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Vigo Bug Deflectors


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I've seen two types of bug deflector for the Vigo. One has a cutaway for airflow to the intercooler intake and another without.

Wouldn't the latter seriously degrade airflow to the intercooler?

I saw an ad for one with lots of airflow arrows bending over it and shooting into the intake but would that be a gimmick? I would have thought you would probably have a vacuum there and stop it from working like it was designed to do.

Do these things actually work at keeping bugs off your windscreen? And stone chips?

Why would someone buy one without the cutaway?

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All that aftermarket sh1t that people tend to put in is just that.. And quality of any of those toys is far less than the stuff delivered by Toyota.. Same goes for those 'cool' replacement light units that actually are less bright/effective than the original ones. And don't get me started on other bits of plastic that half cover the light units..

I bought my truck second hand, with all those silly bits already on it, but I'm gradually removing them as they break or fall off.

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Your right, all those "accessories" that people insist on buying do my head in. Particularly the head / taillight covers, they must reduce the efficiancy and look terrible.

To think of all the development that goes into making things like lights work better then some one thinks they have a better idea.

What's your biggest hate in the aftermarket scene people?

What thing's actually work?

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> What's your biggest hate in the aftermarket scene people?

1. Roof racks that are permanently installed, and empty. Especially on pick-ups that have loads of space in the back. :o They just sit there looking silly and increasing drag and thus fuel consumption.

2. 4-6 high beam lights installed on the roof pointing forward, but none pointing backward. (Any off roading involves backing up now and then, and with all the lights pointing forward you start to feel pretty stupid pretty fast when off roading at night)

3. Cars lowered to the point they can't get over a speed bump or out of the shopping mall car park.

4. UV light or green or pink lights on the underside.

5. Break lights that flash 4 times automatic when you just break once.

6. Any lights at teh back that aren't red (except the reverse light of course). And any lights in the front that aren't white/yellow.

..wow I think I could go on forever..

Now then, things that actually work...

1. An extra high beam light pointing towards the rear. You have to install it way at the back though or you end up lighting up the rear bed of the truck to the point that you can't see in the darker area behind it. Also useful for warning drivers behind you when you have to stop in the middle of the road for whatever reason. This will attract attention to you being stopped. Learn to find the switch instinctively in the dark.

2. A max-liner (or equivalent) to protect the bed of the truck.

3. A 'lock-tech' lock that locks the break and clutch pedal very securely. (Installes completely out of sight and is bolted to the car solidly so it doesn't become a projectile in case of an accident.

4. Child safety seats if you have children. This should probably be number 1.

5. Child safety lock in the back.. Strange as it may seem, my car had this built in from the factory even though it's a pick-up truck. Apparently some truck manufacturors DO think about simple but effective safety measures..

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I agree with all of those. (Even though I think that the lights on the underside are sort of cool, but I would pick purple).

A few more.

Those giant cow catchers on the front of pickups. Where do you think you live? Texas?

Any silver plastic crap that covers up the tail lights

Window tint that is so dark you cant see inside, to tell if the driver is looking at you

Aftermarket wheels - they just annoy me

Any car stereo that causes my teeth to rattle at 10 meters

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5. Break lights that flash 4 times automatic when you just break once.

I have one of those brake lamp flasher installed on my car. :o I thought it's more eye-catching and noticeable from the distance when on highways, therefore reducing the chance of rear collision. You can set the number of times it blinks BTW. Perhaps up to 15 times or so in the interval of 4 - 5 seconds. It only flashes for that long and will stay lit for as long as you leave your foot stepped on brake pedal.

1. An extra high beam light pointing towards the rear. You have to install it way at the back though or you end up lighting up the rear bed of the truck to the point that you can't see in the darker area behind it. Also useful for warning drivers behind you when you have to stop in the middle of the road for whatever reason. This will attract attention to you being stopped. Learn to find the switch instinctively in the dark.

I thought these are used to blind the drivers tailgating you and to ward them off. :D

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5. Break lights that flash 4 times automatic when you just break once.

I have one of those brake lamp flasher installed on my car. :D I thought it's more eye-catching and noticeable from the distance when on highways, therefore reducing the chance of rear collision. You can set the number of times it blinks BTW. Perhaps up to 15 times or so in the interval of 4 - 5 seconds. It only flashes for that long and will stay lit for as long as you leave your foot stepped on brake pedal.

I agree with chanchao, they are really irritating. I have no idea whether your braking or just playing with the brake pedal. The light should go on and stay on, not flash like a disco!!!

I hate those huge rear wings that are clearly not designed for the car they have been attached to :o

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> A few more.

> Those giant cow catchers on the front of pickups. Where do you

> think you live? Texas?

Hey, they're covenient for pushing shopping carts out of the way at Tesco! :o Other than that, I agee. And they mostly suck going off-road as they reduce the angle of attack of an incline.

> Window tint that is so dark you cant see inside, to tell if the driver

> is looking at you

Useful when brining your visiting whitey family into national parks tho. :D



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> A few more.

> Those giant cow catchers on the front of pickups. Where do you

> think you live? Texas?

Hey, they're covenient for pushing shopping carts out of the way at Tesco! :o Other than that, I agee. And they mostly suck going off-road as they reduce the angle of attack of an incline.

> Window tint that is so dark you cant see inside, to tell if the driver

> is looking at you

Useful when brining your visiting whitey family into national parks tho. :D



I had my front window tinted even though I was initially dead against it. They put a much lighter tint on it but it is still "mirrored" on the outside and is no problem at night.

The best thing about it is the police can't tell a farang is driving until it is too late and your accelarating away robbing them of much needed "tea money" :D

All those colour matched plastic trim things do my head in. A few years in the sun and dirt and you will see why. What an absolute waste of money.

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