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Sophon Net Ppp Errors (Also Possible Cat Hi-Net Ppp Problems)


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I'd appreciate any input troubleshooting Sophon Net PPP errors. (note: these errors would be unrelated to the recent storm damage).

So I have two Questions:

1. For Sophon Net users... Do you get disconnected randomly whereas it worked fine before?

2. For CAT Hi-NET users... Does your DSL Modem lose connectivity and have to be rebooted ?

3. And for either user... Have these connectivity problems just started in 2012 ?

FWIW; Here's my - slightly complicated - experience.

1. Sophon installed the 4Mb/s service using the existing Sophon TV cable. Really pleased with it as CAT is the "real" ISP.

2. Migrated to Sophon's outdoor wireless unit where I connect to the WLAN & then dial-up the PPP Sophon/CAT line.

3. Around March 2012 I notice that Sophon have a web based log-in page, but basically ignore it as dialing-up PPP works fine.

4. I start to get random disconnects, and after enabling RAS tracing in Windows 7, learn that the CAT's RAS server is terminating the PPP link several times per day via PPP termination commands.

5. Approach Sophon about these problems. They migrate me to their Cyberoam gateway. Complete crap for my usage as the IP address changes ALL THE TIME.

6. Forced to use VPN in order to get a stable IP.

Now I want to change over to CAT Hi-NET but notice that the ADSL method is PPPoE.... Hmmm I wonder if PPP session errors are also prevalent with CAT ADSL ?

Edited by RandomSand
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I am no expert so can only report that the UHC signal on my Sophon Internet router disappears way too often over the last few days after that major storm and I have to reboot it and often that does not help. According to whoever answers the phone, they are working on this issue.

Edited by petercool
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"1. Sophon installed the 4Mb/s service using the existing Sophon TV cable. Really pleased with it as CAT is the "real" ISP.

2. Migrated to Sophon's outdoor wireless unit where I connect to the WLAN & then dial-up the PPP Sophon/CAT line.

3. Around March 2012 I notice that Sophon have a web based log-in page, but basically ignore it as dialing-up PPP works fine.

4. I start to get random disconnects, and after enabling RAS tracing in Windows 7, learn that the CAT's RAS server is terminating the PPP link several times per day via PPP termination commands.

5. Approach Sophon about these problems. They migrate me to their Cyberoam gateway. Complete crap for my usage as the IP address changes ALL THE TIME.

6. Forced to use VPN in order to get a stable IP."

I'm having a lot of trouble understanding what you are talking about.

Are you using Sophon cable or ADSL?

If you are using a Sophon cable modem with a wireless router, why are you fooling about with dial-up login? Just configure the router to login automatically via PPPoE.

After many months of excellent quality my Sophon cable internet collapsed and would hardly connect at all. I told Sophon about it and they sent someone round the same day. He fiddled about with the modem and changed my router settings to use the alternative DHCP login method you mention rather than PPPoE. As this had no effect he replaced several lengths of crappy cable in the ceiling and put a new modem in. That solved the problem and he left it like that.

I soon discovered as you mention that the DHCP login method gives you an IP address that changes for every request which of course is useless for any serious purpose. So I just put my router back to PPPoE and everything has been perfect ever since.

My IP address changes once or twice a day which I attribute to the connection going down briefly. No big deal.

I have noticed that Sophon, for their own reasons, never seem to configure the router to keep the PPPoE connection "always-on". So I change it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My previous setup was via a Sophon-provided wireless AP that they fixed to a lamppost due to problems with the existing Sophon cable TV wire.

I've now moved apartment and Sophon have installed 2mb/s premium.

As usual; great service from them with a very fast response helping with the move.

@Darrel; You mention that your connection drops... There is no reason why this should happen. In fact; I understand that the PPP server is a part of CAT Telecom.

Previously; after logging the old connection via Windows 7 (i.e Windows doing the PPPoE dial-up), I discovered that it was the remote PPP server terminating the link.

However; This could have been caused by the Wireless network losing packets.

So now - sans wireless & instead using a Zyxel router for the PPPoE - I will see if CAT are indeed terminating PPP sessions.

....Follow up in a week.

Edited by RandomSand
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