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Sister Inlaw Staying Over For A Month. Driving Me Nuts.


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simply remove all surfaces that she would want to clean and then tell her to relax and observe...the wimmin in my wife's family come around and feel compelled to clean everything in sight and I leave up to the wife to handle...

and then there is the SiL who releases her energy in the kitchen and she is tops...and she goes down the market and then prepares something splendid that we all enjoy (I never seen any food like hers and I watch the preparation closely) with the the associated release of energy and then some else does the washing up...

it's all a matter of coordination...

and then here she is mounting her motorbike to return to her abode with tutsi pleading: 'come back, noi come back (she's about 6' tall and about 95 kilos) as I want you to show me something' and she just sez: 'later, tutsi later...' and speeds off into the sunset...everything is very self contained...

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send her to loongs, he could use the help, sounds like his gaff is a bit of a tip.

really cant see the downside, i invite obsessive compulsives over to clean every chance i get

Never thought I'd do this ... but tinfoilhat I 'Liked' your suggestion ... and it made me chuckle and poor ole Loong ... he does need a solution.

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The sister in law is welcome to stay at my house on two conditions:

She performs as well with the household chores as she does in your house, or she closely resembles the girl pictured below and in that case she has no need to do anything.


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The sister in law is welcome to stay at my house on two conditions:

She performs as well with the household chores as she does in your house, or she closely resembles the girl pictured below and in that case she has no need to do anything.

my wife's sister looks like the woman in the photo and when she comes over she fusses about and goes to the market but she ain't much of a cook...she's in her late 30s but looks great and she relaxes in little shorts and a tanktop and doesn't care who sees her tits and panties and etc...

she can't cook but is very helpful otherwise...her 15 y.o. daughter lives with us and is conservative and covers up and is sometimes embarrassed with her mother but loves her passionately...

lots of entertainment in our household...there are only 3 men (including meself) in a household of about 8 women (depending on who hangs around at the time...) and everyone is related so everyone relaxes...can't be beat...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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does the op have a maid? because i do, and i pay for that behavior.

and if she is ocd, its not taking the piss, its either taking the piss or enabling, depending on your perspective.

The second perspective obviously being that of a <deleted> then. biggrin.png (joke!)

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Sister inlaw is over from the UK for a holiday (she is Thai)

She has some sort of cleaning disorder or something.

As soon as we picked her up from the airport and brought her back, she went to the toilet downstairs and I can hear a scrubbing brush. She was freaking cleaning the toilet floors and walls.....lol This is like just after a 12 hour flight or so from the UK and its like 11:30PM.

Next morning I wake up and go down stairs, she is mopping the floors at 7am, this is when I wake up.

I admit, its nice to have her around, but dam_n, its kind of annoying sitting back, watching TV and there is someone constantly dusting something, cleaning the tables etc..

EVERYDAY she cleans both toilet, mops upstairs and downstairs, mops the balcony, wipes all the tables, wipes the kicthen benches, cleans the fridges (even the broken one). And cleans sheet outside all day. Sometimes even cleans the benches 5 or 6 times a day....

The only thing I think needs cleaning is the car, but feel like I am pushing it if I ask her lol

But man, she is great to have, but its annoying to move anywhere in the house and here the water running, something scrubbing or seeing someone in the corner of the eye constant cleaning sheet....

I told her to not worry about it, but she says, no its dirty and its ok she likes cleaning....

What the hell do I say to that? I want her to stop cleaning for F sake.

Seriously I'm looking for a cleaner to clean my restaurant salary 10k per month if she's up for it...

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May be she is trying to make herself useful and cannot bear the idea of being invited without giving you something in return

It's so nice to be on the same side of the commentary with you aneliane.

I posted similar comments here.

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May be she is trying to make herself useful and cannot bear the idea of being invited without giving you something in return

I agree 100%

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Wow it must be getting crowded there with her and your father in law moving in. Actually as your in laws are multimillionaires I guess you've got a big house.

No the father-inlaw is, but he doesnt share his money with us, only with the other family and kids with his GF who did him over. Doesnt give anything to the kids on my wifes side really.

But we have a decent size house in the out skirts of Bangkok.

But lets not talk about him, I have some real issues with him, he is a control freak. A type of guy you don;t want in the passenger seat with you, he tries to tell you where to park, when to take over someone and to go faster or slower.

Feel free to keep my father with you.

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One of my wife's aunties is a cleaning freak. The only problem is, she has her own idea where things belong. After she's gone, it takes a week to find everything.

On the bright side, she doesn't break thinks like one of my aunts and she doesn't permanently borrow items like a certain Thai companion's relative, who I will not identify, lest I get in trouble again and am put in Coventry.

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I think I am getting used to it now.

I just need to buy more sponges and mops and she is wearing them out. Place looks spotless when I come home from work. Even has some nice smell now.

She works in the UK in nursing homes and cleans old people's houses for free sometimes in some volunteer work on weekends. I guess she is just too much into her work. But I guess its not such a bad habit of her to have.

I was talking to her last night and she knows she has a cleaning problem and tells me the nursing home in the UK love her coz she cleans the F out of the place lol..... Gave me a good laugh.

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I think I am getting used to it now.

I just need to buy more sponges and mops and she is wearing them out. Place looks spotless when I come home from work. Even has some nice smell now.

She works in the UK in nursing homes and cleans old people's houses for free sometimes in some volunteer work on weekends. I guess she is just too much into her work. But I guess its not such a bad habit of her to have.

I was talking to her last night and she knows she has a cleaning problem and tells me the nursing home in the UK love her coz she cleans the F out of the place lol..... Gave me a good laugh.

So you did not sell her to Loong or Soutpeel ?

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I think I am getting used to it now.

I just need to buy more sponges and mops and she is wearing them out. Place looks spotless when I come home from work. Even has some nice smell now.

She works in the UK in nursing homes and cleans old people's houses for free sometimes in some volunteer work on weekends. I guess she is just too much into her work. But I guess its not such a bad habit of her to have.

I was talking to her last night and she knows she has a cleaning problem and tells me the nursing home in the UK love her coz she cleans the F out of the place lol..... Gave me a good laugh.

So you did not sell her to Loong or Soutpeel ?

Are you planning to submit a rival bid?

This is not an auction (not yet anyway)

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The sister in law is welcome to stay at my house on two conditions:

She performs as well with the household chores as she does in your house, or she closely resembles the girl pictured below and in that case she has no need to do anything.

my wife's sister looks like the woman in the photo and when she comes over she fusses about and goes to the market but she ain't much of a cook...she's in her late 30s but looks great and she relaxes in little shorts and a tanktop and doesn't care who sees her tits and panties and etc...

she can't cook but is very helpful otherwise...her 15 y.o. daughter lives with us and is conservative and covers up and is sometimes embarrassed with her mother but loves her passionately...

lots of entertainment in our household...there are only 3 men (including meself) in a household of about 8 women (depending on who hangs around at the time...) and everyone is related so everyone relaxes...can't be beat...

and then the 15 y.o. niece douses herself with scent and then smirks: 'are you drunk uncle tutsi?'...and I say: 'yeah, relatively speakin'...and she was trying it on and then I shouted: 'get back ye little tart! I won't have this disgraceful behavior! I resisted yer mother and I can certainly resist you!' and then she shouts with glee and runs out of the room...

I hate being a target for adolescent girls...'uncle tutsi is such a sweetheart...'

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