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My Experience In The Family Visa Section At Pattaya Immigration

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I have been living in Thailand for 20 years, and have received some 14 Non Immigrant O-A (Retirement) Visas, both in Bangkok and Pattaya, and, from my experience, I have always found the Immigration Officers in both cities to be efficient and congenial people.

This year, however, I overlooked having the reqired By800,000 in place within the 3 month period before the the visa application.

Not wishing to pass money "under the table" and obtain a visa "through the back door", I applied for a family/marriage visa with Bt.400,000 in the bank two months before the application.

Al paperwork was in order (and there's a fair amount of it).

A bad mistake!!

I would be pleased to receive any feedback, whether favourable or not, from members that have had dealings with this immigration office In order not to strech this thread ou too much, would members who have had contact with the family visa/ marriage section in Pattaya respond.

Edited by Mario2008
naming and shaming
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I made to the bad mistake of trying to switch from Retirement to marriage visa a few years back as I objected to having 800k sitting there doing nothing.

It all became a nightmare and I was nearly kicked out of the country. Finally switched back to retirement visa and got the 1 year extension same day.

When I tried for the marriage visa I had all my papers in order but was subjected to a lot of rude and impolite behaviour - first time ever with Thai officials AFAIAC. I've always dressed respectfully, been the epitome of politeness, without overdoing it, and used my working knowledge of Thai to try and smooth the path. It made no difference. I guess there's just too many arsehol_e farangs going there who have no idea how to dress or behave in a government office who mess everything up for the rest of us.

Anyway, ever since then I've had no problems or confrontations. Retirement extensions are much easier - I now use the income option - by far the easiest way and you don't need to keep large sums in a non interest bearing account.

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Well, darkside blogger, could you please explain to me what the difference might be between an extension of stay based on marriage or the one on retirement.

And I mean the behaviour of other people trying to obtain the extension.

As you indicate, married foreigners are bigger <deleted> as retired foreigners?

Sir, the whole thing is that for the retirement extension the work to be done is very much less as the work for the marriage extension.

The way you dress, behave, speak Thai, whatever, is not the issue.

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There are immigration offices that are unfriendly to those applying for extensions based upon marriage. They are the ones that ask for documents and etc. that are not required by the police order and ask questions during the process of filling out the statement that are inappropriate and irrelevant. Pattaya has been reported to be one those.

Then there are others that follow the rules and welcome a husband and wife with smiles and a friendly attitude. I am fortunate that I can use an office like that.

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Actually for marriage extension of stay the local official must go out on the limb to vouch for the applicant and submit to higher review so they will be much more careful of dotting there "i's" that would be the case for retirement extension (it is not an O-A visa).

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