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Luggage Check


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Arrival upon swampy, anyone has been checked their luggage? My friends always go through smoothly. Perhaps I'm unlucky. The staff ask me to put through my bag to scan during my last trip to LOS. This time round I'm bringing 2 big bag with lots of stuff. Some Chinese dried food as well. Is it allow? And during scanning, does they really able to see our cash (I mean in the hand carry bag and know exactly?) Has anyone got his cash confiscated because of the amount limit (did not declare) or other reasons. What is the outcome? Any true experience, would to share?

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ha ha. Going through customs in Amsterdam my friend told me I looked like a typical drug smuggler, he was dressed 'correctly' at least by his standards. Who got stopped and strip searched do you think? You never know, sometimes they stop every 10th person, sometimes they apply racial profiling (racist profiling...). No check, everybody checked, all part of the fun of being a smuggler.

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I've found they tend to target Thais or Asians with large suitcases. Other people targeted tend to be ones carrying boxes or other wrapped articles along with their suitcase.

After many years going through customs with a dual national Thai wife we found both showing foreign passports as we entered customs usually resulted in being waved through while Thai passport holders were asked to put their luggage through the scanner.

The times they've put my bags through the scanner was more for show and they weren't interested. But then again I normally don't carry excessive luggage or items they would be interested in. The one time they did show an interest was with a cardboard box with diving gear. When I told them what it was they just waved me through.

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If the bags are xrayed and the operator is competent the cash will be easily recogised. If you are worried about security then I doubt they would know what they would be seeing. The best way is to declare all goods. With cash you would only have to fill in a form. Will you declare the cash when you depart your country of origin? I would be worried there also.

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AMLO has a very strong interest in large amounts of cash being brought into the country. If they stop you and spot you, you will have to be able to produce strong evidence that it is all legit, otherwise you will be in trouble. If you can satisfy them that everything is OK, you will have no problems. Not a place to try to buy your way through (you do that, they will have it all instead of whatever you are offering).

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