permanent Zirconia crowns fitted.

I forgot to ask about how long I will wear the temporary crowns, will know tomorrow.

I might take a few days "holiday" as well and go to BKK 11-13 of May!

Will see how I feel after the visit tomorrow!


Day 3,

Just came home to my hotel from another visit to "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic".

... and my teeth are aching as hell, feels like one side of my jaw is going to explode!!! ohmy.gif

.... I was in for a some extensive work today, they worked on my teeth nonstop from 11:30-13:35

Dr Jay changed the plan a little though, so instead of fixing 3 teeth all on the same side, she decided to work on 2 lower molars on one side and an upper molar on the other side.

Next visit she will do the reversed.

Today she gave me anestethic with a big needle, didn't feel the injection much though.

Troughout the drilling I hardly felt anything, felt a little chill at the end when she was polishing that's all.

It was constant work for her and her two assistants, first she had to drill down the caries and cavities and clean up the teeth and then rebuilt hem again and reshape them into a cone, then she made the moulds that will be sent to a lab, and lastly she fitted some temporary crowns for me to wear until the final Zirconia crowns have been made.

So there will be at least 6 crowns after all, but could have been 7 if she had done the root canal yesterday.

Cost for the teeth all incl. is gonna be 6 Zirconia Crowns X 13000 baht = 78000 baht.

I payed for the work done yesterday another 2000 baht so all in all it will be 80000 baht.

I did a small down payment today of 12000 baht, but was up to me if I pay little by little or all at once.

About guarantee for the Zirconia crowns it will last for 2 years, so if something happens to the teeth within that timeframe they will fix them for free!

Although the Dr seems to be quite confident that nothing will happen to them.

I will probably need another 3 visits, next visit isn't until 16 of May since Dr Jay is going for holiday.

After I left the clinic today and the anestecia worned off, I have had quite a painfull day, especially on the side where she fixed two teeth next to each other!

Will stay in tonight and take a few painkillers and hope it feels better tomorrow!

If so I might go for a 3-days "Mini-Holiday" to Bangkok myself, while waiting for my next visit to

"Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic"!


PS next report won't be until the 16 of May



I'm back in Pattaya again after 3 days R&R in Bangkok.

Today it was time again for another visit at "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic".

Dr Jay was supposed to start with my 3 last teeth, but ...

my first 3 new Zirconia crowns were ready and back from the lab, laying on a tray waiting to be inserted in my mouth!

So it took 6 days from imprint until finished product back at the clinic from the lab.

After som thorough cleaning and minor adjustments to make a perfect fit, my new Zirconia crowns were finally glued and attached to my old stumps in my mouth!

This vist lasted about 45 minutes to put in 3 crowns.

I did feel some discomfort and chilling when she cleaned and blowed my teeth before the crowns were glued on, but it was very temporary.

Next visit will be on Friday, when she will start work on my 3 last teeth, and then a last visit to fit my last crowns 6 days or so later on.

That is not the end of my dental works though, I will still have at least 3-4 more crowns to be done in the future, hopefully next year, just need to save some more money first!

I have taken a few before and after pictures of my teeth that have been done so far for comparison!

A warning though of the graphic nature of these pictures! ohmy.gif

This is a before-shot of leftside of my lower jaw to show the damage, as you can see there was almost nothing left of my second inner molar.


This is the after-shot with my new Zirconia crowns fitted, also had a white composite-filling on first premolar.

There is still work to be done on my second premolar, in the future hopefully next year I will put on another Zirconia crown here.

Still quite a remarkable change and look!


Here are the before and after-shots of my rightside upper jaw.

As you can see there still needs to be done at least one more crown and maybe also change my old fillings to white composite.

Also shown is an old standard porcelin/metalbase crown, that I might consider changing as well in the future to fit better with the more natural color of the Zirconia crown that doesn't contain any metal.


So, that's all for now folks!

Will keep you updated with a new report on Friday!




Day 5

Once again back to my hotelroom from a visit to "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic".

Right now I have a pounding headache and I can feel my heart beating in my jaws and teeth as well!

Today was another "Marathon-session" in the dentistchair!

Dr Jay was supposed to work on my last 3 crowns today, but I decided to have yet another one done now instead of waiting until next year, and since she had time over she agreed to do it as well.

So today it took a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes of nonstop drilling, polishing, restructuring, making impressions and fitting temporary crowns!

I was offered a "pee-pause" halfway if I wanted to, but I denied it and prefered to have the job done quicker instead!

She used the big needle to inject some anestethics, but still was a bit weak on one side, so I did feel some chilling pain when she "polished" my teeth at the end, but prefered to not interupt her working and just took a steady grip of the chair and tried to think about something nice those few seconds!

Anyway, now the worst work has been done, and there will be a full week of nicer "things" to do until next Saturday when she will finally fit the last 4 Zirconia crowns!

After that I expect one last exam at the clinic for Dr Jay to inspect her work, and she will also make a last filling to the tooth that she first thought needed a root canal.

I still don't feel any pain in that tooth so I hope it will make it!

Since I opted for yet another Zirconia crown, my total bill is now up to:

2000 baht + 7 X 13000 baht = 93000 baht

My initial max budget was set at 100000 baht, so I still have another 7000 baht to do some minor job at the end if I so wish, like changing old Amalgam fillings to Composite.


  • 2 weeks later...


Days 6 & 7

Time for another update.

I finally had my 4 last Zirconia crowns fitted.

Lots of work adjusting, polishing and finishing until they were at last in place.

Dr Jay got a small problem though with cement getting stuck between two crowns

took a long time for her struggling with floss to get it off!

Then I had only one visit left, to try and fix the tooth that she first thought needed a rootfilling.

That visit wasn't until 5 days later so I took another mini-trip to BKK for 4 days.

Unfortunately I got a problem with the temporary filling on the root-filling tooth it broke and a piece of the tooth chipped off as well!

Felt some chilling while drinking cold water, but else no pain.

One of the last Zirconia crowns also felt a bit high still.

Yesterday I was back in the dentist chair again.

Luckily Dr Jay managed to fix my broken tooth with a filling, but she also said it won't last forever because the tooth is more or less broken off in two pieces!

Only other option is to give it a rootcanal treatment after all and then try to put in some "pillar" to rebuilt it enough to be able to put a crown on it, but that is for the future.

She also polished down one of my new Zirconia crowns a bit so my bite is now much better.

This visit was meant to be the last one, but I managed to persuade her to do some more minor estethic work, so I will still have another last appointment with her on Monday.

Then she will change 3 old Amalgam-fillings to white Composit, fill in the enamel that is worn on my front teeth and also change an old darkened composit-filling between my front teeth.

Todays visit and filling was free though.

So total bill still stands at 93000 baht.




It's time to sum up my dental adventures in Pattaya and Thailand for this year! smile.gif

Today I visited Dr Jay at Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic for the last time before I go home.

I had requested her to do some minor cosmetic works on my teeth as the finale today.

Change of 3 old Amalgam-fillings to white Composite.

Change and renew some small white fillings in my front teeth that had darkened during the years.

Also to fill in some Composite on the surface of my front teeth because the enamel had been worn down during too much rough tooth-brushing during the years.

Then finish off with some polishing.

Took about 30 minutes for Dr Jay to finish the final work today.

Cost of today's work 3000 baht.

That means my final bill stops at 96000 baht in all.

I made a total of 10 visits, (although 2 were just short ones to refit a temporary crown that had fallen off).

I started this adventure on May 8 and it finished today June 4, but it included some time waiting for the lab to construct and send my new Zirconia crowns from BKK, and Dr Jay had a few days off work as well.

There is still some work to do in the future though, because I still have at least 3 more crowns to fit and I might also change two old crowns for new Zirconia crowns instead.

As a final summation I will show some before and after pictures of my teeth!

A warning though is in place as some might get disturbed by the graphic nature of these photos! ohmy.gif


1a. My front teeth before.


1b. My front teeth after.


2a. My lower jaw teeth before.


2b. My lower jaw teeth after.


3a. My upper jaw teeth before.


3b. My upper jaw teeth after.



VERY in depth

i am glad you are not reporting on a urology visit tongue.png

best of luck

That's my new project for next year! hahabiggrin.png


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