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Public Hearing Postponed For British Serial Killer Ian Brady


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Public hearing postponed for British serial killer Ian Brady < br />

2012-07-06 19:55:40 GMT+7 (ICT)

MANCHESTER, ENGLAND (BNO NEWS) -- A British judge on Friday postponed a mental health review tribunal for convicted serial killer Ian Brady, who was hospitalized earlier this week and is seeking permission to be transferred to a Scottish prison and be allowed to kill himself.

Judge Robert K. Atherton said in his ruling that Brady's public hearing cannot take place on Monday due to his medical condition, which is not believed to be life-threatening. A significant factor in the decision to postpone the hearing was the fact that the court had previously considered it of importance that Brady would participate in person.

"The Tribunal accepted that Mr Brady's medical condition, though not life-threatening, is such as to preclude his attendance and proper participation in the hearing in public," Atherton said. "The Tribunal considered that it would not be proper to continue in his absence as it had been a significant factor in the decision to grant a hearing in public that he would participate in such a hearing."

The judge said the medical condition of Brady does not allow for a short postponement, but gave no indication when a new date could be set. "In the circumstances the Tribunal had to conclude that the forthcoming hearing must be adjourned to a date to be fixed when the commitments of those involved have been ascertained because of Mr Brady's present physical condition," he said.

Brady, 74, was admitted to Fazakerley Hospital in Merseyside on Monday after becoming acutely physically unwell on his ward at Ashworth Hospital. He underwent a series of tests and was kept under observation while he remained at the general hospital for two nights, but was returned to Ashworth Hospital on Wednesday despite remaining physically unwell.

Brady and his girlfriend, Myra Hindley, were responsible for the murders of at least five children in the Greater Manchester area in 1960s. Brady, sentenced to life imprisonment for three murders, has been detained at Ashworth Hospital under the Mental Health Act since 1985 and is being tube fed ever since he launched successive hunger strike which began in 1999.

Brady requested the mental health review tribunal in August 2010 and wants to be transferred to a Scottish prison and be allowed to die. It would have been his first public appearance since being imprisoned in 1966, as the mental health review tribunal was to be shown to the press and public through videolink.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-07-06

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I'm with Jim Keep the sack of S@*t alive as long as possible with as few meds as possible to dull the pain! That being said if he really wants to die then maybe he could be tortured for months on end slowly into the afterlife this also would seem fair enough but letting him go out on his own terms peacefully, nah.

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Nope, let that bastard rot in jail and keep tube feeding him till he is past 100. The body of the 12 year old son of Winnie Johnson was never found and she begged Brady to tell the location of the grave and he refused. The woman died as an elderly woman who had lived a life of suffering because of Brady, let alone the children that he tortured and murdered. Keep the bastard alive at all costs and make sure he suffers for as many more years as possible, at which point hopefully Beelzebub will welcome him with open arms for an eternity of special treatment.

This is exactly why I'm against the death penalty. Execution is the easy way out, these child murderers / torturers should be locked up for life, reminded everyday that there is no future, hope, or dreams for them. Every single day of the rest of their life will be a repetition of the previous day. They most definitely be allowed to pick their time of death by commiting suicide.

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Nope, let that bastard rot in jail and keep tube feeding him till he is past 100. The body of the 12 year old son of Winnie Johnson was never found and she begged Brady to tell the location of the grave and he refused. The woman died as an elderly woman who had lived a life of suffering because of Brady, let alone the children that he tortured and murdered. Keep the bastard alive at all costs and make sure he suffers for as many more years as possible, at which point hopefully Beelzebub will welcome him with open arms for an eternity of special treatment.

This is exactly why I'm against the death penalty. Execution is the easy way out, these child murderers / torturers should be locked up for life, reminded everyday that there is no future, hope, or dreams for them. Every single day of the rest of their life will be a repetition of the previous day. They most definitely be allowed to pick their time of death by commiting suicide.


Check this video out, if you are pushed for time the first 15 mins will do. It is an absolute nightmare and is exactly where Brady should be. The russian supermax prison 'Black Dolphin', where the only way out is via the cemetary. The rest of the vid is also very good. The Russians certainly know how to run a prison. You can find this video on youtube providing you dont live in Thailand, for some reason National Geographic have now blocked it here, but there is a great fast streaming copy on vimeo. It is a 45 min documentary found on google via 'russias toughest prisons'. For the inmates of Black Dolphin, life is ..quite correctly, a living hell. Enjoy!

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I differ on views here. The families of the dead kids still live the nightmare all the time this creep breaths. Once he is underground the bereaved families can relax cos this piece of crap will go where he belongs, Lucifer is waiting . vampire.gif

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I differ on views here. The families of the dead kids still live the nightmare all the time this creep breaths. Once he is underground the bereaved families can relax cos this piece of crap will go where he belongs, Lucifer is waiting . vampire.gif

I think the problem is that we don't know if lucifer is waiting. If we knew for certain, then criminals like this should be dispatched on day 1. All we do know is that the punishment we deliver is reality. I understand your point about the families and their feelings. In a world of true justice I guess those feelings should be taken into consideration in terms of sentencing, but too many variables exist. I think that when a prisoner such as Brady has decided it is all too much for him and he wants the choice to end his life and finish his undoubted suffering, then he should be shown as much mercy as he showed those children....none.

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I differ on views here. The families of the dead kids still live the nightmare all the time this creep breaths. Once he is underground the bereaved families can relax cos this piece of crap will go where he belongs, Lucifer is waiting . vampire.gif

I think the problem is that we don't know if lucifer is waiting. If we knew for certain, then criminals like this should be dispatched on day 1. All we do know is that the punishment we deliver is reality. I understand your point about the families and their feelings. In a world of true justice I guess those feelings should be taken into consideration in terms of sentencing, but too many variables exist. I think that when a prisoner such as Brady has decided it is all too much for him and he wants the choice to end his life and finish his undoubted suffering, then he should be shown as much mercy as he showed those children....none.

Well, l must differ, the family come first to stop their torment. I don't give a shit about Braidy and how he should suffer, that is for the reader of a tabloid to think, yeh, do this do that, but in reality this bloke should go and see his maker and let the bereaved close the book.
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The Court should allow him to commit suicide,and he should have been allowed to a long time ago,like straight after his Trial.

On the other hand,perhaps he should be forced to live,as a form of torture,just like he did to the 5 Tortured/Murdered children? I hope the Courts decide quickly,i'm sick of hearing about this monster.

Either way this man is pure Evil,just like his accomplice Myra Hindley,who fortunately is already dead,and no longer a burden on the UK Taxpayer,arguably a refusal by the Court could be Bradys Karma?

Edited by MAJIC
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I differ on views here. The families of the dead kids still live the nightmare all the time this creep breaths. Once he is underground the bereaved families can relax cos this piece of crap will go where he belongs, Lucifer is waiting . vampire.gif

I think the problem is that we don't know if lucifer is waiting. If we knew for certain, then criminals like this should be dispatched on day 1. All we do know is that the punishment we deliver is reality. I understand your point about the families and their feelings. In a world of true justice I guess those feelings should be taken into consideration in terms of sentencing, but too many variables exist. I think that when a prisoner such as Brady has decided it is all too much for him and he wants the choice to end his life and finish his undoubted suffering, then he should be shown as much mercy as he showed those children....none.

Well, l must differ, the family come first to stop their torment. I don't give a shit about Braidy and how he should suffer, that is for the reader of a tabloid to think, yeh, do this do that, but in reality this bloke should go and see his maker and let the bereaved close the book.


I am not in disagreement with you, nor would I ever argue with you on this point. We all have different ways of envisaging suffering I guess. For me, my biggest nightmare would be that shown in the first 15 mins of the vid I linked to, for me death would then be an easy way out. I fully appreciate and agree with your comments, no sweat! My only hope is the afterlife! We cannot give enough punishment in this life to a beast such as this. If there was a hell and he was bound for it, for eternity, it would be sweet!

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Nope, let that bastard rot in jail and keep tube feeding him till he is past 100. The body of the 12 year old son of Winnie Johnson was never found and she begged Brady to tell the location of the grave and he refused. The woman died as an elderly woman who had lived a life of suffering because of Brady, let alone the children that he tortured and murdered. Keep the bastard alive at all costs and make sure he suffers for as many more years as possible, at which point hopefully Beelzebub will welcome him with open arms for an eternity of special treatment.

This is exactly why I'm against the death penalty. Execution is the easy way out, these child murderers / torturers should be locked up for life, reminded everyday that there is no future, hope, or dreams for them. Every single day of the rest of their life will be a repetition of the previous day. They most definitely be allowed to pick their time of death by commiting suicide.


Check this video out, if you are pushed for time the first 15 mins will do. It is an absolute nightmare and is exactly where Brady should be. The russian supermax prison 'Black Dolphin', where the only way out is via the cemetary. The rest of the vid is also very good. The Russians certainly know how to run a prison. You can find this video on youtube providing you dont live in Thailand, for some reason National Geographic have now blocked it here, but there is a great fast streaming copy on vimeo. It is a 45 min documentary found on google via 'russias toughest prisons'. For the inmates of Black Dolphin, life is ..quite correctly, a living hell. Enjoy!

Thanks; I watched the first 15 minutes of it; yes, it is surely tough in there but there are so many prisons around the world (especially in Africa and Asia) where the conditions are a lot tougher. There are so many prisons where prisoners cannot even find enough space to lay down at night and

prisons infested with rats and cockroaches. So, in those aspects, Black Dolphin is not THAT tough.

I also think that having to spend the rest of one's life (with no chance of parole) in a very tiny cell is an appropriate sentence for brutal killers (in fact, I would go as far as including most murderers, with the exception of murderers who are mentally ill, self-defense killings, killings done under extreme stress and a few other types).Let's not forget that a DEFINITE life sentence would be a powerful deterrent for most potential murderers.

Expense for the prisons/prisoners ? Just decrease the frickin' military budgets (I am a hardcore anti-militarist, by the way). So many prisons can be built by decreasing military budgets by even few percents.

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I have always held the theory that in cases of massmurder, where there is admission of guilt beyond any doubt, the murderer should be handed over to the families of the victims, to do whatever they want with him.

However you look at it, this guy had decades of ; three cooked meals every day (free), warm cell, and dental/medical treatment (free), and he didn't even have to wash the dishes afterwards.That is a standard of living that most of the world do not have. And we paid for it with our taxes.

If a man admits to the crimes and is guilty beyond any doubt, hand him over to the victims parents and let them deal with him, like the old tribal systems of Northern Europe used to do. It gives a sense of closure to the victims families when they can put the boot in on behalf of their dead children, something that three cooked meals a day and heated cells doesn't.


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This is exactly why I'm against the death penalty. Execution is the easy way out, these child murderers / torturers should be locked up for life, reminded everyday that there is no future, hope, or dreams for them. Every single day of the rest of their life will be a repetition of the previous day. They most definitely be allowed to pick their time of death by commiting suicide.

While I agree that those who commit horrendous crimes should have a horrendous punishment, the problem is that more and more cases are being brought to light where someone was convicted because of lying officials of crimes that they did not commit. They served decades with everyone totally convinced that they were rapists or murderers. The justice system needs to be reformed.

(I am not referring to the Ian Brady case.)



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If we could provide a punishment worse than death, Brady would be the #1 candidate for it. But as the British penal system is rather on the soft side comapred to other countries, I still think we should rid ourselves of this evil scumbag. It would give the families closure, and save the taxpayer from having to keep him.

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The man has been deemed mentally incompetent.

I interpret the posts proposing the infliction of pain and suffering as a proposal that the criminally insane should be tortured and put to death.

It is very difficult to be convicted under an insanity plea and it is extremely difficult, near impossible, to detain a man for 40+ years in an institution for the criminally insane unless the subject is certifiably insane. What good then would come of such uncivilized behaviour as the infliction of pain, save to satiate the primitive desire for vengance? The man is not all there in the head and is incapable of knowing right from wrong. He is in a different world. What a sane person may think is punishment, most likely will have no impact on criminally insane person.

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I have always held the theory that in cases of massmurder, where there is admission of guilt beyond any doubt, the murderer should be handed over to the families of the victims, to do whatever they want with him.

However you look at it, this guy had decades of ; three cooked meals every day (free), warm cell, and dental/medical treatment (free), and he didn't even have to wash the dishes afterwards.That is a standard of living that most of the world do not have. And we paid for it with our taxes.

If a man admits to the crimes and is guilty beyond any doubt, hand him over to the victims parents and let them deal with him, like the old tribal systems of Northern Europe used to do. It gives a sense of closure to the victims families when they can put the boot in on behalf of their dead children, something that three cooked meals a day and heated cells doesn't.


This is from a " campaigner for human rights".......... Wow.

Yeah, rip their eyes out.

let's get biblical.

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The man has been deemed mentally incompetent.

I interpret the posts proposing the infliction of pain and suffering as a proposal that the criminally insane should be tortured and put to death.

It is very difficult to be convicted under an insanity plea and it is extremely difficult, near impossible, to detain a man for 40+ years in an institution for the criminally insane unless the subject is certifiably insane. What good then would come of such uncivilized behaviour as the infliction of pain, save to satiate the primitive desire for vengance? The man is not all there in the head and is incapable of knowing right from wrong. He is in a different world. What a sane person may think is punishment, most likely will have no impact on criminally insane person.

He may be mentally incompetent now after 40 years in the brigg, but he was not mentally incompetent at the time of his crimes! He trotured then murdered young children and made audio tapes with his girlfriend of him doing it.

Lest we forget

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This is from a " campaigner for human rights".......... Wow.

Yeah, rip their eyes out.

let's get biblical.

Its not Biblical. The bible is a new book by a new modern religion that is a drop in the ocean compared to the human race timeline. Older civilisations knew that child-killers deserved to pay for their crimes. A long time before the bible was even dreamed up. Tribal culture treated criminals brutally, and criminals thought very carefully before breaking the tribal laws because they knew that there wasn't a nice comfy cell and cooked meals waiting for them when they got caught.

Human rights means you are born with rights, and have rights, until you violate the rights of others. Depending on the severity of your crimes, your human rights will be restricted - no driving, exclusion from certain people, or prison sentence etc. All those things are your human rights being restricted because of your own actions. My feelings is that a serial killer of children such as Brady who killed not so far from where I grew up in N.England, or Sutcliffe who killed a girl from my school, are a waste of public funds to keep them alive. It is different for single murder or manslaughter, where a jail sentence is sufficient. People who deliberately kill children or adults repeatedly, are malicious predators and not worth taxpayers money feeding and housing.

I would also say that if Brady had killed one of my daughters, I would sincerely want the legal right to beat him to a pulp.

Edited by Yunla
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