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Terms Of Affection


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Call her ..... 'maa see-dam' (black dog) or how about 'dark ling' (monkey bum)

Tell her it's a term of affection.

Or when she is angry call her "maa baah". That will make her laugh and quickly calm her down :-)

Please report how it worked (if you survive)

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I've been called "anaconda" more than once whistling.gif

Maybe you're a scruffy bugger who dresses like he just slithered out of the jungle. biggrin.png

or he swallow his food without biting it.

Anacondas are known for vomitting out their preys and eating them a second time. However in this case I refuse to do an analogy as it might be gross...

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I've been called "anaconda" more than once whistling.gif

Maybe you're a scruffy bugger who dresses like he just slithered out of the jungle. biggrin.png

or he swallow his food without biting it.

Anacondas are known for vomitting out their preys and eating them a second time. However in this case I refuse to do an analogy as it might be gross...

I don't want to eat on the same table with him....

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Maybe she is Moo Lek and you are Moo Yai and she is showing respect to your more expansive status.thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png

I am not about to repeat some of the pet names we have for each other. I’m sure someone would get upset and go on some diatribe about rudeness and disrespect. Pet names are supposed to be fun and getting all upset about them is a sign to me that there is something else wrong in a relationship.

I think this is by far the most likely explanation - some playfulness if her own nickname is "Moo" (very common in Thailand for both men and women), or perhaps someone close to the family who has that nickname and looks or behaves like you in some way.

Thai "Pet names" are definitely more a sign of acceptance than anything else. Rather like nicknames we had at school I suppose - only the popular gang received them by general accolade for some spectacular transgression or distinguishing idiocy, the Swots ( I guess they would be called Geeks today) and general pain in the a$$ chaps were always simply called by their surnames.

Patrick (Flash to my Schoolmates - don't ask!)

Edited by p_brownstone
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Moo Uan (oowan?)

Always told it meant "so cute!", later found out the literal translation "fat pig".

That's OK, her niece's Thai boyfriend was called something that translated to "fatty", all said very affectionately. My mom was kind of shocked and said "that's not very nice" but they all seemed unfazed by it and thought it amusing.

Also called "Khun Pachara", (gold heart?), nobody can touch it. That's what I was told anyway, maybe means something stupid like fat person who bruises easily, lol.

"JohnNo" because I say no to many of her (my friend) requests.

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