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How Available Are Baby Foods


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We are flying British airways, so we might not get the same service. Never flown with BA so dont know what there cabin crew are like, but if they are anything like the customer service and the booking system then we should be well looked after.

You can only expect perfection and more of it. A world leading airline. Until I moved to Japan, were on their SYD-BKK-SYD flights once every 6 weeks, in all classes. Never disappointed.

It is a good idea to make sure that babies are awake during take off and landing and give them a bottle of milk or water to drink at the same time it will stop pressure building up in there ears and Has worked for us.

That's I where I was told the opposite. Young babies don't have their ear drums formed and no feeling for pressure upon take off and landing.

A peculiar thing, same as young babies' capability to survive under water for 45 minutes or longer.

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We are flying British airways, so we might not get the same service. Never flown with BA so dont know what there cabin crew are like, but if they are anything like the customer service and the booking system then we should be well looked after.

You can only expect perfection and more of it. A world leading airline. Until I moved to Japan, were on their SYD-BKK-SYD flights once every 6 weeks, in all classes. Never disappointed.

It is a good idea to make sure that babies are awake during take off and landing and give them a bottle of milk or water to drink at the same time it will stop pressure building up in there ears and Has worked for us.

That's I where I was told the opposite. Young babies don't have their ear drums formed and no feeling for pressure upon take off and landing.

A peculiar thing, same as young babies' capability to survive under water for 45 minutes or longer.

I not real sure about it working for a 2 month old baby and have no idea when they get ear drums but I know it works for a 4 months and older

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As for cat seat, we got one that can also be used to carry (newborn) infants around. This one: http://www.all-4-baby.com/productdetails.asp?GID=001007 They sell it (and others) at Central Deptartment store as well. Note that it is priced very reasonably.

They're VERY convenient to carry your kid around for short distances and doubles as a place for them to sleep while you're in a restaurant or something. It can can also easily installed (front seat) when taking taxis. If you're going to be walking a longer period of time then you'd want some carrying 'backpack' (is it called that?)

And this one: http://www.all-4-baby.com/productdetails.asp?Gid=010009

As for baby formula, Tesco has a whole isle full of it.. Changing formula doesn't seem that big a deal as was reported earlier.. Both the formula company info, as well as doctor's info are that changing is usually no biggie.. Can even mix different formulas for a whille. As a side issue, some babies may be more sensitive or even allergic to some types of baby formula, but in that case you'd just change to something else. (Also non-lactose or anyti-allergy formula is readily available. (Nestle NAN-HA for example)

BTW, your wife is nuts not to want to breast feed. Mostly those decisions are made for all the wrong reasons.. It's probably not too late to start, in my opinion this is not something to let slide too easily.. Drag her off to a qualified physician and let him/her give your wife the info and get any old-wives tales out of her head. Or do a combination even, if the issue is that she doesn't want to breast feed in public then just give your kid formula milk on those occasions. (And/Or get milk using a breast-pump)

I honestly can't understand why a mother would NOT want to breast feed.. How can she even resist when holding the baby when it's looking for the nourishment & protection it needs?????????? ??????????

There's tons of baby websites out there, google up a bunch on breastfeeding. Then put your foot down. You're the man, having your wife breast-feed is your right. :D

Also it means less work for you. :o Bottle feeding is a thing that can end up in your task list at 3am in the morning, but breastfeeding is most definitely her department. :D

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Thanks for all the great advice, just one more question. The wife wants to have baby sleep in our bed but after reading loads about cot death, and added to the fact that i am a big bloke that sleeps very heavily, we have decided he will need his own bed or cot. Are travel cots cheap to buy? I dont really want to have to carry one of these as well as a pram, baby seat all the bags. I would rather just buy one of those collapsable travel cots.

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Thanks for all the great advice, just one more question. The wife wants to have baby sleep in our bed but after reading loads about cot death, and added to the fact that i am a big bloke that sleeps very heavily, we have decided he will need his own bed or cot. Are travel cots cheap to buy? I dont really want to have to carry one of these as well as a pram, baby seat all the bags. I would rather just buy one of those collapsable travel cots.

Nice to see you posting again Daleyboy :o

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Not sure how expensive baby travel cots are, ours outgrew them years ago. However, I do know that BAMBI (google it) rents out these for 100 baht a day. depending on how long you are coming for it may be cheaper to buy one. NEVER NEVER NEVER sleep with your baby. Can't stress that enough. I understand that one of the main causes of cot death is overheating. Imagine two hot bods in bed with something that is unable to regulate it's own temperature. Recipe for disaster. DO buy a car seat. I once read that the impact caused by a 15mph crash could turn a 3kg baby into the force of a flying baby elephant. Baby's do have formed ear canals at birth. This explains why they can cry when the plane is taking off and landing - change in pressure. Give the baby a dummy to suck on. Adults get boiled sweets. Our girls both flew when they were 3 weeks old and it was the best age. As they get older and more mobile it becomes much more difficult. Also, as another poster said, they will be fawned over and fussed at that age. Once they become less small and cute they appear to be a nuisance.

Enjoy your new life, it is worth it.

PS Do try to get your wife to reconsider the breast feeding. :o

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This started as a question about baby food. I think that people should back off about the breastfeeding issue. Do you not think that this is a private subject to be discussed between Daleyboy and his wife, and only between them? The main thing is that his wife has a healthy and happy pregnancy and they have a healthy and happy baby boy.

By the way, my mother used to swear by a wee drop of whiskey in the milk - And we are still going strong 50 odd years later. But she didn't overdo it of course.

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I was waiting for that one!!!

But i stand by what i said.

I know that breast is best - but alot of women do not want to breastfeed and alot of women cannot breastfeed. It is their personal choice.

I myself if i had ever had had a baby i would have breastfed - but that would have been my choice or not, and if i could or not (i've got wee mosquito like tits!!!). Not because someone else told me to do it.

Sorry mosquito BITE like... :o

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This started as a question about baby food. I think that people should back off about the breastfeeding issue. Do you not think that this is a private subject to be discussed between Daleyboy and his wife, and only between them? The main thing is that his wife has a healthy and happy pregnancy and they have a healthy and happy baby boy.

By the way, my mother used to swear by a wee drop of whiskey in the milk - And we are still going strong 50 odd years later. But she didn't overdo it of course.

You have made an excellent point ! :o

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I was waiting for that one!!!

But i stand by what i said.

I know that breast is best - but alot of women do not want to breastfeed and alot of women cannot breastfeed. It is their personal choice.

I myself if i had ever had had a baby i would have breastfed - but that would have been my choice or not, and if i could or not (i've got wee mosquito like tits!!!). Not because someone else told me to do it.

Sorry mosquito BITE like... :o

All bow down and praise the opinon of someone has not had a baby.

udon read before you praise

Edited by Nickerelastic
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Did it ever ocurr to you, before you make assumptions, that some of us may not be as fertile as you and over perhaps 10 - 15 years tried to have a baby to no avail?

See what i mean about getting too personal about some peoples private lives.

Sit and Swivel...

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Your comment about all bowing down etc. I find was an infringement on my personal life. As I think that your comments about whether a couple decide to breastfeed or not are too. It was really you that was OTT.

Whatever, I shall back down from this inane argument.

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Your comment about all bowing down etc. I find was an infringement on my personal life. As I think that your comments about whether a couple decide to breastfeed or not are too. It was really you that was OTT.

Whatever, I shall back down from this inane argument.

The floor is yours.

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Patsycat the op did ask about the availability of baby foods. The most available food for a 2 month old baby is breast milk.

I presumed that OP already new about this option and was actually inquiring into the alternative foods that were available for purchase.

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