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I've been dealing with an infection in my foot and an associated non-healing wound on the bottom of my foot for the past 2 years, ever since getting a chemical burn wound on the bottom of my foot in Bali and subsequent medical foul ups there.

I have tried dozens of conventional and alternative therapies to no avail. I recently ran across a rather unusual one that seems to be exactly what my wound calls for and now trying to find if anyone does this here. It has been available in several BKK hospitals for at least 7 years and was well researched at Chula 3 years ago.

Those with weak stomachs need not read further. rolleyes.gif

The therapy involves using a certain fly larva to dissolve and digest necrotic and infected tissue as well as secrete enzymes that kill offf many types of pathogens including MRSA. I am including some links about it and hope that someone here knows where I might find it in or near Chiang Mai, or maybe knows where I can order supplies for self treatment.





Thanks all. wai.gif


A few years ago there is only one hospital in Chiang Mai do this wound care therapy: Chomtong hospital, one piece 3,000 baht (200 fly larvals) for small wound and need to use 3 pieces, the price is not update you can contact the hospital for more information. Good Luck.


Before you spend a lot of money, did you try this already? http://www.helpofchi...unnanbaiyao.htm

I used it for an internal bleeding, I used it only 4 days and it stopped. It pretends to heal every wound.

I bought it from Munkala accupuncture at Ratchamanka road for 115 baht per little bottle but the Chinese drugstore will sell it too.

Yunnan Baiyao contents Tien Qi powder, you can Google.

Or read this http://www.naturalnews.com/024300_herb_eye_healing.html


Have you had a medical check up and opinion as to why your wound is not healing? Same thing happened to me in 2008. I had a cut on my foot and one year later it still had not healed. I finally decided to go to a hospital. I was thinking that maybe I had diabetes. 2 ct scans, one pet scan, one surgical biopsy and many other proceedures later turned out I had a non curable but easily treatable form of blood and bone marrow cancer. 4 months of chemotherapy and 6 plasma pherisis treatments and my foot was like new again..


Any wound not healing over such a long period should be investigated to exclude diabetes and Buergers disease - also called Thromboangiitis obliterans (especially if you are a smoker). I have seen maggots many times in wounds where they only eat the necrotic tissue. They do not affect the underlying cause. Please don't waste time trying unproven methods suggested by those without any expertise.


Topical: aloe vera, braggs' apple cider vinegar, colloidal sliver. All are good for skin problems, and infection problems.

In fact, all can be swallowed too, but perhaps the best one to take internally is the silver solution.

Don't take my word for it, do the research! But, what i'd do is spend two or three days using one of them, then if no improvement move onto the next one. Apply perhaps two or three times a day, but who knows because the medical mafia have coerced governments to legally ban any claims on medical applications that have not been approved by the mainstream medical authorities.

From my experience i'd start with the acv.

Here, a good start for doing your own research is by going to earthclinic dot com.


Please don't waste time trying unproven methods suggested by those without any expertise.

The OP said they'd tried dozens of conventional therapies too, so clearly it looks like that particular route has already been a waste of time.

Assuming something won't work is a pretty good way of making sure it won't help.


Before you spend a lot of money, did you try this already? http://www.helpofchi...unnanbaiyao.htm

I used it for an internal bleeding, I used it only 4 days and it stopped. It pretends to heal every wound.

I bought it from Munkala accupuncture at Ratchamanka road for 115 baht per little bottle but the Chinese drugstore will sell it too.

Yunnan Baiyao contents Tien Qi powder, you can Google.

Or read this http://www.naturalne...ye_healing.html

Sounds like a counteractive to the results of taking a aspirin a day or wharphin. Both help slow the proccess of blood clotting .


Topical: aloe vera, braggs' apple cider vinegar, colloidal sliver. All are good for skin problems, and infection problems.

In fact, all can be swallowed too, but perhaps the best one to take internally is the silver solution.

Don't take my word for it, do the research! But, what i'd do is spend two or three days using one of them, then if no improvement move onto the next one. Apply perhaps two or three times a day, but who knows because the medical mafia have coerced governments to legally ban any claims on medical applications that have not been approved by the mainstream medical authorities.

From my experience i'd start with the acv.

Here, a good start for doing your own research is by going to earthclinic dot com.

What you say may be true. But I would suggest the reason they do not get approval is because as is the case in all unregulated miracle cures examination of the products shows only a negligible amount of most of the miracle cures.


Sounds to me like a thorough reassessment of the wound by an expert is required.

I know 2 people who had non healing wounds on their feet, both died from complications that arose later on.

TV is not the place to get such wounds evaluated!


Thanks to all of you for your helpful replies. I will give Chom Thong a call.

I have to say that I agree with femifan in what she says and perhaps below you will see why. Though what I am dealing with is something that is quite difficult to get at or even know what exactly is happening and so even after two years of a multitude of alternative therapies (including everything listed above except the Chinese herbs) I am still dealing with this, but I have recently made a break through (literally) and at least now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel

Just to clarify I have been to 7 western medical hospitals (2 in USA, 2 here in CM, 2 in BKK and one on Bali) and an almost equal number of western medical clinics as well as several "alternative" clinics and am myself well versed in Ayurved and other natural healing modalities (much much more so now since having this problem smile.png ). Most of my problems with the foot (other than a sloppy worker leaving a small acid spill near a swimming pool) stemmed from improper treatment and misdiagnosis by western trained doctors and this continues to be a problem. I have met with at least a dozen different doctors with almost as many different opinions on what the issue is (when they will bother to give it any thought at all). Initial treatment was a heavy dose of antibiotics (which I normally avoid like the plaque and would have in this case also if the knowledge that I now have had been readily available when I first got the chemical burn wound). This was shortly followed up by amputation of one toe due to a doctor taking over my wound care from my assistant one evening and not completely draining the infection from the wound site in the ball of my foot (which my non-medically trained, but caring assistant had been doing a beautiful job with) and I woke up the next morning with a toe that looked quite black and dead due to a lack of good blood flow which the infection had blocked. This was followed up 3 days later by half of the next toe being removed because during the initial surgery the surgeon accidentally cut through one of the arteries feeding that toe.

I could go on and on, but won't bore you with the details. One thing that most all of the western doctors have agreed on and wanted to do as a treatment is the simple expedient of cutting out another 20% from the middle of my foot (more of the bone that leads to where toe # 2 had been and the rest of toe # 3 and the bone leading to that). Well that may seem like a simple solution to them, but I had my doubts about the desirability of that as a solution. For starters I now still have perfect mobility and balance. With so much of my foot removed that would no longer be the case. Also I now know that the initial surgery may have not been necessary and that with certain advanced treatments the toe could still have been saved on the day I woke up to find it looking dead. Finally it never seemed clear to me that the bones were in fact where the infection was residing, and if not, then I would again have had more of my foot perhaps needlessly cut off and still have the problem. As it turns out this seems to be the case.

I oversimplified initially in saying that I have had a non-healing wound on the bottom of my foot for two years. During the two years of having a continuous deep foot infection the non-healing wound has mostly been at the surgery site where the second toe had once resided (that being more of a frontal and top location) though it has moved around at times and had really expanded in recent months to encompass from the middle of my big toe across to all of toe #4. It was a mess and I was extremely worried when toe #4 was looking almost as bad as toe 2 initially did. I was desperate and kept inspecting all aspects of my foot as I gave myself various treatments. And suddenly something dawned on me. At the original wound site, on the ball of my foot, even though for at least 20 months it had been completely healed and looked like a normal, thick skinned foot area it felt to me that there was not good firm underlying tissue like on my other foot. It seemed a bit like dead callous covering a somewhat empty space. Already being used to debriding the wound area on the top myself I decided to try cutting out a small hole in the center the calloused ball area to see what was the reality (I was desperate and figured I was one short step from having most of my central foot area being amputated). Sure enough, no bleeding when I cut and I was staring down into a deep hollow cave. It was an easy step to decide to cut away all of the rest of what I could see was just dead callous almost the size of a 5 baht coin. Sure enough, I was looking at a nasty infection deep in the ball of my foot, looking very much like it did originally 2 years ago. In the week or so since I performed that self surgery the nasty infected non-healing wound area on the top of has all but completely disappeared and toe # 4 which had looked all but dead is now the picture of perfect health.

So, as you can see, if I had given in to the pressure of the doctors I had seen and even of some of my friends and family who felt I should bite the bullet and just have some more foot cut away and be done with it that it almost certainly would not have solved the problem, as the infected area is a bit to the outside of the center of the big toe and the surgery would have been done considerably to the inside of that, missing it completely by 1 or 2 cm.

And now here I am trying to find maggot therapy in CM because when I looked up debridement on Wikipedia, knowing now that I need more serious debridement of the infected area and not feeling good about putting myself in the hands of a surgeon again nor feeling yet ready to try a bit deeper debriding myself I learned about maggot therapy for the first time. smile.png I find the selective and certainly more gentle debridement of the infected area by the larvae much more appealing than the wholesale cutting out of both healthy and infected tissue. But one way or another what is needed is to remove the infection so that healthy tissue can again fill in the area.

My take on life is that everything that happens is for the good and in many ways this has been the case here as well. I have learned more about great, natural therapies and their uses (like ozone and probiotics and Himalayan salt and organic, virgin coconut oil and healthy food and now maggot therapy) then I ever knew before, and have had many chances since to share this with others in need. So all is good and again thanks to all for your input. If Chom Thong hospital still has maggot therapy, or I can find it elsewhere, I will let you all know how it goes. wai.gif


OK, after many phone calls and reaching people who said that it is not available there, I finally just now reached Dr. Eakawit (sp?) who has done the therapy and can order the maggots from BKK which will arrive in 4 to 5 days. I will post more after I meet with him and get more details.

Thanks again to cmbe for the initial referral to Chom Thong hospital and thanks again to all for your helpful comments.


Topical: aloe vera, braggs' apple cider vinegar, colloidal sliver. All are good for skin problems, and infection problems.

In fact, all can be swallowed too, but perhaps the best one to take internally is the silver solution.

Don't take my word for it, do the research! But, what i'd do is spend two or three days using one of them, then if no improvement move onto the next one. Apply perhaps two or three times a day, but who knows because the medical mafia have coerced governments to legally ban any claims on medical applications that have not been approved by the mainstream medical authorities.

From my experience i'd start with the acv.

Here, a good start for doing your own research is by going to earthclinic dot com.

What you say may be true. But I would suggest the reason they do not get approval is because as is the case in all unregulated miracle cures examination of the products shows only a negligible amount of most of the miracle cures.

No, the reason they don't get approval is that the pharmaceutical companies can't patent them, so can't make any kind of profit from them. As it happens, before antibiotics came along, colloidal silver was THE antibiotic of the times, and was in most if not all pharmacies.

When one does research on acv in particular, it really is a miracle cure because it fixes so many things without giving any side-effects whatsoever. I've experienced the wonders of colloidal silver a couple of times too. I mentioned those three items because of my own experiences and because of those of many other people.

As for much of mainstream medicine, perhaps all you need to know is that prescribed medicine in the US is the third biggest killer of people. And that medicine has been approved.


Seeker, good luck with it!

Don't quite now how you had me down as a female, interesting thought for me!

I've no idea if another option might work if the maggots don't: bee stings. I've only recently heard that it's definitely useful for some things, but can't recall for what.

Clearly you've done loads of research, and it's interesting how many people end up learning so much about health and health care when they have a health problem that the mainstream 'experts' can not only not solve, but often end up making things worse. And, as you've found out, they get knife-itchy, bringing it in far too soon.

Really hope you get closure on this!


Again I'll flog this horse, try Olive Leaf. Friend had a gaping absciss in his arm from a cut on an Indonesian reef, had been on anti-biotics, cortisone, you name it for 6 months with just further deterioration. Olive Leaf sorted him out in two weeks.

For Olive Leaf I think the Eastpark one from the US is the best, they also sell a topical cream. Read up on this stuff it will blow you away (except the die hard cynics that actually believe Big Phatma is theri friend), my family and friends have used it for years, great results for many, many things. Almost no anti-viral agents out there, this is one.


Again I'll flog this horse, try Olive Leaf. Friend had a gaping absciss in his arm from a cut on an Indonesian reef, had been on anti-biotics, cortisone, you name it for 6 months with just further deterioration. Olive Leaf sorted him out in two weeks.

For Olive Leaf I think the Eastpark one from the US is the best, they also sell a topical cream. Read up on this stuff it will blow you away (except the die hard cynics that actually believe Big Phatma is theri friend), my family and friends have used it for years, great results for many, many things. Almost no anti-viral agents out there, this is one.

This is popular in australia. Is there anywhere to get it in chiang mai? Actually, i think i might have seen it in Aden, i must check on this.

More importantly, what things has it helped you and your family and friends with? Let's hear! Stuff like this is expensive, so it's always good to hear how it helps others, thereby making the expense more worthwhile taking on.

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