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Bar Girl Allegedly ‘added Injury To Insult’


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i don't know which stupefies me more; the endless parade of idiot foreigners here who get themselves involved like this with low-life prostitutes, or the larger picture of how much the economy of this country is BUILT on prostitution. it truly BOGGLES the mind...


Well; Mr. "Newworks": I bet you now feel whole lot better for having blown-off steam, huh ?!?

Before you 'classify' the Thai Bar-Girls in general as being "low-life prostitutes", perhaps you should learn a little bit more about the why and the how of Thai societity.

Your severe insult at these fellow human-beings is totally un-fair and unacceptabe.

I, for one, am not surprised that your mind boggles, by your own admission: it's pretty obvious that there's some seriously underdeveloped grey-matter where there could be common sense !


J. Klasema


who's blowing off steam?

i am well-aware of and in a subsequent post acknowledged the "why and how" to which you refer, and i don't intend to get into a knowledge-of-thai-society-credentials contest with you or anyone else in this forum. i would hold my own, trust me...

in my original post i referred to the lovely knife-wielding miss poo as a low-life, and not necessarily prostitutes in general, although it seems that i could have worded my post more thoughtfully. i thought that i clarified that in an earlier subsequent post as well. perhaps you only read the first page or two and then responded...

Newworks, good comeback. Granted, this string is so long, I would bet many have since fogotten your earlier comments.

On your "knowledge-of-thai-society-credentials contest" comment, I don't believe this issue has anything to do with anyone's depth of understanding of Thai culture. Rather merely possessing compassion for human dignity and life circumstances beyond individuals' control...ie the oft mentioned poverty situation.... in ANY country, not exclusive to Thailand. This is not a Thai thing, it's a global social issue, and evey culture deals with it in their own way, which more often than not, is very similar.

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Personally I think, the Swede was talking with her in public in a way, which made her lose her face.

Thai people have to be very polite and devote in public, which on the one hand, makes them very appealing to us, on the other hand, the aggressiveness of a whole working day has to be stashed away in the their soul, until they are in privacy. And mixed with alcohol, the threshold sometimes is too low, and the barrier breaks.

I remember that after the Amok in Berne, Switzerland, people were thinking loud about old times, when you could go to the bar in the evening and have some discussions, which ended normally with a quarrel with beer jars broken over your head and some bruises on your nose. This was no public offense but a easy mean for cooling down. Everybody who complained, was laughed on, because you could join them or leave them at your will. And the next evening they were sitting together and drinking again. This was tolerance, which prevented aggressiveness in a bigger scale.

Today it is totally different and you are treated like a maleducated baby.

When you have a good job, and can outlive your freedom and creativity, it is easy talking about other peoples aggressiveness, but when you have to think about a noodle soup for 20 baht and school money for your daughter, you feel different.

The first rule in Thailand is : never speak loud in public. If you just do it by mistake and somebody notices, make a big wai. Any other behaviour may lead to unexpected results.

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This is not the first and for sure not the last time that this shall happen. Again.

Why foreign people never learn or are they more stupid then the bar girls???

A bar girl loves your money and that's it.

Also the most relations with bar woman are for short time. You better take them for a short time, let them clean up the room and throw them out.

You'll safe yourself allot of money and troubles.


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This is not the first and for sure not the last time that this shall happen. Again.

Why foreign people never learn or are they more stupid then the bar girls???

A bar girl loves your money and that's it.

Also the most relations with bar woman are for short time. You better take them for a short time, let them clean up the room and throw them out.

You'll safe yourself allot of money and troubles.


Your username is meant to be ironic isn't it? :o


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Newworks, good comeback.  Granted, this string is so long, I would bet many have since fogotten your earlier comments.

On your "knowledge-of-thai-society-credentials contest" comment, I don't believe this issue has anything to do with anyone's depth of understanding of Thai culture. Rather merely possessing compassion for human dignity and life circumstances beyond individuals' control...ie the oft mentioned poverty situation.... in ANY country, not exclusive to Thailand.  This is not a Thai thing, it's a global social issue, and evey culture deals with it in their own way, which more often than not, is very similar.

yes, this string has gotten very long and has touched many nerves, i am sure, mine included. i certainly didn't intend to offend anyone and if i did i do apologize.

and you are absolutely right. i mentioned the knowledge-of-thai-society thing only because it was thrown at me earlier. this really is in the end (and the beginning!) a very, very important social issue here in thailand, as it is in many other countries i am sure. i wish i had an answer. there are so many vested interests tangled up with it, so much money... as was mentioned earlier by blue unicorn.

the circumstances that are beyond a lot of these girls' control could be addressed by the thai government and thai society, but i am not holding my breath.

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This is not the first and for sure not the last time that this shall happen. Again.

Why foreign people never learn or are they more stupid then the bar girls???

A bar girl loves your money and that's it.

Also the most relations with bar woman are for short time. You better take them for a short time, let them clean up the room and throw them out.

You'll safe yourself allot of money and troubles.


Your username is meant to be ironic isn't it? :D


ROTFLOL! :o nice one!

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i don't know which stupefies me more; the endless parade of idiot foreigners here who get themselves involved like this with low-life prostitutes, or the larger picture of how much the economy of this country is BUILT on prostitution. it truly BOGGLES the mind...


Well; Mr. "Newworks": I bet you now feel whole lot better for having blown-off steam, huh ?!?

Before you 'classify' the Thai Bar-Girls in general as being "low-life prostitutes", perhaps you should learn a little bit more about the why and the how of Thai societity.

Your severe insult at these fellow human-beings is totally un-fair and unacceptabe.

I, for one, am not surprised that your mind boggles, by your own admission: it's pretty obvious that there's some seriously underdeveloped grey-matter where there could be common sense !


J. Klasema


who's blowing off steam?

i am well-aware of and in a subsequent post acknowledged the "why and how" to which you refer, and i don't intend to get into a knowledge-of-thai-society-credentials contest with you or anyone else in this forum. i would hold my own, trust me...

in my original post i referred to the lovely knife-wielding miss poo as a low-life, and not necessarily prostitutes in general, although it seems that i could have worded my post more thoughtfully. i thought that i clarified that in an earlier subsequent post as well. perhaps you only read the first page or two and then responded...


Mr. "Newworks": you should refrain from commenting in this medium; you should go and pack a bag and get the hel_l back to wherever you came from ! ! ! !

Don't you have anything useful to do with your time but bore a lot of people to death with your b . . . . . t - and insult a part of the Thai people in the process ? ? ? ? It is precisely people like you, who give "Thai-girls" a bad connotation in the eyes of the world.

Stop and smell the roses, mate ! ! !

J. Klasema


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i don't know which stupefies me more; the endless parade of idiot foreigners here who get themselves involved like this with low-life prostitutes, or the larger picture of how much the economy of this country is BUILT on prostitution. it truly BOGGLES the mind...


Well; Mr. "Newworks": I bet you now feel whole lot better for having blown-off steam, huh ?!?

Before you 'classify' the Thai Bar-Girls in general as being "low-life prostitutes", perhaps you should learn a little bit more about the why and the how of Thai societity.

Your severe insult at these fellow human-beings is totally un-fair and unacceptabe.

I, for one, am not surprised that your mind boggles, by your own admission: it's pretty obvious that there's some seriously underdeveloped grey-matter where there could be common sense !


J. Klasema


who's blowing off steam?

i am well-aware of and in a subsequent post acknowledged the "why and how" to which you refer, and i don't intend to get into a knowledge-of-thai-society-credentials contest with you or anyone else in this forum. i would hold my own, trust me...

in my original post i referred to the lovely knife-wielding miss poo as a low-life, and not necessarily prostitutes in general, although it seems that i could have worded my post more thoughtfully. i thought that i clarified that in an earlier subsequent post as well. perhaps you only read the first page or two and then responded...


Mr. "Newworks": you should refrain from commenting in this medium; you should go and pack a bag and get the hel_l back to wherever you came from ! ! ! !

Don't you have anything useful to do with your time but bore a lot of people to death with your b . . . . . t - and insult a part of the Thai people in the process ? ? ? ? It is precisely people like you, who give "Thai-girls" a bad connotation in the eyes of the world.

Stop and smell the roses, mate ! ! !

J. Klasema


ummmm... i'll refrain if you will, "mate".

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Coming from the USA I am amazed at the number of folks who consider Thailand a "violent" country. Try living in a big city in the US, where you wouldn't even consider venturing after dark into certain neighborhoods for fear of your life. Try driving on the roads in L.A. where if you cut someone off in traffic there could be a bullet with your name on it. Try going out into the bar scene where an ill considered comment to a drunken fellow patron will virtually guarantee a fistfight at least, and a knifing or gunplay on occasion.

People are making comments as though Thai women are the most materialistic women in the world, which couldn't be further from the truth. Try dating in L.A. where the first few questions girls ask are, "what do you do for a living?" and "what kind of car do you drive?" and a divorce will cost you half your assets.

Folks, considering the number of stupid (and naive) drunken foreigners patronizing prostitutes in this country, it's a miracle this sort of thing doesn't happen a dozen times a day.

Edited by jing jing
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I am truly disappointed that Thaivisa has started a thread about a bargirl, a bar and a bar punter. This clearly violates the forum rules outlined by the administration here. The administrator and moderators here made it clear that all such postings should be relegated to www.barladies.com. This is most disturbing indeed and I demand swift action at once.


I'll second this, and put my 2 cts in here ...

someone talk about the reason there are bargirls, isn't it obvious? money!

and the culprits of such way of being, are westerners!

who first start to spread money like it was of no importance to them?

looking for a life partner with money is as stupid in LOS as anywhere else!

"money can't buy love" ...

one should look with his heart not his money-brain or money-d1ck :o


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Don,t know if the threads still running but as the saying used to go,

Never get into a serious discussion about politics, religion and now i guess you can add bargirls.

This post proves one thing and that is the vast differences of opininion about the o.p. can be informative, depending on yor personel experiences, both bitter and sweet.

Slagging each other off is not the topic and maybe the remarks should be kept

to an acceptable level.

I purposely didn,t add my experiences with the bars in my original remarks knowing full well the bitter and the sweet was dynamite.

Stay cooooooooooooolllllllllllll

marshbags :o:D:D

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Some very good posts here but only two have hit the nail on the head so to speak..

she told him a lie.....he found out

His mistake was to confront her about it in public and when drink was involved...Once again a farang who has not grasped the dire consequences of losing face in Thai society. He had two options....walk away or wait till they were both sober and in private then ask her about it calmly, What did he do???

Ok maybe she should have been truthful, But these girls learn quickly to tell the farang what he wants to hear. If she has had a child usually there are ways to identify this fact.....something he obviously didnt see or didnt want to see.

I take it this little relationship wasnt a long lasting one prior to this incident, so what gives him the right to start demanding of her just cause he has bar fined her a few times. He became aggressive and confrontational....and that created the problem.

Ok her reaction was extreme, but again if he had learnt a bit about Thai culture then he may have handled it differently.

To the guys using this thread to bash BG's....Get off the girls cases...they are not all as described in THAT book....many a fine rose can be found amongst the weeds.

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Some very good posts here but only two have hit the nail on the head so to speak..

she told him a lie.....he found out

His mistake was to confront her about it in public and when drink was involved...Once again a farang who has not grasped the dire consequences of losing face in Thai society. He had two options....walk away or wait till they were both sober and in private then ask her about it calmly, What did he do???

Ok maybe she should have been truthful, But these girls learn quickly to tell the farang what he wants to hear. If she has had a child usually there are ways to identify this fact.....something he obviously didnt see or didnt want to see.

I take it this little relationship wasnt a long lasting one prior to this incident, so what gives him the right to start demanding of her just cause he has bar fined her a few times. He became aggressive and confrontational....and that created the problem.

Ok her reaction was extreme, but again if he had learnt a bit about Thai culture then he may have handled it differently.

To the guys using this thread to bash BG's....Get off the girls cases...they are not all as described in THAT book....many a fine rose can be found amongst the weeds.


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Some very good posts here but only two have hit the nail on the head so to speak..

she told him a lie.....he found out

His mistake was to confront her about it in public and when drink was involved...Once again a farang who has not grasped the dire consequences of losing face in Thai society. He had two options....walk away or wait till they were both sober and in private then ask her about it calmly, What did he do???

Ok maybe she should have been truthful, But these girls learn quickly to tell the farang what he wants to hear. If she has had a child usually there are ways to identify this fact.....something he obviously didnt see or didnt want to see.

I take it this little relationship wasnt a long lasting one prior to this incident, so what gives him the right to start demanding of her just cause he has bar fined her a few times. He became aggressive and confrontational....and that created the problem.

Ok her reaction was extreme, but again if he had learnt a bit about Thai culture then he may have handled it differently.

To the guys using this thread to bash BG's....Get off the girls cases...they are not all as described in THAT book....many a fine rose can be found amongst the weeds.

Nice post gburns.

Its all just a game once you learn the rules you have no problems.................by the way i know many a foreign woman and Thai non -bar workers who are equally violent and liars, you just cant simply tar all with the same brush.....IMO :o

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I think we have two kinds of farangs in Thailand:

Bar girl farangs

Ordinary girls farangs

Two different worlds, two different countries.

We'll never see it the same way of course.

Then I must belong to the first category, and I have no regrets, my wife is an X bargirl, we have now been married for more than 12 years, and 12 good years I must add.

You'll find good and bad girls anywhere in life, don't judge them all the same.

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u know what?? poo is  "POO"  smelly .. no quality just smelly quantity

its not the  first story ..and  it wont the last story for  u guy farang

sorry for the  Swede

It definately wont be the last story cause I ended up getting stitched in the hospital on new years after having a glass smashed on my forehead by some drunk thai woman who got pissed at me because I bumped into her as I was on my to my seat... Why cant these people learn to control themselves when utilising alcohol... And why always this anger? I'm not interested in these women... but they sure know how to get attention. Took like 3 security guards to get her out.

All in all it was a good new year (until about 4 am)

and to all the other members HAVE A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 2006



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never get involved with a bar girl period.

Generally good advice I'd say. If you do at least be realistic about what what you're getting involved in. I don't buy the prevailing notion here that most bar girls are rotten to the core (though plenty are), or that they are prone to violence (small minority). The heavy drinkers seem to be the really crazy ones (what a suprize, goes with the guys too) Bar girls are fine if you want to have a kept women for a while.

Bar girls are in the bars for a reason, and honestly is NOT one of those reasons folks - wake the hel_l UP!

Biggest reason: Single motherhood with no decent means of support. This poo may or may not have had a husbund. If so, fantastic odds he's an alcoholic deadbeat, and poo would love to ditch him but is not in a position to.

This is not in itself a cause of lying. I belive bar girls are reasonably honest with me, but then I don't come off as a sucker who's going fall in love with them, or go back to my country and send them money. Maybe speaking fluent thai helps too. As far as I know, I have never had a girl lie to me about having a child (most do). IMO the guys that get lied to are the guys that lie to themselves about who these girls are, and want to be lied to, in some way, by the girls.

If it's not single motherhood, it's family debt, often at usurious interest rates, or they enjoy the bar girl-lifestyle (partying & lots of $) The later two are more likely to be really rotten IMO.

But they all become bar girls looking for a meal-ticket, and that's most likeley what you will remain for the duration of your relationship with a bar-girl.

Sadly, the skidroads to hel_l begin with a very gentle downhill slide. Whatever the reason (and most of them are good) when a girl takes the step to sell out her moral standards and work in a bar she is usually unaware of what she's getting into. Apart from the sudden influx of cash, she has to deal with corruption, bribes, drugs, offers of loans to be paid back at exhorbanent interest rates and keeping the hours of a vampire. Once she starts mixing with the crowd she becomes part of it. Maybe there is more to be said for leaving the child with it's grandmother and working double shifts in a factory .....

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What is wrong with this story?

Is this not the the typical thing that happens with people of lessor intelligence??

A typical low-life Euro trash guy comes for a holiday and falls in love (gimme a break)with another typical low-life dishonest Thai trash bar girl.. they were both made for each other..and now they make headlines... The youth of today are simply amazing...

Are there any GOOD stories to tell us.. happy stories???

I need to be cheering up.. My papa died January 3rd at 88 years.. My mama 86 is very sad now...and I want to read about some happy stories for a change..

George.. Happy stories please for a few days...please???

TRD Lover

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Oh come on .... how bright do you hae to be to spend more than an hour or two with a hooker? ... As for the poster that thinks Thai's are violent (john b good)... please .. what an idiot! While I have heard and seen Thai's get rude and even seen one fight between Thais ... the only time I have seen a farang and a Thai tussle ... the farang was drunk.

You must lead a very monastic existance, or just havn't been in the kingdom very long. Over the years I've seen hundreds of fights both in and out of bars, and even one resulting in death from a severe beating, and no, I don't frequent bars all the time.

From taking a bar girl to hospital one night after she had been knifed by a co worker in a fight over a tourist, to watching a person being shot, yes, I've seen the lot, but there again, I've been here half a lifetime obviously unlike your good self :o

As for calling John B Good and idiot, he's been here almost as long as I have, and a severe look at your own idiot status migh be in order....Moron

Is that a signature?

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Strange how these topics bring out the "newbies" with under 10 posts :o  (and they all seem to know whats what regarding "bargirls" :D
Do not judge all girls working in bars

Read the above and learn.

No offense dave, but the fact that someone is new to this board does not in fact make them less insightful, just as the older members are automatically more inlightened.

Just for the record, I don't agree with his statement, but then I don't agree with yours either. Each person gets to decide for themselves how they choose to go through life.

I do think the poor bast ard should have opened his eyes as a great many farang seem to walk around with blinders on.


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never get involved with a bar girl period.

Generally good advice I'd say. If you do at least be realistic about what what you're getting involved in. I don't buy the prevailing notion here that most bar girls are rotten to the core (though plenty are), or that they are prone to violence (small minority). The heavy drinkers seem to be the really crazy ones (what a suprize, goes with the guys too) Bar girls are fine if you want to have a kept women for a while.

Bar girls are in the bars for a reason, and honestly is NOT one of those reasons folks - wake the hel_l UP!

Biggest reason: Single motherhood with no decent means of support. This poo may or may not have had a husbund. If so, fantastic odds he's an alcoholic deadbeat, and poo would love to ditch him but is not in a position to.

This is not in itself a cause of lying. I belive bar girls are reasonably honest with me, but then I don't come off as a sucker who's going fall in love with them, or go back to my country and send them money. Maybe speaking fluent thai helps too. As far as I know, I have never had a girl lie to me about having a child (most do). IMO the guys that get lied to are the guys that lie to themselves about who these girls are, and want to be lied to, in some way, by the girls.

If it's not single motherhood, it's family debt, often at usurious interest rates, or they enjoy the bar girl-lifestyle (partying & lots of $) The later two are more likely to be really rotten IMO.

But they all become bar girls looking for a meal-ticket, and that's most likeley what you will remain for the duration of your relationship with a bar-girl.

well said ww. while i don't frequent Thailand's girly bars looking for a wife, i have spent enough time in them over the past 12 years to note that - as in every bar - anywhere in the world - there are both pros and newbies, angels and psychopaths. As a general rule however, the falangs in most of these bars are more maladjusted than the working girls! Stop bitching about the bar girls for f*ks sake - domestic (!) violence is commonplace here - if it's not the husband /boyfriend beating the wife senseless, it's the wife slashing off vital reproductive organs. So it happened in a bar - better than at home I'd say.

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i don't know which stupefies me more; the endless parade of idiot foreigners here who get themselves involved like this with low-life prostitutes, or the larger picture of how much the economy of this country is BUILT on prostitution. it truly BOGGLES the mind...


Well; Mr. "Newworks": I bet you now feel whole lot better for having blown-off steam, huh ?!?

Before you 'classify' the Thai Bar-Girls in general as being "low-life prostitutes", perhaps you should learn a little bit more about the why and the how of Thai societity.

Your severe insult at these fellow human-beings is totally un-fair and unacceptabe.

I, for one, am not surprised that your mind boggles, by your own admission: it's pretty obvious that there's some seriously underdeveloped grey-matter where there could be common sense !


J. Klasema


Agreed :D

Strange how these topics bring out the "newbies" with under 10 posts :o  (and they all seem to know whats what regarding "bargirls" :D
Do not judge all girls working in bars

Read the above and learn.

No offense dave, but the fact that someone is new to this board does not in fact make them less insightful, just as the older members are automatically more inlightened.

Just for the record, I don't agree with his statement, but then I don't agree with yours either. Each person gets to decide for themselves how they choose to go through life.

I do think the poor bast ard should have opened his eyes as a great many farang seem to walk around with blinders on.


As said before the older members on here will know what I mean :D

It was'nt directed at every new member but to those who join up to slag off bargirls etc, it happens on every subject or story like this one. :D

Edited by davethailand
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well when all is said and done one must realize the type of person they are dealing with - this usually means dealing with people in a sober state - wake up people, never get involved with a bar girl period. Bar girls are in the bars for a reason, and honestly is NOT one of those reasons folks - wake the hel_l UP!

On the other side of the coin, there are many many MANY FINE BEAUTIFUL KIND SEXY and GOOD thai women that are not in bars but are available to meet and greet and have 'good' fun and relations with.

These are the ones to know,


Yes my friend as long as you have plenty of Baht in yer pocket - I was naive now I'm less naive as Elvis once said.

is it just me or does this sound like a hard-luck farang story right here? me, i am bored of all of them, the amazing thing is just that some people never get it no matter how obvious. i mean yeah i am aware there are some layers to it that are all i am sure well explained in the plethora of bargirl books out there. read up or just one time visit a bar and open your eyes.

sorry for the swede, but man you are dumb as a brick and you had it coming. he's still alive and well so take it as a lesson learned the hard way. my sympathy is limited. not that i think highly of aggressive mrs poo, really...

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well when all is said and done one must realize the type of person they are dealing with - this usually means dealing with people in a sober state - wake up people, never get involved with a bar girl period. Bar girls are in the bars for a reason, and honestly is NOT one of those reasons folks - wake the hel_l UP!

On the other side of the coin, there are many many MANY FINE BEAUTIFUL KIND SEXY and GOOD thai women that are not in bars but are available to meet and greet and have 'good' fun and relations with.

These are the ones to know,


How true 'ssscud'

Remember also, we are but guests in another country. Do you see many Thai men frequent these bars? Perhaps they know something we don't.

Hope the Swede recovers his pride and looks elsewhere.

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well when all is said and done one must realize the type of person they are dealing with - this usually means dealing with people in a sober state - wake up people, never get involved with a bar girl period. Bar girls are in the bars for a reason, and honestly is NOT one of those reasons folks - wake the hel_l UP!

On the other side of the coin, there are many many MANY FINE BEAUTIFUL KIND SEXY and GOOD thai women that are not in bars but are available to meet and greet and have 'good' fun and relations with.

These are the ones to know,


How true 'ssscud'

Remember also, we are but guests in another country. Do you see many Thai men frequent these bars? Perhaps they know something we don't.

Hope the Swede recovers his pride and looks elsewhere.

The average thai guy cant afford to drink in the tourist based bars.....they have their own bars and Karaoke joints where the beer is a lot cheaper.

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well when all is said and done one must realize the type of person they are dealing with - this usually means dealing with people in a sober state - wake up people, never get involved with a bar girl period. Bar girls are in the bars for a reason, and honestly is NOT one of those reasons folks - wake the hel_l UP!

On the other side of the coin, there are many many MANY FINE BEAUTIFUL KIND SEXY and GOOD thai women that are not in bars but are available to meet and greet and have 'good' fun and relations with.

These are the ones to know,


How true 'ssscud'

Remember also, we are but guests in another country. Do you see many Thai men frequent these bars? Perhaps they know something we don't.

Hope the Swede recovers his pride and looks elsewhere.

How true?? :D Please :o

Edited by davethailand
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