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Things Your Wife/girlfriend/gay Partner Do...


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My Ex complains about the weather... too hot, too cold, too windy..

Why complain??? It is not as if you can change it.

Find something you can change and go and do it. Don't stand about the place moaning about something that you cannot change. :o It is just talking to hear the sound of your own voice.

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i don´t have a boyfriend or partner however i find very annoying when I am watching a film and my friends are asking my " why he did that" i don´t know i am not the character or "what has happened" OMG have you just not watched? you were here with me...or "what is going to happen" well I don´t know because i am not a future reader....am I? :D

Also I don´t like when my sister tells out loud all her thoughs and wishes and normally she does it when I am studying or reading. She said things like " I am going to the loo" (she keeps lying on the sofa" and "I am going to drink some water" still lying on the sofa and "I don´t know if I am hungry"still on the sofa....arrrrrgghhhhh!!!! :D just get up go to the loo, drink water and chuck something in your mouth and please SHUT UP ( i don´t know why she thinks I want to be informed about all this thinghs)

Why don't you ask her?

that´s the worst part I already have...and many times... :D

but you know we are sisters, we love each other a lot so she just say things like "i don´t understand why you find it annoying"... :o:D

But I´ve got my revenge...she told me once that she hate it when someone plays music and she is written an article or something in the computer...and you know what I suddenly found out that I like flamenco better and louder when she switch the computer on...

now we are far appart so... :D

we are happy... :D

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I just remember two more annoying habits in my sister

1. When she and her boyfriend came to live with me in scotland i had to move to the small room (very, very small)...sometimesshe would just say things like "oh your room is so small, mine is bigger"...

one day she say Glauka do you mind if I used your mirror to put my face cream on?"-

Of course not!"

after a month all her toilettres were in my room´s shelf and mine were push to the back of the shelf...

I told her so...and you know what she said "I know, I know"- but she never took them back to her room!!!

2. My sister is always claiming how much money she have and how poor I am...

you know why I am poor...because I buy the clothes, then she use them

i buy music and then she listen to it

I buy films and then she watch them and so on

the only think I take advantage of is that she buy lots of books...

I love my little sister... :o

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When I have a beer or drink and finish it if i'm not quick enough it's gone to the sink cleaned and put away, before I get a chance to refill. Now I leave a little in the bottom,she asks if iv'e finished and I say Nooo. This can go on for hours even when i'm finished. :D

My old favorite would be she would ask me heuw mai ( hungry ? ) all the time even 10 mins after eating :D after about 6 months it really got to bugging me.I soon cured that by waking & asking her in the middle of the night the same question. :o

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I hated when My wife passes gas while we're in bed than pulls the covers over my head. She says "she's testing the strength of our relationship" :D I keep telling her "its trong its strong" (wonder if she knows i'm talking about the smell and not our relationship :D

ha..ha..my guy did that all the times wih different excuse. I don't know how to tell him nicely :o

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I used to hate the way my ex girlfriend would stay in bed sleeping until eleven a.m. even though there was laundry to be done, dishes to be washed, floors to be mopped, grass to be cut, beers to be fetched, breakfast to be made, windows to be wiped, car to be cleaned, motorcy to be refueled. walls to be painted etc etc etc.

Glad i got rid of her

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I used to hate the way my ex girlfriend would stay in bed sleeping until eleven a.m. even though there was laundry to be done, dishes to be washed, floors to be mopped, grass to be cut, beers to be fetched, breakfast to be made, windows to be wiped, car to be cleaned, motorcy to be refueled. walls to be painted etc etc etc.

Glad i got rid of her

And what were you doing while she was still sleeping at eleven? (Thought some of the "stuff that needs to be done" you mentioned was your job.)

1. Hate my X for treating me like a f riggin' maid. (And to think that I paid half of the bills and everything! The nerve.)

2. Can't stand when people pick their nose in the street! It's gruesome.

3. Can't stand when men bug me while I'm running, shopping, checking-out books or when I'm sitting in the park trying hard to relax.

4. Hate my X. He cheated on me for a hooker! (Makes me wonder if I'm that bad in bed.)

5. And I get pissed when people mistakes me for a "working girl." (Just for no particular reason at all!)

Edited by the_heart_thief
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I hated when My wife passes gas while we're in bed than pulls the covers over my head. She says "she's testing the strength of our relationship" :D I keep telling her "its trong its strong" (wonder if she knows i'm talking about the smell and not our relationship :D

ha..ha..my guy did that all the times wih different excuse. I don't know how to tell him nicely :o

Next time tell him to go do it in the bathroom! I told my wife to do that and it worked; except, she was doing it when I was using the darn bathroom and couldn't leave. Darn women :D

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My wifes an absolute angel in everything apart from one small thing that slightly bugs me. She will insist on turning on UBC and watching a movie thats a half or two thirds of the way through.

How old is she and what's she look like?

I might take her off your hands; I do that too. :o

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My wifes an absolute angel in everything apart from one small thing that slightly bugs me. She will insist on turning on UBC and watching a movie thats a half or two thirds of the way through.

How old is she and what's she look like?

I might take her off your hands; I do that too. :o

Mid Thirties, bob haircut, can't cook for shit.

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My Ex complains about the weather... too hot, too cold, too windy..

Why complain??? It is not as if you can change it.

Find something you can change and go and do it. Don't stand about the place moaning about something that you cannot change. :D It is just talking to hear the sound of your own voice.

Don't all Thai love the sound of their own voices Chang? Put a Thai in front of a microphone and they'll talk or sing all day long!

My wifes an absolute angel in everything apart from one small thing that slightly bugs me. She will insist on turning on UBC and watching a movie thats a half or two thirds of the way through.

How old is she and what's she look like?

I might take her off your hands; I do that too. :D

Mid Thirties, bob haircut, can't cook for shit.

Apart from the bobcut she sounds like my misses! Has she got black hair, very dark brown eyes, and is slim too? :o

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The only thing that really annoys me about my wife is that every morning and every night for over 5 years she has asked me "Have you showered yet?". It reminds me of my mother when I was 10 :o

maybe she's trying to tell you something!! take a shower you smelly git!! haha! :D

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5. And I get pissed when people mistakes me for a "working girl." (Just for no particular reason at all!)

I just graduated from University in Hua Hin, this constantly happens to all my female friends - whether they be Indian, Philippino, Burmese, Vietnamese or Indonesian. We got into a few scuffles and fighst like that. Seems once the barscene-frequenting tourists get off the plane, in their mind all women turn into whores. :o

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i work away a lot and when i get home have dinner and a cup of tea i like to watch a good film and relax, sky movies are quite good for this however my wife has invariably watched the film a couple of days earlier and she likes to tell me what is going to happen next, bless her

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