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How Many Gb Do You Use A Month At Home - Do You Know ?


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I use a CAT ''My'' 3G unlimited package , I don't normally keep an eye on how many GB I use. Yesterday I noticed that my download speed had reduced to 43/52KBs , I know that after ive used 4GB the download speed is throttled down until my next monthly start date. So I just checked my usage ---


and was susprised at the figures crying.gif

I download mostly entertainment content and a few applications , plus the normal web surfing at home .

This got me thinking , So have you got an idea how many GB you use a Month at home ?

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I know exactly how much I use (even on a Daily basis)

I use a program called Du Meter. (http://www.hageltech.com/dumeter/about)

(When I first got internet (in Europe), I was limited to a Max of 3GB Per Month and that's why this program came in handy.)

Stats: (All stats are UL + DL Combined)

Today : 476 MB

This Week : 2.1 GB

This Month : 6.8 GB

Last Month : 8.4 GB

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Comcast, a large ISP in the U.S. which provides mostly DOCSIS service, just introduced a 300 GB monthly cap, overages are $10/50 GB.

They say that less than 1% of their customers exceed this cap historically.

I only mention this as many service providers are looking at similar caps.

This may put a crimp in the business plans of firms/services like HBO Go, Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, Amazon Prime, Roku and even YouTube (which has some interesting goals).

I have no idea how much I DL/UL; I use a seedbox so FTP a lot from that to my PC; best guess would be ~ 150 GB per month on a 10/1 True DSL line.



STREAMING DREAMS YouTube turns pro.

by John Seabrook

JANUARY 16, 2012

On TV, airtime is a scarce resource; on YouTube, it’s infinite.

On a rainy night in late November, Robert Kyncl was in Google’s New York City offices, on Ninth Avenue, whiteboarding the future of TV. Kyncl holds a senior position at YouTube, which Google owns. He is the architect of the single largest cultural transformation in YouTube’s seven-year history. Wielding a black Magic Marker, he charted the big bang of channel expansion and audience fragmentation that has propelled television history so far, from the age of the three networks, each with a mass audience, to the hundreds of cable channels, each serving a niche audience—twenty-four-hour news, food, sports, weather, music—and on to the dawning age of Internet video, bringing channels by the tens of thousands. “People went from broad to narrow,” he said, “and we think they will continue to go that way—spend more and more time in the niches—because now the distribution landscape allows for more narrowness.”

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Have used 4.43 GB since the 12 th of this month so figure well under 10GB per month and way under my 40GB month ceiling.

In fact the useage figure in GB's is only meaningful if displayed against the number of hours spent online, in my case my useage of 4.43 gb represents 134 hours.

BTW: I also have CAT my 3G, are you aware that CAT is getting out of the 3G service and will presumably pass it's 3G customers over to True, not sure when but soon, apparently.

Edited by chiang mai
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You really have to adjust when using mobile internet and their data caps!

I tested a bit and come to 50 Mb/ day just surfing the web/emails...

Leaves only 1.5Gb/month for all your other needs. With all the multimedi, it goes fast.

A 40 min youtube clip of my favorite home tv show eats 150 Mb!

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

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In fact the useage figure in GB's is only meaningful if displayed against the number of hours spent online, in my case my useage of 4.43 gb represents 134 hours.

Yeah nah, my figure of 10gb per day is not due to online presence but rather me raping the internet for TV shows/movies/music.

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May 2012 (Incoming: 31990 MB / Outgoing: 22723 MB)

April 2012 (Incoming: 79282 MB / Outgoing: 37668 MB)

March 2012 (Incoming: 131525 MB / Outgoing: 35691 MB)

may seems to be very quiet lol.

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Have used 4.43 GB since the 12 th of this month so figure well under 10GB per month and way under my 40GB month ceiling.

In fact the useage figure in GB's is only meaningful if displayed against the number of hours spent online, in my case my useage of 4.43 gb represents 134 hours.

BTW: I also have CAT my 3G, are you aware that CAT is getting out of the 3G service and will presumably pass it's 3G customers over to True, not sure when but soon, apparently.

After years using CAT CDMA I jumped ship ( forced to walk the plank by CAT ) to CAT ''My'' 3G in the hope I would not be boarding the same CAT roller coaster ride I had all ready been on. Now this news-

The source said that CAT would end cooperation with TrueMove H, meaning that TrueMove H would no longer be able to get import licences for new equipment but might be able to continue operations on existing equipment for the time being. The source also said that CAT’s own 3G network My 3G, which runs on the TrueMove H network, is to be cancelled to prevent legal complications.


Recently I spoke to a CAT technician , and asked about this new's , his reply was it could take years , if at all . So who reallys knows smile.png

If I get thrown from the sinking CAT 3G boat , then may be its board the good ship True or AIS .

only time will tell .

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Have used 4.43 GB since the 12 th of this month so figure well under 10GB per month and way under my 40GB month ceiling.

In fact the useage figure in GB's is only meaningful if displayed against the number of hours spent online, in my case my useage of 4.43 gb represents 134 hours.

BTW: I also have CAT my 3G, are you aware that CAT is getting out of the 3G service and will presumably pass it's 3G customers over to True, not sure when but soon, apparently.

After years using CAT CDMA I jumped ship ( forced to walk the plank by CAT ) to CAT ''My'' 3G in the hope I would not be boarding the same CAT roller coaster ride I had all ready been on. Now this news-

The source said that CAT would end cooperation with TrueMove H, meaning that TrueMove H would no longer be able to get import licences for new equipment but might be able to continue operations on existing equipment for the time being. The source also said that CAT’s own 3G network My 3G, which runs on the TrueMove H network, is to be cancelled to prevent legal complications.


Recently I spoke to a CAT technician , and asked about this new's , his reply was it could take years , if at all . So who reallys knows smile.png

If I get thrown from the sinking CAT 3G boat , then may be its board the good ship True or AIS .

only time will tell .

My scenario exactly, CDMA to my 3G and then, who knows where, it was only by chance I found that CDMA was going to cease operation, ditto my 3G, CAT's not the best communicator, for a communications company.

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I collected the data from my router for 3 months and was using 20GB / month. This was on CAT EVDO connection which is shared to all the devices in home. No torrents. Work, youtube videos etc.

I have got very good service from CAT and will keep with them as long as EVDO is up and running. Then it's up to the packets, which provide enough monthly data without speed limitations. I still can not get an phone line, but CAT seems to put their fiber pretty close, so that could be an option.

Another way I have thought would be to buy 2 separate 3G modems. First one to use the initial (4GB) with high speed connection and when that is done, use that connection for anything that can live with slower speeds in background.. downloading software upgrades, podcasts, network backups etc. And use the another connection for work related things, which require faster connection.

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It wouldn't surprise me 1 bit if in the Month of April Data Usage has surged to an all time high because of Song Krang sorry.gif

I would say the opposite - especially for 3G usage. When do people use 3G? When they're not at home. And you'd be raving mad to pull out your phone/iPad/whatever during songkran outside the safety of your house.

Though I guess the TV demographic (older men sick of songkran) stayed in more to pillage the intertubes.

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On UTorrent you can check your downloads and upload sizes and also they have a combined figure. I know that this is not gonna be the total as you have to add in web surfing etc, but just for information.

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In some routers you can look at the current up-time, typically something less than 24 hours, and the number of bytes transmitted and received; 1 GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes. This catches three PCes, and four Android devices, in my case.

I am currently at 19 hours, 54 minutes on my current lease, with a total of 10.69 GB, but ~ 8.75 GB of that were two ISOs FTPed down from my local seedbox.

Edited by lomatopo
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