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Anti-americanism And Anti-bushism In Thailand


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quoting mrvietnam again: "...aren't man enough to make that attempt at robbery yourself..."

Our individual definitions of what consitutes a good man are truly a world apart, it seems.

This thought just struck me, out of the blue - the US foreign policy which you are so keen to defend might be a reflection of the fact that you somehow seem to believe that a person's mission in life and a country's duty is to steal as much as they can from others while trying to construe greed, gluttony and war crimes as human rights, nature's law, and services to humankind.

You little flamer, you. :o

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Why were they posing as Canadians Bash, that surely is very unpatriotic, wouldnt you agree Georgie? Then again every one likes the Canadians :D

Actually, the question should be why would anyone believe such B/S?

Ignorance? Envy?

Please, the closest the author had been to Vietnam is on television. And certainly the author would never have the balls to be as disrespectful to any human, especially an American less the American would either laugh in his/her/it's (?) face or if said author was really so interested, the author would get his face rubbed in his own shit which is probably what the author would enjoy anyway. Canadians are American wannabe's, nothing more. Nice little people who really don't amount to much and have way more problems because of their own lack of productivity and laziness to be taken seriously by anyone. And Vietnamese certainly look upon Canadians as more along the lines of an irrelevant shadow to the Americans who really are the most sought after people to emulate and form relationships with.

In so much as taxes mr meatball, it's always easy for non productive losers to point the finger and try to rally government henchmen to go and steal from more productive people in the attempts to redistribute the "loot" to people like yourself. After all, people like you aren't man enough to make that attempt at robbery yourself and so you rely on government to try and do it for you. Fortunately, those at such a level of intelligence and productivity generally can and do avoid people like you, as we are way too busy with life to attempt engaging you in any sorts of discussions, but if confronted, are certainly ready, and able to wave you off like a fly.

The previous author really should just be quiet about Vietnam as well as the USA. You haven't a clue about either.

TRY to get a job and become productive, you'll feel much more like a human and wil be too busy elevating your own miserable life to be talking worthless trash.

Mr Vietnam :o

Actually he has been there and if he says its not rubbish, I will believe him - not everything is a conspiracy!

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You personally seem to have a big problem with parting from your hard-earned little greenbacks though. One should think that all the time you spent in an essentially Buddhist country would at least have rocked your boat a little, but obviously not.

On point one, I only have a problem with robbery. And I defend myself as such. Again, perhaps people like yourself should come on over to people's homes like mine and give the robbery you want perpetrated so badly a whirl on your own.

Point 2, my reply is hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Mr Vietnam :o

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quoting mrvietnam again: "...aren't man enough to make that attempt at robbery yourself..."

Our individual definitions of what consitutes a good man are truly a world apart, it seems.

This thought just struck me, out of the blue - the US foreign policy which you are so keen to defend might be a reflection of the fact that you somehow seem to believe that a person's mission in life and a country's duty is to steal as much as they can from others while trying to construe greed, gluttony and war crimes as human rights, nature's law, and services to humankind.

You little flamer, you. :o

Perhaps mr meatball, you should brush up on your comprehension skills while also working on your understanding of humanity. You're as shallow as a wading pool.

But as people like yourself need reminders from time to time, my philosophies are based on Paine, Jefferson, and Reed.

Your pencils really do need some sharpening don't they.

Mr Vietnam :D

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(?) face or if said author was really so interested, the author would get his face rubbed in his own shit which is probably what the author would enjoy anyway.

Hey, Mr. Vietnam, so that's what the dummy really wants! Don't worry about him. Just laugh at his ignorant posts. He is from an insignificant country, obsessed with America, and very, very stupid! You know how guys with little brains and little willys get all obsessed with big, important countries! :o

Agree Georgie, its really funny actually though.


Mr Vietnam :D

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Why were they posing as Canadians Bash, that surely is very unpatriotic, wouldnt you agree Georgie? Then again every one likes the Canadians :D

Actually, the question should be why would anyone believe such B/S?

Ignorance? Envy?

Please, the closest the author had been to Vietnam is on television. And certainly the author would never have the balls to be as disrespectful to any human, especially an American less the American would either laugh in his/her/it's (?) face or if said author was really so interested, the author would get his face rubbed in his own shit which is probably what the author would enjoy anyway. Canadians are American wannabe's, nothing more. Nice little people who really don't amount to much and have way more problems because of their own lack of productivity and laziness to be taken seriously by anyone. And Vietnamese certainly look upon Canadians as more along the lines of an irrelevant shadow to the Americans who really are the most sought after people to emulate and form relationships with.

The previous author really should just be quiet about Vietnam as well as the USA. You haven't a clue about either.

TRY to get a job and become productive, you'll feel much more like a human and wil be too busy elevating your own miserable life to be talking worthless trash.

Mr Vietnam :o

Oh dear mr vietnam, you are indeed like a broken pencil..... missing the point!

The point was that to carry on trading these Yanks had to pose as Canadians, your little tirade at myself and your brother north americans was rather rash, was it not?

maybe you should re read things before you post them, I can well imagine your replies to emails you receive if you don't re-read things before flying off the handle.

As for my employment, strangley enough I am presently employed by one of your heros old companies, good old Dick Cheneys Halliburton Energy Services, I can't say what I am doing here, but if any doubt as to my where abouts ask the ###### to check on my IP address location.

And lovely Vietnam, I had a great time over there as a tourist in 94, did Ho Chi Mhin, the tunnels at Cu Chi, where I won a viet cong scarf for marksmanship (no suprise there) I spent a few days on the reunification railway sleeping in a 6 man cabin with wooden bunk beds and a manky blanket, eating pork and cabbage soup waiting in sidings for hours while another train which was due was late ( the railway had only a single track, you had to wait till the next timetabled train came along, even if it was hours late) I visited Hua Hin and Danang, and then went onto Hanoi, where I enjoyed ham egg and chips for breakfast washed down with Beer Hoi. I think anyone who has been there will know what I am talking about.

maybe you should start to take the prescribed dose of Prozac to get you back in order mate, you know the doctor told you to.

By the way my miserable life involves a happy marriage to a wonderful Thai lady, a beautiful house, a bank account full of cash and a nice big truck.... what more can a man want? tranquilizers maybe.....


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No big deal, but you mean Hoi Ann, Basher.

Fraid I don't know Hoi Ann, I know plenty of Hoi Leks and Hoi Nois, and a couple of Hoi Mins too, but no Hoi Ann...


Obvious you don't. You don't need to say anymore.

Mr Vietnam :D

Boy those "chips" must really be someting in Hua Hin "Vietnam".

Ah yes it is easy to mock the afflicted, :o

I made an error there chaps please forgive me, I ment Hue, the citidel, the one by the perfumed river, which by the way is not really perfumed more like yellow and stinky.

I must have got a little confused with my planned journey up to the north and Udon to check up on the wifes mothers buffalo, got to make sure it is not too sick....

By the way the chips were in Hanoi, with the Beer Hoi...


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No big deal, but you mean Hoi Ann, Basher.

Fraid I don't know Hoi Ann, I know plenty of Hoi Leks and Hoi Nois, and a couple of Hoi Mins too, but no Hoi Ann...


Obvious you don't. You don't need to say anymore.

Mr Vietnam :D

Boy those "chips" must really be someting in Hua Hin "Vietnam".

the one by the perfumed river, which by the way is not really perfumed more like yellow and stinky.

I must have got a little confused


Not past tense on any point.

Probably applied for a job at a hot toc shop and was rejected.

Mr Vietnam :o

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[i ment Hue, the citidel, the one by the perfumed river, which by the way is not really perfumed more like yellow and stinky.


Do not discourage the tourists.

Hue is a very nice city.

OK, the river is maybe not perfumed but stinky? Maybe smelly,...and smell is very much like beauty "in the eyes (noses) of the beholder" :o

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[i ment Hue, the citidel, the one by the perfumed river, which by the way is not really perfumed more like yellow and stinky.


Do not discourage the tourists.

Hue is a very nice city.

OK, the river is maybe not perfumed but stinky? Maybe smelly,...and smell is very much like beauty "in the eyes (noses) of the beholder" :o

No mate, I had a great time and would go back at the drop of a hat, really great holiday, I would recommend it to anyone, though I am sure it has changed a lot in the last 10 years, must be a lot easier to get about now, and they must have got rid of the old russian domestic flight aircraft, even Lonely Planets said don't be scared when you see smoke coming out of the air cons, it is just condensation... but I didn't quite expect it to fill the plane like it did.

Great holiday, great time out.


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  • 2 years later...

OP, although I'm of your political persuasion (probably), I've lived in LOS for three years now (just a baby) and I've NEVER been faced with an uncomfortable silence when discussing the US or GWB. I just don't see it, guess you are hanging with the most politically astute crowd in Tland. Sounds to me like you're setting up a straw man, there. In my experience, the Thais love Americans, the American myth and everything else. Whether it is politeness or just their love of the man who has the power, I've NEVER met a Thai who has anything bad to say about our country or government, and unfortunately, I meet FAR too few Americans who have anything intelligent and/or critical to say about the criminals who are in charge right now. Hopefully, history will have a bit of a laugh at us, but the problem is that these guys are in charge of the most dangerous apparatus in the history of the world. Hopefully we'll all get out of this without irradiated corpses.

Edited by calibanjr.
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Benny A (Benedict Arnold)! I thought that you were tired of being correctly identified as a traitor, but here you are with another bullshit, traitorous post.

I resemble that remark! What can I say? Sue me. New years resolutions are made to be broken. If Gloria Arroyo can change her mind, so can I. At least I tried to keep it Thailand related.

I am enjoying the more reasoned responses to this post. It is interesting to see there are different experiences. Personally, the difference in response to being American under the remarkably intelligent, wonderful president Bill Clinton and the evil, fascist puppet George W Bush has been dramatic.

LOL. Bill Clinton should never have been elected in 1992. This was a huge massive scam. He was voted in by fewer votes that anyone in history! He was a hated man, huge time. So please, dont go touting this pro Clinton garbage here dude. Clinton blows rather large chunks. You wanna talk greatness, let's talk Ronnie. ass kisser, The 1996 reelection of Clinton was far from a landslide. There just werent enough morons around. Republican landslides are just that, landslides. Left wing democrats will never win by landslide, ever. people see right thru that scum. clinton got 49% in '96 to 41% for weak candidate Dole. So get your rainbow coalition of fruitcakes together and see how far it gets ya. the media aint helping you like it used to. we got the internet now to spread the truth. too bad for your sorry asses

Edited by monochaser
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