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Red-Shirt Leader Korkaew Warns Of Civil War If Court Rules Against Amendments


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Well he is inciting/instigating the threat of civil war/street fighting.

For that he should, and can be, stripped of his MP status!!

However,....... aresholes carry on untinged in this pathetic government, apart from Jatupon who is hated from inside the walls of PTP.

Will they oust this areshole too? I wonder...whistling.gif ..... errm.... NO. He's good for threats..... PTP like threats! ermm.gif


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When I dictator buys a majority in a Parliament, via any of dozens of mechanisms,

it is no less a dictatorship if 'the one tells the others how to vote, and they do',

than if it was 'just the one sending out decrees from an official gold-encrusted top office'.

Having the pre-signed resignation letters of the MP's in Parliament as a pre-requisite for getting backed enough to win, is the same as buying a parliamentary dictatorship. It likely also is high treason on the parts of all involved in most countries.

Edited by animatic
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Of course, if the Reconciliation Bill had been passed, none of this threatened upheaval would have been necessary. Until then, or one of the other plans to forgive and forget the crimes of Thaksin and his mercenaries succeeds, destabilising of the country will continue.

I wonder how many of those justifying a call to arms have any experience of war; have actually seen how ugly and brutal it can be. Not many who have would wish it on anyone.

I almost miss Jatuporn's pigeon calls.

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It's not just the red shirts who are ready for war. People are getting utterly sick of this endless antagonism and want closure, not matter what it costs.

You are right, sooner or later something's gotta give...

They started down this long winding road when they showed no balls whatsoever over Thaksin's asset declaration and the garderner/maid issue.

I worry something quite cataclysmic may be about to give.................

ya' think????????????????????
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Longer version in the other paper.

Very very incendiary stuff,

"the tactic of staging protests adopted by core members takes too long to achieve victory. So they may resort to violence."

It didn't help them last time when they resorted to violence.

Didn't help them? I beg to differ, it helped very much to get another Thaksin puppet government in charge.

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Is PTP cracking????

From another thread: Pheu Thai vows to respect court verdict on charter.


Yeah they will respect it, however their rentamob will not and they know and encourage that

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where is the difference here ? these pukes purport to be the defenders of democracy but have no concept of the judiciary as an independent entity... or even an entity...what they are trying to operate as is a parliamentary dictatorship... that is their understanding (if any) of majority in parliament... need to understand that a parliamentary system of dictatorship is still dictatorship... what a shame...

but the courts are not independent.

So, do you support Korkaews methodology on how to find out if they are fair or not.

Yes or no?

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Posts criticizing the Thai courts have been removed:

15) Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of any Thai court of law.

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Thailand doesn't have civil wars. Remember the hierarchical structure: monarchy, army, government, people. Its not in the majorities interest that this structure changes, unless you want to start a new dynasty?

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Thailand doesn't have civil wars. Remember the hierarchical structure: monarchy, army, government, people. Its not in the majorities interest that this structure changes, unless you want to start a new dynasty?

Hierarchies tend usually to be big at the bottom and small at the top. Which majority you referring to?

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The judges are just doing their jobs, upholding the democratic integrity of Thailand. In every sense they, and the judges whose home-addresses were distributed to PTP street-thugs, are victims of a government-led major human-rights violation.

The judges work is determining right from wrong. Knowing right from wrong is also the definition of 'conscience'. That makes these judges in a sense 'prisoners of conscience' under Amnesty definitions of government oppression. These judges are being labelled ideological criminals by PTP, just for doing their jobs, the judges and their families are living in fear of government-endorsed violence.

PTP's behaviour is not the actions of a ruling party in a democracy, this is the actions of a totalitarian dictatorship.


100 agreed Yunla.thumbsup.gifwai.gif
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Why do they let these public threats persist?

Its illegal to even criticize a judgment but you can openly threaten a judge? If the copper in the other story had said something about bring sentenced to 1700 years in jail the judge would probably doubled it fir contempt of court.

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Thailand doesn't have civil wars. Remember the hierarchical structure: monarchy, army, government, people. Its not in the majorities interest that this structure changes, unless you want to start a new dynasty?

And a new dynasty is exactly what the "man from afar" has as his ultimate goal.

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It sounds like a prediction about what could happen; nothing more, nothing less.

There seems to be some differences in how what was said is being reported as per the following tweets from bangkokpundit

1. Bkk Post reports Korkaew as saying "I am not just making a threat". In Thai, Matichon, Thai Rath, & Kom Chad Luek all have K saying

2. ตนไม่ได้ขู่แต่เป็นการประเมินจากข้อมูลหลายส่วน (I am not making a threat, but assessing [what will happen] from different information)

3. Bkk Post - link removed -Thai Rath http://goo.gl/A8avs Matichon http://goo.gl/UBWbQ KCL http://goo.gl/Te32V

4. The Nation has headline of Korkaew "warns" which is fair interpretation, but they don't quote him as making a threat

Edited by Orac
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Serious question for those with a greater knowledge of the city. I fly in to BKK on Fri morn and wife and little girl coming for shopping whilst I tend to business. We were planning to stay at Holiday inn silom road and the 'girls' going to siam paragon/MBK etc, Fri/Sat. Is this part of town away from the CC area and are there any protestors there now already? The girls may be losing their shopping trip! I wont be booking the hotel till tomorrow. Any genuine comments most welcome, thanks.

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Serious question for those with a greater knowledge of the city. I fly in to BKK on Fri morn and wife and little girl coming for shopping whilst I tend to business. We were planning to stay at Holiday inn silom road and the 'girls' going to siam paragon/MBK etc, Fri/Sat. Is this part of town away from the CC area and are there any protestors there now already? The girls may be losing their shopping trip! I wont be booking the hotel till tomorrow. Any genuine comments most welcome, thanks.

The CC is in Laksi. Close to the old airport Don Muang. DMK

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Serious question for those with a greater knowledge of the city. I fly in to BKK on Fri morn and wife and little girl coming for shopping whilst I tend to business. We were planning to stay at Holiday inn silom road and the 'girls' going to siam paragon/MBK etc, Fri/Sat. Is this part of town away from the CC area and are there any protestors there now already? The girls may be losing their shopping trip! I wont be booking the hotel till tomorrow. Any genuine comments most welcome, thanks.

The Reds are often out and about holding rallies at the weekends in the centre

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I hope they don't start their insurgency before Truevisions have chance to upgrade their satellite system, or we won't be able to watch it all in HD on the TV.

Bring it on and lets have an end to this sh**e, its becoming boring ..........

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Civil war is coming anyway, regardless of the courts verdict on this matter...

When Thaksin steps foot back in Thailand (a free man) - the real rift in the country will tear open and it will be a simple case of black vs white (red vs non-red) - all that built up angst, hate and negativity...

I really really hope i am wrong, but my gut tells me that will be closer to the truth than a lie.

I think you are pretty close to the truth of the matter, except I believe the catalyst will be the death of a certain influential person.

In fact I have relocated to the Philippines in anticipation, that's how sure I am!

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It sounds like a prediction about what could happen; nothing more, nothing less.

There seems to be some differences in how what was said is being reported as per the following tweets from bangkokpundit

1. Bkk Post reports Korkaew as saying "I am not just making a threat". In Thai, Matichon, Thai Rath, & Kom Chad Luek all have K saying

2. ตนไม่ได้ขู่แต่เป็นการประเมินจากข้อมูลหลายส่วน (I am not making a threat, but assessing [what will happen] from different information)

3. Bkk Post - link removed -Thai Rath http://goo.gl/A8avs Matichon http://goo.gl/UBWbQ KCL http://goo.gl/Te32V

4. The Nation has headline of Korkaew "warns" which is fair interpretation, but they don't quote him as making a threat

Thanks for sharing. From the texts here, it is clear that the context in which the comments were delivered makes a difference in the interpretation or intended meaning.

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