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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

Edited by carmine
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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

As Stevie rightly said a few weeks ago, the cost for us if we sold him and bought someone else of a similar quality would in the long run, most likely be more expensive for us than the cost of keeping him.

With regards his performances, at the start of the season they were fantastic, and we'd be even lower down the table if not for him, Admittedly, they have dropped off a bit of late, but the issue really hasn't been him individually, but the team as a whole not performing. When the team is under performing, his effectiveness is reduced, as he spends a lot of time running around the park trying to pick up the slack.

As far as him being captain is concerned, i think with Vidic going and Rio on the way out, he'd be next in line anyway and would be a good choice. Don't like the idea of him forcing the manager to chose him as captain of course, but as we don't know the exact details of his contract, or how it is worded, we really don't know how it works.

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interesting perspective from brian reade in the mirror.

True difference between Wayne Rooney and late, great Tom Finney is loyalty not salary

The coincidence of Tom Finney’s death with Wayne Rooney’s pay rise ensured many spurious comparisons.

As if it’s Rooney’s fault that Finney was only paid £14 a week and had to carry his own boots to Deepdale. It’s a bit like comparing the lifestyles of Walmington-on-Sea’s bank manager Captain Mainwaring with the Wolf of Wall Street’s.

I’d hazard a guess had Bill Shankly discovered the teenage Rooney, he’d have told everyone he had the closest thing to Tommy Finney the world had seen.

Rooney is a very lucky boy for twice being the beneficiary of a Mancunian power-shift.

Two years ago, when Man City wooed him with untold wealth, United had to slap them down by matching it.

Now, United are in danger of slipping behind their neighbours, they have to give him even more wealth to convince other stars it’s business as usual at Old Trafford.

But Rooney is still holding all the aces because modern contracts mean nothing.

Luis Suarez has just signed a new one at Anfield to bag a 66 per cent pay rise but if he wants to go to Real Madrid this summer, he will.

It’s the same with Rooney - if United don’t shape up, he’ll still be able to sulk his way out.

That’s the true difference between his generation and Finney’s.

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and this is brilliant writing from the always excellent andi thomas.

Wayne Rooney - The Truly Modern Footballer

Whilst Rooney may never quite live up to predictions of grandeur, you can't fault the way in which he tucks away a contract negotiation. Three hundred thousand pounds...

So, then. Three hundred thousand pounds a week.

It's a lot of money, of course it is; about a seventh of a Michu. But then the sharp end of footballers' wages long since departed the ordinary world of remuneration - where the money earned sits in some kind of ratio to the work done - and shot out into the stratosphere of numbers too big to really contemplate or understand. Into the world of figures so large that they could only ever be paid out by and to the truly evil or the flagrantly ridiculous. Wayne Rooney falls into the latter category, probably.

Obviously, Manchester United intend to extract maximum value for their eye-bleeding investment, and if the rumours are true then Rooney will be acting not just as a footballer, but also as chief scout, captain, performance analyst, consigliere, navigator, kit man, barista, barrister, consultant dendromancer, brand ambassador, hostage negotiator, sous chef, gondolier, minister without portfolio, and skip for the Manchester United curling team. Value for money, if you tot it all up.

Should he see the contract out, then he'll have been with the club 14 years. He'll have added significantly to his 208 goals to date, likely breaking the scoring record of Holy Trinitarian/noted anti-Mourinho lobbyist Bobby Charlton in the process. Such numbers should inspire gratitude, and yet the reaction to the contract extension from United fans runs the full gamut: there are those that are delighted, naturally, but also those who are coolly ambivalent, and plenty enough that are straight-up vexed.

Such is the price of disloyalty. Or rather, such is the price of repeated, reported disloyalty allied to a vague sense of detachment and an even vaguer sense of disappointment. We've talked about the last point before, but it is still a wrench to watch that teenaged goal against Arsenal in the knowledge that the kid on the screen is going to grow up into an exceptionally well-decorated but at the same time weirdly-muted footballer, his career spotted less by moments of divine inspiration and more by a tendency to simmer with apparently motiveless rage, like a man who suffers with persistent indigestion and has decided that it can only be the fault of the referee.

Though the precise number and nature of his myriad transfer requests is contested and may never be fully established, greater than zero is never a good look. What's peculiar is that wantawayishness isn't necessarily poisonous in itself to a player's reputation with his club's fans. Perhaps things can never be fully repaired, perhaps there will always be some mild scarring, but still. Nothing should ever be wholly broken forever. Yet Rooney's apologies have always had something of the half-arsed about them; there in form, but lacking the usual feeling (or pretence of feeling) that the situation demands. "I feel like I have apologised to the fans, but everyone keeps saying that I haven't and, if that is the case, then I apologise for my side of things." Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea minima culpa.

It is, obviously, something of a shame; barring something wholly inexplicable in Brazil this summer, all of his medals will come tinged with this lingering, ambient sadness. He may not care, of course, but what use is a life of extreme wealth, personal fulfilment, and professional validation if it's all achieved in the knowledge that several hundred thousand people think you're a bit of a pillock and probably won't put you in their all-time XI? Don't answer that.

And to give Rooney his due, there has never been a player so wondrously gifted at the super-important business of nailing the contract renewal. He may never have become the White Pele that song, hope and hype demanded, but if he signs this new deal it will be undeniable: when it comes to negotiations, he's Gerd Muller. Whatever the angle, whatever his position, whatever the general state of things, there he is, tucking it away.

In that sense, he's exactly the player that modern football, and modern Manchester United, entirely deserve. A machine for moving money from there to here. A brand, eternally leveraging itself. Three hundred thousand pounds a week. The lad truly has shaken the world.

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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

Well a response that we expected. I can't think of another player who would be a greater loss than Rooney should he have left United. I said 2 years ago he would break Sir Bobby's goal scoring record and become eventually a United immortal my opinion hasn't changed.Only "above average" you must be kidding and its not Rooney that calls himself a striker or midfielder its the media and the arm chair critics. United are in transition and need to re build. Rooney understands that and wants to be part of it,history may well prove he made the right decision.

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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

Well a response that we expected. I can't think of another player who would be a greater loss than Rooney should he have left United. I said 2 years ago he would break Sir Bobby's goal scoring record and become eventually a United immortal my opinion hasn't changed.Only "above average" you must be kidding and its not Rooney that calls himself a striker or midfielder its the media and the arm chair critics. United are in transition and need to re build. Rooney understands that and wants to be part of it,history may well prove he made the right decision.

He is above average and only that. Inconsistent, volatile, outstanding at times, scores some great goals but maybe not enough. want do you want me to say? Yes mate, i fully stand by "above average"....although i do remember his pathetic performance at international level in the last world cup, that is, if you are going to bring in some humor and tell me he's world class! And thats my final point. You pay a world class salary to an above average player.

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He is above average and only that. Inconsistent, volatile, outstanding at times, scores some great goals but maybe not enough. want do you want me to say? Yes mate, i fully stand by "above average"....although i do remember his pathetic performance at international level in the last world cup, that is, if you are going to bring in some humor and tell me he's world class! And thats my final point. You pay a world class salary to an above average player.

With regards the world class business, I think the thing about it is that no player, not even Messi, plays to world class standard 100% of the time. Perhaps he hits those heights 80% of the time. Rooney is perhaps around the 40% mark. The thing is though, he does have world class performances in him, and even though we might see them as often as we would like, or often enough to put him anywhere near the likes of the Messis or the Ronaldos, they are in him, which can't be said for many players.
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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

Well a response that we expected. I can't think of another player who would be a greater loss than Rooney should he have left United. I said 2 years ago he would break Sir Bobby's goal scoring record and become eventually a United immortal my opinion hasn't changed.Only "above average" you must be kidding and its not Rooney that calls himself a striker or midfielder its the media and the arm chair critics. United are in transition and need to re build. Rooney understands that and wants to be part of it,history may well prove he made the right decision.

Rooney doesn't care about United or your history or the future. He cares about his contract and his contract alone. I really thought that by his actions and general behavior alone you might have grasped that by now.

He's staying because you are the only club stupid enough to pay him so much money

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United are in transition and need to re build.

Just for clarity, what exactly is the difference between United's "transition" and that what almost every other club is going through and yet the other clubs don't use this word as much as United fans.

Could it be that Man Utd have won the most EPL Titles by a mile ? biggrin.png Our standards are higher ? Just a thought. wai2.gif

BT biggrin.png

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United are in transition and need to re build.

Just for clarity, what exactly is the difference between United's "transition" and that what almost every other club is going through and yet the other clubs don't use this word as much as United fans.

Could it be that Man Utd have won the most EPL Titles by a mile ? biggrin.png Our standards are higher ? Just a thought. wai2.gif

BT biggrin.png

For sure your standards of denial are far higher than anyone elses.biggrin.png

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United are in transition and need to re build.

Just for clarity, what exactly is the difference between United's "transition" and that what almost every other club is going through and yet the other clubs don't use this word as much as United fans.

Could it be that Man Utd have won the most EPL Titles by a mile ? biggrin.png Our standards are higher ? Just a thought. wai2.gif

BT biggrin.png

standards are higher / appointed david moyes.


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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

Well a response that we expected. I can't think of another player who would be a greater loss than Rooney should he have left United. I said 2 years ago he would break Sir Bobby's goal scoring record and become eventually a United immortal my opinion hasn't changed.Only "above average" you must be kidding and its not Rooney that calls himself a striker or midfielder its the media and the arm chair critics. United are in transition and need to re build. Rooney understands that and wants to be part of it,history may well prove he made the right decision.

Rooney doesn't care about United or your history or the future. He cares about his contract and his contract alone. I really thought that by his actions and general behavior alone you might have grasped that by now.

He's staying because you are the only club stupid enough to pay him so much money

I'm sure Rooney wants the goal scoring record and he is in a position to bend Utd over. I understand the financial reasoning from Uniteds point of view with regard to buying another player, but surely this could cause problems in the dressing room. A bit of 'well if he is getting 300k, I want xxxk'

Anyway, I'm happy as this means Rodney won't be coming to SB.

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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

Well a response that we expected. I can't think of another player who would be a greater loss than Rooney should he have left United. I said 2 years ago he would break Sir Bobby's goal scoring record and become eventually a United immortal my opinion hasn't changed.Only "above average" you must be kidding and its not Rooney that calls himself a striker or midfielder its the media and the arm chair critics. United are in transition and need to re build. Rooney understands that and wants to be part of it,history may well prove he made the right decision.

Rooney doesn't care about United or your history or the future. He cares about his contract and his contract alone. I really thought that by his actions and general behavior alone you might have grasped that by now.

He's staying because you are the only club stupid enough to pay him so much money

I am always in envy of you guys that are privy to the discussions in United's board room and Rooney's inner feelings.I wish I had your insight/knowledge. Your grasp of economics is also remarkable .To replace Rooney would cost 50 m and you would have still have to pay whoever came in a massive salary, suggest you fast forward to 2014.

Then there's the stats.Please indicate stats that shows how many metres Rooney average in a match,has always given 100%.Then the media beat up about him "demanding" the captaincy,again based on no information ......"a source disclosed ...yawn.

Any team in the EPL would give their right arm for a player like him.I don't agree with the wages that these guys now get but I try to live in the present and not be bitter about another teams success.

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Expect we will see a similar team tonight to last weekend with the exception of Mata who is cup tied. Maybe Kagawa or Valencia will come in. Disappointing because Rooney, VP ,Mata and Januzaj looked like they had a nice combination starting to develop.Jones and Evans still out.Jones in particular has had a stop, start season,can't believe the number of injuries these guys pick up and many just in training.

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