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EURO 2012: NBTC Slaps Fine On TrueVisions


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ridiculous fine: 20,000 THB/day. It should be at least the tenfold! No one inn TRUE will bother about that peanut-fine! Subscribers will continue to be held hostage. Another proposal is to cancel all rights to TRUE with immediate effect. See what will happen then? TRUE has always been a true problem!

Fines of 400 pounds a day, 600 dollars a month for a multi billion dollar corporation?

Why don't they get a girl to smack the chairman's wrist instead.... that would hurt more.

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Why dont you guys get ASTRO

I have had it for over 3 years I get the rugby from ausy and south africa and NZ along with some Rugby League games live from NZ and UK

All the english soccor Prem div and much or.

I am now watching the replys of N Ireland v THE Crots then I will watch the Italians v Spain and later tonight watch England live at 11 Thai time.

If I remember it cost me 29000 a year up front

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I hear people with sattelite dishes (one-off payment with no monthly fees) can't watch the Euros either (on the free thai channels).

Is that True Visions' fault or is it GMM's?

That is something I don't understand. Our apartments have one of those dishes you mention. On the first day of the Euros, we turned telly on, selected channel 3 to watch the game. All we got was a notice on the sreen, in Thai saying that we could not recieve the broardcast. so changed channels until we got a picture of sorts, I took the ariel out, stuck a screwdriver in the ariel socket, almost perfect picture. Next day bought an Indoor ariel for 200bt perfect picture.

What I don't understand is if the Euros are on free to air. Why can't we watch it in the normal way? Dish/ Ariel (<deleted>)

Still after tonight, me thinks it would be better not to be able to see it? COME ON england. thumbsup.gif


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I hear people with sattelite dishes (one-off payment with no monthly fees) can't watch the Euros either (on the free thai channels).

Is that True Visions' fault or is it GMM's?

That is something I don't understand. Our apartments have one of those dishes you mention. On the first day of the Euros, we turned telly on, selected channel 3 to watch the game. All we got was a notice on the sreen, in Thai saying that we could not recieve the broardcast. so changed channels until we got a picture of sorts, I took the ariel out, stuck a screwdriver in the ariel socket, almost perfect picture. Next day bought an Indoor ariel for 200bt perfect picture.

What I don't understand is if the Euros are on free to air. Why can't we watch it in the normal way? Dish/ Ariel (<deleted>)

Still after tonight, me thinks it would be better not to be able to see it? COME ON england. thumbsup.gif


good on ya !! englands going down !! they lost the rugby & the cricket and now the football !! whistling.gif

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So does this mean I still cannot watch the England game tonight on the True box? What happened to talks would be concluded early this week?

20k fine per day?? That's not a fine. I think the wife loses that every time she plays that silly dice gambling game.

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Hi All,

EURO 2012 Games are available to watch on Thai Expat TV, we have BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, ITV2, ITV4, Channel 4, More 4 and Film 4, UK TV channels.

Sign up for a free 2 day trial today (Windows PC only) and start watching instantly!

We have just updated our software today and fixed a few bugs, anyone that previously had any issues please try again.

If you have any questions about our service please send us a support ticket from the main website.

You can find our banner at the top right of this post under the sponsors section, or just look in our Thai Visa profile.


Thai Expat TV

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Hi All,

EURO 2012 Games are available to watch on Thai Expat TV, we have BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, ITV2, ITV4, Channel 4, More 4 and Film 4, UK TV channels.

Sign up for a free 2 day trial today (Windows PC only) and start watching instantly!

We have just updated our software today and fixed a few bugs, anyone that previously had any issues please try again.

If you have any questions about our service please send us a support ticket from the main website.

You can find our banner at the top right of this post under the sponsors section, or just look in our Thai Visa profile.


Thai Expat TV

everyone trying to get in on the act !! $$$ clap2.gif

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I hear people with sattelite dishes (one-off payment with no monthly fees) can't watch the Euros either (on the free thai channels).

Is that True Visions' fault or is it GMM's?

That is something I don't understand. Our apartments have one of those dishes you mention. On the first day of the Euros, we turned telly on, selected channel 3 to watch the game. All we got was a notice on the sreen, in Thai saying that we could not recieve the broardcast. so changed channels until we got a picture of sorts, I took the ariel out, stuck a screwdriver in the ariel socket, almost perfect picture. Next day bought an Indoor ariel for 200bt perfect picture.

What I don't understand is if the Euros are on free to air. Why can't we watch it in the normal way? Dish/ Ariel (<deleted>)

Still after tonight, me thinks it would be better not to be able to see it? COME ON england. thumbsup.gif


good on ya !! englands going down !! they lost the rugby & the cricket and now the football !! whistling.gif

what cricket did we lose ??

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Grammy has redefined the meaning of "free TV" in Thailand.

Now it's free only if you use old style antennas, and only on black and white TV sets condition is probably in the works, too.

Grammy also got an additional bonus that they can charge True any amount they want for the right to broadcast what was previously known "free TV". Half the Euro rights? Double? Ten billion baht? It's entirely up to Grammy.

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"TrueVisions today announced service upgrade to all subscribers, during June 10-July 11. Those with Platinum package will be entitled to the 9-channel A La Carte package, the Gold Package will have access to the Platinum Package, and those with other packages can access True Sports channels."

ALLRIGHT! Now I can get StarWorld channel for free! I'm watching "Cougar Town" right now and "New Girl" later tonight!

TrueVisions ROCKS!!!

I agree! I'm delighted to finally get BBC Lifestyle and all the fabulous cooking programmes, plus TCM and MGM. All's well that ends well!

What if you've already got the Platinum package and all the a-la-carte add on channels..?? Paying the most amount possible every month to True and get **** all back during this "free" giveaway..!!

Edited by metisdead
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Really miffed with True for not showing the Euro's. Could't be arsed to go out and buy a GMM box (<deleted> do i want another box for?) or a regular aerial.

My solution? 2 metal coat hangers and the base of a sheet music stand - near perfect picture for channel 3 viewing this evening :-)

Here's a pic of the 'business end' of it - Anyone else adopted a simliar solution?


Come on Engerlaaaaand!

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NBTC resolved to fine TrueVisions Bt20,000 per day for not airing #Euro2012 until they can televise the matches /ThaiPBS

20,000 baht fine per day doesn't really seem like much at all !!

- actually, its tiny! TRUE wouldn't care about such a small fine!! its silly !!

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Why dont you guys get ASTRO

I have had it for over 3 years I get the rugby from ausy and south africa and NZ along with some Rugby League games live from NZ and UK

All the english soccor Prem div and much or.

I am now watching the replys of N Ireland v THE Crots then I will watch the Italians v Spain and later tonight watch England live at 11 Thai time.

If I remember it cost me 29000 a year up front

That works out to True's platinum package plus their HD channels and some leftovers to get an extra "point" so you an watch different programs in different rooms.

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"What if you've already got the Platinum package and all the a-la-carte add on channels..?? Paying the most amount possible every month to True and get f*** all back during this "free" giveaway..!!"

You could remind them you are a Platinum "Plus" subscriber and demand compensation...

Edited by metisdead
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Couldn't have happened to a nicer company. Thrilled that finally True Corp is getting some bad press and this only helps GMM in free publicity for their own services. I have slowly removed all my True services. From 4 I am now down to 1. I give my business to companies that know the customer deserves to be respected.

Now, if anyone here who is threatening to move from TrueVisions to another provider does so successfully, please let us know how you get on. I will follow you and then my life will finally be free of True. Period.

Edited by BKKBrit
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Putting aside the entire debate over whether this is "Bad TrueVisions" or "Bad Grammy", I just think it's hilarious that the NBTC, established by the 1997 Constitution but not actually appointed until 2010 and after having done approximately nothing since then except botch the 3G license auction, has now decided that it is time for action. The broadcasting and telecommunications landscape in Thailand is littered with monopolies, concessions, self-serving license agreements and almost total ambiguity around what is and is not permitted with or without this license or that one. The NBTC has made zero progress towards creating a fair and level, competitive playing field for telecoms, yet turn the football off for 2 days and they are all awoken from their slumber and rushing through poorly conceived rulings to protect "the consumer."

Finally someone with some sense......... Free up the regulatory part, and free competition will pick the winner.

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Couldn't have happened to a nicer company. Thrilled that finally True Corp is getting some bad press and this only helps GMM in free publicity for their own services. I have slowly removed all my True services. From 4 I am now down to 1. I give my business to companies that know the customer deserves to be respected.

Now, if anyone here who is threatening to move from TrueVisions to another provider does so successfully, please let us know how you get on. I will follow you and then my life will finally be free of True. Period.

The wife has already spoken to True and we will be leaving next week (they just said they'd come round and pick up the box) - if you have a semi-decent internet connection, you can stream ALL the football you want from here...!

There is some delay at times, but mostly it's pretty good. And free, which is the main part... smile.png

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For what it is worth this has nothing to do with TrueVisions other than they do not want to pay Grammy (The Euro rights holders) a large sum of money when by rights they should be getting the feed via local terrestrial TV. This is typical Thailand justice-totally upsidedown. Who is blocking the feed? -3,7 and 9 clearly. Why are they blocking the feed? On the instructions of Grammy the rights holders because True will not pay them extra for something they should already have.

Basically the courts are backing Grammy's bid to squeeze a payment out of True. It's not what you know in Thailand it is who you know.

Strikes me that the biggest losers in all this are the terrestrial TV sponsors. By not having True they have basically cut out the entire upper and middle upper classes in Thailand-all the people with money. If I were a sponsor I would be refusing to pay the terrestrial channels.

Soi Cowboy is a great place to watch-also loads of places around with Astro feeds and if you are tech savvy then an IP cloaker with a Russian HD sopcast feed and BBC 5 live streaming in the background with virtual cable and radio delay to sync the feed :-)

Happy Hunting.

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"TrueVisions today announced service upgrade to all subscribers, during June 10-July 11. Those with Platinum package will be entitled to the 9-channel A La Carte package, the Gold Package will have access to the Platinum Package, and those with other packages can access True Sports channels."

ALLRIGHT! Now I can get StarWorld channel for free! I'm watching "Cougar Town" right now and "New Girl" later tonight!

TrueVisions ROCKS!!!

In a day or two you wont think it rock's that's because you will have the same program repeated at least ten time's this week.
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So if you have TRUE now with one of their little red dishes

and you have a new GRAMMY box ... if you cancel TRUE

what happens if TRUE come and take the red dish back?

Anyone know?

You buy a new dish.

Edited by BuddhistVirus
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The unscrupulous way True Vision has treated its subscribers for years is one of the major reason why I moved out of Thailand to a neighbouring country. Now I get to watch HD channels and sports broadcast in English for free with the platinum equivalent package for just THB980 a month instead of THB1800 a month.

A major reason you left Thailand was because of True Visions? Dam_n.

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Couldn't have happened to a nicer company. Thrilled that finally True Corp is getting some bad press and this only helps GMM in free publicity for their own services. I have slowly removed all my True services. From 4 I am now down to 1. I give my business to companies that know the customer deserves to be respected.

Now, if anyone here who is threatening to move from TrueVisions to another provider does so successfully, please let us know how you get on. I will follow you and then my life will finally be free of True. Period.

The wife has already spoken to True and we will be leaving next week (they just said they'd come round and pick up the box) - if you have a semi-decent internet connection, you can stream ALL the football you want from here...!

There is some delay at times, but mostly it's pretty good. And free, which is the main part... smile.png

Good point, and thanks for the info! But, sadly, this is not really a solution for most people, as you can't really easily hook this up to a large TV (and receive a good picture) and invite your mates over to watch and have beers... Such services/solutions do exist but are not workable in Thailand as the international internet pipe is woefully inadequate.

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For what it is worth this has nothing to do with TrueVisions other than they do not want to pay Grammy (The Euro rights holders) a large sum of money when by rights they should be getting the feed via local terrestrial TV. This is typical Thailand justice-totally upsidedown. Who is blocking the feed? -3,7 and 9 clearly. Why are they blocking the feed? On the instructions of Grammy the rights holders because True will not pay them extra for something they should already have.

Basically the courts are backing Grammy's bid to squeeze a payment out of True. It's not what you know in Thailand it is who you know.

Strikes me that the biggest losers in all this are the terrestrial TV sponsors. By not having True they have basically cut out the entire upper and middle upper classes in Thailand-all the people with money. If I were a sponsor I would be refusing to pay the terrestrial channels.

Soi Cowboy is a great place to watch-also loads of places around with Astro feeds and if you are tech savvy then an IP cloaker with a Russian HD sopcast feed and BBC 5 live streaming in the background with virtual cable and radio delay to sync the feed :-)

Happy Hunting.

Rather than just allowing the feed so that subscribers don't get 'shafted', and then working out the legal and compensatory issues with True without affecting their customers. The reason things are done this way in Thailand (most odd, actually) is because companies know they cannot rely on the legal/regulatory bodies here as everything is corrupt and underdeveloped. So, you essentially have to hold something or someone hostage to sort out a dispute. It's not a whole lot different from mob rule. We see it all over Thai society. Politics, business, personal disputes -- all handled in the same manner.

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