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International Guarantee On Samsung Phone In Chiang Mai?


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I want to buy a Samsung smartphone in Chiang Mai but having problems finding a store which will offer an international guarantee. We've just come back from KL where this wasn't a problem and now wish I'd bought one there but I didn't ... Does anyone know if I will be able to get one in Chiang Mai?

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Yes, it was a strange one. He had the same product in two different boxes at two different prices (about a £20 difference). The more expensive one had a sticker (very official looking) on the box stating that it had an international guarantee. The guy said you went to their website and keyed in the serial number which gave the guarantee. He said we could take the phone back for a refund if we had any problems. Seemed genuine but who knows - we didn't buy!

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P.T. Barnum once said their is a sucker born every minute.

Do we need non-constructive comments? Spare us and go bother someone else. The OP asked a legitimate question and you implied he is a sucker. Tells us more about you than him. Now bugger off.

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I was in Mumbai recently and enquired at a phone shop about warranty in Thailand if I bought the Galaxy S3 there. The salesperson said (without skipping a beat so I tend to believe her) that all I had to do was take the phone to a Samsung dealer in Thailand and register it for a small fee. Sort of made sense in that the Thai outfit got to inspect the phone before putting their stamp on it.

Never bought the phone though as they only had white.

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