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How Do The Thai Guys On Little Incomes Do It?


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Where I live there are two girls with kids in tow, no Thai guy is interested in them or their worthless famlilies.

Both these girls stay in their mothers house while the mother goes to work.

The percentage of Thai women that are single mothers is actually very very low.

The percentage of Thai women that have ever had more than a passing conversation with a farang is very very low.

It's the fact that a very very high percentage of women sleeping with farang are single mothers that is skewing your perceptions.

And of course that is driven by the fact that most Thai men would never consider marrying a woman with kids.

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Another example: Female aged 32, pursuing post doctoral studies in public health. Male aged 35, lawyer employed by a rgional investment group holding resorts, and real estate. They have been a couple for 5 years. Due to work and study obligations that keep them apart for periods of time have not had time to set up a proper house. They are a non descript couple, although they both have the magical Thai ability to look awesome when they dress up. The male has moderate income by Thai standards, and the female receives a small allowance tied to her academic status. The male together with the female's family help support her. If they weren't Thai, you would find them in any other country.

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Young thai men may not have a lot of money

but they dont have yellow teeth ....

breath stinking of alcohol / tobacco

40 kilos over weight

enormous beer belly's

constantly drenched in sweat ,even when stationary

inability to communicate in an alien land

erectile dysfuction except while on viagra and a whole host of other advantages they may have over expat farangs .....smile.png

You've never been to a Thai village, have you?

Yellow teeth or missing teeth ...... they have

Alcohol Tobacco and Yaa Baa ...... most of them

Sweaty ...... farm labourers are often sweaty

yes ,but the young thai men .....have these advanatges over the farang imports

hence ,money isnt everything that makes a woman open her legs .....

......until she have a couple of kids. Then it's Farang time.

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I don't think you got what he was saying. Young Thai men have yellow teeth, may be drug addicts, sometimes abusive and very often not faithful and alcoholics. Most women who find Farang men have a child to support from a Thai man who ran away. Not all Thai men of course but a significant number leave fatherless children. Yip I don't think you know much about Thailand. Also a lot of young Thai women end up with older fatter Thai men because they have land and or money.

I am a farang and ive been with plenty of thai women who havent had any kids or been raped or abused into prostitution by poverty or starvation

Many thai women have independant wealth thesedays from....................jobs (NOT BG;s)

Maybe youve just been taking the women from a differnt pool that i have .......

You want to tell us what the % of single Thai women earning over poverty level is in Thailand today?

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Yes, how on earth does men and women meet without a financial transaction. It boggles my mind? Perhaps they, gasp, like each other as persons?

Perhaps this is more common in gay men couples? Liking each other as people.

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Yes, how on earth does men and women meet without a financial transaction. It boggles my mind? Perhaps they, gasp, like each other as persons?

Perhaps this is more common in gay men couples? Liking each other as people.

I don't know, you tell me?

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Yes, how on earth does men and women meet without a financial transaction. It boggles my mind? Perhaps they, gasp, like each other as persons?

Perhaps this is more common in gay men couples? Liking each other as people.

I don't know, you tell me?

I have an open mind but I don't know maybe someone will come and help us.

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I don't think you got what he was saying. Young Thai men have yellow teeth, may be drug addicts, sometimes abusive and very often not faithful and alcoholics. Most women who find Farang men have a child to support from a Thai man who ran away. Not all Thai men of course but a significant number leave fatherless children. Yip I don't think you know much about Thailand. Also a lot of young Thai women end up with older fatter Thai men because they have land and or money.

I am a farang and ive been with plenty of thai women who havent had any kids or been raped or abused into prostitution by poverty or starvation

Many thai women have independant wealth thesedays from....................jobs (NOT BG;s)

Maybe youve just been taking the women from a differnt pool that i have .......

You want to tell us what the % of single Thai women earning over poverty level is in Thailand today?

I dont know ,i live and work in the central business district

the number of young ,attractive women with office jobs and their own money seems pretty high (some even have own car etc )

but i suppose the companies that can afford to rent offices in this area can pick and choose so the ones i meet on a daily basis are

are wealthier or have more disposable income than most

you cant compare these to uneducated farm labourers from isarn and expect to get the same %

if i had to guess ,id say that not many of them are living in poverty but again ,thats not representative of the village rice farmer who never even been to bangkok never mind graduated university there with a masters degree ......

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Not only in Thailand, in most of south east Asia country.. The people here are living with the minimum salaries, mostly below 1000USD..

How did they managed to survived? Just adapt with it and change the lifestyle..

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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The high rate of single attractive women in Thailand has one major reason: too many Thai guys have too little income to attract them. The girls prefer to stay single and wait for better relationship material.

Hypergamy of women.

"The high rate of single attractive women in Thailand has one major reason:"

From what I have observed the reason is: the baggage they bring with them.

Too many Thai guys aint interested in either the girls or their families.

Wouldnt say its a matter of choosing to stay single for many its a reality they have to deal with.

Where I live there are two girls with kids in tow, no Thai guy is interested in them or their worthless famlilies.

Both these girls stay in their mothers house while the mother goes to work.

Many other reasons:

Mainly the high amount of Gay guys in Thailand.

The amount of playboys with no intention of settling down, many women not wanting to be one of his many women.

The amount of alcoholic men and women that the other sex doesn't want to be with and see their hard earned money get pissed up the wall by.

Then there's the amount of gamblers both male and female who people don't want to have their money wasted by.

Plus all the current and ex-pros that very few Thai man would touch with a barge pole. Outside of working time.

Oh and over thirties women that mainly only modern Thai men would go for. Many country or old style Thai man mainly would go for a younger model for his gig, mea noi, next wife etc.

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Good post - why do the majority of Thai women insist on relationships with Thai men when there's such a fine upstanding selection of western men available? laugh.pngclap2.gif

theres basically a handful of farangs (many old and decrepid ) and about 30,000,000 thai men

simple mathematics would suggest ,there is NOT a rich farang available to be picked up by every

thai woman who would like one

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Predictable to see the usual suspects regurgitating their odious, disparaging opinions about the small pool of Thai women available to them and assuming that every other man, Thai or otherwise, is grubbing around at the bottom of the barrel for the same roadkill that they are.

I couldn't say for sure how Thai guys on 6K a month find girlfriends but I'd hazard a guess that, within their own social circles, it comes down to being attracted to one another, making each other laugh and having something in common. Just like it is anywhere else in the world.

The majority of Thai women are not sexual mercenaries available to the highest bidder.

Human evolution would suggest that women will any screw men they can get their hands on (or maybe the other way around :D ) regardless of money

since women were screwing men before the concept of money was invented

probably in village areas where the average wage is 6000 thb ,that might be enough to live on ? not all thai women are going to find a 200k a month lifestyle and many might not even want it ,if it ment going with some old farang bloke 2 or 3 times older than her

many would still choose the less wealthy thai man from the same peer group i suspect ....

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7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.


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