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U-Tapao Airbase: Govt 'Needs To Study Nasa Plan'


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Govt 'needs to study Nasa plan'

The Nation


General Sirichai Dittakul, right, Royal Thai Army chief of staff, welcomes General Jing Zhiyuan, member of the Central Military Commission and commander of the Second Artillery Corps of the People

PM not commit to US's Tuesday deadline; proposal not raised at meet with Chinese official, says Sukampol

BANGKOK: -- The government will release all the details of a proposed Nasa research project to be based in Thailand, but needs time to study it before making a final decision, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday.

She did not make a clear commitment on whether the Cabinet would consider the project at its meeting next Tuesday as proposed earlier by Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul.

The Cabinet will consider the proposal from the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration once all concerned agencies have provided their opinions on the project, Yingluck said.

Nasa has asked to use the U-tapao airbase in Rayong for its weather research aircraft in August and September. The United States has told the Thai government it needs a decision by Tuesday to have adequate time to prepare its equipment.

The project became a political issue when the opposition Democrat Party accused the government of offering the use of the airbase in exchange for a US entry visa for fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, and has demanded that the government bring the proposal before Parliament for debate.

Yingluck said the project was first proposed during the previous government under the Democrats, led by Abhisit Vejjajiva. She said her government would unveil all details of the project when the concerned agencies finished their studies.

"We will make it straightforward, and will study everything. We'll do it for the benefit of the national interest," she said.

The government os ready to bring the US proposal before Parliament for approval in accordance with Article 190 of the Constitution if the Council of State and the Foreign Ministry's Treaties and Legal Affairs departments recommended it, she said.

However, both agencies have already said that the Nasa proposal does not require parliamentary approval under Article 190. The Cabinet has the authority to approve it, they said.

Abhisit, who was prime minister in the previous government, said he wanted to debate the Nasa project in Parliament, as the government might add some hidden conditions to the project, and it might affect national security.

Nasa signed a joint statement with the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Gistda) in September 2010, during the Abhisit administration, stating their intention to conduct the research.

Nasa said on its website that the project, known as the Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate Coupling Regional Study (SEAC4RS), would be conducted in August and September this year.

The deployment will address key questions regarding the influence of Asian emissions on clouds, climate and air quality, as well as fundamental satellite observability of the system, it said.

Scientific observations will focus specifically on the role of the Asian monsoon circulation and convective redistribution in governing upper-atmospheric composition and chemistry, it said.

However, the Democrats, along with some senators and academics, suspect that the US might have a hidden agenda, using the research as a front for military moves to contain China in the Asia-Pacific region.

Nasa said its ER-2 high-altitude aircraft would fly into the stratosphere at the edge of space, while the National Science Foundation's G-V and Nasa's DC-8 aircraft sampled the atmosphere below it.

An array of sensors spread across the region at locations on the ground and in the South China Sea will observe the atmosphere from the bottom up, Nasa said.

China has raised concerns over the project and dispatched a commander to Bangkok to discuss the US project.

Defence Minister Sukampol Suwannathat said he held discussions yesterday with China's Central Military Commissioner Jing Zhiyuan on issues relating to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, but did not talk about the Nasa project.

Jing, who is also commander of the 2nd Artillery Force of the People's Liberation Army, said the armed forces of Thailand and China had conducted mutually beneficial exchanges in the forms of high-level visits, security consultations, joint training, personnel training, academic exchanges and disaster relief, according to Xinhua news agency.

After a meeting with the Chinese commander, Sukampol met with US Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro. The defence minister said the US official was not here to pressure Bangkok on the Nasa project.

The US has a clear schedule for the project, and the final decision is up to the Thai government, Sukampol said. The Defence Ministry has already backed the project, since it has no impact on security matters, he said.

"I understand many people might be concerned over security matters, but please trust me, as the one who is taking care of this matter. I'm not betraying the country. I'm not allowing any foreigners to install missiles in our land," he said.


-- The Nation 2012-06-23

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soy shuts down the brain and all the sugar isnt good either... i also believe, much is caused by the food...

Has there ever been a medical study conducted which explores the connection between MSG and stupidity...

Do we think the esteemed PM will make the US deadline on giving an answer ?

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This topic must represent a bit of a dilemma for Thailand. On one hand America wants to come over and start flinging money around ( which they don't have by the way). Always a good idea in Thailand to sort of fill up the feeding trough. But on the other hand the Chinese masters of Thailand are not happy with an American presence here. I will be curious to see what Thailand does.....

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All I can believe if that they are making such a fuss over this precisely because someones visa has not been issued yet.

This topic must represent a bit of a dilemma for Thailand. On one hand America wants to come over and start flinging money around ( which they don't have by the way). Always a good idea in Thailand to sort of fill up the feeding trough. But on the other hand the Chinese masters of Thailand are not happy with an American presence here. I will be curious to see what Thailand does.....

I doubt the Thai's will say no. I think the embarrassment would be too great considering Singapore and Cambodia have already agreed.

This government is trying to appear semi competent. Making a fuss over such a minor issue would highlight the absurdity of the system.

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Thailand to US: "Government 'needs to study NASA plan'".

US to Thailand: State Department needs to study trade restrictions, investment, and implementation of highest level warning against tourist travel to Thailand.

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Ridiculous stalling.

The USA can see hear and manipulate all the Thai data out there easily enough

via satellites and terrestrial monitoring. Hell Thailand is running through with

intelligence gathering types of dozens of nations all spying on each other, and the Thais.

It will not cause any security breach to let a weather plane land at the airport regularly.

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Maybe they fear another Pattaya.

Look what happened the last time they agreed to a US military request to use one of their facilities. coffee1.gif

U tapao is pattaya. I doubt NASA will make it worse

I was being facetious..............there is a serious underlying issue. There is a collective memory of what happened with Pattaya, it was a US military request, backed by a UN report, to use a small sleepy fishing village for R&R. The UN report even said it was a good idea as it would help the economy via bringing in tourist dollars. The Thais went for it and seriously, look what happened next.

Every single request is looked at through that prism now. I'm not saying it's a deciding factor in the U-Tapao case, I'm not daft I can see the rquest looks reasonable, however there are forces at work here that are well beyond what appears to be obvious.

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Maybe they fear another Pattaya.

Look what happened the last time they agreed to a US military request to use one of their facilities. coffee1.gif

U tapao is pattaya. I doubt NASA will make it worse

I was being facetious..............there is a serious underlying issue. There is a collective memory of what happened with Pattaya, it was a US military request, backed by a UN report, to use a small sleepy fishing village for R&R. The UN report even said it was a good idea as it would help the economy via bringing in tourist dollars. The Thais went for it and seriously, look what happened next.

Every single request is looked at through that prism now. I'm not saying it's a deciding factor in the U-Tapao case, I'm not daft I can see the rquest looks reasonable, however there are forces at work here that are well beyond what appears to be obvious.

A bunch of NASA science geeks can hardly be compared with combat zone hardened soldiers out for some RnR. Even the pilots are gonna be far removed from the let it all out mentality of Viet Nam War ear soldiers.

And far too many the current residents are so over the top,

these guys would be barely recognizable cyphers in comparison.

Edited by animatic
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Government urged to air details of NASA bid to use U-Tapao


BANGKOK, June 23 – Thailand’s Opposition Democrat Party on Saturday called on the government to publicise the details of the United States space agency's request to use the country’s U-Tapao military airport as a base from which to conduct atmospheric studies.

Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said his party did not want to complicate the issue or obstruct a project that could benefit the country but it was ready to support the project only if the government clarified whether the plan could affect sovereignty, economy, or investment.

The party wanted the government to reveal the details in Parliament.

The United States requested to set up a disaster response centre at the sprawling U-Tapao base, which straddles Chon Buri and Rayong provinces, and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) asked permission to use the airport to conduct atmospheric studies.

The US move sparked concerns among the Thai public over security concerns and the Cabinet decided to postpone consideration of the request until further studies on the impact of the request have been completed.

Mr Chavanond said the NASA website said on May 18 that the space agency has begun to transfer the equipment and the ship has left an American port.

Moreover, he said, the NASA website also detailed that one of three aircraft to be used in the mission was an ER-2 which was high performance airplane and could fly at 21 kilometres above ground level and which could not be detected by radar.

According to the NASA website ER-2 (Earth Resources-2) is high-altitude science aircraft. It is a civil derivative of the military U-2S reconnaissance aircraft which it said is used on high-altitude science missions.

The aircraft, based at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, in Edwards, California, collects information about the earth and its environmental surroundings, including earth resources, celestial observations, atmospheric chemistry and dynamics, and oceanic processes. The aircraft are also used for electronic sensor research and development, satellite calibration, and satellite data validation.

The sophistication of the aircraft means that its research can be used for military applications, and its height and range mean that data could be collected and analysed relating to countries as distant as China and Russia, Iran, Pakistan and the Koreas.

The Utapao base was home to US B52 bombers during the American war in Vietnam. In addition to that country, Cambodia and Laos were also targets of American bombers at that time. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-06-23

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Ridiculous stalling.

The USA can see hear and manipulate all the Thai data out there easily enough

via satellites and terrestrial monitoring. Hell Thailand is running through with

intelligence gathering types of dozens of nations all spying on each other, and the Thais.

It will not cause any security breach to let a weather plane land at the airport regularly.

yes they should make it the Thai style...let everyone in, no matter if USA, China, Nord Korea or the Republic from Mars, but charge them whatever possible....

Or maybe they do exactly that already, just they take the fee in their private pocket??

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So the Chinese do not want another US NSA listening post on their doorstep, and Hottie Yingluck wants a new house somewhere. Decision only now negotiating whether the swimming pool and tennis court are both inside and outside, or if she will sacrifice one for a matching Rolls Royce.

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Maybe they fear another Pattaya.

Look what happened the last time they agreed to a US military request to use one of their facilities. coffee1.gif

So the US military tsunami relief aid created Pattaya? whistling.gif


U.S. Pacific Command is sending a forward command element (FCE) to Utapao, Thailand, to establish the command, control and communication structure for Joint Task Force 536 (JTF 536).

Thailand's decision to allow use of this Thai military facility is welcomed. The U.S. intends to use, with Thailand's cooperation, this military facility as a regional support center for emergency and medical personnel providing assistance throughout the region as well as a staging area for U.S. military and rescue aircraft, forensic experts, and other relief assistance.


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So the Chinese do not want another US NSA listening post on their doorstep, and Hottie Yingluck wants a new house somewhere. Decision only now negotiating whether the swimming pool and tennis court are both inside and outside, or if she will sacrifice one for a matching Rolls Royce.

Don't forget the passport and allowance on the bank account in Singapore.

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I think there will be further surprises in this one, and the obvious advantages will be discarded and hidden from all.

Remember this is the reflection of the same mob who dithered too long over misplaced "notional Pride" (sic!) and

refused the major parts of the immediate US Government offers of crisis assistance following the Tsunami in 2004

.............., and again last year during the crisis of the floods ...............

- and might never have to apologise to those Thais whose suffering might not have lasted quite as long otherwise.

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I think there will be further surprises in this one, and the obvious advantages will be discarded and hidden from all.

Remember this is the reflection of the same mob who dithered too long over misplaced "notional Pride" (sic!) and

refused the major parts of the immediate US Government offers of crisis assistance following the Tsunami in 2004

.............., and again last year during the crisis of the floods ...............

- and might never have to apologise to those Thais whose suffering might not have lasted quite as long otherwise.

Well "national Pride"? Tsunami 2004: Thaksin was happy that all these southern Democrat voters get some troubles. On the beginning he even blocked domestic help. Until he realized the full scale of it and that agencies start to help against his orders.

Last year: on the beginning USA donated 20.000 USD, obviously believing the lies of the government (and the US ambassadors were never the big big brains). Only after the USA saw the big donations from China, direct to the Royal Army (bypassing the corrupt government) the USA came with big help.

But it was a bit late. (This is no USA bashing, the reason are the lies of the Thai government).

Than I didn't hear Thailand rejected anything.....but at this time I didn't follow the news that much anymore because I was flooded.

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Maybe they fear another Pattaya.

Look what happened the last time they agreed to a US military request to use one of their facilities. coffee1.gif

So the US military tsunami relief aid created Pattaya? whistling.gif


U.S. Pacific Command is sending a forward command element (FCE) to Utapao, Thailand, to establish the command, control and communication structure for Joint Task Force 536 (JTF 536).

Thailand's decision to allow use of this Thai military facility is welcomed. The U.S. intends to use, with Thailand's cooperation, this military facility as a regional support center for emergency and medical personnel providing assistance throughout the region as well as a staging area for U.S. military and rescue aircraft, forensic experts, and other relief assistance.


A bit hard on the blethering person smile.png I know both you and I partook of the pleasures of pattaya in the late 60s early 70s and it did develop as a reaction to the needs of people here as a result of US requests. Not too sure about the UN bit though. Blether just left out all the requests since them.

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