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Pattaya Radio "Fabulous" 103Fm Update On What We Are Doing

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Well its been a while since I posted here, for the simple reason that I have been lying prone amongst a spaghetti of cables and processors as we finished building the studios. I think we have finally got a good sound and although our website is still in its Beta phase, the player works. www.pattaya103.com we also have an older version which is www.pattaya103FM.com where the player also works.

Our moto is "more music less talk" and we have been working like beavers to load the library with music. Its been quite a battle but I think we are winning. In between the "fun" its nice to have had many emails of support which truly do appreciate.

we are NOT doing a "pattaya only" news, but have broadened it to include stories of interest to Farang from around the kingdom. and I have to thank george and the team for being my "feeders" for news stories. ( Matt Rocks!!!)

all the best


a sample, although another slow day...http://snd.sc/KXJ48V

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Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



Is your news broadcast on a regular schedule?

yes , we hav e a short international news on the top of the hour, and the local& National at every half hour day and night.

thanks for asking


Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png


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