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Yingluck Told Le Monde She Would Shop In Paris


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She needs to go shopping in Paris, have a look at her clothes she´s wearing.

For a 70-80 year old okay but hmmmmm

Just a friendly reminder.

Be careful when you insult her dress in Europe.

They are all made made from 100% Thai silk, a royal sponsored Thai craft.


It´s not the material. It´s the style of the dress. thumbsup.gif
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Yingluck's new motto to show she is in control: "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping"

Love it or hate it, she is in control.

And it scares alot of TVF's older men. Successful confident women terrify these guys.

If that is what you define as "sucessfull" then, yes, I must admit..... Im scared.... And Im even not that old......

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Yingluck dresses to the occasion as she has done here. If you want to comment on bad dress have a look at the Australian PM Julia Gillard and what she wears on a daily basis, talk about bad taste.

If I was in Paris on Government business and had the opportunity to shop I would also do the same as Yingluck.

As far as cash flow goes, she is the Prime Minister of Thailand and well paid, apart from having a wealthy family. Money would not be a problem.

It's a good thing for her that she does have the "wealthy family" avenue to use for her shopping spree, because if she were to have to rely solely on her salary, the amount of disposable income she would have to toss around in the finer Paris stores would be quite limited.

She only makes 3000 euros or so a month, but if you consider that "well paid" by Paris standards, so be it.

Still, agreeably, money is not a problem for her. She could easily sponsor the entire trip for the whole entourage by herself... but, of course, she won't. An untold amount of taxpayer money will pay for it.



Edited by Buchholz
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Yingluck dresses to the occasion as she has done here. If you want to comment on bad dress have a look at the Australian PM Julia Gillard and what she wears on a daily basis, talk about bad taste.

If I was in Paris on Government business and had the opportunity to shop I would also do the same as Yingluck.

As far as cash flow goes, she is the Prime Minister of Thailand and well paid, apart from having a wealthy family. Money would not be a problem.

It's a good thing for her that she does have the "wealthy family" avenue to use for her shopping spree, because if she were to have to rely solely on her salary, the amount of disposable income she would have to toss around in the finer Paris stores would be quite limited.

She only makes 3000 euros or so a month, but if you consider that "well paid" by Paris standards, so be it.


I have a friend that just came back from a holiday in Paris and she stated that the prices there had dropped considerably. But it would depend on what class of person you are I suppose, high income earner middle or low income. Like any country they cater for all regardless of your rank in society.
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The Pm should not buy French clothes, they will shrint when you send to the Dry Cleaners. I know tat the problem with the clothing fit is a problem caused by the tailor, not because of the consumption of large quantities of expensive foreign foods. SHE IS NOT GETTING OBEASE!

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Yingluck dresses to the occasion as she has done here. If you want to comment on bad dress have a look at the Australian PM Julia Gillard and what she wears on a daily basis, talk about bad taste.

If I was in Paris on Government business and had the opportunity to shop I would also do the same as Yingluck.

As far as cash flow goes, she is the Prime Minister of Thailand and well paid, apart from having a wealthy family. Money would not be a problem.

Yes why not keep in touch with your Brother, after all he is her brother and if he has some constructive information or criticism to make to her, it would be in her interest to listen and make her own mind up. Has no one here learnt from other peoples experience and their mistakes?

"Has no one here learnt from other peoples experience and their mistakes" And admit it, in public on this forum? I can certainly think of one who hasn't.........

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I think the problem is Yingluck has poor posture, she seems bent over, maybe a little hunchbacked. The tailoring doesnt help as well, the suit is so wrinkled it looks like it came from an op shop.

the bells, the bells post-46292-0-74097300-1343112674_thumb.jpg steady on Quasimodo

Edited by waza
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Perhaps not poor posture, but merely due to the suit having been cut, so as to allow for the puppeteer's hand ? rolleyes.gif

One hopes that she is able to obtain some wet-weather clobber, as it's raining a lot here in Chiang Mai now, and the Thai Meteorological Department are warning of heavy rain and possible flooding, of the sort which our fragrant PM said would not be happening this year, under her government.

But at least the flood-defences are fully-complete and ready-for-any-deluges. wink.png

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Successful confident women terrify these guys.

And what do "unsuccessful incompetent women who constantly call their brother for advice and blow off giving answers to hard questions and don't follow through on policies" do for these guys?

May I suggest that this post be a serious contestant for the post of the year?

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I think the problem is Yingluck has poor posture, she seems bent over, maybe a little hunchbacked. The tailoring doesnt help as well, the suit is so wrinkled it looks like it came from an op shop.

the bells, the bells post-46292-0-74097300-1343112674_thumb.jpg steady on Quasimodo

A sack of potatoes comes to mind.wink.png
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I'm sure the poor locals will love to hear of her shopping trip in Paris.

Will you tell them, or should I?

Okay, somebody please do that, my French isn't so good. rolleyes.gif

Will you tell them, or should I?

Okay, somebody please do that, my French isn't so good. rolleyes.gif

Neither of us have to tell anyone.

Why would the local poor Parisians care about Yingluck's shopping trip? I doubt they even know who she is. Practise your Thai and tell the locals here.

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"Then I walked round the corner, into this wonderful charity-shop, where I got this new dress, latest Parisian style they said."

"We're not going for a mutton-grab later, are we, my brother's told me how revolting they can be !"

"Eau Goody, it's Shopping-Time next, on my itinerary !"

"I always wanted to visit your country, Mr Berlusconi, I simply love your pizzas, or is it piazzas ?"

Edited by Ricardo
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Give her a fair go fellas.

She is no doubt looking at all the Thai exports that have got into the Paris shops with a view to increasing the competativeness of Thai manufactures.

After all it is an official visit paid for by the Thai tax payer and she would never go outside the bounds of her official role, right?

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"Ah Monsieur Sarkhozy, with these Ferrero Rocher, you really are spoiling us !"

"Next I want my photo taken, in front of Big Ben, is it far from here ?"

"We have lots of free-range pick-your-own frogs-legs available, especially after last year's floods, special price !"

"I can get you a Thai-Elite card, for free, if you like ! It's very pretty !"

"So why are our Airbus A380s two years late then ?"

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"I'm thinking of appointing myself Defence Minister, do you have any 30-year-old aircraft-carriers, or useless bomb-detectors, which we might buy at an appropriate mark-up ?"

"Let's eat at a fast-food restaurant, I've heard the cuisine is famously good, here in Finland."

"We want to encourage trade, between our two countries, but I'm instructed not to allow wine-imports from France/Germany to be increased, as over-taxed alcohol would only cause Thai youth to stop drinking our home-produced paint-stripper. Perhaps you might like to start importing our own famed Thai vintages ?"

"What time do the shops close ?"

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