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Tired And Lethargic All The Time.


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Any idea what might be causing it? I'm only 31. Just started to feel tired a year back and now I notice it more often.

Does this happen to you once you hit this age? I feel like an old man! sad.png

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Do you do any kind of sports ? Drink a lot (alcohol) ? overweight ?

Not trying to insult you but my crystal ball isnt working today. I'm 38 and can only say i feel better as ever. Good food, regular workouts and no alcohol help me with that.

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Could be many things... Maybe try taking multivitamins with added Iron? You could be Anemic, some of the symptoms for anemia is tiredness and lethargy. Either way, taking multivitamins will only do your body good in the long run. :)

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It is definitely not due to your age.

Have you had a recent physical check-up? That would be the place to start and would tell if you were anemic or had other health issues.

If physical problems are excluded then you'll need to look at life-style (enough sleep? too much alcohol etc) and stress.

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Could be many things... Maybe try taking multivitamins with added Iron? You could be Anemic, some of the symptoms for anemia is tiredness and lethargy. Either way, taking multivitamins will only do your body good in the long run. smile.png

I understand that you are just trying to help with good intentions but with all due respect, this is not an advisable suggestion especially for males (I'm assuming the OP is male because he said "I feel like an old man"). Men rarely have problems with iron especially because they don't menstruate and an overload of iron when unnecessary can cause a host of serious problems over time.

There could be several reasons why the OP is feeling tired. Perhaps a thorough medical check up is on order. Getting 8 hours of sleep every night, taking up activities especially sports as well as having healthy homemade food will likely make a huge difference if it's not being done already, like Robblok suggested.

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Could be many things... Maybe try taking multivitamins with added Iron? You could be Anemic, some of the symptoms for anemia is tiredness and lethargy. Either way, taking multivitamins will only do your body good in the long run. smile.png

I understand that you are just trying to help with good intentions but with all due respect, this is not an advisable suggestion especially for males (I'm assuming the OP is male because he said "I feel like an old man"). Men rarely have problems with iron especially because they don't menstruate and an overload of iron when unnecessary can cause a host of serious problems over time.

There could be several reasons why the OP is feeling tired. Perhaps a thorough medical check up is on order. Getting 8 hours of sleep every night, taking up activities especially sports as well as having healthy homemade food will likely make a huge difference if it's not being done already, like Robblok suggested.

Yes, more generally dispensing or employing "medical advice" given on a message board is utterly ridiculous. Even a doctor would want to run blood tests and check a host of other possible indicators. If you're living in Thailand, it isn't that expensive to see a proper doctor and get a more objective diagnosis and it's always possible these symptoms may indicate a more serious condition. Why gamble?

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It is definitely not due to your age.

Have you had a recent physical check-up? That would be the place to start and would tell if you were anemic or had other health issues.

If physical problems are excluded then you'll need to look at life-style (enough sleep? too much alcohol etc) and stress.

Thanks. You have just highlighted my problems, poor sleep and too much alcohol.
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You have just highlighted my problems, poor sleep and too much alcohol.

the two are actually related. While many people think alcohol helps them sleep and use it to help fall asleep, in fact it adversely effects the quality of the sleep you get.

And, of course, drinking too much and not sleeping well often share the same cause which is often an underlying unhappiness or stress.

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Fatigue is a symptom of many, many illnesses & even habits - for example:

drinking a lot

smoking (anoxia)


medium-high levels of processed carbohydrates

viral illness or post-viral syndrome

heavy metal toxicity (e.g. mercury from amalgam fillings deposits in the brain)

not exercising




iron deficiency anemia

B12 anemia

deficiency of a specific mineral or vitamin

low lithium levels

and many more.

Perhaps pick the most likely candidates & start checking them out - either via withdrawal of those things (e.g. reduce carbs, get amalgam fillings removed) or medical tests.

Usually fatigue is a precursor to worse developments, so you might take this as a handy warning.

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  • You feel hungry in between meals
  • You crave sweets and/or starchy foods
  • You feel thirsty all the time
  • You urinate frequently
  • You wake with a headache
  • You feel irritable before meals or when hungry
  • You feel shaky when you are hungry
  • You're constantly tired !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • You feel sleepy in the daytime
  • You are sleepy after meals
  • You have difficulty concentrating


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Chops - I am more than twice your age and over the years have "quite scientifically" studied my own level of energy both physically and mentally (and modifications thereof) - AND - observed others with their complaints etc. etc..

As has been said before - I feel - it is very often "attitude" that slows us down. But even "attitude" has a cause and effect - therefore there is most likely an "imbalance" in your system. An "attitude" seems very often impossible to change when one suffers from lack of energy - from lack of "elan vital".

A blood analysis should specifically define what imbalance you may - if any - have. In my earlier years in Thailand I also "suffered" from a certain lethargy - which I now seem to totally control.

In my own case - I choose to take Multivitamins and specifically a B-12 supplement and ofcourse drink plenty of liquid (WATER that is) in this hot and humid climate.

Best Wishes

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Fatigue may be due to the midnight runner you pulled on your wife a few posts back . . . . . . . . . I know when I trained for middle distance running 5,000 and 10,000 meter races I became fatigued.

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You have just highlighted my problems, poor sleep and too much alcohol.

the two are actually related. While many people think alcohol helps them sleep and use it to help fall asleep, in fact it adversely effects the quality of the sleep you get.

And, of course, drinking too much and not sleeping well often share the same cause which is often an underlying unhappiness or stress.

How do you get out of that cycle?

Problem to get to sleep without drinking or on occasion sleeping pills, staying awake frustrated at not being able to sleep?

The causes are probably what you have described.

Genuine question.

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Hi Chops,

Well I,m no doctor, and for that reason I wont have an uneducated guess as to your problem. Go and see your doctor and get checked out. Seeking medical advise on a forum could only exaspirate your problems.

Cheers mate.

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You have just highlighted my problems, poor sleep and too much alcohol.

the two are actually related. While many people think alcohol helps them sleep and use it to help fall asleep, in fact it adversely effects the quality of the sleep you get.

And, of course, drinking too much and not sleeping well often share the same cause which is often an underlying unhappiness or stress.

How do you get out of that cycle?

Problem to get to sleep without drinking or on occasion sleeping pills, staying awake frustrated at not being able to sleep?

The causes are probably what you have described.

Genuine question.

I think just lie awake then and in the end you will sleep. Sleeping pills help but can leave you dependent on them. A few bad nights (and then please dont sleep during the day) and you will probably be back in a normal sleeping cycle.

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You have just highlighted my problems, poor sleep and too much alcohol.

the two are actually related. While many people think alcohol helps them sleep and use it to help fall asleep, in fact it adversely effects the quality of the sleep you get.

And, of course, drinking too much and not sleeping well often share the same cause which is often an underlying unhappiness or stress.

How do you get out of that cycle?

Problem to get to sleep without drinking or on occasion sleeping pills, staying awake frustrated at not being able to sleep?

The causes are probably what you have described.

Genuine question.

The answer is easy, stop drinking -or- drink in moderation.

The sugar is distilled spirits is what keeps a person awake, unless you drink yourself into a stupor.

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You have just highlighted my problems, poor sleep and too much alcohol.

the two are actually related. While many people think alcohol helps them sleep and use it to help fall asleep, in fact it adversely effects the quality of the sleep you get.

And, of course, drinking too much and not sleeping well often share the same cause which is often an underlying unhappiness or stress.

How do you get out of that cycle?

Problem to get to sleep without drinking or on occasion sleeping pills, staying awake frustrated at not being able to sleep?

The causes are probably what you have described.

Genuine question.

You solve this the same way you solve any problem - by addressing the underlying cause. Which is almost always some sort of mental tension/stress.

How you go about resolving that is up to you. Short-term therapy works (see mental health thread that is pinned for where to go), so does meditation (see www.dhamma.org), and for some people both together are the best approach. Some people have objections to these things, hopefully you will find at least one of them acceptable.

Also - absolutely no caffeine past 12 noon and depending on how much you consume, might need to reduce even the morning amounts. And lay off the booze. if you are unable to do that on your own, add AA to list of options above.

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Could be many things... Maybe try taking multivitamins with added Iron? You could be Anemic, some of the symptoms for anemia is tiredness and lethargy. Either way, taking multivitamins will only do your body good in the long run. smile.png

I understand that you are just trying to help with good intentions but with all due respect, this is not an advisable suggestion especially for males (I'm assuming the OP is male because he said "I feel like an old man"). Men rarely have problems with iron especially because they don't menstruate and an overload of iron when unnecessary can cause a host of serious problems over time.

There could be several reasons why the OP is feeling tired. Perhaps a thorough medical check up is on order. Getting 8 hours of sleep every night, taking up activities especially sports as well as having healthy homemade food will likely make a huge difference if it's not being done already, like Robblok suggested.

Oh I am no doctor and I am aware that men are less likely to be anemic. However surely taking multivitamins would not harm your system and only do good Taking up routines and different activities are also very good suggestions too.

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Fatigue may be due to the midnight runner you pulled on your wife a few posts back . . . . . . . . . I know when I trained for middle distance running 5,000 and 10,000 meter races I became fatigued.

OH ... it's that chops

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Fatigue may be due to the midnight runner you pulled on your wife a few posts back . . . . . . . . . I know when I trained for middle distance running 5,000 and 10,000 meter races I became fatigued.

OH ... it's that chops

Yeah that's him....could be quilty contience catching up too! :)

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