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Me and my mate Wayne was wondering what them admin blokes, Mr IT and Dr Pat Pong look like. Unlike some of you other people out there, me and Wayne ain’t never met with IT & PP – maybe it’s just cos we’re too stupid and classy blokes like them don’t want nothing to do with us.

Personally, I reckon that Mr IT bloke is very posh and respectable. I reckon he’s really old – you know, sort of like fifty or sixty. I reckon he’s got white hair and a big beard like Father Christmas. My mate Wayne says that IT means computers, so I reckon Mr IT has got a bit of a square face and square glasses. I reckon he’s probably got big fingers too cos he uses the internet all day long.

As for Dr Pat Pong, me and Wayne reckon he’s even more respectable than what Mr IT is. We reckon he’s about 45 and has got a little goatee beard and one of them small braided ponytails. Wayne reckons he probably wears one of them little velvet waistcoats; personally, I think he wears a denim shirt and smokes those little Burmese cheroot things. Me and Wayne both reckon he’s a bit more busy that what Mr IT is, so we reckon he’s probably not as fat and his arse is a bit smaller. Also, we don't reckon he's as tall as what Mr IT is - maybe he's only about five foot eight or nine.

As for that Mr George bloke, we don’t know nothing cos he don’t never say too much. But we think he’s probably quite a decent bloke who supports Man Utd.

What d’you reckon?

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to Jonny why dont you start a poll to see how many forum members want to see their photos posted in their personal details?

you and wayne could vote heaps with all the different nicks :o


just an idea Doc thought you could post a pretty little pic of yourself maybe in some DT's with the wig on :o and IT au natural with a pasteboard and tassle, george could be like the guy in tool time :D


On a recent trip to BKK I met with the three gents in questions and took some happy snaps...here tis.

grantfather.gif Georgie

cartoons93.gif IT

grandpa2.gif The Doc

and of course just to prove this is really them IT took a photo of me, so here it is...

intro.gif TUKYLEITH


can we have a section where member can post their real picture fo themselve.

I could not open Tukyleith 's pictures but I loved Bronco's

Can anyone else see them?

hate a happy snap going to waste (besides that it is embarrassing when one stuffs up) :o

Guest IT Manager

email the links to me turkey you dolt and I will fix for you.

email the links to me turkey you dolt and I will fix for you.

ITM, no quote. Are you calling the Dr. a dolt or are you promoting turkeys for chicken?

Guest IT Manager
email the links to me turkey you dolt and I will fix for you.

ITM, no quote. Are you calling the Dr. a dolt or are you promoting turkeys for chicken?

One of the most enduring joys for me, in the LoS, is to say a sentence of say 15 words, then to see the faces darken over one word.

Axel, dear, for "turkey" read "tukyleith" and all will suddenly become clear.

BTW I think Tukyleith read it correctly.



IT, just joking!

Got it, as no quote and followed Drs. mail, it did not make sense.

Anyway, loved the responses. :o

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