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U.S. Fears Syrian Government Organizing Massacre In Haffah


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Some might think you are fairly naive if you really believe China will risk war with their largest trading partner and the best military in the world over the Syrian situation.

Let me put it another way...If you were holding over $5 Trillion in US government securities, would you go to war with the US?

Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

and it is equally naive to believe that this time around hostilities

will be neatly " contained " in a single country..........

What other countries will become involved?

it will be on for young and old ..........................all part of the plan for the

NWO whistling.gif you know " eliminate " two thirds of us

Syrian crisis will spread to Israel in case of civil war: Lawmaker


The crisis in Syria is reopening Lebanon's old war divisions


Iran Is Prepared For War Over Syria - Iranian General: Our Finger On War Trigger -- WND


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Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

and it is equally naive to believe that this time around hostilities

will be neatly " contained " in a single country..........

What other countries will become involved?

Syrian crisis will spread to Israel in case of civil war: Lawmaker


The crisis in Syria is reopening Lebanon's old war divisions


You have gone from Russian media to Iranian media, neither of which are very believable.

On the other hand, your second link does pose an interesting possibility that the Syrians could try and pull off. That would be getting their minions in Lebanon to restart the civil war there and take the heat off the Syrian regime's brutal take down of their own citizens.

It is entirely possible the Assad regime would think of this. More smoke screen regardless of the number of innocents killed or maimed.

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Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

and it is equally naive to believe that this time around hostilities

will be neatly " contained " in a single country..........

What other countries will become involved?

it will be on for young and old ..........................all part of the plan for the

NWO whistling.gif you know " eliminate " two thirds of us

Syrian crisis will spread to Israel in case of civil war: Lawmaker


The crisis in Syria is reopening Lebanon's old war divisions


Iran Is Prepared For War Over Syria - Iranian General: Our Finger On War Trigger -- WND


So who is going to attack who?

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and it is equally naive to believe that this time around hostilities

will be neatly " contained " in a single country..........

What other countries will become involved?

it will be on for young and old ..........................all part of the plan for the

NWO whistling.gif you know " eliminate " two thirds of us

Syrian crisis will spread to Israel in case of civil war: Lawmaker


The crisis in Syria is reopening Lebanon's old war divisions


Iran Is Prepared For War Over Syria - Iranian General: Our Finger On War Trigger -- WND


So who is going to attack who?

well i dont see Syria Iran or Russia starting anything

but if the West starts something i reckon it will be a free for all

" Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."

John F. Kennedy

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What other countries will become involved?

it will be on for young and old ..........................all part of the plan for the

NWO whistling.gif you know " eliminate " two thirds of us

Syrian crisis will spread to Israel in case of civil war: Lawmaker


The crisis in Syria is reopening Lebanon's old war divisions


Iran Is Prepared For War Over Syria - Iranian General: Our Finger On War Trigger -- WND


So who is going to attack who?

well i dont see Syria Iran or Russia starting anything

but if the West starts something i reckon it will be a free for all

" Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."

John F. Kennedy

You do realize that John F. Kennedy came closer than any other American President to starting an atomic war?

So if the West does a Libya who is going to attack who? Iran Russia and Syria are going to attack France?

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it will be on for young and old ..........................all part of the plan for the

NWO whistling.gif you know " eliminate " two thirds of us

Syrian crisis will spread to Israel in case of civil war: Lawmaker


The crisis in Syria is reopening Lebanon's old war divisions


Iran Is Prepared For War Over Syria - Iranian General: Our Finger On War Trigger -- WND


So who is going to attack who?

well i dont see Syria Iran or Russia starting anything

but if the West starts something i reckon it will be a free for all

" Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."

John F. Kennedy

You do realize that John F. Kennedy came closer than any other American President to starting an atomic war?

So if the West does a Libya who is going to attack who? Iran Russia and Syria are going to attack France?

maybe this way

She is saying " We now know what those six Russian warships that reportedly entered Syrian territorial waters last week were carrying. Aside from representing a show of strength to discourage NATO powers from launching a military attack, on board were Russian technical experts ready to help Damascus set up a sophisticated missile defense system sold to them by Moscow.

"Russian warships that have reached waters off Syria in recent days were carrying, among other things, Russian technical advisors who will help the Syrians set up an array of S-300 missiles Damascus has received in recent weeks, a report in the London-based Arabic language Al Quds-Al Arabi said Thursday. Citing sources in Syria and Russia, the paper said that Moscow sees a Western attack on Syria as a "red line" that it will not tolerate," reports Arutz Sheva."

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So who is going to attack who?

well i dont see Syria Iran or Russia starting anything

but if the West starts something i reckon it will be a free for all

" Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."

John F. Kennedy

You do realize that John F. Kennedy came closer than any other American President to starting an atomic war?

So if the West does a Libya who is going to attack who? Iran Russia and Syria are going to attack France?

maybe this way

She is saying " We now know what those six Russian warships that reportedly entered Syrian territorial waters last week were carrying. Aside from representing a show of strength to discourage NATO powers from launching a military attack, on board were Russian technical experts ready to help Damascus set up a sophisticated missile defense system sold to them by Moscow.

"Russian warships that have reached waters off Syria in recent days were carrying, among other things, Russian technical advisors who will help the Syrians set up an array of S-300 missiles Damascus has received in recent weeks, a report in the London-based Arabic language Al Quds-Al Arabi said Thursday. Citing sources in Syria and Russia, the paper said that Moscow sees a Western attack on Syria as a "red line" that it will not tolerate," reports Arutz Sheva."

Assad can sleep well tonight. He is now protected by six outdated Soviet ships and some S-300 SAMs. What an impenetrable wall of sheet iron.thumbsup.gif

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Russia is never going to back down on this no matter how much Hideous Clinton stamps her foot and screams. The Russian Navy have a strategic warm water port in Syria, just as the USA have a strategic port in Bahrain. It is ok for Bahrain to viciously put down pro democracy protesters, with a foreign power doing the putting down, ie Saudi Arabia. Not a peep from the US when this happened. But of course, despite being the most evil regime in the Middle East, and the cause of most of the problems there, they are our allies, who throw countless millions of dollars at the West, buying state of the art weaponry from us, selling us cheap oil, the Bush family have been doing business with them for years. An uncomfortable truth is that the Al Qaida terrorists responsible for the 9-11 outrage were not from Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Libya, or Syria, they were Saudi Arabians. I often wonder what the families of the 9-11 victims think when they see US taxes going to support Al Qaida fighters in Libya, and Syria. As for the victims themselves, they must be turning in their graves at the hypocrisy of it all.

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Russia is never going to back down on this no matter how much Hideous Clinton stamps her foot and screams. The Russian Navy have a strategic warm water port in Syria, just as the USA have a strategic port in Bahrain. It is ok for Bahrain to viciously put down pro democracy protesters, with a foreign power doing the putting down, ie Saudi Arabia. Not a peep from the US when this happened. But of course, despite being the most evil regime in the Middle East, and the cause of most of the problems there, they are our allies, who throw countless millions of dollars at the West, buying state of the art weaponry from us, selling us cheap oil, the Bush family have been doing business with them for years. An uncomfortable truth is that the Al Qaida terrorists responsible for the 9-11 outrage were not from Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Libya, or Syria, they were Saudi Arabians. I often wonder what the families of the 9-11 victims think when they see US taxes going to support Al Qaida fighters in Libya, and Syria. As for the victims themselves, they must be turning in their graves at the hypocrisy of it all.

The US is supporting Al Qaida fighters in Syria? Do you have any confirmation of this in normal news channels?

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well i dont see Syria Iran or Russia starting anything

but if the West starts something i reckon it will be a free for all

" Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."

John F. Kennedy

You do realize that John F. Kennedy came closer than any other American President to starting an atomic war?

So if the West does a Libya who is going to attack who? Iran Russia and Syria are going to attack France?

maybe this way

She is saying " We now know what those six Russian warships that reportedly entered Syrian territorial waters last week were carrying. Aside from representing a show of strength to discourage NATO powers from launching a military attack, on board were Russian technical experts ready to help Damascus set up a sophisticated missile defense system sold to them by Moscow.

"Russian warships that have reached waters off Syria in recent days were carrying, among other things, Russian technical advisors who will help the Syrians set up an array of S-300 missiles Damascus has received in recent weeks, a report in the London-based Arabic language Al Quds-Al Arabi said Thursday. Citing sources in Syria and Russia, the paper said that Moscow sees a Western attack on Syria as a "red line" that it will not tolerate," reports Arutz Sheva."

Assad can sleep well tonight. He is now protected by six outdated Soviet ships and some S-300 SAMs. What an impenetrable wall of sheet iron.thumbsup.gif

yes and perhaps whatever " junk " North Korea can throw into the mix as well .............

UN Probes Possible North Korea Arms Trade With Syria, Myanmar


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Russia is never going to back down on this no matter how much Hideous Clinton stamps her foot and screams. The Russian Navy have a strategic warm water port in Syria, just as the USA have a strategic port in Bahrain. It is ok for Bahrain to viciously put down pro democracy protesters, with a foreign power doing the putting down, ie Saudi Arabia. Not a peep from the US when this happened. But of course, despite being the most evil regime in the Middle East, and the cause of most of the problems there, they are our allies, who throw countless millions of dollars at the West, buying state of the art weaponry from us, selling us cheap oil, the Bush family have been doing business with them for years. An uncomfortable truth is that the Al Qaida terrorists responsible for the 9-11 outrage were not from Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Libya, or Syria, they were Saudi Arabians. I often wonder what the families of the 9-11 victims think when they see US taxes going to support Al Qaida fighters in Libya, and Syria. As for the victims themselves, they must be turning in their graves at the hypocrisy of it all.

The US is supporting Al Qaida fighters in Syria? Do you have any confirmation of this in normal news channels?

Isn't Al Qaida the enemy of the U.S and her allies? Why would they be trying to eliminate them in Afganistan and then propping them up in Syria? Are they trying to save a few for a rainy day?

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Isn't Al Qaida the enemy of the U.S and her allies? Why would they be trying to eliminate them in Afganistan and then propping them up in Syria? Are they trying to save a few for a rainy day?

I like your sense of humour, however as with Libya it appears that the Western powers have completely failed to do any background checks on who they were putting into power. In Libya there are members of the ICC banged up by the new regime and 5000 sub-Saharan Africans being tortured or murdered. In Syria the rebels captured Homs and proceeded to give all Christians there 24 hours to leave. Call them Al-Quaeda or whatever name, the so called rebels include many hard core Islamists.

This leads to one of two conclusions, neither of which is a happy one; Either Western foreign policy is clueless and gullible to an extraordinary degree, or we are doing the bidding of the Sunni Oil cartel who have used their financial clout to buy the silence/complicity of our politicians.

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This leads to one of two conclusions, neither of which is a happy one; Either Western foreign policy is clueless and gullible to an extraordinary degree, or we are doing the bidding of the Sunni Oil cartel who have used their financial clout to buy the silence/complicity of our politicians.

I choose door number one. Clueless and gullible.

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This leads to one of two conclusions, neither of which is a happy one; Either Western foreign policy is clueless and gullible to an extraordinary degree, or we are doing the bidding of the Sunni Oil cartel who have used their financial clout to buy the silence/complicity of our politicians.

I choose door number one. Clueless and gullible.

I pray you are correct; much more easily fixed come November.

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I don't even recall making the claim the US will get involved or even if they should get involved.

U.S. military completes planning for Syria

" The U.S. military has completed its own planning for how American troops would conduct a variety of operations against Syria, or to assist neighboring countries in the event action was ordered, officials tell CNN.

In recent weeksermm.gif , the Pentagon has finalized its assessment of what types of units would be needed, how many troops, and even the cost of certain potential operations, officials tell CNN. "

" Dempsey said it reminded him of the escalating violence during the Iraq war " ..............here we go again .....rolleyes.gif


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War plans are made for every possible scenerio. That is no smoking gun.

Mr. Midas:

UG is correct. The US military has contingency plans for nearly any scenario. Syria is certainly no exception considering the continued Russian arming of the government forces.

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War plans are made for every possible scenerio. That is no smoking gun.

If I may add, it would be irresponsible if there were not contingency plans. The west was caught with its pants down when the Libya civil uprising when full tilt. There was a mad scramble to evacuate workers in the region, and deal with refugees, along with war criminals attempting to flee.

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War plans are made for every possible scenerio. That is no smoking gun.

Yep UG , Hit the nail on the head as usualthumbsup.gif , however maybe the politically correct word should be "contingency plan's", "War plans" could well cause concern to some members , although its the duty of every democratically elected Govt to make them , getting caught with your "pants down" often leaves you wide open to ridicule , and IMHO rightly so smile.png
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War plans are made for every possible scenerio. That is no smoking gun.

Mr. Midas:

UG is correct. The US military has contingency plans for nearly any scenario. Syria is certainly no exception considering the continued Russian arming of the government forces.

and where does this fit into a " humanitarian mission " ?ermm.gif

Israel may use military force ‘to secure’ Syria’s alleged chemical arsenal

oh no not " The WMD " scare all over again ? Time for a new script rolleyes.gif


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Interesting piece attempting to explain the Russian POV re Syria. A somewhat more credible source than RT which peddles the Russian government viewpoint remorselessly.

In the absence of UN approval for any intervention in Syria due to Russia, the likelihood of large scale intervention is remote, particularly considering the role being played by Iran & Russia within Syria.

The sad outcome is that the conflict in Syria is likely to be protracted and increasingly bloody, unless there is a dramatic collapse of morale within the Syrian military or an internal coup to oust Assad by politicians.

IMHO some form of Yemen-type solution would be the best solution as it would offer all parties to gain something out of the deal.

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and where does this fit into a " humanitarian mission " ?ermm.gif

Israel may use military force ‘to secure’ Syria’s alleged chemical arsenal

oh no not " The WMD " scare all over again ? Time for a new script rolleyes.gif


It is no secret that Syria has a large stockpile of chemical poisons and that it has manufactured the chemical agents for decades.

The Syrian opposition has told Israel it will do its utmost to secure the chemicals. There are some rational people in Syria, it is just that they are not supporters of Assad.

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Interesting piece attempting to explain the Russian POV re Syria. A somewhat more credible source than RT which peddles the Russian government viewpoint remorselessly.

In the absence of UN approval for any intervention in Syria due to Russia, the likelihood of large scale intervention is remote, particularly considering the role being played by Iran & Russia within Syria.

The sad outcome is that the conflict in Syria is likely to be protracted and increasingly bloody, unless there is a dramatic collapse of morale within the Syrian military or an internal coup to oust Assad by politicians.

IMHO some form of Yemen-type solution would be the best solution as it would offer all parties to gain something out of the deal.

A Yemen solution? What's that? Extremist groups running amuck and a club med for terrorists?

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Interesting piece attempting to explain the Russian POV re Syria. A somewhat more credible source than RT which peddles the Russian government viewpoint remorselessly.

In the absence of UN approval for any intervention in Syria due to Russia, the likelihood of large scale intervention is remote, particularly considering the role being played by Iran & Russia within Syria.

The sad outcome is that the conflict in Syria is likely to be protracted and increasingly bloody, unless there is a dramatic collapse of morale within the Syrian military or an internal coup to oust Assad by politicians.

IMHO some form of Yemen-type solution would be the best solution as it would offer all parties to gain something out of the deal.

And what makes " peddling the Russian government viewpoint " any less justifiable or correct than that of the USA and NATO ?

East-West Standoff over Syria and Iran: Explosive Diplomacy and Brinkmanship at the Brink of World War III.

" NATO does not shy from provoking a thermo-nuclear war on Iran and Russia.

The fact that the USA is fully capable at murdering millions of innocent civilians in unprotected cities in a nuclear holocaust has been demonstrated sufficiently in Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

" What NATO´s “Teachable Moment” teaches the World. The “teachable” part of NATO´s audacity is that Russia, China, Syria, Iran, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the DPR Korea, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and every other nation world wide who oppose NATO´s ambition for Global Full Spectrum Dominance is, that NATO´s Operation Unified Protector in Libya has taught the world that NATO stops at nothing. NATO revealed that it creates the humanitarian crisis it needs to plead at the UNSC for intervention under the pretext of the “responsibility to protect“. It abuses the UNSC when it can get away with it. It cooperates with mercenaries including Al Qaeda, Muslim Brothers, CIA Imported Taliban Fighters, like the 1.500 fighters from Mazar e-Sharif which the CIA flow in to Libya after the Libyan military had inflicted heavy losses on NATO´s rak tag rebels. (18)."


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War plans are made for every possible scenerio. That is no smoking gun.

Mr. Midas:

UG is correct. The US military has contingency plans for nearly any scenario. Syria is certainly no exception considering the continued Russian arming of the government forces.

and where does this fit into a " humanitarian mission " ?ermm.gif

Israel may use military force ‘to secure’ Syria’s alleged chemical arsenal

oh no not " The WMD " scare all over again ? Time for a new script rolleyes.gif


Contingency plans don't always involve humanitarian missions. Sometimes they are actually about possible armed conflict.

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