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A few days ago I went to replace the in-line fuse for the cigarette lighter and had to replace the in-line fuse unit because one wire was loose on the in-line connector. That was all I did.

Then I later drove the car to a shop, got out, turned the ignition off and when I got back to the car I put the key in the ignition, turned the key and there was nothing. It was dead.

I tried the headlights - not working. Same for everything, interior lights, horn, wipers, indicators, electric windows.

I dropped down the panel under the dashboard near the steering column where I'd replaced the in-line fuse and the ignition lights came on and the car started. I had the car running yesterday but today there is nothing again when I turn the ignition key today.

I have taken the same panel off and checked the wiring and the main fuses and cannot get any electronics at all.

The fuse box under the bonnet has power running to it and to the fuses there, so there is electric available. The fuse for the ignition itself has not blown.

The battery is almost new and fully charged so that is not the problem.

I have downloaded the Haynes maintainence manual for the car but in the fault finding section, this problem is not covered.

Can someone give me an idea what I should be looking at? Ignition switch? Wiring loom?



I appear to have found an answer to the problem. I have checked all the fuses, connectors, wiring, ignition switch and prodded and poked about.

Then I had the idea to leave the ignition on and test the fuses again knowing that the cooling fan operates when the ignition is on. Almost the last fuse/relay I checked in the auxiliary fuse box set the fan going and the ignition came on.

OK., not a fuse but a relay

(R11 Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ECU power supply (petrol), cold start (Diesel))

The relay is getting hot after the engine has run for a few minutes while the other relays stay cool. I presume, besides it being faulty, that on cooling it may not be making a good connection because as I pressed on it the ignition system started to work.

Off to find a shop in Pattaya that will have the correct relay tomorrow :)

Thanks to those who might have looked at this and been pondering on an answer.


I luv electrical problems. It gives me a chance to waste hours of my life on something someone else usually fixes in 5 minutes.

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