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Pepsi Max Back At Makro Hd (And You Can Thank My Wife!)


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After breaking the embarrassment barrier some time back, both my wife and 11 year old stepson have constantly harassed the Managers at Makro Hang Dong at my urging to find out why they haven't had large bottles of Pepsi Max for the last nine months or so. Answers ranged from "they don't make it any more" (patently untrue since from time to time it appears in 7-11) to we have no control over what BKK sends us to the ever popular "there's no demand". Finally, something must have got through to the right person because to our surprise we got a phone call at 8.30 last night to tell us they'd got some in.

So, those folks who were complaining about the shortage can take heart - as of lunchtime today they had 33 cases, so go for it and disprove the "no demand" theory in short order! smile.png

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I still don't trust Pepsi. They may have 33 cases before you got to them but now that you have told the whole world how long before they have 33 cases again. I have about two. I buy them where ever I can find them when I start getting down on them.

The big problem with Pepsi is they are s inconsistent. at least the day's of sinking low enough to drink Coke Zero are gone. Just kidding it is not a bad substitute.

P S Can you sick your wife on the Rimping on the river.

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Hopefully you mean "sic". I doubt that a deliberately vomiting wife would have much effect on Rimping except perhaps getting us banned for life - although since you don't mention what you were hoping for, maybe that's what you're after.

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I still don't trust Pepsi. They may have 33 cases before you got to them but now that you have told the whole world how long before they have 33 cases again. I have about two. I buy them where ever I can find them when I start getting down on them.

The big problem with Pepsi is they are s inconsistent. at least the day's of sinking low enough to drink Coke Zero are gone. Just kidding it is not a bad substitute.

P S Can you sick your wife on the Rimping on the river.

Also Rimping near the airport
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My local Tesco had it for 1 day, after several months of absence. I asked the manager why, he told me the same story - "no demand". I asked him if there's no demand then kindly explain how it lasted only 1 day when you did get some in? Blank stare.

As for sinking low enough to drink Coke Zero - never. Never ever. I actually drank Pepsi Max by accident. I've always hated the taste of diet drinks since I first tried them decades ago, and Coke Zero tastes exactly as disgusting as I remember. I don't know why I didn't even notice I was drinking Pepsi Max until I looked at the can afterwards, but whatever they've done, they've done it right as far as I'm concerned.

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So chaps. hop over there and buy some so we don't have to get back to nagging them. thumbsup.gif

Was in Tops at the airport today they had lots of it on the shelves. Once we cleaned out of what was on the shelves eight bottles. The wife said some thing to one of the clerks and presto we had another case of big bottles.Still don't see it very often in the 7 11s but they generally have cans.smile.png

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This won't go down well here, but there you go...

the only difference between feeding a car pepsi or coke compared to feeding it to a human is that the car complains now, and refuses to operate now. For humans it will take a while.

Just look up the damage white sugar does to the human body. Probably all major diseases people get come from their excessive sugar consumption. That includes the corn syrup they use in pepsi and coke in various countries.

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This won't go down well here, but there you go...

the only difference between feeding a car pepsi or coke compared to feeding it to a human is that the car complains now, and refuses to operate now. For humans it will take a while.

Just look up the damage white sugar does to the human body. Probably all major diseases people get come from their excessive sugar consumption. That includes the corn syrup they use in pepsi and coke in various countries.

(Ssshhh... don't tell anyone: Pepsi Max does not contain white sugar. Or brown sugar. Or any other color of sugar. Now you know, but it's between us, mkay?)

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(Ssshhh... don't tell anyone: Pepsi Max does not contain white sugar. Or brown sugar. Or any other color of sugar. Now you know, but it's between us, mkay?)

Well, now that you've said what it does not contain, could you let me know what sweetener it does contain?

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This won't go down well here, but there you go...

the only difference between feeding a car pepsi or coke compared to feeding it to a human is that the car complains now, and refuses to operate now. For humans it will take a while.

Just look up the damage white sugar does to the human body. Probably all major diseases people get come from their excessive sugar consumption. That includes the corn syrup they use in pepsi and coke in various countries.

(Ssshhh... don't tell anyone: Pepsi Max does not contain white sugar. Or brown sugar. Or any other color of sugar. Now you know, but it's between us, mkay?)

And don't let any one know you are in Thailand not in various countries.

Instead of passing on rumors based on I don't like it or my third cousin's second best friend was told by his wife. Blah blah blah.

Look it up. It has a sweetener in it that is approved by the US Dept. of health they maintain more research was done on this product than on any other product they have approved. You are not alone in having third cousin's that heard blah blah blah. The worst one I ever heard was that it had negative effects on a third of the people who use it blah blah blah.


Look it up and yes it doe's matter what country you are in Both Coke and Pepsi change there formula to coincide with the different standards of each country.

Edited by hellodolly
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Acesulfame potassium (E950) and Aspartame are the sweetening agents in Pepsi Max and as far as I can see as long as you don't consume gallons of the stuff daily it's unlikely to be harmful in any way. Almost certainly less harmful than consuming sugar.....

Or riding a motorbike in Thailand....

Crossing the road...

Complaining about your neighbour's dog...

or having an altercation with the entrenched management of your Condo building.

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Acesulfame potassium (E950) and Aspartame are the sweetening agents in Pepsi Max and as far as I can see as long as you don't consume gallons of the stuff daily it's unlikely to be harmful in any way. Almost certainly less harmful than consuming sugar.....

Or riding a motorbike in Thailand....

Crossing the road...

Complaining about your neighbour's dog...

or having an altercation with the entrenched management of your Condo building.

Reminds me of in the 60s in the states. They banned cyclomate in Orange pop. Test's showed that if you drank about three gallons a day for 20 years your chances of getting cancer where higher.

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(Ssshhh... don't tell anyone: Pepsi Max does not contain white sugar. Or brown sugar. Or any other color of sugar. Now you know, but it's between us, mkay?)

Well, now that you've said what it does not contain, could you let me know what sweetener it does contain?

Don't know. But you can probably Google it if it's of interest to you.

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Hey Winnie--brilliant idea--and, guess what--they've now taken out the aspartame for something which is even more harmless.

I do like Greenside's comparisons, though.

Anyway, I'm jumping on my motorbike, without a helmet, to go buy some Pepsi Max so I can get up the courage to have an argument with my neighbour about their dam_n dogs--good idea??

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And don't let any one know you are in Thailand not in various countries.

Instead of passing on rumors based on I don't like it or my third cousin's second best friend was told by his wife. Blah blah blah.

Look it up. It has a sweetener in it that is approved by the US Dept. of health they maintain more research was done on this product than on any other product they have approved. You are not alone in having third cousin's that heard blah blah blah. The worst one I ever heard was that it had negative effects on a third of the people who use it blah blah blah.


Look it up and yes it doe's matter what country you are in Both Coke and Pepsi change there formula to coincide with the different standards of each country.

I did look it up, and i see aspartame is the poison they use in this particular type of pepsi.

People who drink this stuff daily are in for a rough ride at some point. It will have negative effects on 100% of people who drink it, not any other figure.

It's your prerogative to believe the companies and the fda in america. Of course they maintain it's safe, if they say it's a poison people won't buy it!

The interesting thing of course is that the companies say look here, we're now selling pepsi without sugar so you won't get fat or get diabetes and all those other pesky illnesses and diseases. So, did they take their ordinary pepsis off the market? Oh no, still selling billions of those cans.

Aspartame is a terrible thing to be ingesting, and yes, i've done all the research. It's nothing but a poison which the human body was simply not designed to deal with. I wasn't here for negative purposes, some people genuinely believe drinking coke and pepsi is not all that bad for you. The trouble is the price is always paid in the future. I simply interjected in case anybody has second thoughts about drinking this kind of stuff. It only needs an hour or two of research to really think again about drinking this stuff.

Edited by femi fan
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People who drink this stuff daily are in for a rough ride at some point. It will have negative effects on 100% of people who drink it, not any other figure.

And your evidence for this is....?

Look, i'm not really sure i should have come and posted on this thread, i know you lot are enjoying your drinks! I didn't come here to persuade anybody to stop, i just pointed out a few things in case people were somehow prodded into doing their own research.

It's not about evidence, it's about understanding what certain 'foods' do to the human body. And since i do understand that, i found it difficult to keep myself silent.

Aspartame by any stretch of the imagination once one investigates such stuff is going to definitely do harm. How much, and when that harm rears its head is up to the individual and their other lifestyle choices. But daily drinking of any kind of coke or pepsi is a disaster for one's internal organs and immune system, and there really is reams of research and studies that demonstrate this.

Anyway, i apologise if i'm causing problems here, but i decided to speak out on what i know.

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But daily drinking of any kind of coke or pepsi is a disaster for one's internal organs and immune system, and there really is reams of research and studies that demonstrate this.

Just one convincing piece of properly conducted research, peer reviewed and acknowledged by any credible branch of the scientific community? Consuming loads of sugar daily, sure but nothing conclusive on artificial sweeteners in realistic quantities as far as I know.

"It's not about evidence...." . It is about evidence.

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What is fud?

Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt

While I'm at it, you might also want to read, e.g., http://getbetterhealth.com/aspartame-facts-vs-fiction/2010.09.30 to counter some of the fud you've (apparently) already read.

Here's the punchline (emphasis mine): "A conspiracy to hide the risks of aspartame, however, remains a popular Internet urban legend that will likely not disappear anytime soon."

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But daily drinking of any kind of coke or pepsi is a disaster for one's internal organs and immune system, and there really is reams of research and studies that demonstrate this.

Just one convincing piece of properly conducted research, peer reviewed and acknowledged by any credible branch of the scientific community? Consuming loads of sugar daily, sure but nothing conclusive on artificial sweeteners in realistic quantities as far as I know.

"It's not about evidence...." . It is about evidence.

According to the US food and drug administration it has been investigated more than any other thing they have approved.

That would tell me that yes there is a lot of evidence and research predicting doom and gloom.

But there was more research and evidence saying it was OK. A matter of what do you want to believe.

I choose Pepsi Max because it does not have sugar in it that would be bad for my diabetes. Aspartame does no damage maybe in 30 years when I am 100 it will catch up to me. In the mean time I am going to enjoy Pepsi Max.

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What is fud?

Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. http://en.wikipedia....ainty_and_doubt

While I'm at it, you might also want to read, e.g., http://getbetterheal...tion/2010.09.30 to counter some of the fud you've (apparently) already read.

Here's the punchline (emphasis mine): "A conspiracy to hide the risks of aspartame, however, remains a popular Internet urban legend that will likely not disappear anytime soon."

Great link

You are rite the end was the kicker. Lord knows there are cheery pickers the world over. It is the only way they can justify their beliefs.


Aspartame is a highly-studied food additive with decades of research showing that it is safe for human consumption. As expected, the research is complex making it possible to cherry pick and misinterpret individual studies in order to fear monger. But the totality of research, reviewed by many independent agencies and expert panels, supports the safety of aspartame.

A conspiracy to hide the risks of aspartame, however, remains a popular Internet urban legend that will likely not disappear anytime soon.

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