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14 Confirmed Dead After Shooting At Batman Movie Premiere In Denver: Police


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Again I know nothing about guns and I don't want to know anything about guns. However, it's clear something is rotten in a country where politicians can't even have a serious discussion about measures that could be taken to reduce gun related crimes without risking their entire careers.

No they are free to do that & the NRA has always said....Commit a felony with a gun....Lock them up & throw away the key.

It is the justice system that is broken.

The man who did this needs no trial period.

It is a waste of taxpayers money & will only afford him some sick/slick plea of insanity.

Yet no sane person kills.....So all cold blooded murderers are insane

Edited by flying
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Again I know nothing about guns and I don't want to know anything about guns. However, it's clear something is rotten in a country where politicians can't even have a serious discussion about measures that could be taken to reduce gun related crimes without risking their entire careers.

No they are free to do that & the NRA has always said....Commit a felony with a gun....Lock them up & throw away the key.

It is the justice system that is broken.

That is very cynical indeed. You know perfectly well if Obama tried to raise gun control as an issue, he would kill his chance at reelection. Sure he is free ... to commit political suicide. He has decided to say thanks but not thanks and I don't blame him.
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They can determine whether automatic or semi-automatic weapons are permitted.

Any gun that fires one bullet at a time is semi auto

If you ban semi auto you need to ban everything even western six shooters

A revolver is not semi-auto. It requires man to do the next shot.

Technically your describing single action vs double action

All guns require a man to pull a trigger

But as an aside a six shooter can be shot as fast as anything available.

Just watch Bob Munden on you tube

Revolver is not semi-auto. Semi auto loads the next round and cocks the hammer, revolver does not. Man does.
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Revolver is not semi-auto. Semi auto loads the next round and cocks the hammer, revolver does not. Man does.

Bit off topic & not really important but.......Look up double action revolvers it will fit your description

Double action means the trigger performs two actions....cocking/loading ( in the case of a revolver) & firing

Yes trigger pull is heavier as you are pulling through but still....one shot per pull of the trigger

Not important except as i pointed out in my initial post about banning all semi autos

Is this as fast as any semi auto?......Yes

Edited by flying
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Again it is not about GUN CONTROL


Yes, the IS about gun control and why it isn't possible. Like I said: the U.S. has become dysfunctional.

An unstable person can walk into a gun shop and buy a weapon designed for deadly combat. No meaningful questions asked. Have a nice day, Mr. Joker.

This is crazy. Minimal gun control — such as prohibiting assault weapons — wouldn’t eliminate these massacres, but it would prevent some and mitigate others. Lives would be saved. Congress should pass an assault weapons ban this morning and the president should sign it tonight.

Right. Dream on. Instead, we’ll argue endlessly about whether we should focus on the man or the gun, and the effect will be to focus on neither. The next James Holmes is out there, so is his instrument of murder, and we will do nothing to keep them apart.

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Again it is not about GUN CONTROL


Yes, the IS about gun control and why it isn't possible. Like I said: the U.S. has become dysfunctional.

An unstable person can walk into a gun shop and buy a weapon designed for deadly combat. No meaningful questions asked. Have a nice day, Mr. Joker.

This is crazy. Minimal gun control — such as prohibiting assault weapons — wouldn’t eliminate these massacres, but it would prevent some and mitigate others. Lives would be saved. Congress should pass an assault weapons ban this morning and the president should sign it tonight.

Right. Dream on. Instead, we’ll argue endlessly about whether we should focus on the man or the gun, and the effect will be to focus on neither. The next James Holmes is out there, so is his instrument of murder, and we will do nothing to keep them apart.


Thought US gun control was something to do with their written constitution.
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Again it is not about GUN CONTROL


Yes, the IS about gun control and why it isn't possible. Like I said: the U.S. has become dysfunctional.

An unstable person can walk into a gun shop and buy a weapon designed for deadly combat. No meaningful questions asked. Have a nice day, Mr. Joker.

This is crazy. Minimal gun control — such as prohibiting assault weapons — wouldn’t eliminate these massacres, but it would prevent some and mitigate others. Lives would be saved. Congress should pass an assault weapons ban this morning and the president should sign it tonight.

Right. Dream on. Instead, we’ll argue endlessly about whether we should focus on the man or the gun, and the effect will be to focus on neither. The next James Holmes is out there, so is his instrument of murder, and we will do nothing to keep them apart.


Thought US gun control was something to do with their written constitution.

That's the lame excuse which the NRA has made into an irrational gun religion. The gun thing (2nd amendment) was about regulated militias for defense not assault rifles in cinemas. Courts are free to interpret that very old document for modern applications. It's a constantly changing thing. Can children bring assault rifles to school? Why not? Can mental patients buy assault rifles at the 7-11 without showing ID and background check? Why not? Didn't the 2nd amendment protect those sacred freedoms? Etc. Edited by Jingthing
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As I said before I have many friends with AKs, ARs, M4s and etc. Most of them are fully auto and I have shot one of the AKs several times.

Yep, I have a lot of eccentric friends. I don't discriminate.

I doubt criminals and drug dealers care much about registering their automatic weapons so I am not surprised that criminals are using unregistered automatic weapons. They don't want the guns traced back to them . . .

Sorry but your full of it.

Your pal with the AK may have illegally modified it but it was not sold that way...period

I have shot competitively all my life & in many States at many levels.

Full auto are not common as you say.

Full auto cannot even be bought they may be transferred but only after a high fee &

much more thorough background check

IF your State allows it at all.

Nice. Challenge my veracity.

It is not Pal but Pals. I know several people with AKs. The fully auto one I shot was purchased pre 1994 ban and I shot it in mid to late 90s.

Yeah, he could have drilled third hole and installed auto trigger for $ 100 bucks, but dude is a Grammy award winning music/record producer and rather have real stuff.

If the 1934 F/A registration laws work so well, then why not apply those same laws to regulation semi auto assault rifles? Semi auto are just as dangerous. FA probably only good for suppressing fire in military type of setting. 4 second burst then empty not much help on city streets.

Truth is the vast majority of full auto are and will remain black market because no amnesty period for the millions out there that are currently unregistered.

Edited by ttelise
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Yes, the IS about gun control and why it isn't possible. Like I said: the U.S. has become dysfunctional.


The US has over 300 million citizens

Sensationalize a nut job & call 300 million dysfunctional?

Your idea of Gun Control is like demanding AID's control

The genie is out of the bottle

You may punish people for committing a crime with a gun, a knife, a barrel of fertilizer..take your pick

Ban each one & then the next & the next & the next

Because no matter what you *think*....You cannot remove every device from the face of the earth or the US in this case.

You CAN enforce laws against nut jobs though.

You CAN kill them & let those who may follow know what their punishment will be for such acts.

You may be interested in looking at where the largest delivery of illegal arms recently came from & where they went.

I believe it involved your favorite Presidents side kick Eric Holder

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Don't be upset, Flying. Your POV owns this issue. Nothing will be done. I mean absolutely nothing. See you next time there is another predictable gun massacre in the USA; it will come before long like clockwork.

Yeah more sensationalism ..........Like me saying see you next time someone dies of AIDs

except I am not silly enough to say such a sensationalized falsehood

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Don't be upset, Flying. Your POV owns this issue. Nothing will be done. I mean absolutely nothing. See you next time there is another predictable gun massacre in the USA; it will come before long like clockwork.

Yeah more sensationalism ..........Like me saying see you next time someone dies of AIDs

except I am not silly enough to say such a sensationalized falsehood

There is no rational comparison between those two situations. Talk about sensationalism!
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Don't be upset, Flying. Your POV owns this issue. Nothing will be done. I mean absolutely nothing. See you next time there is another predictable gun massacre in the USA; it will come before long like clockwork.

Yeah more sensationalism ..........Like me saying see you next time someone dies of AIDs

except I am not silly enough to say such a sensationalized falsehood

Mmmm, not sure where this is going. Flying, we agree lots, on almost everything, but there is a difference here I think. Jingthing is bang on the money. Nothing will be done and it is not 'if' there is another gun massacre in the states, but just 'when', it is predictable and it will occur. Seems like the kids are upping the anti now and trying to out do each other in terms of creativity.

This case is pretty strange though. Most nut jobs make a decision to end their lives and before doing so go on a shooting spree then turn the gun on themselves. This 24 year old knew that 'when' he was apprehended, he would spend the rest of his natural life in a super max and likely in the high security area. It is just all so senseless and a completely tragic waste of so many lives, and he wont even say why!! Now, where are the Team America water-boarding experts when you need them?

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I'm just going to say two words to all of you:

Calm down.

Agreed. A lot of what is being said here is conjecture concerning this specific case or just a debate on gun control.

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Don't be upset, Flying. Your POV owns this issue. Nothing will be done. I mean absolutely nothing. See you next time there is another predictable gun massacre in the USA; it will come before long like clockwork.

Yeah more sensationalism ..........Like me saying see you next time someone dies of AIDs

except I am not silly enough to say such a sensationalized falsehood

Mmmm, not sure where this is going. Flying, we agree lots, on almost everything, but there is a difference here I think. Jingthing is bang on the money. Nothing will be done and it is not 'if' there is another gun massacre in the states, but just 'when', it is predictable and it will occur. Seems like the kids are upping the anti now and trying to out do each other in terms of creativity.

This case is pretty strange though. Most nut jobs make a decision to end their lives and before doing so go on a shooting spree then turn the gun on themselves. This 24 year old knew that 'when' he was apprehended, he would spend the rest of his natural life in a super max and likely in the high security area. It is just all so senseless and a completely tragic waste of so many lives, and he wont even say why!! Now, where are the Team America water-boarding experts when you need them?

There's not always a reason for crazy.

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CDNVIC is right here, and we should all breathe a little and calm down.

I said in my earlier post that I don't want to talk about gun control in this thread, and I still really don't want to. My previous opinions on gun control have not changed as a result of this incident. I don't want to talk about the reasons why I am still a "believer" in regards to firearms and the NRA (which yes, I am a member) because whatever it is I say, does not help the families and they should be left alone right now.

I will say one thing to JT. I respect you very much. Over the years I think we are generally on the same page for most political leaning kind of things. I am myself a bleeding heart left wing liberal democrat generally, with the exception of gun control. I am a gun owner, and I have same firearms that this guy had. And when I heard about this most recent shooting, I am sure I felt the same as any other gun owner in the United States: very very saddened it occurred. Believe it or not, even gun proponents are saddened by all of this. I wanted to mention something because I wanted to clear the air in regards to the NRA. Contrary to popular belief the NRA doesn't attempt to block every law that deals with firearms, the NRA actually is the proponent of a lot of laws on firearms out there. We (and I say we cuz I am the NRA too) want to limit firearms to those who shouldn't have them, like criminals and the mentally unstable. But it just gets so twisted by the media.

A case in point is that it is a common belief that the NRA tried to prevent laws which banned teflon coated "cop killer bullets" that could pierce a police officer's bullet proof vest. That is still what a lot of people think when they think "NRA". The Truth is that the NRA supported a ban on armor piercing bullets to civilians (keep in mind that the police are also NRA members, and the manufacturers of ammunition sell most to the police so no one wanted to see cops shot). The problem was that under the proposed definition of the law, the law would ban all rounds capable of penetrating a vest. Well that would include pretty much all conventional rifle rounds as pretty much any rifle will pierce a vest. The NRA supported the law with changes that would not outlaw all rifle rounds, and it actually law in the U.S. I guess what I am trying to say is please don't judge us that this type of shooting is what we wanted or that we want any lunatic off the streets to walk into 7-11 and pick an assault rifle. This has never been my opinion or that of the NRA's. We want laws to prevent mentally ill people to be prohibited firearms, but we also want normal, sane people to be able to purchase.

Edited by Scott
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I am myself a bleeding heart left wing liberal democrat generally, with the exception of gun control.

Now THAT is unusual. laugh.png

Even weirder...a Thai growing up in the State of North Dakota. Just being from a midwestern background, guns were always a part of life. Like I first shot a firearm when I was 12. Just grew up with them. We lived on 3 acres and had to shoot wildlife that was attacking the garden. When you grow up with guns, well they just become second nature.

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Again I know nothing about guns and I don't want to know anything about guns. However, it's clear something is rotten in a country where politicians can't even have a serious discussion about measures that could be taken to reduce gun related crimes without risking their entire careers.

No they are free to do that & the NRA has always said....Commit a felony with a gun....Lock them up & throw away the key.

It is the justice system that is broken.

That is very cynical indeed. You know perfectly well if Obama tried to raise gun control as an issue, he would kill his chance at reelection. Sure he is free ... to commit political suicide. He has decided to say thanks but not thanks and I don't blame him.

It seems to me that Obama has come out in support of at least one other unpopular issue in the recent past despite how it might affect his re-election chances. NOW you mean to tell me that he wants to keep quiet to save his job? Maybe he just likes guns. People in his "hometown" of Chicago certainly have enough of them and use them on a near daily basis.

Edited by koheesti
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I am myself a bleeding heart left wing liberal democrat generally, with the exception of gun control.

Now THAT is unusual. laugh.png

Even weirder...a Thai growing up in the State of North Dakota. Just being from a midwestern background, guns were always a part of life. Like I first shot a firearm when I was 12. Just grew up with them. We lived on 3 acres and had to shoot wildlife that was attacking the garden. When you grow up with guns, well they just become second nature.

12yrs old in North Dakota is a late starter with firearms cowboy.gif

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Quite interesting that such an incident only entices more people to go out and [panick] buy more firearms.

"Gun sales are surging in the US in the wake of the Colorado movie theatre massacre as buyers express fears that politicians may use the shootings to seek new restrictions on owning weapons"


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From an anti-terrorism perspective, why aren't there government reporting policies in place to trigger a red flag and an anti-terrorism investigation anytime a private person like Joker Boy starts stockpiling an arsenal? Come on folks, he clearly wasn't a HUNTER.

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I know it is probably impossible in this day and age, but i wish the media would take a step back and reduce their coverage of events like this. There are probably more than a few potential copycats out there, inadequates living pointless lives looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Watching Fox News over the past 48 hours,( i'm sure they are not the only ones), it seems like there is endless rolling coverage, endless in depth discussions with talking heads going over and over the events, all the time with a picture of the perpetrator on screen. This is what some of these lunatics crave, the chance to be famous as they see it. This surely could encourage a copycat to do something similar. Maybe after the initial coverage, move on and only report what is necessary and relevant to the inquiry, thereby depriving any copycat lunatics of a major part of their motive.

There's a video circulating around saying just that. It includes a psychologists saying the way to limit these in the future is to stop plastering the event & name of killer all over the news. But where is the advert revenue in being that responsible?

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