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Out of his depth! People talk about needing time. Mourinho and Pellegrini didn't need time. Went in and business as usual.

Moyes inherited a side that had massively over-performed the season prior. Without a slew of signings, it was always going to be downhill under Moyes for a while. Pelligrini on the other hand inherited a side strong and big enough to actually field two Premiership teams, that had massively under-performed the season prior. Bar doing something really stupid, it was always going to be uphill under Pelligrini. As for Mourinho, well he was returning to a club he had already worked at, and he has good experience throughout his career of dropping in on clubs for a couple of years, winning something, and then moving on as he starts rubbing certain people up the wrong way. He's very good doing it, has it down to an art actually, and if all as a club you care about is winning something now, and not worrying about what will happen in a few years time, he's a great choice. He would have been an absolute shoe in at City and i think in time both her and City will regret not having worked together. Or perhaps they still will.. oh well... who cares..

Anyway, those are the differences that made taking over at United a very different proposition from taking over at Chelsea and City, along with the fact that neither of those clubs had had the same manager for the last 27 years. Fergie leaving created a void that has still to be filled. You can hardly say that Mancini and Rafa left voids, can you?

P.S. You do make some good points in the rest of your post though. Agree with most of it. Your idea about ditching RVP and playing Rooney up front is a very interesting one. I can imagine it would certainly really ignite Rooney and it would be good to see him as a 30 plus goals a season striker. The only thing is though, it's hard to get rid of one of your best players at the best of times, but especially when you are struggling, and it would be really sad to see his talent depart. Enjoyed his football immensely. Still, Fergie was the past master and knowing the right time to offload talent. Perhaps it is the sort of thing he would do.

I agree Moyes didn't inherit the squad Mourinho or Pellegrini did but I don't believe because of this we are that bad we and should be below Spurs or Everton. On another note I think Everton did well out of it. Martinez is looking good and maybe in a couple of years if he keeps the in and around the top 6 a interesting job could come available to him Edited by mrbojangles
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I`m not a david moyes fan didnt like the style of football he produced at everton and so far dont like the style he`s producing at utd. However dont necesarily think it was a mistake giving him the job, what with a championship winning squad b it one that was slightly aging but nothing utds huge transfer budget couldnt sort out. But what was a mistake was giving him such a long deal some say 5 some say six years , UNBELIEVABLE, call it as you will, niave, arrogent, stupid, imo it meets all.

Edited by rijit
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Rix. Mourinho reluctantly let Mata go because, great player as he is, he didn't fit Mourinho's plan going forward.

Discussion about best utility of Mata should focus on United and where it works for you guys not what happened previously.

Looking at what happened previously is precisely what we should be doing with regards Mata. Look at the way he played during those two stellar years at Chelsea, and try to get him doing something similar.

Go on then.


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Agreed with that from Rix, though I don't think Mourinho was ever considered at Man City, and as long as Txiki has any say about it he never will be. The ex-Barca brain trust are interested in playing attacking, entertaining football, and of course winning along the way. In addition, they aren't likely to be pulling in a manager who seems to have itchy feet to move on so often, and a penchant for creating needless, and at times embarrassing problems.

Exactly. Mourinho and City were never in discussion unless I am mistaken. A red herring from rixalex.

Mourhino has publicly stated that he is on a building mission at Chelsea. Long term commitment.

He may be a liar of course...( not my opinion btw)... and Abramovich will ditch him any time he wants if he is 'rubbing people up the wrong way' or 'creating needless, and at times embarrassing problems.' or for any other reason that comes into his mind.

And Txiki and the Sheik will do whatever they want to as well I expect.

But I can't see either City or Chelsea owners waiting forever for results.

Not entirely sure United will either.thumbsup.gif

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"Matt Busby called me into his office and said: 'Wilf, I'm retiring and you are to be the next manager of Manchester United'. It was 'wow'. I was just delighted about it."

He recalls the moment he was called into Busby's office "around Christmas time" in 1970.

"He said: 'I'm very sorry, Wilf. You can have your old job back, but I am taking over Manchester United until we get a new manager'.


Edited by P45Mustang
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Mata was a good buy and if Moyes is to survive then he'd better learn how and where to him quickly. Everyone else seems to know where to play Mata so why doesn't "5.9m on a 6 year contract" a year David Moyes?

Seem to recall him being played out of position at times at Chelsea too, which was one of the main reasons why he ended up on the bench there.

Wasn't it more a case of Mourinho preferring Oscar and added to that an embarrassing array of midfield talent!

In the specific role that Mata played to such great affect at Chelsea for those two years of being player of the team, I don't think Chelsea did or do have an array of talent. Which is why him being played out of position at Chelsea was even more mind boggling than him being played out of position at United. At least at United you can understand why it is difficult to play him in his best position with the other players we have. But anyway, getting back to my main point, no I don't think Moyes is the only one who doesn't know where Mata should be playing.

What is it with these midfielders these days. Seems like they all want to play No 10 position!

Maybe it's as simple as that too few of them have the stamina and none the desire for knocks that getting back to cover over-ambitious wing-backs @r$e$ implies. That said, Rooney is still one of the best all-round No 10s.

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I`m not a david moyes fan didnt like the style of football he produced at everton and so far dont like the style he`s producing at utd. However dont necesarily think it was a mistake giving him the job, what with a championship winning squad b it one that was slightly aging but nothing utds huge transfer budget couldnt sort out. But what was a mistake was giving him such a long deal some say 5 some say six years , UNBELIEVABLE, call it as you will, niave, arrogent, stupid, imo it meets all.

I think this was the single biggest mistake Man U made when appointing Moyes.

I wouldn't give a manager more than two and neither would I give a player.

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I wonder if SAF had any hand in that! Worked a treat - he played a blinder along with vP and Rooney.

What price you go onto to win it outright and steal a place away from the top 4. Err ... luckily (since we are probably the prime target in that category) there's still the small matter of Bayern/Barca/RM and hopefully Chelsea, and of course your still suspect defence.

Well played! Moyesey finally kicks back at the schadenfreuds.

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fellani actually isnt a bad c/f, when all and sundry started to rave bout him ie when he was banging in goals 4 everton he was actually playing upfront, or just off, for them,, !! anyway a great night and overall great entertainment. big up to the greeks for their part. still.dont approve of moyes mind set, get a 1nil lead and stick young on as a right back ..<deleted> maybe i'm 2 old school but that just aint utds trad style !anyway what can.u say bout giggsy... quality. show.

Edited by rijit
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Can't believe in a game as important as this you have to bring in a 40 year old. The youth policy is going well eh boys!!


Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

you got some front talking about youth product !!! your mob aint even had a ground that long and that was subbed by the tax payer !!! and hows.your your youth policy going? many young ones getting a game this season! imo your club just stinks and epitimises everything thats wrong with english football, perhaps platini will do all a favour and kick your clubs arse out of the champions league


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I didn't see the match but it looks like Moyes avoided what might have been a disaster for him personally. It pains me to say it, but it looks like some players stepped up. From what many in the media had been saying you would have thought that was impossible.

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Can't believe in a game as important as this you have to bring in a 40 year old. The youth policy is going well eh boys!!


Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

you got some front talking about youth product !!! your mob aint even had a ground that long and that was subbed by the tax payer !!! and hows.your your youth policy going? many young ones getting a game this season! imo your club just stinks and epitimises everything thats wrong with english football, perhaps platini will do all a favour and kick your clubs arse out of the champions league
No need for that outburst. Welcome back, I see your attitude ain't changed.

Well done United

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Well played United. Terrific stuff from the old RVP. Inspired selection of the boy Giggs by Moysey to get a bit of the United in Europe legend stuff into the game.thumbsup.gif

The Greeks and Turks have gone. Now it looks like...


Champions League quarter-finalists:

Atletico Madrid


Bayern Munich

Borussia Dortmund


Manchester United

Paris St-Germain

Real Madrid

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Well played United. Terrific stuff from the old RVP. Inspired selection of the boy Giggs by Moysey to get a bit of the United in Europe legend stuff into the game.thumbsup.gif

The Greeks and Turks have gone. Now it looks like...


Champions League quarter-finalists:

Atletico Madrid


Bayern Munich

Borussia Dortmund


Manchester United

Paris St-Germain

Real Madrid

Some good teams there, none of then unbeatable.

Must feel good being in the last 8 of Champions League?

Maybe they'll now go on a roll?

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