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Bored In Los


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Many people posting on the Forum are clearly clever people. Some retired, some working, some just starting out, others who knows where!

I live in the countryside and ship a lot of 'stuff' in from BKK, CNX and abroad, we have friends and my wife has a great life of her own as do my daughters...but I get bored, as does she and they...she wants to go to Central in CNX or preferably Honkers, Nieman Marcus or Harvey Nichols!!, the kids want to go to the seaside..but there is work and school...I am 'at home'! What do YOU do when you get bored? It sort of feels different from being in Oz/US/UK...maybe because you have to drive so far to find what you want, and then its not there anyway!

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this isn`t a mia noi topic, right :o

You have some friends of your own ? Try to go back in time, without a family, when you where on your own,

what was driving you, to what aim ? You gave up some sport ?

Try to find, whats breaking the balance.

Edited by DisainaM
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My Mother likes to say that boredom is a disease of the unintelligent and uncreative.

In my opinion if you're bored, it's your own fault; especially in this day and age when diversions and entertainments galore are literally at your fingertips: Internet, Cable or Satellite TV, books, DVD's, music, etc.

Walk out your front door and there's a whole world waiting for you. Every time I walk the short block from my residence to my favorite restaurant I see new and interesting things I hadn't noticed before.

There are not enough minutes in the day for me to do everything I'd like to do.

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I only really get bored when I get stuck at home all day. Doesn't matter that I'm surrounded by the likes of cable, pc, game console, bedroom games, videos, jobs that need to be done around the house or on the bikes etc., etc.

I like to get out everyday on the bike for a few hours around mid-day just to get me out of the house. Similar to what Clumsy says, being out gives me a change of scenery, a chance of meeting someone new, the chance to ride down some sois just to simply see where they end up, look for short cuts from A to B that could help me avoid a future traffic jam, I get to visit a female friend (she's a mere friend that's all. Honest. :o ), ride through backroad villages, (yes, even in Bangkok) etc.,etc.

If I go for a visa run somewhere then I'll use a different destination and route each time, stay in a different hotel, sometimes use a different mode of transport getting there and back etc.

Basically, I try to vary things as much as possible before I start feeling like I'm heading into some kind of a rut. :D

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..maybe you are living in the wrong place?

boredom is a state of mind. many people take life for granted, and don't really appreciate what they have. comparing your state of health with others in this world are less fortunate helps to alleviate the feeling of boredom.

but still, maybe you are in the wrong place.

I lived in san francisco for about 20 years. it's a great place. but after 20 years, I got bored. ..and moved. simple as that.

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There are not enough minutes in the day for me to do everything I'd like to do.

Same here...no time to get bored. I find the place can get on top of me sometimes but as for tapping my fingers what to do, I wish I had that luxury :o .

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Locally I take the motorcycle for a run and check out different places. To ensure I never get bored I take trips to neighboring countries, this last year went to Koh Khong Province Cambodia and Laos. Take an orange local bus on some of these trips, it's the real Thailand, love it!

Edited by bmanly
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I agree with haha that if the stay of boredom is too often and too painful you may have to move.

However to be bored is just another feeling as when you are happy, sad doesn´t matter what you do you are bored,...so just be bored and enjoy such feeling as much as you can... :o

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If I am bored and can't go to Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Vietnam or elsewhere because of work, I start exploring the city for different massage parlors, new restaurants and new bars until I start to miss the old ones.

You never run out of new places to try in Chiang Mai. :o

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You could always take drugs....and since this is Thaivisa and it is against the rules to suggest doing illegal things, I am of course talking about legal drugs!!!! Everytime you get bored go get drunk!!! and smoke a pack of cigarettes!!!! and chew some tobacco!!! and chew some betel!!!! and drinks some m150 and red bull and carabao daeng!!!!! Of course if this were not TV I would recommend some illegal ones as well....but I wouldn't want to break the rules.....so just stick with the legal ones (wink wink).... The nice thing about drugs is you can always take more and if you take enough of the right ones you will solve the problem permanently!!!! Drugs are the answer....definitely drugs..............

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You could always take drugs....and since this is Thaivisa and it is against the rules to suggest doing illegal things, I am of course talking about legal drugs!!!! Everytime you get bored go get drunk!!! and smoke a pack of cigarettes!!!! and chew some tobacco!!! and chew some betel!!!! and drinks some m150 and red bull and carabao daeng!!!!! Of course if this were not TV I would recommend some illegal ones as well....but I wouldn't want to break the rules.....so just stick with the legal ones (wink wink).... The nice thing about drugs is you can always take more and if you take enough of the right ones you will solve the problem permanently!!!! Drugs are the answer....definitely drugs..............


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You could always take drugs....and since this is Thaivisa and it is against the rules to suggest doing illegal things, I am of course talking about legal drugs!!!! Everytime you get bored go get drunk!!! and smoke a pack of cigarettes!!!! and chew some tobacco!!! and chew some betel!!!! and drinks some m150 and red bull and carabao daeng!!!!! Of course if this were not TV I would recommend some illegal ones as well....but I wouldn't want to break the rules.....so just stick with the legal ones (wink wink).... The nice thing about drugs is you can always take more and if you take enough of the right ones you will solve the problem permanently!!!! Drugs are the answer....definitely drugs..............

I know that Mr. chownah is just joshing, however, I have found that while drugs sometimes seem to improve one's life in the short-term, they can damage or even ruin it in the long-term.

All in all, Nancy Reagan was right. :o

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I dont get to bored and I live out in the sticks. I ride my road bike most mornings if not to hungover and ride a dirt bike in the afternoon Other than go fishing. drink beer, Go for a drive to KK or Udon. Watch a movie,computer, Go see the other farang that lives in the village, Go watch what ever work the locals are doing,

If you realy dont want to get bored have a couple of rug rats then your bound to be busy for the next 15 years

And if I do get bored I stir the missus until she tells me to piss off and do one of the ubove

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Many people posting on the Forum are clearly clever people. Some retired, some working, some just starting out, others who knows where!

I live in the countryside and ship a lot of 'stuff' in from BKK, CNX and abroad, we have friends and my wife has a great life of her own as do my daughters...but I get bored, as does she and they...she wants to go to Central in CNX or preferably Honkers, Nieman Marcus or Harvey Nichols!!, the kids want to go to the seaside..but there is work and school...I am 'at home'! What do YOU do when you get bored? It sort of feels different from being in Oz/US/UK...maybe because you have to drive so far to find what you want, and then its not there anyway!

You could always spend your time pleasuring yourself!!

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You could always take drugs....and since this is Thaivisa and it is against the rules to suggest doing illegal things, I am of course talking about legal drugs!!!! Everytime you get bored go get drunk!!! and smoke a pack of cigarettes!!!! and chew some tobacco!!! and chew some betel!!!! and drinks some m150 and red bull and carabao daeng!!!!! Of course if this were not TV I would recommend some illegal ones as well....but I wouldn't want to break the rules.....so just stick with the legal ones (wink wink).... The nice thing about drugs is you can always take more and if you take enough of the right ones you will solve the problem permanently!!!! Drugs are the answer....definitely drugs..............

All in all, Nancy Reagan was right. :D

So was her husband...about everything! :o

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It sort of feels different from being in Oz/US/UK...maybe because you have to drive so far to find what you want, and then its not there anyway!

What did you do in your home country when bored?

Get into your car and drive with nowhere in mind, just to see what is there when you get there. The price of petrol can't be a stopping point if you shop at N. Marcus.

Read a book, a paper, or paint you home. Plant a garden, tend a garden. Go have a beer, a coffee, or visit a hardware store (I love tools)

If your in Bkk there lots of places to visit, try the forensics museum. Go to a Wat and sit down with a monk and have a chat. Do some volunteer work, gotta be someone near you that needs help or advice.

Grab you fishing pole and have at it, you might even catch something. If all else fails go get a massage, be careful you might even catch something.

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UOTE(chownah @ 2006-01-07 18:32:19) *

You could always take drugs....and since this is Thaivisa and it is against the rules to suggest doing illegal things, I am of course talking about legal drugs!!!! Everytime you get bored go get drunk!!! and smoke a pack of cigarettes!!!! and chew some tobacco!!! and chew some betel!!!! and drinks some m150 and red bull and carabao daeng!!!!! Of course if this were not TV I would recommend some illegal ones as well....but I wouldn't want to break the rules.....so just stick with the legal ones (wink wink).... The nice thing about drugs is you can always take more and if you take enough of the right ones you will solve the problem permanently!!!! Drugs are the answer....definitely drugs.....


That gets boring too Chownah. You forgot a few other legal ones that help pass the time - benzodiazepines, methadone, anti-depressants, magic mushrooms to name a few. Thank Buddha I'm not interested in that <deleted> anymore.

The legal drugs are probably the worst for you and others.

Are magic mushrooms legal here now? I saw a sign yesterday at the airport in UK saying that they were now illegal. If anyone has never taken a magic mushroom omelette and tripped out at the beach, I highly recommend it, unless you are mentally instable, and of course, they are still legal.

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Not sure where the original poster lives but no matter since boredom is nothing more than a state of mind. Moving can be a solution but only a temporary one since we carry our states of mind with us.

Everyone has their preferences. I keep a 750cc Honda Shadow in the carport and boredom relief is only a short ride into the local mountains away - at least here in CM. There is also microlight flying out by Doi Saket, river rafting to the SW, the waterfalls with the kids near Doi Intinon, visiting with the handlers at the snake farms between shows and getting to know the reptiles hands-on, going to kid's soccer matches (even tho I not much of a sports fan, the kid's energy is infective), learning scuba, doing a little deepsea fishing, driving in BKK traffic during rush hour... :o

Even when supposedly 'stuck' at the house, I can google some new humor sites and laugh til I pee.. Pics of Bush do that for me too but I am not sure whether it is healthy humor or profound sadness - and I am American! (by accident of birth only..)

I sometimes just go somewhere really close to home - a minimart or little outside eatery- and sit with a Pepsi, smile at folks who come and go and always come back home filled with the rich experience of gentle and fun Thai people that I met there...

The wonderful thing is that we, and only we, can change our state of mind.

Shucks, even meditation can be an incredibly rewarding experience, eh?

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