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Enraged Pattaya Bartender Chops Up A Drunk Customer


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Poor man, Many bars have staff with no customer skills. They should be able to handle abuse without violence.

why should staff take the abuse?

just issue all bar tenders with guns, the big knife thing slicing someone to bits is just too unsightly for a family resort

if a customer gets drunk and abusive just shoot them after they have paid their check bin and left


PHl - I'm now going over some of your previous postings on here to see just exactly where your head is

Edited by smedly
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Poor man, Many bars have staff with no customer skills. They should be able to handle abuse without violence.

why should staff take the abuse?

Oh... so they shouldn't and then such brutal retaliatory attacks such as this one and shootings are fully justified?

As is the case with most Thai's in hospitality and public service postions (with the exception of 5 star resorts),.. not nearly enough training or proper staff selection are applied!

i see so the hotels and bars should train the staff to be a punching bag, so the drunken idiot can feel better about himself after spending few buck?

So what training would be suggest? perhaps something like customer is always right?

So when the idiot is standing there and calling staff pedo or whatever else under the sun, staff should agree?

or better yet when the idiot says he will come back and shoot the staff, staff should say "welcome"blink.png

All staff in any service industry who deal with the public are always going to have to learn how to deal with the whackos. There's enough good examples of the diversity of human nature here in TV -- but we don't chop them up (yet) ;)

The bartender needs locking up for sure, but the bar-owner needs a heavy fine for employing such a guy and/or making sure his staf are not "armed and dangerous". blink.png

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