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Myanmar Is Open For Investments Now, What Could Be Done There - And What Not?

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I search the Internet for Informations about doing Business in Myanmar,

but I dont know, what Sources I can rely on

What Kind of Business could be done there - and what not?

Has any Member here some serious Resources about this Subject?

thanks in Advance for any Answers

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There are relevant groups on LinkedIn where issues like this are discussed in detail.

Bear in mind that although investment by 'western' companies is a new opportunity, many Asian companies have been investing and doing business in Myanmar - Burma for decades...

The lack of supporting infrastructure will be the main obstacle to rapid and successful investment. In particular, the lack of electrical distribution and lack of telecoms/internet infrastructure. For the latter, wireless networks (mobile and wi-fi/wi-fi max) will enable a fast roll-out of network coverage. But electrical power distribution needs real cables, not wireless , and so that's going to be a major obstacle.

I think if you want to establish a major or global brand name business in the country, then it will take many years of investment before your brand will be able to achieve a level of service/reliability that is on a par with other countries.

But if you are looking to set up a small business, then there are a huge number of opportunities.

As from Monday 16th July, and after living/working in Thailand for 10 years, I am relocating from Phuket to live and work in Yangon. Apart from the employment that I'll be taking up, I have a long list of business ideas that I know will work in Myanmar. I just do not have the time nor money right now to pursue these ideas smile.png


Edited by simon43
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While it is difficult to obtain accurate information about opportunities, restrictions due to institutional voids, and identify local partners, it can be done. Myanmar Blue Ocean Services is a small consulting group that provides current information, and more importantly leads in-country tours to actually see what is going on and how things get done. Contact me directly if you would like to know more.

- Jack

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stephan wiedemann can't be found on LinkedIn; but I'm interested in the "free trade zones" that will emerge on the roads and rails between Thailand and Myanmar - probably in Khanchaburi (sic?); does anyone one know of warehouse investment? Not big return, but study income.

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Infrastructure stuff. Telecom, roads, etc. GE and Caterpillar, and all the Japanese construction companies with their tractors are quite eager to get over there and build things. For the small investor or developer, I don' t know. The laws and foreign involvement, scams, law suits, court system, etc. all seem pretty risky and unknown and un tested issues to me.

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