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Steroid Vacation In Thailand


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Wow, 21 and can't wait to screw up his body for the rest of his life. I guess when his testicles begin to shrink and he has to take more dope for gynecomastia, better known as b&tch t*t, and all of the hair on his big head falls out, he might rethink how he spends his vacation time.

"I guess when his testicles begin to shrink....."

This is called evolution. It is based that the most stupid one breed less than the smarter one. Read Darwin Award webpage......

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Wow, 21 and can't wait to screw up his body for the rest of his life. I guess when his testicles begin to shrink and he has to take more dope for gynecomastia, better known as b&tch t*t, and all of the hair on his big head falls out, he might rethink how he spends his vacation time.

"I guess when his testicles begin to shrink....."

This is called evolution. It is based that the most stupid one breed less than the smarter one. Read Darwin Award webpage......

Indeed the most stupid take themselves out of the race. I still believe steroids can be done occasionaly on mild dosages (not as extreme as some users) by bodybuilders without serious side effects.

I will state again though i am training naturally at the moment, and wont be injecting any steroids any time soon.

But not all steroids are the same and not all are equally dangerous, also the dossage and how long you use it contribute to the side effects. So its hard to make any hard statements.

Just finished a great workout for chest and triceps and then a 5000 meter row. Just feel great now. But my strength is fading because of the weight loss.

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Wow, 21 and can't wait to screw up his body for the rest of his life. I guess when his testicles begin to shrink and he has to take more dope for gynecomastia, better known as b&tch t*t, and all of the hair on his big head falls out, he might rethink how he spends his vacation time.

hair loss is NOT always a side effect, it can also go other way around, hair gain.

trust me on this one, from personal experience, i got hair in places i did not think was possiblebiggrin.png

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Big muscles may look good, but their owner is not necessarily stronger or fitter. strength is a mixture of muscle power, skill at using muscles and mental attitude. Size for size a professional boxer can punch harder than a professional body builder, he has learnt how.

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Seeing as you're female, I've got to ask: what do you know about the birth control (BC) pills? I bet you were on them at some point of your life, but did you know it's also classified as a synthetic steroid? Did you know the BC pills are more harmful than the injectable steroid testosterone in amounts similar to those in BC pills? What makes the BC pills good and testosterone bad? Only the fact that testosterone can be abused and BC pills not and that automatically doesn't make all steroid users bad people. The way I see it, girls take BC pills for the recreational lifestyle and not out of necessity.

You have made a statement that is not factually supported. Can you cite the specific clinical studies and research that supports your statement? No, you cannot. Birth control is safe when the dosing guidelines are followed. Yes there are some issues that have arisen,but they relate to the use of the products off script or in situations contrary to the dosing guidelines, i.e. improper screening. Birth control "pill" use has been widespread since the 1960's. Hundreds of millions of women have used the formulations to the point where the risks and contradictions are known. These pills have saved lives, and provided a better quality of life for their users since their introduction. One cannot say the same thing about off prescription testosterone use.

The subject here is the use and availability of steroids in Thailand. It is not their legitimacy. The fact of the matter is that the steroids obtained at the street level are often counterfeit or are of undetermined origin. FULL STOP. Can you proviode one reference where the recreational steroids obtained on the Thai black market were quality assured? You cannot, because the reality is that the drugs available outside legal distribution channels are likely to be conterfeit. The likelihood is even greater the more "valuable" the drug is. It is not worth a counterfeiters time to make bogus birth control pills since the generic versions are often handed out for free by NGOs or made available at a negligible cost. Injectable testosterone, the kind favoured by self appointed endocrinologists that spend their time in a gym, is expensive and a lucrative item to be counterfeited.

I offer this challenge. Take 10 vials of injectable testosterone you purchase in the black market and have them tested. I guarantee that the quality will be questionable in all vials. There will either be contaminants, or the drug will be from a lot that was supposed to have been destroyed due to age or defect, or there will be an inadequacy of the ATI. In Thailand, drugs that ould have been destroyed elsewhere, often end up for resale on the black market.

I challenge anyone to show that the off script steroids they purchase and use in Thailand would meet the legal quality requirements.

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Lots of muscles but obviously no brain . Too bad the steroids dont work on that body part .

Actually, GH and some roids can be very good for the brain. dam_n, I could use some GH about now.

Deca is for muscle and joint pain, but its 1 injection per year not 3 per week :)

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Big muscles may look good, but their owner is not necessarily stronger or fitter. strength is a mixture of muscle power, skill at using muscles and mental attitude. Size for size a professional boxer can punch harder than a professional body builder, he has learnt how.

Of course, the goal of a boxer is to punch hard. Powerlifters are usually also stronger as bodybuilders. Bodybuilders train for muscle hypertrophy that does not mean strength. They go for the looks.

Pound for pound a swimmer is going to beat a boxer at swimming. Normal id say they have different goals. More muscles does not always mean stronger.

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I challenge anyone to show that the off script steroids they purchase and use in Thailand would meet the legal quality requirements.

I am not using but if you pay for the testing and find a lab that does it im game. Ill pay for the steroids. Will be fun to see if your right or not. I will even go so far that i mail you the stuff so you can do the testing. You can even keep it as i really dont use it.

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Look at all the damage done by alcohol and tobacco. They cause far more destruction to people's lives.''

Nice to see the classic drug-addict line used so freely. "Their drug is more harmful than mine".

Insert here also alcoholic saying at least I'm not a junkie. Meth-head saying at least I don't drink. Etc.Etc. Lovely.

Note also his use of "they make me feel good" & so that makes it okay. Same line as used by morphinists since the dawn of time.

He is correct that it is nobody's business except his own what drugs he abuses, until the day those drugs turn him psychotic & he unscrews some total strangers head like a jar-top. Some drugs are regulated not only to protect the users health but to protect society at large from that user. Steroids & growth hormones are regulated for BOTH reasons.

Synthetic steroids are incredibly harmful to the human body, brain & personality. Unless you are taking medical steroids for example for asthma, and it is essential to keep you alive, they should be avoided. Even in essential medical use, steroids are last resort & discouraged because of inflaming or generating personality disorders. Like all modern drugs of the last 100 years the long term effects can still only be guessed at, and doctors are continuously updating and changing their stance based on developing feedback. Drugs are launched with a fanfare then discreetly taken off the market a few years later when the bodies start piling up - this happens all the time.

All drugs (and foods) affect the human brain, and affect behaviour, to a lesser or greater degree. Steroids are 'uppers' and need to be maintained to stay 'up', to avoid the colossal crushing 'low'. You don't want to run into somebody coming down off long-term steroid abuse in a dark alley.

Secondly, black market drugs are cut with brick dust, laundry liquid and anything going. Toxins build up in the human liver and brain cause overload, again with potential psychotic effects. I get offered fake epilepsy drugs all the time in Thailand at 20% normal price, but I value my life so I only buy from hospital shop.

Nonsence... for the most part.

Well, evidently one of you knows more of what he is talking about than the other. I wonder which one . . .

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Seeing as you're female, I've got to ask: what do you know about the birth control (BC) pills? I bet you were on them at some point of your life, but did you know it's also classified as a synthetic steroid? Did you know the BC pills are more harmful than the injectable steroid testosterone in amounts similar to those in BC pills? What makes the BC pills good and testosterone bad? Only the fact that testosterone can be abused and BC pills not and that automatically doesn't make all steroid users bad people. The way I see it, girls take BC pills for the recreational lifestyle and not out of necessity.

You have made a statement that is not factually supported. Can you cite the specific clinical studies and research that supports your statement? No, you cannot. Birth control is safe when the dosing guidelines are followed. Yes there are some issues that have arisen,but they relate to the use of the products off script or in situations contrary to the dosing guidelines, i.e. improper screening. Birth control "pill" use has been widespread since the 1960's. Hundreds of millions of women have used the formulations to the point where the risks and contradictions are known. These pills have saved lives, and provided a better quality of life for their users since their introduction. One cannot say the same thing about off prescription testosterone use.

The subject here is the use and availability of steroids in Thailand. It is not their legitimacy. The fact of the matter is that the steroids obtained at the street level are often counterfeit or are of undetermined origin. FULL STOP. Can you proviode one reference where the recreational steroids obtained on the Thai black market were quality assured? You cannot, because the reality is that the drugs available outside legal distribution channels are likely to be conterfeit. The likelihood is even greater the more "valuable" the drug is. It is not worth a counterfeiters time to make bogus birth control pills since the generic versions are often handed out for free by NGOs or made available at a negligible cost. Injectable testosterone, the kind favoured by self appointed endocrinologists that spend their time in a gym, is expensive and a lucrative item to be counterfeited.

I offer this challenge. Take 10 vials of injectable testosterone you purchase in the black market and have them tested. I guarantee that the quality will be questionable in all vials. There will either be contaminants, or the drug will be from a lot that was supposed to have been destroyed due to age or defect, or there will be an inadequacy of the ATI. In Thailand, drugs that ould have been destroyed elsewhere, often end up for resale on the black market.

I challenge anyone to show that the off script steroids they purchase and use in Thailand would meet the legal quality requirements.

Actually, steroids are quit cheap and easy to produce. It is just the black market thing in most countries inflates the price. I see no reason that quality test could not be obtained in Thailand provided you knew what you are getting and who you are getting it from. Dudes like Sharkey will know quality once injected.

GH is another matter. I would not take shit sent from China, Mexico it Thailand unless know exactly where it is coming from. While we might not be able to score decent GH, those in the know may be able to get quality at the right price.

Oh yeah, birth control can be dangerous, especially some of the newer stuff like Mirena with synthetic progesterone. Synthetic progesterone can really screw up some women bad. The sad thing is most doctors write it off as post partum issues or early menopause issues because big pharma says so or at least their hot little communication majors they hire as drug reps tell doctors so.

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Wow, 21 and can't wait to screw up his body for the rest of his life. I guess when his testicles begin to shrink and he has to take more dope for gynecomastia, better known as b&tch t*t, and all of the hair on his big head falls out, he might rethink how he spends his vacation time.

"I guess when his testicles begin to shrink....."

This is called evolution. It is based that the most stupid one breed less than the smarter one. Read Darwin Award webpage......

Well if you looked at his facebook page you might be eating some humble pie cos looks like that department is doing extremely well. haha

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Nah, sorry, don't buy your argument.

I tend to trust the advice the UK governments gives me on health matters and the information I get from my primary news sources e.g. BBC (TV and on-line) and The Guardian newspaper.

The government is just as likely to spread self-serving propaganda as anyone else. The BBC will just tow the government line, and The Guardian will say whatever will sell the most newspapers.

The BBC tow the government line? Since when?

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Rob, I think you are agreeing with me, in English we have a saying, "horses for courses", perhaps you have something similar.

Another factor is the confusion between strength and stamina, most men are stronger than women, but most women have more stamina. It is the difference between a sprinter and a marathon runner.

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I challenge anyone to show that the off script steroids they purchase and use in Thailand would meet the legal quality requirements.

I am not using but if you pay for the testing and find a lab that does it im game. Ill pay for the steroids. Will be fun to see if your right or not. I will even go so far that i mail you the stuff so you can do the testing. You can even keep it as i really dont use it.

You will find most sold in Thailand are made in China and are not 100% correctly made.

For example combuterol is suppose to take out water and make you lean, some side affects are the shakes and sweating.

When i took that to loose some weight(purchased in Thailand) i gained instead of leaning.

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Wow, 21 and can't wait to screw up his body for the rest of his life. I guess when his testicles begin to shrink and he has to take more dope for gynecomastia, better known as b&tch t*t, and all of the hair on his big head falls out, he might rethink how he spends his vacation time.

"I guess when his testicles begin to shrink....."

This is called evolution. It is based that the most stupid one breed less than the smarter one. Read Darwin Award webpage......

Well if you looked at his facebook page you might be eating some humble pie cos looks like that department is doing extremely well. haha

Can't say I've got any interest in seeing them, whether real or illusionary.

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Are you not talking about clenbuterol ? Also clenbuterol is not a steroid.

lol, thats the one(i know my spelling is great)

it is not per say, but is kind of in the same category, if you know what i mean.

You will also find that Thai purchased steroids are sold much cheaper in the West, for the reason that it does not always work, do not mean its fake, but wrongly mixed. After all a large number of steroids are for animal use.

Stenazol is a great example, as its been such a popular steroid that a number of chinese factories jumped on the wagon to make some $$$

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Why have Zyzz as a role model. Ripped at 21 yrs old, heart explodes at 22.

Live fast, die young, leave a pretty corpse.

He had a congenital heart disease. The steroids certainly didn't help.

well what reports did not mention was that he was also heavy into party scene and party drugs, so take the full cocktail and not too many healthy hearts can handle the stress

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Why have Zyzz as a role model. Ripped at 21 yrs old, heart explodes at 22.

Live fast, die young, leave a pretty corpse.

Look at Schwarzenegger or Silvester Stallone. Both filled themself up with Steroids and didn't explode.

Mate, Arnold took steroids only to maintain his muscle mass during the dieting period before a competition and not to gain muscles. Big difference! Nonetheless using steroids is just stupid!!! Andreas Münzer is the perfect example of what happens to you if you do steroids on a regular basis. One half of his liver had numerous table-tennis-ball sized tumors and the other had the same consistency as styrofoam. Check his wikipedia page for more info.

I just found out, that they deleted Münzer's steroid cycle from his wikipedia page, so I had to get it from somewhere else. Here it is:

Weeks 1-10 (before a competition)





captagon-- scheduled 1 drug in the US, meaning no legitimate medical use-- it is an amphetamine-type stimulant--


Weeks 1-5

500mg daily of test enanthate

152mg daily of parabolan

150mg daily of dianabol

150mg daily of halotestin

20 IU daily of HGH

20 IU daily of Insulin

Weeks 6-8

300mg daily of masteron

152mg daily of parabolan

250mg daily of winstrol tabs

150mg daily of halotestin

50mg daily of winstrol inj

24 IU daily of HGH

Weeks 9-10

200mg daily of masteron

100mg daily of winny inj

200mg daily of halotestin

400mg daily of winny tabs

24 IU daily of HGH

Insulin daily

IGF-1 daily

Days 1-3 leading up to show

aldactone, lasix

Edited by pacovl46
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I have known many people that cant drink rum without going off the rails and thinking they are invincible, same applies to other alcohol affecting everyone differently, cop shops are full of them and if your lucky you can even catch the action live




DID YOU READ THE NEWS, THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO CLASSIFY ALCOHOL AS AN S4 DRUG, they will catch you and charge you with consumption with the intent to harm yourself AND others (bit like a terrorist with a hand grenade)



Fats food, alcohol, sugar, tobacco to name a few is the underlying cause to most medical problems, its your choice what you stuff in your mouth or your body and yes that includes steriods.

Im sure all this propaganda about steriods started because some politicians hot wife got porked by their hunk of a pool cleaner, so he decided to make it an S4 drug and try screw up the motivated individuals who are trying to do something of their choice with their body rather than go to places like pattaya to drink and smoke their life away, GET THE DRIFT????

When I used to do power lifting several years ago you could get it from the docs, he would keep a check on you, now the enlightened ones have decided to make it S4, now you have to buy black market, well not in thailand, at least not 10 months ago, so if there are any life threatening medical conditions arising from steroids they are probably due to the quality purchased from unscrupulous dealers or the lack of knowledge or guidance.

Any athlete could suffer heart attack and I bet never took steriods.

The man that I trained with made it to the world power lifting titles many times, his health suffered from NARCOTICS abuse

His friends are black belt in martial arts and heavy weight powerlifters amongst others I have known, none of them suffered any problems either physical or psychological

You couch potatoes that surf the bars and the internet dont live in the real world, you see the world thru the bottom of your glass, you all trust doctors and take their drugs, if only you knew what your little pills are doing to you, Im sure you will shit yourself.

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Nah, sorry, don't buy your argument.

I tend to trust the advice the UK governments gives me on health matters and the information I get from my primary news sources e.g. BBC (TV and on-line) and The Guardian newspaper.

The government is just as likely to spread self-serving propaganda as anyone else. The BBC will just tow the government line, and The Guardian will say whatever will sell the most newspapers.

The BBC tow the government line? Since when?

I suggest reading up on the history of the BBC. The sole purpose for the BBC coming into being was as a tool for the dissemination of government propaganda -- little has changed since it's inception.

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Why have Zyzz as a role model. Ripped at 21 yrs old, heart explodes at 22.

Live fast, die young, leave a pretty corpse.

Look at Schwarzenegger or Silvester Stallone. Both filled themself up with Steroids and didn't explode.

Mate, Arnold took steroids only to maintain his muscle mass during the dieting period before a competition and not to gain muscles. Big difference! Nonetheless using steroids is just stupid!!! Andreas Münzer is the perfect example of what happens to you if you do steroids on a regular basis. One half of his liver had numerous table-tennis-ball sized tumors and the other had the same consistency as styrofoam. Check his wikipedia page for more info.

Whatever, Arny and those guys back dyringbhis time frame were all juicing heavy duty and daily.

Arnold loved Winstrol, took dbol, deca, test, primobolan and etc. They took tons because nobody really knew how bad for you back then. Books out on this stuff.

Sylvester takes hGH more than anything else, so I have heard. Real GH is the absolute shit, but you need to wait until older to take for it to work correctly. Also very dangerous as it will drastically shift xy pituitary axis.

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... smoke their life away, GET THE DRIFT????

When I used to do power lifting several years ago you could get it from the docs, he would keep a check on you, now the enlightened ones have decided to make it S4, now you have to buy black market, well not in thailand, at least not 10 months ago, so if there are any life threatening medical conditions arising from steroids they are probably due to the quality purchased from unscrupulous dealers or the lack of knowledge or guidance.

Any athlete could suffer heart attack and I bet never took steriods.

The man that I trained with made it to the world power lifting titles many times, his health suffered from NARCOTICS abuse

His friends are black belt in martial arts and heavy weight powerlifters amongst others I have known, none of them suffered any problems either physical or psychological

You couch potatoes that surf the bars and the internet dont live in the real world, you see the world thru the bottom of your glass, you all trust doctors and take their drugs, if only you knew what your little pills are doing to you, Im sure you will shit yourself.

Mainstream use to tell people steroids would kill you, now it's the opposite, if you don't say it's harmless in reasonable quantities you are set upon by the bros as a misinformed couch potato idiot who doesn't know shit...

BROscience is unfortunately as tyrannical and narrow minded as the mainstream science it has replaced.

I did one light cycle, for boxing purposes, a tiny skin overgrowth on the side of my ribs who hadn't changed for years grew ten times bigger, was benign and had it removed still it got me thinking what if is was on my pancreas or liver.

Personally I believe adults should be allowed to make their own choices (whatever the drug) but ALL CAPS foaming at the mouth posts like yours don't really help your case.

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I read the article about steroid vacations, it's quite well written and gives a balanced view through interviews with users and doctors but I don't understand, why it's been written? Similar situations have long existed all over the world and will continue to do so as steroids are the only solution to get a real bodybuilder physique, ie. US users travel to Mexico.

Perhaps the article was prompted by an increase in the number of users - I remember the British powerlifters who ran 'Redicat' from Pattaya were busted and once their supply of 'paper' steroids ceased (absorbed into paper and mailed to avoid detection) this could have prompted more users to visit.

I've had a look for myself at what's available in the pharmacy shops in Nana and I'd recommend anyone thinking of coming to Thailand to read William Llewellyn's book 'Anabolics' (2006 and later) to familiarize themselves with the fakes and underground. From what I saw there is very little genuine gear available so I see why users return to a trusted source and the worrying trend I noted is that even products from underground labs with a good reputation are being counterfeited now.

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Thailand, the anabolic steroid "hub" of the world! What a boost to tourism a concentrated ad budget to lure steroid users to Thailand would be. Not only is it tremendous prestige for Thailand to become yet another hub, but the economic benefit of steroid visitor's spending is phenomenal. This is sensational news! It's win, win, win all around according to this news story which contains no downside or negative view on it.

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... smoke their life away, GET THE DRIFT????

When I used to do power lifting several years ago you could get it from the docs, he would keep a check on you, now the enlightened ones have decided to make it S4, now you have to buy black market, well not in thailand, at least not 10 months ago, so if there are any life threatening medical conditions arising from steroids they are probably due to the quality purchased from unscrupulous dealers or the lack of knowledge or guidance.

Any athlete could suffer heart attack and I bet never took steriods.

The man that I trained with made it to the world power lifting titles many times, his health suffered from NARCOTICS abuse

His friends are black belt in martial arts and heavy weight powerlifters amongst others I have known, none of them suffered any problems either physical or psychological

You couch potatoes that surf the bars and the internet dont live in the real world, you see the world thru the bottom of your glass, you all trust doctors and take their drugs, if only you knew what your little pills are doing to you, Im sure you will shit yourself.

Mainstream use to tell people steroids would kill you, now it's the opposite, if you don't say it's harmless in reasonable quantities you are set upon by the bros as a misinformed couch potato idiot who doesn't know shit...

BROscience is unfortunately as tyrannical and narrow minded as the mainstream science it has replaced.

I did one light cycle, for boxing purposes, a tiny skin overgrowth on the side of my ribs who hadn't changed for years grew ten times bigger, was benign and had it removed still it got me thinking what if is was on my pancreas or liver.

Personally I believe adults should be allowed to make their own choices (whatever the drug) but ALL CAPS foaming at the mouth posts like yours don't really help your case.

Actually I need to post a P.S. its not the always the drugs that have a psychological affect, its one eyed narrow minded people that think they know everything after one stint on steriods that may tend to unstabilise someone.

My CAPS was intended to highlight the hypocricy and not for a cause/case, and foaming at the mouth!!!, can you actually do that when your having a laugh while your writing, you didnt find my post funny! , oh dear, you obviously understood what i was trying to put across just as many know sooo much about steroids and bikies/bikers etc etc and manage to form a maligned opinion on anything that makes them sound like they know something, its the only claim to fame some manage to achieve, well good on you and I hope your post helps you get a better nights sleep, better than taking drugs i guess. Just for your information, if you were taking a growth hormone that could have qwite possibly had something to do with your growth spot

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lol@ arnold not doing steroids until contest prep! they all admitted to taking crazy amounts of dbol and basically abusing steroids

the comment about people getting angry when coming off, you come off and you have hardly any test production. most guys end up crying at everything and finding the most simple things really sad! no test = no anger. overload of test = possible anger issues

withdraw symtoms like drug addicts? err what? lol thats pretty amazing aswell. only time you might get a cold is because low test means low immune system. ive seen junkies cold turkey and its not a pretty sight, ive seen people come of the roids and .. they lose a few pounds and are no different!

no they arent super healthy but what is these days? read the list of side effects of paracetomol. its got "death" in the list and easy twice as long as the list on prama grad steroids where you wont find death in the list

they are the same as any other drug, take to much and you are going to get problems!

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