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Good Advice For New Residents - Chiang Mai


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Like many of you - I have been in and about Chiang Mai for too many years that I wish to remember. I have my own experiences and prefences as do all of you.

It sems to me time that if I can collate our collective experiences, not for commercial purpose, rather more enlightening for any new folk joining us - it would be beneficial.

So I would welcome any feedback, both positive and hegative, regarding becoming a resident here.

Any commnents would be most appreciated.

Thanks for reading this.


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When trying to sort out a problem which is not a everyday occurance, with staff, and you hear "the boss/owner said to do this", if you diagree, talk to the boss. The staff, in most cases, have no authority to make adjustments and you can talk in circles for hours, without any satisfaction. Get to the boss and you have a good chance of solving the orginal problem. Most are astute business people and depend on repeat customers.

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Start to learn at least basic Thai asap (I did, and it paid out from the first day on).

In case you plan to settle down somewhere for a longer time make sure the property and neighbourhood was never(!) prone to flooding. The first two, better three years: Rent only, and don't invest much, better nothing in improving the rented house substantially. (I did not, and had to learn the hard way ...)

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I think very important....maybe most important ! ! !

Take the opinions you read on Thai Visa with a grain of salt.

You have a very low opinion of TV members.Sure there are very few wa-k-rs I wouldn't give the time of day to and are a waste of space..

But in general if used correctly TV is probably one of the best resources relating to Thailand available anywhere on the internet.

Ask a question and you will usually have an answer within minutes in many cases (along with the smart arse replies from aforementioned wa-k-rs - there is an ignore button if required).

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I think very important....maybe most important ! ! !

Take the opinions you read on Thai Visa with a grain of salt.

Quite the opposite, I prefer to learn by other peoples mistakes rather than my own- its certainly cheaper- be wise and do the same

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I think it is important to read your contract if you rent a condo/house from some of the Thia owners.Normally you have to give them two months rent as a deposit + one months rent.I have heard many stories of people (farangs) not getting their deposits back.When you give notice that you are leaving,2 months is normal, stop paying the rent.If there is any damage to their property then you can come to some agreement with them on your terms.Otherwise they tend to think their deposit is theirs to keep.

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Many thanks for all of your replies.

I first visited in 1976. I was lucky to have family here who showed me 'the ropes' as back then no tv.com... no Tesco/Big C or even 7-11. Quite daunting. Change is the way of life and today there is much media and sources of information. Still, over and above choice of restaurant... bar.. or entertainment and the provision of tv.com for information - I believe that there is still a requirement for an easy accessible source of information as a guide for those that may wish to make Chiang Mai their home here.

To include items that many of take for granted as we have accumulated the 'knowledge' along the way. Could be anything from obtaining a driving license - where to go what to do/ what to do if your vehicle gets clamped/details about marriage/ reputable lawyers/ choice of medical care and facility/ How to get from A - B subject to comfort threshold and budget - you name it.

Anyway the concept is still embyronic at present - but I do truly believe that it would afford immense assistance for newcomers.

Thanks for reading.


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I think very important....maybe most important ! ! !

Take the opinions you read on Thai Visa with a grain of salt.

You have a very low opinion of TV members.Sure there are very few wa-k-rs I wouldn't give the time of day to and are a waste of space..

But in general if used correctly TV is probably one of the best resources relating to Thailand available anywhere on the internet.

Ask a question and you will usually have an answer within minutes in many cases (along with the smart arse replies from aforementioned wa-k-rs - there is an ignore button if required).

Good Morning Thailand

You know, I have a bit of annoyance with your reply......I do not think you have reached the level of deity yet, so I don't think that you are in any position to state what my opinion is. Yes you can give your 'opinion' of my opinion but cannot tell anyone what my opinion is any more than I a can tell others what you think or your opinion is on any topic.

No I do not have a low opinion of TV members. Like you , I realize there are a number of , as you put it , wa-k-ers in the brood , but they are in the minority. .....and acknowledging them, they have their right to their opinions, just as you or I do.

I still say as my input, "take with a grain of salt" , what you read on TV and will give you an example using another highly view current topic.

A current topic on the passing of the two Canadian girls, seems to revolve quite a bit about 'rat poison'. The possible killing of someone with rat poison is despicable, but the rat poison itself is not..... it may be said one should use rat poison employing "a grain of salt".

So let me restate my original comment to you......Take what you read on TV with a grain of salt, because as many people know there is good advice given, but there is some questionable advice given by wa-k-ers.

Hope you now understand my position

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I think very important....maybe most important ! ! !

Take the opinions you read on Thai Visa with a grain of salt.

You have a very low opinion of TV members.Sure there are very few wa-k-rs I wouldn't give the time of day to and are a waste of space..

But in general if used correctly TV is probably one of the best resources relating to Thailand available anywhere on the internet.

Ask a question and you will usually have an answer within minutes in many cases (along with the smart arse replies from aforementioned wa-k-rs - there is an ignore button if required).

Good Morning Thailand

You know, I have a bit of annoyance with your reply......I do not think you have reached the level of deity yet, so I don't think that you are in any position to state what my opinion is. Yes you can give your 'opinion' of my opinion but cannot tell anyone what my opinion is any more than I a can tell others what you think or your opinion is on any topic.

No I do not have a low opinion of TV members. Like you , I realize there are a number of , as you put it , wa-k-ers in the brood , but they are in the minority. .....and acknowledging them, they have their right to their opinions, just as you or I do.

I still say as my input, "take with a grain of salt" , what you read on TV and will give you an example using another highly view current topic.

A current topic on the passing of the two Canadian girls, seems to revolve quite a bit about 'rat poison'. The possible killing of someone with rat poison is despicable, but the rat poison itself is not..... it may be said one should use rat poison employing "a grain of salt".

So let me restate my original comment to you......Take what you read on TV with a grain of salt, because as many people know there is good advice given, but there is some questionable advice given by wa-k-ers.

Hope you now understand my position

I am stood admonished accordingly but I take it with a grain of salt. tongue.png

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I think very important....maybe most important ! ! !

Take the opinions you read on Thai Visa with a grain of salt.

You have a very low opinion of TV members.Sure there are very few wa-k-rs I wouldn't give the time of day to and are a waste of space..

But in general if used correctly TV is probably one of the best resources relating to Thailand available anywhere on the internet.

Ask a question and you will usually have an answer within minutes in many cases (along with the smart arse replies from aforementioned wa-k-rs - there is an ignore button if required).

Good Morning Thailand

You know, I have a bit of annoyance with your reply......I do not think you have reached the level of deity yet, so I don't think that you are in any position to state what my opinion is. Yes you can give your 'opinion' of my opinion but cannot tell anyone what my opinion is any more than I a can tell others what you think or your opinion is on any topic.

No I do not have a low opinion of TV members. Like you , I realize there are a number of , as you put it , wa-k-ers in the brood , but they are in the minority. .....and acknowledging them, they have their right to their opinions, just as you or I do.

I still say as my input, "take with a grain of salt" , what you read on TV and will give you an example using another highly view current topic.

A current topic on the passing of the two Canadian girls, seems to revolve quite a bit about 'rat poison'. The possible killing of someone with rat poison is despicable, but the rat poison itself is not..... it may be said one should use rat poison employing "a grain of salt".

So let me restate my original comment to you......Take what you read on TV with a grain of salt, because as many people know there is good advice given, but there is some questionable advice given by wa-k-ers.

Hope you now understand my position

I am stood admonished accordingly but I take it with a grain of salt. tongue.png

that grain of salt is much better tasting with some Pun Pun home fries under it ...... as my guest of course...


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The only advise I would offer for a enjoyable life in Chiang Mai is try to look at the Thai way of doing things as neither good or bad just different. Try as much as you can to not use the standards you lived by on the Thai's.

That is by far, the best advise I've ever seen somebody give out on T.V. If a person can remember to apply that to all aspects of life here (DRIVING, politics, business interactions, working, etc), your experiences here will be so much more enjoyable.

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^ Good post.. I think you can juggle a couple parallel lifestyles though.

No need to be a total square from day one; it's not like all 60 million Thais will know and forever remember. At the same time, it IS a fairly small town, so it's always good not to foul up one's own nest too much.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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^ Good post.. I think you can juggle a couple parallel lifestyles though.

No need to be a total square from day one; it's not like all 60 million Thais will know and forever remember. At the same time, it IS a fairly small town, so it's always good not to foul up one's own nest too much.

Yup.......the only problem is that when you show up in a neighborhood you will be the subject of comment immediately, so your in the public eye in that small section of the community right away. If your a Loi Kroh visitor within a few nights every girl in the place will know of you, know who is trying to work you blah blah, I think I've made my point re that.

My single biggest point is get a grip on yourself, there's a whole world of hurt waiting for you if you don't.

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Get out and do stuff... Whatever you do avoid sitting around in bars with other people as bored as you will soon become. This seems to be such an easy trap to fall into with no job to go to and no real structure to your life.

As an earlier poster said, take up a sport of some kind, and try to avoid becoming a full time whoremonger; that is not a sport, it's a pastime!

People often sit around and drink because they can't rely think about what else to do. Try the attached file for a few ideas to get you started... wai.gif

Chiang Mai - things to do (info for new families).pdf

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Get out and do stuff... Whatever you do avoid sitting around in bars with other people as bored as you will soon become. This seems to be such an easy trap to fall into with no job to go to and no real structure to your life.

As an earlier poster said, take up a sport of some kind, and try to avoid becoming a full time whoremonger; that is not a sport, it's a pastime!

People often sit around and drink because they can't rely think about what else to do. Try the attached file for a few ideas to get you started... wai.gif

Chiang Mai - things to do (info for new families).pdf

Thanks for the pdf......excellent stuff

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#18 TheBlether

Thoroughly enjoyed reading your post, didnt want it to end. Many good observations that we all know but dont always heed. I am certainly not one of those lost souls (at the moment) but it inspired me to sit up and take note.

Can you write some more of your observations please.

And JS thankyou for providing the "things to do"list; many things on there to really make you appreciate Chiang Mai.

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Thank you.

When I was a nipper we had hand-held fireworks. One of the intructions was "To Light The Blue Touch-Paper and Retire."

Maybe Carl Justalf Jung was right in his theory of Synchronicity.

Much appreciated that you all made the time to reply.


Edited by Gladiator
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#18 TheBlether

Thoroughly enjoyed reading your post, didnt want it to end. Many good observations that we all know but dont always heed. I am certainly not one of those lost souls (at the moment) but it inspired me to sit up and take note.

Can you write some more of your observations please.

And JS thankyou for providing the "things to do"list; many things on there to really make you appreciate Chiang Mai.

Thanks for your kind words........I'm always a little bit wary of saying too much as it can end up in a flame fest, people can read a 10,000 word dissertation and focus on the 10 words that they don't like. I will return to this issue over the next couple of days and put forward my full thoughts, and no doubt i will suffer the consequences. rolleyes.gif

@winniethekhwai, your totally right about the parallel lives.

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