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Thai Employees 'Restless': Survey


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My wife is hilltribe (heavily discriminated against in Thailand), gained her BA on weekends, now working on her Masters while working a very difficult job in a refugee camp w/o electricity or phone signal from Mon to Fri (mostly) and then spends time on the weekends (when not in the office) on prep work. As I travel around the country (for about 18 years now) I am constantly in awe of the backbreaking work I see performed by the villagers in their fields and by the laborers on the construction sites. Yes, I have encountered many who didn't seem to exhibit much in the way of energy or interest in their jobs but really, look around. I find this to be a country full of hard working people.

I've been in Bkk for about one and a half years. Having been in the construction trade in my young years, I'm interested in knowing how much money the construction workers make while working on the huge high-rise condos and malls. In the US, these are good, well-paying jobs but I get the sense that is not true in Thailand. Does anyone know what these workers make?

There is a bar on Soi Bua Khow in Pattaya not to far from Soi Honey where all the employees are ex construction workers. Mostly late 30's early 40's. Hard looking women but if you need any drywall work done or tile or electrical they can do it after they sober up.

None of them are afraid of heights either. I think they worked hi rise mostly. If I remember right they said they earned under 12,000 per month. I don't remember exactly. But they are more than happy to talk about it. So go buy them a beer and ask. Now they make a decent living and seem very happy.

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My wife is hilltribe (heavily discriminated against in Thailand), gained her BA on weekends, now working on her Masters while working a very difficult job in a refugee camp w/o electricity or phone signal from Mon to Fri (mostly) and then spends time on the weekends (when not in the office) on prep work. As I travel around the country (for about 18 years now) I am constantly in awe of the backbreaking work I see performed by the villagers in their fields and by the laborers on the construction sites. Yes, I have encountered many who didn't seem to exhibit much in the way of energy or interest in their jobs but really, look around. I find this to be a country full of hard working people.

I've been in Bkk for about one and a half years. Having been in the construction trade in my young years, I'm interested in knowing how much money the construction workers make while working on the huge high-rise condos and malls. In the US, these are good, well-paying jobs but I get the sense that is not true in Thailand. Does anyone know what these workers make?

There is a bar on Soi Bua Khow in Pattaya not to far from Soi Honey where all the employees are ex construction workers. Mostly late 30's early 40's. Hard looking women but if you need any drywall work done or tile or electrical they can do it after they sober up.

None of them are afraid of heights either. I think they worked hi rise mostly. If I remember right they said they earned under 12,000 per month. I don't remember exactly. But they are more than happy to talk about it. So go buy them a beer and ask. Now they make a decent living and seem very happy.

Can I have 3 guesses at its name - The Bird Cage, ClamEaters, Dykes R Us ?

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My wife is hilltribe (heavily discriminated against in Thailand), gained her BA on weekends, now working on her Masters while working a very difficult job in a refugee camp w/o electricity or phone signal from Mon to Fri (mostly) and then spends time on the weekends (when not in the office) on prep work. As I travel around the country (for about 18 years now) I am constantly in awe of the backbreaking work I see performed by the villagers in their fields and by the laborers on the construction sites. Yes, I have encountered many who didn't seem to exhibit much in the way of energy or interest in their jobs but really, look around. I find this to be a country full of hard working people.

I've been in Bkk for about one and a half years. Having been in the construction trade in my young years, I'm interested in knowing how much money the construction workers make while working on the huge high-rise condos and malls. In the US, these are good, well-paying jobs but I get the sense that is not true in Thailand. Does anyone know what these workers make?

There is a bar on Soi Bua Khow in Pattaya not to far from Soi Honey where all the employees are ex construction workers. Mostly late 30's early 40's. Hard looking women but if you need any drywall work done or tile or electrical they can do it after they sober up.

None of them are afraid of heights either. I think they worked hi rise mostly. If I remember right they said they earned under 12,000 per month. I don't remember exactly. But they are more than happy to talk about it. So go buy them a beer and ask. Now they make a decent living and seem very happy.

the usual wage for construction workers is the minimum ,and i do not think its even close to 12000, more like around 7000(but i could be wrong)

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phl, you are not wrong.

The staff where I work work very hard. Many serving for 10 or more years before even considering moving on. And those that move on tend to be those with ambition, who go to obtain another degree or get a more challenging position. Obviously, there are the odd lazy gits but they tend to be the exception rather than the norm and are soon weeded out.

So all your comments leave me somewhat nonplussed, as I have not had the same experience as you and I have worked here for nearly 30 years. But then I have worked in a office, so perhaps it is different for factory hands.

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phl, you are not wrong.

The staff where I work work very hard. Many serving for 10 or more years before even considering moving on. And those that move on tend to be those with ambition, who go to obtain another degree or get a more challenging position. Obviously, there are the odd lazy gits but they tend to be the exception rather than the norm and are soon weeded out.

So all your comments leave me somewhat nonplussed, as I have not had the same experience as you and I have worked here for nearly 30 years. But then I have worked in a office, so perhaps it is different for factory hands.

Staff manner and ethics definitely has something to do with the class of people and i also believe the location.

naturally say having a business somewhere in Isaan may not have the same problems, because its small towns and everybody knows each other so being slack or dishonest or doing the runner is not advisable as not only its shame on the family, but also reputation which you will not be able to shake off.

10 years in 1 place is admirable in any country in the world, it is rather rare, also moving onto bigger and better jobs is normal.

what is abnormal is changing job every 2-3 months,not giving any notice to employer.i do not think anyone can gain sufficient experience in any industry in 2-3 months.

Edited by phl
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My wife is hilltribe (heavily discriminated against in Thailand), gained her BA on weekends, now working on her Masters while working a very difficult job in a refugee camp w/o electricity or phone signal from Mon to Fri (mostly) and then spends time on the weekends (when not in the office) on prep work. As I travel around the country (for about 18 years now) I am constantly in awe of the backbreaking work I see performed by the villagers in their fields and by the laborers on the construction sites. Yes, I have encountered many who didn't seem to exhibit much in the way of energy or interest in their jobs but really, look around. I find this to be a country full of hard working people.

I've been in Bkk for about one and a half years. Having been in the construction trade in my young years, I'm interested in knowing how much money the construction workers make while working on the huge high-rise condos and malls. In the US, these are good, well-paying jobs but I get the sense that is not true in Thailand. Does anyone know what these workers make?

There is a bar on Soi Bua Khow in Pattaya not to far from Soi Honey where all the employees are ex construction workers. Mostly late 30's early 40's. Hard looking women but if you need any drywall work done or tile or electrical they can do it after they sober up.

None of them are afraid of heights either. I think they worked hi rise mostly. If I remember right they said they earned under 12,000 per month. I don't remember exactly. But they are more than happy to talk about it. So go buy them a beer and ask. Now they make a decent living and seem very happy.

the usual wage for construction workers is the minimum ,and i do not think its even close to 12000, more like around 7000(but i could be wrong)

It's been a few years. The lady I knew was the crew leader so she may have made more than the average.

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