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Future Of Thailand 'Depends On Whether People Put The Country First': Abhisit


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Those conflicts were the result of ethnic/ tribal tensions. Hopefully Thailand at least does not have those.

Really? You cannot have been aware of PAD rallies where there were many "Sons of China" banners, hateful racist language about certain ethnic groups - particularly those with darker skin colouring than the typical middle class Sino-Thai.Even now on the social media there is a great deal of ugly racist and class stereotyping.I'm not aware that once has Abhisit appealed to his supporters to end this.

Although these types of comment are condemnable, I'm afraid they exist in all civilisations.

In the UK we have the Jocks and the Taffies - and across the water the Frogs and the Micks

Within England Manchester, Liverpool, London, Newcastle

Even in London it can depend whether you're north or south - east or west

and if you're a female from Essex, well, enough said!

An Irishman and an Essex girk were sitting in a bar and the Essex girl notices that the Irishman has "L" painted on his left boot and "R" painted on his right.

Shes asks him "Why is it that you have an "L" on one boot and and "R" on the uvva?"

The Irishman replies "To be sure, it's to remind me which is left and which is right".

After a few minutes of contemplation the Essex girl exclaims "Ah! That must be why I have "C & A" in my knickers!!!!"

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Those conflicts were the result of ethnic/ tribal tensions. Hopefully Thailand at least does not have those.

Really? You cannot have been aware of PAD rallies where there were many "Sons of China" banners, hateful racist language about certain ethnic groups - particularly those with darker skin colouring than the typical middle class Sino-Thai.Even now on the social media there is a great deal of ugly racist and class stereotyping.I'm not aware that once has Abhisit appealed to his supporters to end this.

Although these types of comment are condemnable, I'm afraid they exist in all civilisations.

In the UK we have the Jocks and the Taffies - and across the water the Frogs and the Micks

Within England Manchester, Liverpool, London, Newcastle

Even in London it can depend whether you're north or south - east or west

and if you're a female from Essex, well, enough said!

An Irishman and an Essex girk were sitting in a bar and the Essex girl notices that the Irishman has "L" painted on his left boot and "R" painted on his right.

Shes asks him "Why is it that you have an "L" on one boot and and "R" on the uvva?"

The Irishman replies "To be sure, it's to remind me which is left and which is right".

After a few minutes of contemplation the Essex girl exclaims "Ah! That must be why I have "C & A" in my knickers!!!!"

What a fatuous and inappropriate response.

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Those conflicts were the result of ethnic/ tribal tensions. Hopefully Thailand at least does not have those.

Really? You cannot have been aware of PAD rallies where there were many "Sons of China" banners, hateful racist language about certain ethnic groups - particularly those with darker skin colouring than the typical middle class Sino-Thai.Even now on the social media there is a great deal of ugly racist and class stereotyping.I'm not aware that once has Abhisit appealed to his supporters to end this.

Although these types of comment are condemnable, I'm afraid they exist in all civilisations.

In the UK we have the Jocks and the Taffies - and across the water the Frogs and the Micks

Within England Manchester, Liverpool, London, Newcastle

Even in London it can depend whether you're north or south - east or west

and if you're a female from Essex, well, enough said!

An Irishman and an Essex girk were sitting in a bar and the Essex girl notices that the Irishman has "L" painted on his left boot and "R" painted on his right.

Shes asks him "Why is it that you have an "L" on one boot and and "R" on the uvva?"

The Irishman replies "To be sure, it's to remind me which is left and which is right".

After a few minutes of contemplation the Essex girl exclaims "Ah! That must be why I have "C & A" in my knickers!!!!"

What a fatuous and inappropriate response.

The only time I have ever been concerned with racism in this country was when the Red Shirts were calling for burnin all Muslim Mosques.

Pale skinned Sino-Thais berating the "sons of China" doesn't quite light my fire.

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When I ask anyone about Thailand, the first thing that comes on their lips is the issue of corruption.

Until they address this, then Thailand will always be a third world country. Unless there is the political will to eradicate this disease which is intrenched in the whole fabric of Thai society, then I cannot see how the country can move forward. The division between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' is also something that must be addressed. The issue on human rights and the way that it treats not just Thais, but every nationality needs to be put right. These changes are neccessary to allow the country move forward. Such change will of course take time, maybe even a whole generation, never-the-less I am still confident that one day Thailand will make the right choices.

The key is education so that the people with a vote understand what they are voting for, then if they have the right people in government creating some very strct anti corruption laws, having a constitution that supports those laws and that everybody understands why they are there - back to education

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Pesky thing, this democracy notion. You actually have to win enough votes, unless of course you get the other parties eliminated.

Pesky thing also is this law thing.

Even when you actually have more than enough votes to win, you still cheat and bribe other insignificant parties to run so that you will win an election you would have won anyway without cheating.... but yet you do so anyway and your party gets banned because of it.



I don't recall that happening at the last election. The PTP won the right to form a government if you recall. Still there's always the Constitutional Court to rely on.............

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And if Abhisit "puts the country first" then the future of Thailand will not include Abhisit.

As in exterminated?

Or not part of the government?

I think he's altruistic enough to accept the latter

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"The question is whether Thaksin wants to prioritise on his benefit or the country's interest," Abhisit quoted Annan as saying, referring to ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Guess we're going to have to rely on abhisit telling the truth on this one, Annan must have said it in his personal meeting with him as there's no mention of this on Annans website. Maybe he was paraphrasing or just misheard whistling.gif .

In a separate interview with the Bangkok Post, Mr Annan was asked to comment on the role of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in reconciliation.

Mr Annan did not speak specifically on Thaksin's role but reiterated that it was up to the country's political leaders to find a way to bridge gaps.

"They [the political leaders] have to set the tone. They have to be seen as one. Put the country first. The country is bigger than they are," he said.


In the words of his fellow aluminus, Khun Dave "We're all in this together"....................

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Pesky thing, this democracy notion. You actually have to win enough votes, unless of course you get the other parties eliminated.

Pesky thing also is this law thing.

Even when you actually have more than enough votes to win, you still cheat and bribe other insignificant parties to run so that you will win an election you would have won anyway without cheating.... but yet you do so anyway and your party gets banned because of it.



Well spoken, in the village where I live there has just been a by election to replace Thaksins niece. It is a predominantly red village and there was no need to pay for votes, but pay they did, 350 baht a vote. The only reason I can think of is that they wanted to ensure a large turnout.

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And if Abhisit "puts the country first" then the future of Thailand will not include Abhisit.

Like it or not Abhisit volounteered to not be part of any reconciliation bill whitewash if Thaksin didn't. We all know what Thaksin said.

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And if Abhisit "puts the country first" then the future of Thailand will not include Abhisit.

Like it or not Abhisit volounteered to not be part of any reconciliation bill whitewash if Thaksin didn't. We all know what Thaksin said.

Splendidly put.

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Stop the discussion of Chinese in this topic. Ignorance at a high level.

Thailand is a multicultural and multiethnic country from its beginning.

Taksin (not Thaksin) was Chinese.

My wife is Sino-Thai too (Mandarin not Hakka descendance like the persons you numerated)

She doesn't need a pocket calculator. For the rest she is Thai.

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Pesky thing, this democracy notion. You actually have to win enough votes, unless of course you get the other parties eliminated.

Pesky thing also is this law thing.

Even when you actually have more than enough votes to win, you still cheat and bribe other insignificant parties to run so that you will win an election you would have won anyway without cheating.... but yet you do so anyway and your party gets banned because of it.



Well spoken, in the village where I live there has just been a by election to replace Thaksins niece. It is a predominantly red village and there was no need to pay for votes, but pay they did, 350 baht a vote. The only reason I can think of is that they wanted to ensure a large turnout.

They are not paying because they have to. They are paying because the patronage system demands it, whether the vote does or not. Anyone who thinks Thailand is a democracy needs to seriously consider putting down the bottle and getting back on the wagon. These are peasants supporting their lord in the time honored tradition, and the lord is expected to show his (or her in this case) gratitude for their support. Very, very few people in Thailand actively want democracy, whereby people analyze the candidates platform and vote for the person they individually feel would be the most helpful. Instead, the feudal system in place today requires villagers to support their patron, who in turn embezzles a percentage from the government coffers and returns a percentage of that to the peasants who support him at election time.

I have no problem with the system as it exists. The fact is it works for those who live within it. The problem I have is with people who try and claim that given the above there is any kind of legitimacy afforded by a majority vote. That kind of legitimacy only applies if people exercise their vote responsibly in a democratic manner. Thailand has no such thing, and more importantly, Thais don't want there to be any such thing. Most are quite satisfied with the system as implemented.

Thailand made a mistake turning away from an absolutely monarchy. It is a failed experiment started 80 years ago by a few extremists with grand ambitions. The Thai people would be much happier if it was abolished.

Very well put and ACCURATE. I have been concerned about saying just the same for many years after living here. But now it needs to be recognized as another alternative...ie... Thai's don't WANT, NEED, or are READY for real Democracy. Hell...half the western world still is not!

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The only time I have ever been concerned with racism in this country was when the Red Shirts were calling for burnin all Muslim Mosques.

Pale skinned Sino-Thais berating the "sons of China" doesn't quite light my fire.

They're very particular the red shirts - they don't go around calling for burning the christian mosques, just the muslim ones. Yet another one of your throwaway accusations without a shred of evidence to back it up. Well done , moruya, I am now convinced you are a troll and you gain a place on my ignore list. You won't be missed.

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more than a "shred of evidence"

According to Arisaman in the video, his list of targets for burning are:

Siriraj Hospital,

All Muslim Mosques,

Government House,

Important Ministries,


Rajavithi Road,


Bank of Thailand,

Commercial Banks,

Military Barracks,

Court of Justice,

and NGO's

will all be destroyed.

His retort is:

"Not one of these will remain standing."

btw, there are 3,494 mosques and 56 airports in Thailand. blink.gif

No info on the number of other targets like bridges and banks, etc.

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wow , i expect the audience were shocked to discover there has been 2 world wars ,...... of course they know they were not involved in the cold war cos its always hot in thailand !,......... to answer the article ,most thais will always put themselves first , from the elite to the farmers , eat,sleep and dream only money , business or bargirl will cheat , steal ,deceive and even kill for the smallest of gains ,........its thai culture !

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And if Abhisit "puts the country first" then the future of Thailand will not include Abhisit.

Like it or not Abhisit volounteered to not be part of any reconciliation bill whitewash if Thaksin didn't. We all know what Thaksin said.

Splendidly put.

Well I don't care much for Thaksin either. But everything Abhisit supported when he was in government, he is now agressively opposed to now that he is in opposition. Seems like double standards. The country would be better off without people like him and the demorats. And probably the country would also be better of without Thaksin as well. But really that is for the Thai people to decide, not elitist British educated politicians who can't win elections

Edited by Time Traveller
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And if Abhisit "puts the country first" then the future of Thailand will not include Abhisit.

Like it or not Abhisit volounteered to not be part of any reconciliation bill whitewash if Thaksin didn't. We all know what Thaksin said.

Splendidly put.

Well I don't care much for Thaksin either. But everything Abhisit supported when he was in government, he is now agressively opposed to now that he is in opposition. Seems like double standards. The country would be better off without people like him and the demorats. And probably the country would also be better of without Thaksin as well. But really that is for the Thai people to decide, not elitist British educated politicians who can't win elections

Indeed, why not, in the interest of free democracy, just follow Red Shirt Leader/Pheu Thai MP Out On Bail Weng's edict to his stooges....

BANGKOK: -- Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn yesterday called on fellow red shirts to eradicate the Democrat Party.

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Those conflicts were the result of ethnic/ tribal tensions. Hopefully Thailand at least does not have those.

Really? You cannot have been aware of PAD rallies where there were many "Sons of China" banners, hateful racist language about certain ethnic groups - particularly those with darker skin colouring than the typical middle class Sino-Thai.Even now on the social media there is a great deal of ugly racist and class stereotyping.I'm not aware that once has Abhisit appealed to his supporters to end this.

That was one of the factors turning many people off Sonthi once Thaksin had gone.

His triumphing of Sino Thais saving Thailand from Thais was distasteful and elitist. I think he made the error of assuming the large support he received in the campaign to ouster Thaksin was for PAD, whilst it was really just anti Thaksin.

Once Thaksin was off stage support for PAD naturally fell away.

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more than a "shred of evidence"

According to Arisaman in the video, his list of targets for burning are:

Siriraj Hospital,

All Muslim Mosques,

Government House,

Important Ministries,


Rajavithi Road,


Bank of Thailand,

Commercial Banks,

Military Barracks,

Court of Justice,

and NGO's

will all be destroyed.

His retort is:

"Not one of these will remain standing."

btw, there are 3,494 mosques and 56 airports in Thailand. blink.gif

No info on the number of other targets like bridges and banks, etc.

Selective memory helps some to forget that little rant. This and other incitements to mindless violence, some of which was actually carried out, will see Arisman and others facing execution if an amnesty cannot be forced through.

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Abhisit and the Democrats appeal to the middle class and educated Thais who are keen to see a true democracy and a blanced society. Unfortunately the masses of voters especially from the North and Isan are still not ready to appreciate these values and are narrow minded and focused on short term economic promises such as vote buying. The middle classes and democrats have a hard task ahead of them and that is to educate their fellow Thais to appreciate the meaning of true democracy and balanced society and where each has to work hard to gain his social standing. Unfortunately, the vote buying affects such desperate voters and polarises them to the red camp (Thaksin camp) In any case as a foreigner I can only watch. But if I could cast a vote, it would be for the Democrats.

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Abhisit and the Democrats appeal to the middle class and educated Thais who are keen to see a true democracy and a blanced society. Unfortunately the masses of voters especially from the North and Isan are still not ready to appreciate these values and are narrow minded and focused on short term economic promises such as vote buying. The middle classes and democrats have a hard task ahead of them and that is to educate their fellow Thais to appreciate the meaning of true democracy and balanced society and where each has to work hard to gain his social standing. Unfortunately, the vote buying affects such desperate voters and polarises them to the red camp (Thaksin camp) In any case as a foreigner I can only watch. But if I could cast a vote, it would be for the Democrats.

The allegiance to the Democrats is rather more complex than you suggest.In many parts of the country there is a solid working class vote for the Democrats.Equally there is very significant middle class group that has supported parties associated with Thaksin.Although once the Democrat party was liberal by Thai standards,the intelligentsia is now deeply sceptical .

You may have overlooked the reality that in Thailand the resources of the state are massively skewed to the urban middle class.In every society the argument has been made the uneducated masses are too dumb to understand democracy, almost always by those who are doing well by the status quo.Each interest group tries to get the most possible out of the system.The educated are no different from the uneducated in this respect.

I also find the suggestion that only the Democrats understand true democracy to be ludicrous.It is the Democrat Party and its patrons in the military and feudal elites that have benefited from coups and judicial activism at the expense of democracy.

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Abhisit and the Democrats appeal to the middle class and educated Thais who are keen to see a true democracy and a blanced society. Unfortunately the masses of voters especially from the North and Isan are still not ready to appreciate these values and are narrow minded and focused on short term economic promises such as vote buying. The middle classes and democrats have a hard task ahead of them and that is to educate their fellow Thais to appreciate the meaning of true democracy and balanced society and where each has to work hard to gain his social standing. Unfortunately, the vote buying affects such desperate voters and polarises them to the red camp (Thaksin camp) In any case as a foreigner I can only watch. But if I could cast a vote, it would be for the Democrats.

yeaah, I have to agree!

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more than a "shred of evidence"

According to Arisaman in the video, his list of targets for burning are:

Siriraj Hospital,

All Muslim Mosques,

Government House,

Important Ministries,


Rajavithi Road,


Bank of Thailand,

Commercial Banks,

Military Barracks,

Court of Justice,

and NGO's

will all be destroyed.

His retort is:

"Not one of these will remain standing."

btw, there are 3,494 mosques and 56 airports in Thailand. blink.gif

No info on the number of other targets like bridges and banks, etc.

Oh, the rhetoric..................

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more than a "shred of evidence"

According to Arisaman in the video, his list of targets for burning are:

Siriraj Hospital,

All Muslim Mosques,

Government House,

Important Ministries,


Rajavithi Road,


Bank of Thailand,

Commercial Banks,

Military Barracks,

Court of Justice,

and NGO's

will all be destroyed.

His retort is:

"Not one of these will remain standing."

btw, there are 3,494 mosques and 56 airports in Thailand. blink.gif

No info on the number of other targets like bridges and banks, etc.

Oh, the rhetoric..................

There is a fine line between rhetoric and incitation. When the acts described are carried out, even in part, the line is very definitely crossed. I doubt you will find a judge in this country who will view that video and consider it otherwise. Tough TIT Arisman.

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more than a "shred of evidence"

According to Arisaman in the video, his list of targets for burning are:

Siriraj Hospital,

All Muslim Mosques,

Government House,

Important Ministries,


Rajavithi Road,


Bank of Thailand,

Commercial Banks,

Military Barracks,

Court of Justice,

and NGO's

will all be destroyed.

His retort is:

"Not one of these will remain standing."

btw, there are 3,494 mosques and 56 airports in Thailand. blink.gif

No info on the number of other targets like bridges and banks, etc.

Oh, the rhetoric..................

Oh, the flippancy.

Is that the best you can manage?

(and please refrain from asking me the same question as it would only magnify the insecurities in your belief system, and that would be too cruel)

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more than a "shred of evidence"

According to Arisaman in the video, his list of targets for burning are:

Siriraj Hospital,

All Muslim Mosques,

Government House,

Important Ministries,


Rajavithi Road,


Bank of Thailand,

Commercial Banks,

Military Barracks,

Court of Justice,

and NGO's

will all be destroyed.

His retort is:

"Not one of these will remain standing."

btw, there are 3,494 mosques and 56 airports in Thailand. blink.gif

No info on the number of other targets like bridges and banks, etc.

Oh, the rhetoric..................

There is a fine line between rhetoric and incitation. When the acts described are carried out, even in part, the line is very definitely crossed. I doubt you will find a judge in this country who will view that video and consider it otherwise. Tough TIT Arisman.

I doubt it too (about the judges) but for different reasons I would confidently predict.....................

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I always think that Abhisit was the right guy at the wrong time.

Give him a chance to have a "normal" term, and I am sure he's going to do a great job.

That would necessitate him having the confidence of the electorate and actually obtaining enough seats to form a government.

I don't that will happen any time soon.

Pesky thing, this democracy notion. You actually have to win enough votes, unless of course you get the other parties eliminated.

Or a lot of money to buy people.thumbsup.gif

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