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Grandmother Confesses To Killing Her Grandson: Bangkok


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Grandmother confesses to killing her grandson




BANGKOK: -- The grandmother of Bangkok schoolboy found dead in a flat in Bangkok's Prawet district last week, confessed yesterday that she had an argument with the boy and unintentionally killed him when she struck him on the head.

The boy's body was found in a fire escape at the Yongcharoen Complex building D last Friday. Police at first suspected the boy may have been killed because he witnessed a drug deal.

City police chief Pol Major-General Khamronwit Thoopkra-chang told a press conference yesterday grandmother, Somjit Jampadee, 55, confessed to fatally striking the boy.

The police chief said evidence against Somjit included blood traces, security camera footage and the blanket used in disposing the body.

She was a suspect because of her suspicious testimony but police didn't summons her as they were waiting for her to complete the boy's funeral, the chief said.

In her confession, Somjit said she and her grandson had got into an argument and that her grandson had assaulted her. After, she hit her grandson over the back of head while he was sleeping.

Charges against Somjit were pending further interrogation with other people because the case falls within the framework of the Family Act, the police chief said.

Somjit fatally shot her husband in 1993 and was found not guilty in a court battle because she testified that her husband had assaulted her, Khamronwit said.

Somjit tearfully said that the boy, having just moved to a new school for two or three months, often got into fistfights with schoolmates. She told him to stop fighting and their argument became heated.

The boy asked her for Bt500, and when she refused to give him the money right away, she said the boy grabbed a knife to threaten her.

The grandmother said the boy often hurt her, shoving her chest and punching her, but she never told the boy's mother out of fear it would break her heart. Somjit said she raised the boy since he was two years old when his dad died, but she didn't know if he was involved with drugs.

She tearfully said she only hit him once to teach him a lesson and was sorry he was dead.


-- The Nation 2012-07-18

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It's all rather bizarre. A dead husband, a dead boy, and a dead boy's father in the midst.

Sounds like a psycho was let on the loose the first time she was released!


Edited by MEL1
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This looks like the government prosecutor should be demanding a 20 year jail term as a plea bargain. She's a repeater, attempted to "conceal" the manslaughter, and it sure looks like it was intentional to inflict harm and physical pain. She belongs behind bars for manslaughter

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Somjit fatally shot her husband in 1993 and was found not guilty in a court battle because she testified that her husband had assaulted her, Khamronwit said.

What a surprise she's killed before. I wonder how the boy's father died.

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she just hit him on the back of the head but left blood traces?

why would a woman that feared for her life hit a sleeping person that has already threatened her that day with a knife, this would just irk him and escalate again. She hit him hard enough to make sure he wasn't going to wake up.

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she just hit him on the back of the head but left blood traces?

why would a woman that feared for her life hit a sleeping person that has already threatened her that day with a knife, this would just irk him and escalate again. She hit him hard enough to make sure he wasn't going to wake up.

This is a self defense accident.

I hope the court have mercy on an old woman to do it out of love for her grand child, who could be a drug addict (or worst. drug runner).

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she just hit him on the back of the head but left blood traces?

why would a woman that feared for her life hit a sleeping person that has already threatened her that day with a knife, this would just irk him and escalate again. She hit him hard enough to make sure he wasn't going to wake up.

This is a self defense accident.

I hope the court have mercy on an old woman to do it out of love for her grand child, who could be a drug addict (or worst. drug runner).

She hit her grandson over the back of head while he was sleeping. - Its a homicide. Manslaughter, though probably not premeditated murder.

If she was in fear for her safety she could have called for help, called the police etc.

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she just hit him on the back of the head but left blood traces?

why would a woman that feared for her life hit a sleeping person that has already threatened her that day with a knife, this would just irk him and escalate again. She hit him hard enough to make sure he wasn't going to wake up.

This is a self defense accident.

I hope the court have mercy on an old woman to do it out of love for her grand child, who could be a drug addict (or worst. drug runner).

Hitting a sleeping man is not self defence, reasonable force is only the force necessary to stop an an attack, I fail to see how a sleeping boy is constituting an immediate threat.

this was a revenge attack AFTER and incident that had already finished and nobody was in any immediate danger, she hit him hard enough to kill him and draw blood, she then tried to hide the body, maybe she did not mean to kill him but she sure as hell meant to do serious damage, she needed to so she could be certain he wasn't about to get straight up and attack her again (if she was indeed attacked in the first place).

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has there been any more reporting on the original story regarding violance after playing these games on dvd.i have seen first hand what it does to kids,the gov.needs to sort this out but i exspect they will say let it happen first,in this case too late.

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*Deleted quote edited out*

This is premeditated murder not manslaughter. The events leading up to the cold blooded assault of a minor while sleeping are uncorroborated and probably fabricated by the killer who evidently has experience of the courts and how to beat a murder charge, ie by claiming self defence. He was snoring in an aggressive manner yer honour... <deleted>.

The fact that after the event she tried to dispose of the body and then when caught, tried to justify killing her own grandson, by claiming he was violent makes her appear even more guilty to me. Given the fact that she killed her own husband with a gun, the boy's grandfather, is it any wonder if this child was acting violently? Children learn to copy those around them and it appears this poor child was learning life skills from a homicidal maniac...

Edited by Scott
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and of course the daughter cannot support her story as she claims she kept the violence issue to herself - I think friends neighbours and perhaps some input from daughter and other kids will have great influence on this case, either way I cannot see her getting away with this unpunnished

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has there been any more reporting on the original story regarding violance after playing these games on dvd.i have seen first hand what it does to kids,the gov.needs to sort this out but i exspect they will say let it happen first,in this case too late.

I wonder what violent video game the grandmother was playing before she bashed her grandson to death while he was sleeping?

granny theft auto?

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I think it is the grandmother's behavior that needs a careful review, not the grandson. There are a lot of unruly kids out there, but they don't deserve to die.

This thread certainly defies those who post about how Thai boys are allowed to do whatever they want and are hopelessly spoiled.

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I think there is a law in Thailand prohibit one from sueing their parent.

Does that also apply to parent of parent?

Clearly whatever you are banging on about is totally irrelevant to this case. The victim won't be "sueing" anyone, they were murdered in cold blood while they slept.

If there is any justice in this country the Grandmother will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for murder. The mother of the child should also be questioned as to why she felt it appropriate to leave her child in the care of a woman known to have killed at least one other family member...

A sad and sorry tale, leading to some very sorry commentary on TV.

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This is what happens when you get away with murder in the first instance by making up some story. I really do hope she is not going to get away with it again. It is not as if she has acted in self defence by whacking the kid over the head while he was asleep!!

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