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Jealous German Skinhead Knife Killer Caught In Khon Kaen


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I would guess if a background check was performed on this physco - this is not the first time he has been in trouble, just my opinion

If only Thailand could do background check on all foreigners coming here , it will solve a lot of problems.

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I would guess if a background check was performed on this physco - this is not the first time he has been in trouble, just my opinion

If only Thailand could do background check on all foreigners coming here , it will solve a lot of problems.

If only TV could do same lol

can you just imagine TV being so quiet with all the posts from the sicko's missing - you know who you are and we have a reasonable idea lol

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Does Thailand even execute for murder? Or just low level drug mules?


it is strange that the buddhist monk who sits with the guy before he goes on his final walk, explains why it is acceptable within the buddhist religion to kill a man on drugs charges... the explanation being that drugs can also kill.

yet you have murderers who don't get the jab.

the whole death penalty in a buddhist country is quite amazing and contradictory in itself, i'm sure the buddha would've frowned upon it tbh!

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Does Thailand even execute for murder? Or just low level drug mules?


it is strange that the buddhist monk who sits with the guy before he goes on his final walk, explains why it is acceptable within the buddhist religion to kill a man on drugs charges... the explanation being that drugs can also kill.

yet you have murderers who don't get the jab.

the whole death penalty in a buddhist country is quite amazing and contradictory in itself, i'm sure the buddha would've frowned upon it tbh!

Well I don't see a contradiction, as far as religions and their adherents go.

Execution is in fact helping the person!

By dealing with or using drugs, the person has negatively impacted his/her karma.

Bey being executed (=suffering), the person may get a positive karma credit, perhaps even beyond the negative credit he/she got from the drug involvement. A massive improvement especially for those who were innocent of the crime they were executed for!

The real victims are the executioners, who will have to work hard during their lifetime to make up for their own loss of karma for taking lives. But they may get a discount because they were also helping others to improve their karma score.

Buddha might have said "That ain't so bad in the long run".

At least, that's my pop/Hollywood take on Buddhism/religion/reward-penalty philosophies. Everything can be rationalized.

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Does Thailand even execute for murder? Or just low level drug mules?


it is strange that the buddhist monk who sits with the guy before he goes on his final walk, explains why it is acceptable within the buddhist religion to kill a man on drugs charges... the explanation being that drugs can also kill.

yet you have murderers who don't get the jab.

the whole death penalty in a buddhist country is quite amazing and contradictory in itself, i'm sure the buddha would've frowned upon it tbh!

Well I don't see a contradiction, as far as religions and their adherents go.

Execution is in fact helping the person!

By dealing with or using drugs, the person has negatively impacted his/her karma.

Bey being executed (=suffering), the person may get a positive karma credit, perhaps even beyond the negative credit he/she got from the drug involvement. A massive improvement especially for those who were innocent of the crime they were executed for!

The real victims are the executioners, who will have to work hard during their lifetime to make up for their own loss of karma for taking lives. But they may get a discount because they were also helping others to improve their karma score.

Buddha might have said "That ain't so bad in the long run".

At least, that's my pop/Hollywood take on Buddhism/religion/reward-penalty philosophies. Everything can be rationalized.

"Execution is in fact helping the person!

By dealing with or using drugs, the person has negatively impacted his/her karma."

well going on that thought process, executing anyone who is negatively impacting their karma at that point in their life, should be considered as helping them.

The contradiction being : "i'm sure the buddha would've frowned upon it tbh!" - ie the killing of inmates.

“What is evil? Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil, envy is evil, hatred is evil, to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things are evil. And what is the root of evil? Desire is the root of evil, illusion is the root of evil.”

- Siddhārtha Gautama

At least, that's my pop/Hollywood take on Buddhism/religion/reward-penalty philosophies


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When I caught my Thai wife banging away with a Thai man in my house.... on my bed...... (my 2 year old son sitting outside the bedroom door)..... the police said I should have killed them both... and I would not have been charged.... I didn't kill either of them ... so I wonder if they look at crimes of passion in a different way in Thailand?

I still have my son with me he is now 11 and a fantastic new Thai mum for him since.

His rotten (genetic) mum is selling her arse to any one that wants to pay for it....

The rotten ones are rotten to the core but the good girls are the best !


He banged your wife. Bang him back!! (with a pipe wrench!!!)

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