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If it makes any difference to you OP, I'm with you in this one. Sometimes the point is there is no point, and once you realize tht there is no point then you start t think to yourself, maybe I asked the wrong question. You didn't ask the wrong question, you asked a question that wasn't going to give you the ultimate answer you required. Some people would call that a waste of time, I would call that a process of elimination. There was a time wen a sailor man set of to prove to the world that the earth was round, oh how people laughed, but he was right.

that man was Ferdinand Magellan........he did prove that the World is round, however he died doing so.


A little known fact is that he was asked if he had any final words to tell the Pope on his deathbed, he stretched up, wheezing, his bony hand pointing, mouthing the words but only the sound of his dying breaths came pouring out, finally, grabbed the the first mates tunic, and said to him, "tell the pope, tell him, I have traveled the world, and seen exotic beasts, strange naked men and sea monsters, I've seen mountainous seas and beautiful sunsets, tell the pope I took this voyage of discovery to answer the one question that has troubled me all my life" .....at that he collapsed, sunken cheeked, hollow eyed, te first mate leaned close to his mouth and heard his final words, " tell him, I don't like cheese ".


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I had a scratch my head moment when on a date with a woman today.....i dare not write about it because i write too much so i have been told, another yesterday with a zig zaging pedestrian again the censor has spoken....bite your lip man...


Thanks Pseudolus i looked there a little while back and got the same run around, some dude was going on in another post about thais not getting paid enough well is it any wonder, the customer service in this country stinks, if its not in there shop forget it.

If i cant get a copy soon i will get one when i go home in 2mths but hey its given me something to do, all this running around, and talk about customer service i emailed one place after a phone conversation do you think there bothered to reply yet?

No i dont think there worth more money, they have no concept of hard work either, just look at construction sites, they throw dozens of guys to do what just a few would do in AU, same if you take a walk through the department stores, back in the 80s when the work place reforms swept through in Au courtesy of a labour gov i might add, pay deals and conditions were tied to productivity, from my time here i see productivity here as very patchy.

And do we wanna bitch about the taxi driver that took me down town yesterday? i know my way around a bit now...we seriously zig zaged all the way into downtown, he spoke no english just enough to recognize the bts i wanted to go to.

Last week carrying a couple of heavy bags from the supermarket some pretty young thing blocked several attempts to pass her when she zigged and then zagged cross my path 3 times on a cluttered disrepaired footpath on the fourth i muttered hey and a few words i dont recall but not offensive but in a tone to show my displeasure, and she was aware i was trying to get past, with a sour expression on her face she told me i should walk slower....how do you like that? what sort of mentality does hot legs have>?

Im not complaining its not my country, but i am use to better, at the end of the day its a cheap place to live but just a few changes would make it a fantastic place to live the first is the police should police road rules, all bikes off footpaths, repair footpaths and getthe hazards off them, pretty simple actually, oh one other thing, food vendors and market stalls encroach far to often on the the footpaths making it hazardous and slow moving, i think these market and stalls adds to life here but better planing and placement would do everyone a favor.


Thanks Pseudolus i looked there a little while back and got the same run around, some dude was going on in another post about thais not getting paid enough well is it any wonder, the customer service in this country stinks, if its not in there shop forget it.

If i cant get a copy soon i will get one when i go home in 2mths but hey its given me something to do, all this running around, and talk about customer service i emailed one place after a phone conversation do you think there bothered to reply yet?

No i dont think there worth more money, they have no concept of hard work either, just look at construction sites, they throw dozens of guys to do what just a few would do in AU, same if you take a walk through the department stores, back in the 80s when the work place reforms swept through in Au courtesy of a labour gov i might add, pay deals and conditions were tied to productivity, from my time here i see productivity here as very patchy.

And do we wanna bitch about the taxi driver that took me down town yesterday? i know my way around a bit now...we seriously zig zaged all the way into downtown, he spoke no english just enough to recognize the bts i wanted to go to.

Last week carrying a couple of heavy bags from the supermarket some pretty young thing blocked several attempts to pass her when she zigged and then zagged cross my path 3 times on a cluttered disrepaired footpath on the fourth i muttered hey and a few words i dont recall but not offensive but in a tone to show my displeasure, and she was aware i was trying to get past, with a sour expression on her face she told me i should walk slower....how do you like that? what sort of mentality does hot legs have>?

Im not complaining its not my country, but i am use to better, at the end of the day its a cheap place to live but just a few changes would make it a fantastic place to live the first is the police should police road rules, all bikes off footpaths, repair footpaths and getthe hazards off them, pretty simple actually, oh one other thing, food vendors and market stalls encroach far to often on the the footpaths making it hazardous and slow moving, i think these market and stalls adds to life here but better planing and placement would do everyone a favor.

You do sound a bit like a ''Mr. Angry''. bah.gif

184 posts...senior member...hmmm makes me seem OLD im not old....im not young either cant we have a rewording of senior to something like star or monster plzz mr moderator?

you are not terribly coherent either.

I would have said barely literate, however we do make allowances for ESL, and, well, you are Australian.

Why don't you simply buy a cracked copy and wait until you get home to buy a legitimate one?

This way you get what you need and can assuage your conscience when it is possible to do so?

And i suspect you cannot have looked that hard, because:



Ok, I'll bite.

Assuming that this is the real topic, and it's not just some whine about Thai's admitting they don't know...

After several attempts to locate and purchase a legit copy of photo shop im forced to go the route i did not want to go, during my travels between one major mall to the next i was sent everywhere by ever helpful counter staff, ( i dont want to purchase and download online as i want a hard copy of my purchase)

By 'I want a hard copy of my purchase', I assume you mean that you want a CD/DVD. Yes?

Well, guess what. After you download from adobe.com, you can burn the file (along with emails/seriels you receive from Adobe) to a DVD.

Problem solved.

As for the whine... yes, I understand. Also love the other stock answer... 'No have'.

i beleive you can also buy from adobe, download the file, begin using it and have your boxed set arrive in the mail later


Mr tinfiolhat, ive been to pillar and post, even emailed one company with my needs, and guess what? the dumb ass's sent me information on exactly what i did not ask for, yes im going to wait till i go home.

Another fine example is wanting to do a tour of Burma, Maynamar, contacted a tour company here in BKK that a thai friend recommended, after rooting me around for a week they now tell me they dont have enough time to organize a visa for me to go out on the date i wanted to, mind you i did give them all the details in the very first phone conversation and later that day in an email.

As for the dude and his comment on Status Quo......if you can remember them your a bore and i didnt like em anyway i have far better taste in music than that.


That tour company did not get back to me, i got my Mynamar visa on my own 2 days from lodging to pick up how they needed 14 days is beyond me.

I found on the web a couple of free photo shop and downloaded them once i learn how to use them as there not as simple as the apps on your phone or ipad they should be enough for me.

About the only place you get any decent service in this country is in retail though im still waiting on a call from one department store for for a green size M british india tshirt to come in, but to be fair i keep an eye out when im out and no one including the centre world store have had new stock.

  • 4 weeks later...

And a second travel agent gave me the run around on a tour for Burma so im going to Cambodia now....and my apartment land lord never got back to me on advice about breaking my lease, i did offer a solution but you know how it is here if its not within the normal confines of a day to day thing then its all just to cambodian for them....you know the brain drain from Pol Pots era except it didnt happen in Thailand.

If it were just isolated instances i could roll with it but its almost everything, they seriously are a third world economy the moral of these posts is get yourself a TGF and let her do your running around....i really miss my sexy salsa TGF dancer...


I had a scratch my head moment when on a date with a woman today.....i dare not write about it because i write too much so i have been told, another yesterday with a zig zaging pedestrian again the censor has spoken....bite your lip man...

I find that if confronted with a zig zagger in front of me, reaching my hand infront of them and waving it about will get them to realise there is someone behind them who wants to get past. After about 1 to 2 minutes.

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