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Farang Selling Durian.


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I personally think they should be ashamed of themselves, especially the Farang selling 'cup cakes' at the market. Geezz

Ashamed? Why?

Exactly !

Why should anyone be ashamed of earning an honest penny !

You have lost your marbles !!

Because it is not fair for all us other that follow the law.

If it was fair we would all be earning an honest penny doing the everyday jobs of the Thai people wouldn't we?

i highly doubt that.

I have rarely had any respect fo people who utter the words "it is not fair". Life is not fair -- few things are, quit whingeing. If someone is willing to work as hard as they average thai fruit seller, who am I to judge or interfere?

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Now shall we start on all the farangs working here on the internet on tourist visas or farang bar owners who make their profits from bar fines ?

You mean shaking our head, wagging our finger and going "tut tut"?

How about underground casino operations, loan sharking, drug dealing, direct pimping, human trafficking? I've met all of the above and don't bother tut tutting them either, none of my business and certainly not going to get involved in any such things one way or the other. . .

Or did you mean congratulating them?

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Apparently some of you do not have a work permit do you? One member called selling fruit hard? You must be joking right? Anyways, that’s a completely different subject. Considering the type of requirements some of us have to comply with in order to stay in this country, yeah damm right I have the right to say it isn’t fair. Maybe I shouldn’t be using the word “fair” for I think it might be confusing a lot of people. Let’s just replace the word fair with the word ‘wrong’.

I'm trying to prove a point by saying some of us do have actual jobs within specialized fields, which allow us to stay in Thailand legally. Keeping up with our work permits, taxes, and visas is a headache in itself already. Why should the guy selling ‘cup cakes’ have it any easier than the rest of us?

Is it maybe because he just doesn’t give a shit, or is it he needs the money so bad, that he decides to buy a dozen doughnuts at Tesco, break them up, set up shop, and then sell each doughnut individually. Honest penny my ass, this is pathetic for a Farang!

If he/she is just doing it to “help out” or “pass some time”, this I can understand, and is perfectly acceptable in my eyes, but if they are doing it out of necessity for survival, then I’m sorry to say that is pretty embarrassing. Go back to your country and don't do it here. Don’t you think you stick out like a sore thumb? If you’re broke go home!

For the rest of you that think you can just go around 'selling' whatever it is you sell, I say "get a real job". It is not fair for those of us that do our best to stay here legally, and it’s also not fair for the average Thai doing the same job which you are actually stealing from them.

I don’t know why some people just cannot understand the simple fact that it’s 'wrong' and illegal to do the jobs that the average Thais are doing. .

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Apparently some of you do not have a work permit do you? One member called selling fruit hard? You must be joking right? Anyways, that’s a completely different subject. Considering the type of requirements some of us have to comply with in order to stay in this country, yeah damm right I have the right to say it isn’t fair. Maybe I shouldn’t be using the word “fair” for I think it might be confusing a lot of people. Let’s just replace the word fair with the word ‘wrong’.

I'm trying to prove a point by saying some of us do have actual jobs within specialized fields, which allow us to stay in Thailand legally. Keeping up with our work permits, taxes, and visas is a headache in itself already. Why should the guy selling ‘cup cakes’ have it any easier than the rest of us?

Is it maybe because he just doesn’t give a shit, or is it he needs the money so bad, that he decides to buy a dozen doughnuts at Tesco, break them up, set up shop, and then sell each doughnut individually. Honest penny my ass, this is pathetic for a Farang!

If he/she is just doing it to “help out” or “pass some time”, this I can understand, and is perfectly acceptable in my eyes, but if they are doing it out of necessity for survival, then I’m sorry to say that is pretty embarrassing. Go back to your country and don't do it here. Don’t you think you stick out like a sore thumb? If you’re broke go home!

For the rest of you that think you can just go around 'selling' whatever it is you sell, I say "get a real job". It is not fair for those of us that do our best to stay here legally, and it’s also not fair for the average Thai doing the same job which you are actually stealing from them.

I don’t know why some people just cannot understand the simple fact that it’s 'wrong' and illegal to do the jobs that the average Thais are doing. .

It does not affect you, it does not take a job from anyone, money just moves around, it stays here, this person js here and needs money to live, get over it. You think the "cup cake seller" has it too good ?You are jealous of his "easy life"? Ever hear of EMPATHY? It is a valuable character trait. Too bad you didn't learn it.
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flybynight you realize that these farang breaking the law are doing so with an oportunity cost. they may get caught and suffer the consequences. <deleted> is your point? there is a law and you are too timid to break it yet you see others breaking it and not getting caught so it makes you angry? if u want to go sell cupcakes than go ahead who is stopping you?

my wife has USA green card and there is zero work restriction. this nonsense about who is allowed to do what is frankly retarded. i hate all protectionism. just the government sticking it's nose everywhere without reason. apparently up north farang do not have it so bad and i am happy for them. the tourist zones are the shittiest place in thailand to live. i can not even stand them for a day i have no idea how so many farang choose to live there.

frankly, i think it would be fun as hell to be able to sell cupcakes in a thai market. bet the thais get a good laugh at it.

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Is working on the internet illegal ?

Technically anything that can be interpreted as useful work performed within the kingdom, even on a volunteer basis, requires a work permit.

In practice enforcement is very very selective, and usually only happens when you're competing with someone with connections or otherwise sticking your neck out, stepping on toes. Keep your head down and mouth shut and 99% of the time you should be fine.

Which above statements should not be construed as encouraging any illegal activities.

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Apparently some of you do not have a work permit do you? One member called selling fruit hard? You must be joking right? Anyways, that’s a completely different subject. Considering the type of requirements some of us have to comply with in order to stay in this country, yeah damm right I have the right to say it isn’t fair. Maybe I shouldn’t be using the word “fair” for I think it might be confusing a lot of people. Let’s just replace the word fair with the word ‘wrong’.

I'm trying to prove a point by saying some of us do have actual jobs within specialized fields, which allow us to stay in Thailand legally. Keeping up with our work permits, taxes, and visas is a headache in itself already. Why should the guy selling ‘cup cakes’ have it any easier than the rest of us?

Is it maybe because he just doesn’t give a shit, or is it he needs the money so bad, that he decides to buy a dozen doughnuts at Tesco, break them up, set up shop, and then sell each doughnut individually. Honest penny my ass, this is pathetic for a Farang!

If he/she is just doing it to “help out” or “pass some time”, this I can understand, and is perfectly acceptable in my eyes, but if they are doing it out of necessity for survival, then I’m sorry to say that is pretty embarrassing. Go back to your country and don't do it here. Don’t you think you stick out like a sore thumb? If you’re broke go home!

For the rest of you that think you can just go around 'selling' whatever it is you sell, I say "get a real job". It is not fair for those of us that do our best to stay here legally, and it’s also not fair for the average Thai doing the same job which you are actually stealing from them.

I don’t know why some people just cannot understand the simple fact that it’s 'wrong' and illegal to do the jobs that the average Thais are doing. .

It does not affect you, it does not take a job from anyone, money just moves around, it stays here, this person js here and needs money to live, get over it. You think the "cup cake seller" has it too good ?You are jealous of his "easy life"? Ever hear of EMPATHY? It is a valuable character trait. Too bad you didn't learn it.

I am not going to have EMPATHY for someone I know can find a better job if they were to stay in their own country. Jealous, because I assume they have the "easy life", no that is defiantly not the case. I am not the one surviving buying doughnuts by the dozen, and then selling them individually as a Farang in order to support my stay here in Thailand. I pretty sure that the money they make is not too much to begin with.

Easy life for me is not having to work in order to live, maybe your one of those fortunate ones?

Let’s go with daoyai idea.

Let’s all have EMPATHY and ignore all the working laws in Thailand! It doesn’t matter this is Thailand. You can do whatever it is you want to do! It doesn’t matter if your passport is expired, have overstayed your visa, you’re a alcoholic, been convicted of a crime back home, do not have sufficient education to find a real job here, and have absolutely no money in the bank account to pay for your monthly rent.

It’s ok, there must be a reason he stands at that fruit stand 12 hrs per day every day, and he is the only Farang selling his goods in the market. He is probably a good man just trying to make the best out of his life. Am I right daoyai?

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Apparently some of you do not have a work permit do you? One member called selling fruit hard? You must be joking right? Anyways, that’s a completely different subject. Considering the type of requirements some of us have to comply with in order to stay in this country, yeah damm right I have the right to say it isn’t fair. Maybe I shouldn’t be using the word “fair” for I think it might be confusing a lot of people. Let’s just replace the word fair with the word ‘wrong’.

I'm trying to prove a point by saying some of us do have actual jobs within specialized fields, which allow us to stay in Thailand legally. Keeping up with our work permits, taxes, and visas is a headache in itself already. Why should the guy selling ‘cup cakes’ have it any easier than the rest of us?

Is it maybe because he just doesn’t give a shit, or is it he needs the money so bad, that he decides to buy a dozen doughnuts at Tesco, break them up, set up shop, and then sell each doughnut individually. Honest penny my ass, this is pathetic for a Farang!

If he/she is just doing it to “help out” or “pass some time”, this I can understand, and is perfectly acceptable in my eyes, but if they are doing it out of necessity for survival, then I’m sorry to say that is pretty embarrassing. Go back to your country and don't do it here. Don’t you think you stick out like a sore thumb? If you’re broke go home!

For the rest of you that think you can just go around 'selling' whatever it is you sell, I say "get a real job". It is not fair for those of us that do our best to stay here legally, and it’s also not fair for the average Thai doing the same job which you are actually stealing from them.

I don’t know why some people just cannot understand the simple fact that it’s 'wrong' and illegal to do the jobs that the average Thais are doing. .

"Wrong" from a moral POV and "embarrassing" (losing face) in the eye of the beholder. "Fairness" doesn't exist in outer reality, only within the monitoring of each of our own consciences.

Legal vs illegal is a practical judgment call for each of us to decide.

Some of us without doing anything evil or illegal are not in a practical position to go home - I have taken responsibility for my two young children and can't afford enough childcare there to allow me to work and am not willing to abandon them to their dirt-poor upcountry grandma as well-intentioned and loving as she may be.

So excuse me if I do whatever it takes to keep a roof over our head and food in their mouths, and I'd appreciate it if you kept your snide and smug judgments to yourself, even if you own conduct and social position may be spotless.

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Let’s all have EMPATHY and ignore all the working laws in Thailand! It doesn’t matter this is Thailand. You can do whatever it is you want to do! It doesn’t matter if your passport is expired, have overstayed your visa, you’re a alcoholic, been convicted of a crime back home, do not have sufficient education to find a real job here, and have absolutely no money in the bank account to pay for your monthly rent.

You may not approve personally, and it's very kind of you to warn people of possible dangers if they are not aware of possible consequences, but otherwise it's just not any of your business, it's between the perpetrator of the illegal activities and the relevant law enforcement officials.

Your judgments as to the morality of the situation are irrelevant and certainly not useful.

But IMO your lack of empathy only hurts yourself, so maybe I should stop judging you as well, and tolerate your intolerance. OK I'll try. . .

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I do not think selling food is a profession that a farang can do.

If it is a foreign woman married to a Thai man, I think that they can do anything that a Thai can do once they become a citizen.

Sounds about right, however if an foreign man marries a Thai lady you don't get the same rights. I am a Teacher here and only my wife can work in our restaurant. OK so I do help her a bit, but it is not aloud. Very unfair.

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It really sickens me the to stomach that there are people out there in this world that would actually take the time and effort to post on the internet about someone selling bleeding doughnuts and how "wrong" it is and how "embarrassing" and how they should "go back home" when after all, it has got absolutely bugger all to do with them.

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It really sickens me the to stomach that there are people out there in this world that would actually take the time and effort to post on the internet about someone selling bleeding doughnuts and how "wrong" it is and how "embarrassing" and how they should "go back home" when after all, it has got absolutely bugger all to do with them.

wholeheartedly seconded!

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Apparently some of you do not have a work permit do you? One member called selling fruit hard? You must be joking right? Anyways, that’s a completely different subject. Considering the type of requirements some of us have to comply with in order to stay in this country, yeah damm right I have the right to say it isn’t fair. Maybe I shouldn’t be using the word “fair” for I think it might be confusing a lot of people. Let’s just replace the word fair with the word ‘wrong’.

I'm trying to prove a point by saying some of us do have actual jobs within specialized fields, which allow us to stay in Thailand legally. Keeping up with our work permits, taxes, and visas is a headache in itself already. Why should the guy selling ‘cup cakes’ have it any easier than the rest of us?

Is it maybe because he just doesn’t give a shit, or is it he needs the money so bad, that he decides to buy a dozen doughnuts at Tesco, break them up, set up shop, and then sell each doughnut individually. Honest penny my ass, this is pathetic for a Farang!

If he/she is just doing it to “help out” or “pass some time”, this I can understand, and is perfectly acceptable in my eyes, but if they are doing it out of necessity for survival, then I’m sorry to say that is pretty embarrassing. Go back to your country and don't do it here. Don’t you think you stick out like a sore thumb? If you’re broke go home!

For the rest of you that think you can just go around 'selling' whatever it is you sell, I say "get a real job". It is not fair for those of us that do our best to stay here legally, and it’s also not fair for the average Thai doing the same job which you are actually stealing from them.

I don’t know why some people just cannot understand the simple fact that it’s 'wrong' and illegal to do the jobs that the average Thais are doing. .

It does not affect you, it does not take a job from anyone, money just moves around, it stays here, this person js here and needs money to live, get over it. You think the "cup cake seller" has it too good ?You are jealous of his "easy life"? Ever hear of EMPATHY? It is a valuable character trait. Too bad you didn't learn it.

I am not going to have EMPATHY for someone I know can find a better job if they were to stay in their own country. Jealous, because I assume they have the "easy life", no that is defiantly not the case. I am not the one surviving buying doughnuts by the dozen, and then selling them individually as a Farang in order to support my stay here in Thailand. I pretty sure that the money they make is not too much to begin with.

Easy life for me is not having to work in order to live, maybe your one of those fortunate ones?

Let’s go with daoyai idea.

Let’s all have EMPATHY and ignore all the working laws in Thailand! It doesn’t matter this is Thailand. You can do whatever it is you want to do! It doesn’t matter if your passport is expired, have overstayed your visa, you’re a alcoholic, been convicted of a crime back home, do not have sufficient education to find a real job here, and have absolutely no money in the bank account to pay for your monthly rent.

It’s ok, there must be a reason he stands at that fruit stand 12 hrs per day every day, and he is the only Farang selling his goods in the market. He is probably a good man just trying to make the best out of his life. Am I right daoyai?

Hmmm, the first line of this response is telling, You "know" he can get a better job? So you "know" this guy, you "know" his story? You know nothing ! Someone said he( or someone) makes cupcakes, yet you have him buying donuts in bulk and reselling them, and then you just spinout , spewing nonsense about crimes and alcoholism etc..... but then you are sure his home country will offer him better opportunities? wow dude, I kindof feel sorry for you, I empathise with the pain you must feel inside from all the hate.
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Anyone else seen any farangs doing the kind of jobs stuggling thais do?

Cup cake seller at Thai market (a pair of them working the markets along Vijit rd Rawai)

Drink server at go-go (Male server at popular go-go on Bangla Rd Patong)

Dancer at go-go (Russians Bangla)

Sign board holder for go-go (Same)

Bootleg DVD seller (young white guy said it was his gf's kiosk- Chang Mai)

If it is a foreign woman married to a Thai man, I think that they can do anything that a Thai can do once they become a citizen.

Your sentence does not make sense. If they are a citizen then they are Thai. Of course they can do anything. But marrying a Thai doesn't make you a citizen. This ain't America.

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That's pretty messed up. Are the economies back in their home countries that bad?

We might see an influx of Greeks into Thailand, if they can get the money for a plane ticket...laugh.png

That dear sir, is not so funny. They won't just be heading this way, and others from Spain etc will join them heading for pastures green, and who would blame them? Not I for sure, after all don't we all have an obligation to take care of our families.

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But they can sell their bodies on Walking St Pattaya and BIB don't seem to mind the Russians etc doing it, that's a kind of food is it not .

Prostitution is illegal thus not a job thus cannot be protected. And BB do care. Foreign prostitutes in Thailand get arrested regularly. The Russians have work permits as performers.

They could be the business owner. Whats the difference between doing this as a business owner and running a restaurant or bar as a business owner ?

Being a business owner in no way gives you the right to work. Business owners get busted all the time, sometimes for serving a single drink, cleaning glasses etc.

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I do not think selling food is a profession that a farang can do.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Handbook

Section 5: Starting a business in Thailand

Page 13

5.6 The Foreign Business Act and restricted occupations

List 3

Businesses which Thais are not ready to compete in undertakings with aliens

(1) Rice milling and production of flour from rice and farm crops

(2) Fishery, limited to propagation of aquatic animals

(3) Forestry from replanted forests

(4) Production of plywood, wood veneer, chipboard or hardboard

(5) Production of natural lime

(6) Accounting service undertakings

(7) Legal service undertakings

(8) Architectural service undertakings

(9) Engineering service undertakings

(10) Construction except:

(a) Construction of things that provide basic services to the public with respect to public utilities or communications and which require the use of special instruments, machinery, technology or expertise in construction and a

minimum capital of the alien of at least 500 million baht

(B) Other categories of construction as stipulated in ministerial regulations

(11) Brokerage or agency undertakings except:

(a) Trading in securities or services concerning futures trading in agricultural

commodities, financial instruments or securities

(B) Trading in or the procurement of goods or services needed for production by or providing the services of and enterprise in the same group

© Trading, purchasing (for others) or distributing or finding domestic or

overseas markets for selling goods made domestically or imports as an

international trading business, with a minimum capital of the alien of at least

100 million baht

(d) Other lines of business stipulated in ministerial regulations

(12) Auctioning, except:

(a) International bidding that is not bidding in antiques, ancient objects or

objects of art that are Thai works of art, handicraft or ancient objects, or of

historical value

(B) Other types of auction as stipulated in ministerial regulations

(13) Domestic trade concerning indigenous agricultural produce or products not prohibited by any present law

(14) Retail trade in all kinds of goods where the total minimum capital is 100 million baht or more, or the minimum capital of each store is 20 million baht or more.

(15) Wholesale trade in all kinds of goods with a minimum capital for each store of more than 100 million baht

(16) Advertising undertakings

(17) Hotel undertakings, except for hotel management services

(18) Sale of food or beverages

(19) Plant breeding and propagating, or plant improvement undertakings

(20) Doing other service businesses except for service businesses prescribed in ministerial regulations.[/i]

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I do not think selling food is a profession that a farang can do.

If it is a foreign woman married to a Thai man, I think that they can do anything that a Thai can do once they become a citizen.

Think you're right. Talk about sex discrimination. sad.png

that's rich

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I do not think selling food is a profession that a farang can do.

If it is a foreign woman married to a Thai man, I think that they can do anything that a Thai can do once they become a citizen.

If they are citizen they are Thais (ignoring that detail that Thai is a race and Nationality)

You had me up to "race". Thai is a nationality. Asian is a race. (and Oriental is a rug)

I always enjoy telling my white South African friend that if he were to immigrate to America he would be an "African American." He just loves that. lol

Edited by NomadJoe
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Knew two farangs in Thailand who did manual work without permits.

One did recycling and got grassed-up by his Thai competitors. Cost him 20k to get off. He gave it a rest for a while and then started again but on a different 'patch'.

The other drove the som-tam cart his wife ran. He just drove it, didn't assist with prep or serving customers or anything. Police didn't touch him. It was the Rolls-Royce of som-tam carts tho'...

Driving as a job is probably the one that will get you busted the quickest. Just made me remember the few occasions years ago when I drove the dive shops truck to pick up and drop off customers. Wouldn't try that now.

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"English Teacher" with a part time job ?....rolleyes.gif

Show me a Thai that is able to make 250B an hour teaching English and I will show you a Thai that is not struggling.

There are a lot of them. Thai English professors often make more than that.

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I'm pretty sure there is a farang woman selling snacks on the soi 21 end of Cowboy most evenings - popcorn, from memory.

There is also the farang who keeps the shop selling girl's teeshirts at Phrom Pong BTS station. I understand his wife owns the shop but he is the only person I've ever seen working there - he sits in the heat day in day out. It seems an odd way to spend your life, and i can't believe for a second he has a work permit, but the BiB don't seem to do anything, despite them having the most farang-exploitative police booth a few yards away at Benjasiri Park.

The BIB have nothing to do with work permits and thus would do nothing. The Labour Dept does.

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