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Card Swallowed In Atm, Thai Farmers Bank?


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My Card is missing, many i time i walked off and nearly forgot it only for the beeping sound, so used to the Irish ones giving you your card first and then money.

Anyway i cant remember where i last used it, but im pretty sure it was the one outside 711 on Canal Road or One of the machines in San Kad Kaew.

I checked my statement and it said THAI FARMERS BANK, would those be returned to a bank here in chiang mai that i could go and collect it or and i better off cancelling it, that's a lot of hassle too and means ill be without the card for probably 2-3 weeks. I have a backup card and there isn't much in the one i lost so not a huge deal but i like to have a backup

Anyone get stuck in the same situation?

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Some Thai ATMs will "swallow" an ATM card after a "suitable pause" to protect the bank/user from fraud, should someone come along and take the card after you've left the machine. I know this to have happened. I do not know about your bank.

I believe (not certain) that ATM machines might be tended by service companies contracted by the bank. It might be difficult to get your card back, especially if you didn't suffer this problem at one of your bank's locations where you can immediately visit with the staff. (You'll need your passport, certainly, to get your passport back.) I know of that sort of instance, as well.

The safest thing to do, if you don't retrieve the card almost immediately, is to cancel the account, start a new account and obtain a replacement card from the originating bank. If it is your bank in Chiang Mai, that is probably not very difficult. If it is a foreign bank, you might have to be very patient for a replacement! And the bank might or might not mail it to you in Thailand! Some banks, of course, may not issue duplicate cards initially or later.

One way to avoid the potential practical problems is to carry ATM cards from two different banks.

I believe I managed most of the ins and outs. Ah, the price of convenience!

Good luck!

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I left my card in the K Bank ATM next to the 7-11 on Loi Kroh. The machine swallowed it. I went to the nearest K Bank branch the next day and they had it there, along with many others.

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First you go back to the branch or shop where the ATM is located. Often people find the card stuck in there and will give it to the 7-11 staff to keep, if it's an ATM outside a 7-11 or similar store.

Second option is your bank branch. But at that point you should probably call to have it blocked. (you can un-block it later if it is found)

I wouldn't wait too long for it to show up though, just make a new one.

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Thanks, i can check at the 711 store but not at central plaza (san sad kaew or whatever the name is) as i cant even remember what floor i went to an ATM on. If someone is good enough to hack my number then i think they deserve the few bob thats in it as i only use it as a backup and usually leave no more than 100 or so in it, wont be a good ROI for their time that's for sure. So the bank is Kasikorn not Farmers Bank? I guess it would be worth trying that bank and if not there ill get it cancelled, thanks for the help

Edited by mrireland
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I left mine in the SCB in the Night Bazaar. When I went back the next day they said they did not have it.

They said they send all the cards that get left in machines to Bangkok. It was a ATM card on my Canadian Bank. Not a problem. Unless you know the pin number it is useless. I just let it go and used my visa card if I had to make a withdrawal. Now if I use a card drawing on a foreign bank I use a machine at a Bank in case I forget it. As a back up I have a Visa card keyed to get withdrawals from the same bank.

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With Bangkok Bank, they'll hold a swallowed Bangkok Bank ATM card if the ATM machine belongs to your "home" branch. Otherwise, it's sent to your "home" branch, sometimes via Bangkok, so it can take a while to get the card. At least they can confirm they've got it so you know it's safe.

I think you're in real trouble if the swallowed card was for a foreign bank. The OPs problems are compounded because he can't remember exactly where it was swallowed. The best thing might be to cancel it and get a new card.

I've had my Bangkok Bank card swallowed more times than I care to admit. (Gee, give me a break, I always seem to run into someone I know at the ATM and start to chat. With their ATM machines, she who hesitates is lost!) That's why, now, the only place I use it is at the ATM machine for Bangkok Bank just outside my branch bank. Even then they won't open the machine immediately. I have to return the next day to claim the card.

Edited by NancyL
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