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Deceived Thai Women Jailed In Hong Kong As Nigerian Drug Cartel Couriers


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This one really makes me sick to the gut and angry. Drug dealing scum often operate at gutter level, but this is even lower . Some girls stupid and willingly participate, but the ones that are decieved because they want a better life for themselves and their families do not deserve this.

Are you saying prostitutes are better than drug couriers?

Like someone said - these girls are in it for the money,

Bankers, lawyers, politicians, drug couriers / dealers, prostitutes, T.V.evangelists. (Did I miss anyone?)

These people are in it for the money. Get it.whistling.gif

Insurance Companies, Plastic Surgeons, Mercenary's.

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This one really makes me sick to the gut and angry. Drug dealing scum often operate at gutter level, but this is even lower . Some girls stupid and willingly participate, but the ones that are decieved because they want a better life for themselves and their families do not deserve this.

Are you saying prostitutes are better than drug couriers?

Like someone said - these girls are in it for the money,

Bankers, lawyers, politicians, drug couriers / dealers, prostitutes, T.V.evangelists. (Did I miss anyone?)

These people are in it for the money. Get it.whistling.gif

Insurance Companies, Plastic Surgeons, Mercenary's.

Beggars. rolleyes.gif

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Don't call the girls stupid. They are not stupid, they just are not educated which is typical for a vast majority of the Thai population. The Thai education system is lacking. They are also very naive because they lack the eduction required to make the right choice. People who call them stupid instead of recognizing it's an education problem are the ones that are stupid.

Lack of an education is a direct cause of stupidity. How you choose to form your own separate definition of stupidity is up to you, but it's incorrect.

Irrespective, the last time I checked, Thailand doesn't have "How to Spot a Nigerian Confidence Trickster and Not Be Duped Into Working As a International Drugs Mule" as part of its national syllabus in schools. I do not understand what the archaic teaching methods, massive class sizes and endless repetition of "Gor Gai, Kor Kai, Khor Khuat" will do exactly to reduce the number of Thai people arriving in Hong Kong fully-laden with drugs, but I'm sure you're going to enlighten me.

I would say that there's very little excuses to be heard in the modern age of Thai TV, where 3,5,7,11 reveal these scams and make all of Thai society across all understanding demographics aware of the harsh sentences, nefarious characters, ingenious traps and massive life pitfalls that are to be had with getting involved with drugs at home and abroad. Thailand also now has a real love affair with TV shows like "Jing Pan Jor" which go onto the streets and show all manner of illegal activities being undertaken by all nationalities.

Then there's their peers and friends. So no Thai kids talk about criminal activity and more specifically drugs and how they're delivered to countries worldwide? I'm sorry but you'd have to be extremely naive and have lived a ridiculously sheltered life to not be aware that turning up in China, with a suitcase you haven't packed, that you allegedly haven't even checked and alone, might be a wrong thing to be doing.

One or two of those 50+ women currently incarcerated in HK, I can believe were totally unaware, but I'd have to say the majority very much have themselves to blame, fully knew what the deal was and were doing it for financial gain. For those of you that have touted the promise of marriage to a West African man for a Thai woman as a big enough incentive to disregard all the warning signs of something very bad going down are living in cloud cuckoo land. Thai women (extreme desperation notwithstanding) simply do not view West Africans as healthy marriage prospects and definitely not for anyone under the age of 20. I know, I've asked. The reaction I got was laughter. I am not trying to disparage any race or nationality here, I am making a point.

A Thai government school education is not going to help you with any of this.

If you are Thai woman, stupid, have lived a massively sheltered life away from any media outlet and friends, believe anything that is said to you by anyone from anywhere, then it's very sad and a sorry state of affairs, but you're going to have to be the statistic. A very tiny statistic, I might hasten to add.

If you're a Thai woman who should know better, is blinded by greed, has "selective" common sense and hearing and are willing to get involved with importing narcotics into Asian countries - Darwin has a plan for you.

Lastly, I find it incredulous that the Thai Government is asking for clemency/leniency in the cases where death sentences have been or could be handed down, given that if the same Thai individual was caught doing the same thing on Thai soil at one of its entry points, the likelihood of death or a 50+ year sentence would be very high. I also find it very interesting that there is never any talk of prisoner exchange programs between Thailand and its Asian neighours. Is that perhaps because China and other Asian powerhouses know that after being repatriated, it's extremely likely the Thai national will just be set free upon arrival? I've heard some hypocritical things in my week, but this is probably the most impressive so far. I have no doubt it will be bettered by week's end.

Edited by ManInSurat
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I think it is unfair to call these women 'stupid' just because they are relatively uneducated. As Westerners we are abundantly aware of Nigerian scam artists, but perhaps Thai people aren't.

Thai women are often desperate to find Western partners who will improve their lives, and they tend to rush into relationships blindly, doing whatever their partner ask of them. Yes, they are gullible and naive, but haven't we all been at some stage in life?

It's a pretty pompous attitude to call them stupid for being duped by what are essentially 'professional' conmen

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This one really makes me sick to the gut and angry. Drug dealing scum often operate at gutter level, but this is even lower . Some girls stupid and willingly participate, but the ones that are decieved because they want a better life for themselves and their families do not deserve this.

Are you saying prostitutes are better than drug couriers?

Like someone said - these girls are in it for the money,

Prostitution is the oldest business on this planet. Your post is so insane. Some might really look for a better life, not knowing anything about drugs and those scumbags from Africa.

Many innocent women in Chinese prisons waiting for their execution. And you're writing such a text....

Aren't most people in for the money???? wai.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Nearly EVERY time Thais are involved in crime -- especially international crime -- the Thai 'news' spins Thais as somehow being the victims.

How exactly are they so certain that ALL of the girls did not willfully and knowingly attempt to break the law?

Welcome to North Korea -- I mean, Thailand.

Edited by xthAi76s
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I have removed all the posts and replies that are derogatory in nature towards people with dark skin.

Would cultural observation count in the same manner? I can understand racism but I can also understand some facts. I am from the US we have the same kind of censorship IE Can't call it like it is. I do not hear of many Thai girls being tricked by say "German" tourists to be drug mules. What happens is a slippery slope of protecting the "Golden calf" or "Elephant in the room" at the expense of truth. I ask this because it would be really strange to see a online bulletin board under the same constraints of "Multiculturalism" and media bias as western based media. Again not saying anything about the job of moderation because I can imagine when it comes to the real subjects you can't talk about it is not a fun job one screw up you can go to jail for 20 years because someone said the wrong thing. That being said Nigerians and West african nationals are not protected by the same rules in Thailand. When we can't speak the truth then what is the point of having a sounding board because it only allows one politically correct point of view. We live in Thailand <Or at least I do> I also live in Bkk lets face it go down to Soi 4 and you know an inconvenient truth that goes against the concept of what is being moderated. So please clarify the rules for what is acceptable IE "politically correct" and what is not. Does it involve an arbitrary position of censorship? Example: Would it be too "Un" PC to say "There seems to be a high percentage of West Africans taking advantage of Thai women making them drug mules Hence West Africans seem to be involved in a lot of drug dealing which is looked upon in a very negative manner in Thailand"? It seems censoring that statement means you are against protecting the society against a clear threat. Just my two cents and pretty sure you will mod it anyway smile.png.

Makes complete sense to me, but sadly you are wasting your "two cents" re the mod thing, it aint about free speech or subscribers its about the power and money even in hereAn entry for the word subsribers could not be found in Wikipedia.

Maybe you should try another language?

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I don't understand how there are so many anti Thai girl posters on here, while I agree there will be many reasons these women get dragged into this: greed; desperation; naivety; love; the chance of a new life; drug addiction; violence etc etc these girls are still just disposable small fry being used and abandoned by the bigger drug dealers, be they Nigerian, Western or even local, there is enough documented evidence out there to support this and its not too hard to find if you care to look, surely the resentment on here should be directed towards those people. If they weren't allowed to continue to operate then the majority of these women would not find themselves in this situation.

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