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I have noticed that some of the shops I go to sometimes used me to promote their products.

The beauty shop who asked me 3 times if the products I previously bought were good and I had to say in front of every one that "yes they were and therefore I was back", then followed some hard selling prompts on other customers "see she's a farang and she like this product, that's the brand she bought ..."

As my Thai is not great, I try to go to quiet places where the shop assistant could understand me better, but when I enter an empty shoe shop, at a busy place like Chatuchat BTS or market after 5 minutes the shop is full of people and each time there is a person or 2 that want the same model I just tried. And every time the shop assistant, too happy to have a full shop go to the easiest sells (the Thai natives) and just drop me.

In the health food store, I had noticed that a woman was commenting my basket to her husband and then in the most natural way asked the cashier girl about me. I thought it was a bit rude.

I was astonished to hear the till girl answer her "Oh yes she eats well, she comes here every week and she lives at such place, that product ? oh she always takes it, she likes it so much....", she told every information she had gathered about me over the year that I came to the store! It's a small place so I get to know them and they are very friendly, but I did not realized how much info they had on me and that they would just give it away to anyone ! My life and eating habits were exposed to total strangers, was dissected and used to promote their shop without me being able to say anything.

she was so absorbed in her gossiping that she forgot my second basket of stuffs while I was so mortified about the all thing that I paid as fast as poss and got out to escape these people looking at me, so I had to come back to get the remaining of my groceries.

When I came back she apologized for forgetting my basket, and I did not dare to say my privacy was way more important than my shopping.

You could think it's flattering to be referred as a model to follow but what it really feel like is being used.

Any one had that experience ?

PS: Before anyone jumps to my throat, this is not by any means a reflection or judgement on Thai people. It is an experience on SOME shops, I am not saying every shop and no I am not saying that Thai people are bad or else.

I am courteous so please stay at least civil.

So this not a "troll" ie I am not trying to initiate some fiery debate of any kind.

Thank you

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You could always turn this around if you are bored. Point of the most god awful product in the shop and declare it to be just the thing for you. Make sure it is something that every other person in the shop shouldn't buy/use/eat etc and go for it. At least then you will be able to walk out with a smirk on your face thinking about those people buying blindly into the wrong thing.

A great example would be buying 3 Napalm Death albums in a store full of middle aged "coiffeured" women. Classic.


It seems to be the word-of-mouth marketing model used by internet sites such as Facebook, who have now managed to inveigle investors into parting with silly money. These Thai shops are to be commended for their enterprise.

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Depening on what you want to accomplish, rolleyes.gif you might want to think long and hard before taking your partner into that shop.


It seems to be the word-of-mouth marketing model used by internet sites such as Facebook, who have now managed to inveigle investors into parting with silly money. These Thai shops are to be commended for their enterprise.

Not the same: Facebook and social networks are using willing people to promote their products


This is going to come as a huge shock to you........

I'm not going to disagree with you on this.

Go and look at an empty market stall and pretty soon after there will be Thais coming to see what the farang is looking at.

I'm on several websites and advertising apparently after the owner has asked if they can take my photo for it.


I am actually not bothered that people would buy stuffs because I do.

I am more concerned that business owners use me without my consent as sitting duck to sell their stuff.

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I am actually not bothered that people would buy stuffs because I do.

I am more concerned that business owners use me without my consent as sitting duck to sell their stuff.

Say Mai ow ka or walk out.


Most Thais (I suspect those not educated as to Western preferences in this regard) have no conception of privacy.

They will ask questions that in any English-speaking country wouldn't even be OK for many family members to ask.

I just smile and say "mai giow arai gap khun" - none of your business - but of course that is in turn rude according to their mores, so if appropriate I'll take the time to explain to them that farang prefer to keep that kind of information to themselves.

If you think this is an issue in Bangkok, wait 'til you spend time in a small upcountry village!

My ex's family had shared the exact size and shape of my penis, how long I usually took what positions I preferred with every female resident in many kilometers around. They had learned all this during the ceremony when negotiating sin sot, I had just started learning Thai and didn't believe that's what they were talking about with my betrothed, but she confirmed afterwards that's what all the giggling among the elders was about.

How much you make, how much in the bank, whether your parents are rich, all fair game.

I've learned to share the absolute minimum even with my SO anymore. . .


I think you are being to sensitive , the person asked because for whatever list of assumption in her head thought your shopping habits were important , that should make you feel good not offended , the other lady was just answering honestly as far as I can tell. I suppose you were being "used" to a certian extent but it's not an inapropriate use or invation of your privacy. I assume you are not Thai and being non Thai you have in some peoples mind a certian "celebrity" type status so naturally they would want to promote your shopping there , that should also make you feel good even though it's not something you really earned or perhaps even deserve , (not you personally but any Farang)

Yes I experience that all the time to varying degrees , the lady at the little shop I buy my cigs and beer at likes to brag to her friends that I shop there , You will find resturants like to seat you where passers by can see you , You will find many companys selling to thais mostly, have photos of Farang in the advertisements. ect.

Stores are going to use whatever they can to promote themselves not just in Thailand , the same thing could have happened anyplace the main difference is Thai people are much more willing to say things directly in front of others where other cultures might wait and do it behind your back or more "tactfully" so it is also a Thai thing. Thai people have no problem asking you if you think the person next to you is fat while the fat person can hear it all , where some cultures would simply not ask a question like that in front of a fat person.

You might as well get used to it because it is going to keep happening in a variety of similar ways over time. It might be rude or mortifying where you come from ...... but you are not where you come from and it's not rude at all here it's just the way it is.


I think you are being to sensitive , the person asked because for whatever list of assumption in her head thought your shopping habits were important , that should make you feel good not offended , the other lady was just answering honestly as far as I can tell. I suppose you were being "used" to a certian extent but it's not an inapropriate use or invation of your privacy. I assume you are not Thai and being non Thai you have in some peoples mind a certian "celebrity" type status so naturally they would want to promote your shopping there , that should also make you feel good even though it's not something you really earned or perhaps even deserve , (not you personally but any Farang)

Yes I experience that all the time to varying degrees , the lady at the little shop I buy my cigs and beer at likes to brag to her friends that I shop there , You will find resturants like to seat you where passers by can see you , You will find many companys selling to thais mostly, have photos of Farang in the advertisements. ect.

Stores are going to use whatever they can to promote themselves not just in Thailand , the same thing could have happened anyplace the main difference is Thai people are much more willing to say things directly in front of others where other cultures might wait and do it behind your back or more "tactfully" so it is also a Thai thing. Thai people have no problem asking you if you think the person next to you is fat while the fat person can hear it all , where some cultures would simply not ask a question like that in front of a fat person.

You might as well get used to it because it is going to keep happening in a variety of similar ways over time. It might be rude or mortifying where you come from ...... but you are not where you come from and it's not rude at all here it's just the way it is.

Bottom line is some people are using innocent farangs customers to make money without their consent.

This is more than cultural differences, it's dishonest;


Thats crazy nonsense ..... You have no expectation of privacy when you shop in public and they did nothing dishonest that you mentioned. Why do you feel it's dishonest for a store to tell another customer what You or I or some other random person likes ? And why do you think you have some expectation that they should call that classified information ? ..... Once again it would be the same result in the USA they would just be more tactfull about it , being in a sence more dishonest by talking about it behind your back. ..... innocent customers ? That kind of implys that they took your innocence by harming you in some way ..... they did not. You felf uncomfortable because you are uneducated as to Thai culture , thats your fault not theirs.

You are defensive rather than listening to me and the other posters and learning , we are trying to help you understand not trying to be critical or hurt your feelings. The reality of the situation is you are culturally speaking in the wrong to feel used or feel like you were treated rudely and especially to think your privacy was somehow invaded. I'm sorry to report to you that it's not us who gets to decide whats rude in others countries, thats a choice they get to make not you or me.

When you advertise anywhere you pay. You pay the actor that says your product is great.

You don't trick a foreigner who does not speak the language into advertising your shop for free.

bottom line


Thats crazy nonsense ..... You have no expectation of privacy when you shop in public and they did nothing dishonest that you mentioned. Why do you feel it's dishonest for a store to tell another customer what You or I or some other random person likes ? And why do you think you have some expectation that they should call that classified information ? ..... Once again it would be the same result in the USA they would just be more tactfull about it , being in a sence more dishonest by talking about it behind your back. ..... innocent customers ? That kind of implys that they took your innocence by harming you in some way ..... they did not. You felf uncomfortable because you are uneducated as to Thai culture , thats your fault not theirs.

You are defensive rather than listening to me and the other posters and learning , we are trying to help you understand not trying to be critical or hurt your feelings. The reality of the situation is you are culturally speaking in the wrong to feel used or feel like you were treated rudely and especially to think your privacy was somehow invaded. I'm sorry to report to you that it's not us who gets to decide whats rude in others countries, thats a choice they get to make not you or me.

When you advertise anywhere you pay. You pay the actor that says your product is great.

You don't trick a foreigner who does not speak the language into advertising your shop for free.

bottom line

youre NOT being tricked

i always eat in a certain restaurant

sometimes the chef comes out of the kitchen to have a chat

if there are other people there ,he tells them i eat here every day (i dont argue because its true )

is he invading my privacy or using me in some way to sell or promote his food shop ?

should i ask him for comission because hes selling my secrets ?

from your previous threads and this one ,i think you are bordering on delusional

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Thats simply not true .... Do you think colgate compensates the "9 out of 10 dentists that recomend it to their paitents" that they use as an advertisment ? Do you think if an actor is at the mercedes shop and I ask , does that guy shop here ? They won't say yeah he buys a new one every year and not pay him ? You are really off in the deep end on this , how were you tricked ? what makes you think anyone needs your consent to talk about you and what you bought from them ? Even in the USA not just here .... You are correct in saying that it would be wrong to trick you into working as an actor for free ..... but thats not even close to what happened.


Hmmm I do see your point and I have had the same thing happen to me on a few occasions. However I try not to think too much about it and take it all with a pinch of salt.


First its her topic about that she has the feeling she is being discriminated against by Thai people, and now this? I just showed this to some Thai friends.. we are all in our end 20's/beginning 30's . And from our point of view you are delusional, self obsessive and completely socially awkward. What are you still doing here? Don't let the soi dogs keep you here....


The more this goes on the more clear your real complaint is .... it's not that they talked about you, it's that they didnt pay you for doing it or ask your permission , sorry to tell you that their is NO place in the world that people are liable to pay the people they gossip about unless slander or some similar law is broken. And also sorry to inform you that if you use a certian product even if you are famous the company has every right to even say Paris Hilton drives a Lexus for example in an adverstsment without compensating her unless they were to use her likeness in the form of a picture or use a quote from her. Companys don't need to compensate people who buy their products just for saying they do. Do you think when the first lady wears some outfit say a Prada dress she bought that Prada is required to pay her each time the news reports it or is liable to pay her for mentioning it themselves ? If you do your just plain wrong they don't. That might explain why you are so incorect about this if you did think that.


aneliane, my apologies ... when I first read your title, I thought that you wrote ...

Free Walking Aid ... post-104736-0-37410300-1337616459_thumb.

Oh ... click on the old man ... he walks ... no batteries required!


When you advertise anywhere you pay. You pay the actor that says your product is great.

You don't trick a foreigner who does not speak the language into advertising your shop for free.

bottom line

Way overreaction - if she's lying OK fair enough, but just telling the truth, you don't "own" mere facts about yourself.

On the internet if you aren't paying to use a website you **are** the product being sold, not just Facebook but Google and the rest, and all they're giving you is the right to use the facilities.

Get over yourself dear. . .


When you advertise anywhere you pay. You pay the actor that says your product is great.

You don't trick a foreigner who does not speak the language into advertising your shop for free.

bottom line

Way overreaction - if she's lying OK fair enough, but just telling the truth, you don't "own" mere facts about yourself.

On the internet if you aren't paying to use a website you **are** the product being sold, not just Facebook but Google and the rest, and all they're giving you is the right to use the facilities.

Get over yourself dear. . .

Of course you do own your privacy!

Private details about your life are not to be used for commercial purpose without your consent

On Facebook you are a willing product, you agreed, you signed to have all the pics and details that you post being the sole copy right of Facebook. It's very different


Thats crazy nonsense ..... You have no expectation of privacy when you shop in public and they did nothing dishonest that you mentioned. Why do you feel it's dishonest for a store to tell another customer what You or I or some other random person likes ? And why do you think you have some expectation that they should call that classified information ? ..... Once again it would be the same result in the USA they would just be more tactfull about it , being in a sence more dishonest by talking about it behind your back. ..... innocent customers ? That kind of implys that they took your innocence by harming you in some way ..... they did not. You felf uncomfortable because you are uneducated as to Thai culture , thats your fault not theirs.

You are defensive rather than listening to me and the other posters and learning , we are trying to help you understand not trying to be critical or hurt your feelings. The reality of the situation is you are culturally speaking in the wrong to feel used or feel like you were treated rudely and especially to think your privacy was somehow invaded. I'm sorry to report to you that it's not us who gets to decide whats rude in others countries, thats a choice they get to make not you or me.

When you advertise anywhere you pay. You pay the actor that says your product is great.

You don't trick a foreigner who does not speak the language into advertising your shop for free.

bottom line

You are quite delusional.

If you saw a famous/wealthy person shop a particular item the shopkeeper would be more than happy to suggest that yes, Mr DiNiro always buys that brand....this will happen anywhere and he wont be contacting his agent to pay a fee. (not that you should give a shit what type of cofee he drinks)

You on the other hand should just be quitely pleased that anyone gives a crap what you buy.

Take it as a positive thing..


The more this goes on the more clear your real complaint is .... it's not that they talked about you, it's that they didnt pay you for doing it or ask your permission , sorry to tell you that their is NO place in the world that people are liable to pay the people they gossip about unless slander or some similar law is broken. And also sorry to inform you that if you use a certian product even if you are famous the company has every right to even say Paris Hilton drives a Lexus for example in an adverstsment without compensating her unless they were to use her likeness in the form of a picture or use a quote from her. Companys don't need to compensate people who buy their products just for saying they do. Do you think when the first lady wears some outfit say a Prada dress she bought that Prada is required to pay her each time the news reports it or is liable to pay her for mentioning it themselves ? If you do your just plain wrong they don't. That might explain why you are so incorect about this if you did think that.

I am not going to say you are wrong, because your point is well made. However, related to this there is an option for the OP (but rather arduous). You can carry copies of a "Model Release Form"with you. As the article states, the rules vary greatly country to country. In this case I know, from experience, that Thailand MUST have some serious laws regarding this as I buy stock imagery all the time and a LOT of Thai related photos with people clearly represented in them are marked "Editorial Only" meaning that they can't be used in commercial collateral.

Now we are onto the concept of a foreign national being fairly represented in the courts here against a Thai business. It might just be easier to ask them politely not to do that and if they don't comply then tell them, loudly if necessary, that you will take your business elsewhere as you don't like being treated in this manner.

--EDIT - Additional Information--

I realise that this only answer half of the OPs original complaint, but is covering an area of "Farang" abuse that my wife has experienced (she is blonde haired and blue eyed (not Thai-Chinese then!!)). She went for an interview at a kindergarten that couldn't afford to employ her (that only came out in the interview), they took a photo and now she is on the side of their school bus.....


If I had a shop and dE Niro (not DI Niro) was coming I don't think I would detail's Mr De Niro's eating habits and private life in front of everyone no.

even if it was in a different language so he could not understand, I have too much respect for the man


I realise that this only answer half of the OPs original complaint, but is covering an area of "Farang" abuse that my wife has experienced (she is blonde haired and blue eyed (not Thai-Chinese then!!)). She went for an interview at a kindergarten that couldn't afford to employ her (that only came out in the interview), they took a photo and now she is on the side of their school bus.....

Yes that is exactly that type of thing I am referring to

Obviously your wife's case is much more serious

I would be furious if I were her

Is there no right to image in THL?


I realise that this only answer half of the OPs original complaint, but is covering an area of "Farang" abuse that my wife has experienced (she is blonde haired and blue eyed (not Thai-Chinese then!!)). She went for an interview at a kindergarten that couldn't afford to employ her (that only came out in the interview), they took a photo and now she is on the side of their school bus.....

She should be looking at legal compensation for that. That is completely unacceptable

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