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(What Seems Like A) Sexpat Has A Go At Some Holidaymakers


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Ok...moving on... I often read people on here saying there is an alternative to working in bars..but my thoughts are there isnt really a viable alternative. Had no intention of heading in this direction, but some points raised have been interesting, and the "choice" one comes up a lot.

Again, i believe nothing is ever quite so black and white.

For the record, im not commenting on a persons choice to sell their body, im inquiring about whether there is really any real alternative financially.

This topic will always spin though, so if preferred not to discuss yet again, no problem!

Just now i clicked on the youtube video posters profile page, and has more of the documentary (as well as more Thailand related videos).

Im in the middle of watching this one..which now makes sense to me as to why the farang girl got so upset/distressed.

Heres the video, if interested:


Edited by eek
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Ok...moving on... I often read people on here saying there is an alternative to working in bars..but my thoughts are there isnt really a viable alternative. Had no intention of heading in this direction, but some points raised have been interesting, and the "choice" one comes up a lot.

Again, i believe nothing is ever quite so black and white.

For the record, im not commenting on a persons choice to sell their body, im inquiring about whether there is really any real alternative financially.

This topic will always spin though, so if preferred not to discuss yet again, no problem!

Just now i clicked on the youtube video posters profile page, and has more of the documentary (as well as more Thailand related videos).

Im in the middle of watching this one..which now makes sense to me as to why the farang girl got so upset/distressed.

Heres the video, if interested:

The people in that video are paying 450 baht PER DAY for rent and the 'documentary' is playing it off as if that is the normal price rice farmers have to pay in Isaan and that is why life is so difficult for them. Does that really seem reasonable to you!? They are deliberately misrepresenting reality in order to create sectionalism for the viewers at home who are clueless as to the situation in Thailand. I don't understand how people can watch these type of documentaries and not realize how they are completely full of BS and out to get ratings. Same with the crocodile tears from the bar girl. How can someone survive in this country when one's scam detector is so far out of alignment?

As for not having a 'viable' alternative, the vast majority of people DO think they have a viable alternative as they are not bar girls but working normal jobs. Minimum wage is 300 baht per day in Bangkok and some other provinces and most businesses are desperate for staff, anyone even remotely reliable and able to show up to work on time and sober can get a job.

The farang girl got upset simply because she doesn't know any better. She could offer to pay that bar girl 30,000 baht per month to stop working in the bar, the bar girl would take it and laugh at the stupid farang and continue hooking every night and looking for more idiots to scam.

You have been in thailand for more than 5 min not like a lot of poster on TV no idea very astute post
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I really have no comment to make about any of this. I don't care. I find it boring. The thing I find most annoying about Thailand and farang is their obsession with prostitutes. For people who claim to love the country so much they seem to have very little to say about it or even any hobbies related to it. it is just an endless conversation of dating and relationships and prostitutes. Yawn.

Interesting observation.

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i think a better idea would have been to show these kids the flip side of what these women and men get up to outside of the bar scene and sex industry when they are not working.

back in BKK where we live with the rest of the family we have a business renting rooms out, selling food from two food stall outlets around a small supermarket. as well as doing laundry for the tenants and running a gambling den which is all overseen by the MIL, off one of the main drag roads that lead into the centre of Bangkok where at the end of the soi is one of the capitals most prestigious massage parlours.

on average at any given time i would say about 70 - 80 % of the paying guests hail from up country and work in one way or another plying their trade after the witching hour.

now i am not saying all, but most probably behave in the same manner out of the working hour as they do when they are on the job. and as long as they pay for all the services we provide, my wife and her family never bat an eyelid as long as the work doesn't follow them home. that's were the line gets drawn and it has on quite a few occasions. when it does the word is sent and the male family members are ordered to get rid.

if they want to gamble on cards, football scores, even lottery numbers, they are accommodated. buy alcohol from the shop, order food and get their washing done, its the same deal.

last time i was back in BKK we had a couple that worked in the same club, her on the outside and he behind the scenes. she would go off with clients for the night and he was happy to come home after work and wait for her to return with the money made that night so that he could then go out while she slept and do what Thai men do. ( maybe or most certainly there is the main crux of the problem ) but its not my party to pass judgement on.

again another girl from CM had been working while the boyfriend stayed home looking after the baby fully aware of what his lady was up to.

i have had girls on more than one occasion on the same day ask me to translate emails from foreign men containing Western union money transfer details, knowing the girls have other farangs on the go as well as unaware Thai boyfriends. it may not sit well with me, but not for me to judge. i just don't like cleaning the mess up when the <deleted> hits the fan and believe it can get particularly ugly in some cases.

so as someone who looks on from a far what's my stance and view on the whole charade. its a never ending circle that only the people that partake in such a thing can decide upon. they know the deal and only they can know how it really sits with them inside when they lie down to sleep.

Edited by tigerfish
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It's amazing how we all can watch the same video and see completely different things. I thought the guy was being rather uncouth. Maybe this whole thread is some sort of sociological experiment.

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players

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Post #92 from DP and post #95 from Tigerfish are particularly accurate.

Eek, you seem like a really nice person, but despite living in a city filled with hookers, you seem to completely misjudge the situation (like many other western women). I'm thinking you really don't spend much time with these women. The Thai girls that turn to prostitution (in the tourist areas) have many choices, but choose to take the easy money. I have in the past attempted to turn two different girls from prostitution, one who spoke particularly good English, came from CM and had attended college in CM ...... I got her a job paying upwards of 20k a month .... she just couldn't be bothered.

Most of them really are just greedy and lazy, they have no desire to work in a proper job.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Watching those girls working in the bar was pretty nauseating. Hearing the same play over and over can get very tiring. Even they can sound half-hearted if they are playing someone who has been in Thailand a long time. I'm surprised she didn't try the "I lost my phone" line.

Of course the farang should have not got involved. He drove the farang girl to tears (real ones). Maybe he was Canadian.

Those working-girls, who have been in the bizness a long time become very difficult to change. It's like they know no other way to live. I stay out of bars.

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They sell a lot that's about all there is to it unless they are lying.

I lean towards of that farang disease called embellishment and exageration. wink.png

i would disagree as 2 of my neighbors sell noodles, both own the houses outright, both have 2 new cars, both have 5 or 6 bikes.

You would be surprised at how much money some make, giving the right position and tasteful food.

My ex's father is a taxi driver, who owns the house, 3 cars, put both daughters though uni.

So do not believe everything you hearwai.gif

This might shock you but sometimes people pass land and other assets down. Therefore an individuals current profession might not be the entire source of their bling bling. It is also common for people to live above their means by borrowing against assets to buy bling bling. It is unusual how many farang seem to have in-depth knowledge of the finances of the neighborhood noodlers. cheesy.gif

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So Whistleblower spends so much time in this area that he actually knows the girl in the video yet still admits that he feels a great deal of superiority to her? Sounds like there is a Groucho Marx joke in there somewhere.

Maybe he's the owner of the bar ? coffee1.gif

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They sell a lot that's about all there is to it unless they are lying.

I lean towards of that farang disease called embellishment and exageration. wink.png

i would disagree as 2 of my neighbors sell noodles, both own the houses outright, both have 2 new cars, both have 5 or 6 bikes.

You would be surprised at how much money some make, giving the right position and tasteful food.

My ex's father is a taxi driver, who owns the house, 3 cars, put both daughters though uni.

So do not believe everything you hearwai.gif

This might shock you but sometimes people pass land and other assets down. Therefore an individuals current profession might not be the entire source of their bling bling. It is also common for people to live above their means by borrowing against assets to buy bling bling. It is unusual how many farang seem to have in-depth knowledge of the finances of the neighborhood noodlers. cheesy.gif

It is rather common for farang to call each other farang because either they can not spell words like "foreigner" or "westerner" and even more so to almost always assume that foreigner can not be friendly with the neighbors or the developer to know who paid what and where the money come from.thumbsup.gif

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So Whistleblower spends so much time in this area that he actually knows the girl in the video yet still admits that he feels a great deal of superiority to her? Sounds like there is a Groucho Marx joke in there somewhere.

I really have no comment to make about any of this. I don't care. I find it boring. The thing I find most annoying about Thailand and farang is their obsession with prostitutes. For people who claim to love the country so much they seem to have very little to say about it or even any hobbies related to it. it is just an endless conversation of dating and relationships and prostitutes. Yawn.

9 posts now. Just saying. coffee1.gif

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Watching that 2nd video. Things definitely do not seem correct.

100 Baht a day wages? Then they talk about houses with swimming pools etc. How many in The U.K. have a house with a swimming pool <deleted>?

450 Baht a day for a house, especially a house like the one they chose? I pay 258 Baht a day for a 3 bed house with 3 bathrooms in Pattaya!!! Where are they getting these figures from?? There are rooms in Pattaya for 200 odd Baht a day with fan.

At 10:59 she says they can earn 100 Baht, roughly 25 pence per HOUR. Does she really know her facts and figures? Earlier she says that amount per day.

Most Thai people I have known generally earn 200 Baht a day for 1 job of work. Many have had 2 jobs.

Poor things could not stand any more rice and noodles? This is Thailand. That is staple food for many yet these poor white folks want chocolates and sweets!! They complain also about all the Thai food in the stalls? Wake up, this is Thailand, they sell Thai food.

Too many things wrong with this video IMHO. A very distorted picture.

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Oh cry me river. rolleyes.gif

The teary eye'd Brits were probably waiing her and handing her their wallets as she was dragged back into her bar when the cameras were off.

Anyone has a video of British hookers say on video?whistling.gif

Here is another thing which always puzzles me.

So she was married or had a bf, who clearly was not much better off than herself and they had 1 kid.

At the time of having 1 kid, they had no money,so why have another? to have less moneyblink.png

What about some of these girls with 2-3 kids, what exactly were they thinking and what part of the body was doing the thinking

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So Whistleblower spends so much time in this area that he actually knows the girl in the video yet still admits that he feels a great deal of superiority to her? Sounds like there is a Groucho Marx joke in there somewhere.

Didnt say i felt superior to the girl in the video. I said i feel superior to prostitutes. Thai visa is getting like red shirt /yellow shirt country. we have our thai huggers who wont hear a word bad said against thailand and the people who live in the real world

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So Whistleblower spends so much time in this area that he actually knows the girl in the video yet still admits that he feels a great deal of superiority to her? Sounds like there is a Groucho Marx joke in there somewhere.

Maybe he's the owner of the bar ? coffee1.gif

never said i spend so much time in that area. Speculation. I merely pointed out that I know this girl.

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So Whistleblower spends so much time in this area that he actually knows the girl in the video yet still admits that he feels a great deal of superiority to her? Sounds like there is a Groucho Marx joke in there somewhere.

Didnt say i felt superior to the girl in the video. I said i feel superior to prostitutes. Thai visa is getting like red shirt /yellow shirt country. we have our thai huggers who wont hear a word bad said against thailand and the people who live in the real world


The "Thai huggers" have integrated really well into Thai way of things, "you can say/ask/speak whatever you like, but no one is listening"

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Farang 000999 said " But when farang make these comments, they do so with an air of superiority.

Bloody right I think I am superior to a prostitute, and so do all Thais not in this business!!

You and the likes of you are the root of all that is wrong in the world. YOU are not superior to anyone, nor is anyone superion to you. The sooner everyone realizes this and get off their high horses, the better.

big fat Yawn there mate. where will you be drinking on Friday night??

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So Whistleblower spends so much time in this area that he actually knows the girl in the video yet still admits that he feels a great deal of superiority to her? Sounds like there is a Groucho Marx joke in there somewhere.

Didnt say i felt superior to the girl in the video. I said i feel superior to prostitutes. Thai visa is getting like red shirt /yellow shirt country. we have our thai huggers who wont hear a word bad said against thailand and the people who live in the real world


The "Thai huggers" have integrated really well into Thai way of things, "you can say/ask/speak whatever you like, but no one is listening"

really how?? by accepting everything that is thrown your way? I think the peace corps should use thai visa as a recruiting tool. so many whiter than white people on it

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So Whistleblower spends so much time in this area that he actually knows the girl in the video yet still admits that he feels a great deal of superiority to her? Sounds like there is a Groucho Marx joke in there somewhere.

Didnt say i felt superior to the girl in the video. I said i feel superior to prostitutes. Thai visa is getting like red shirt /yellow shirt country. we have our thai huggers who wont hear a word bad said against thailand and the people who live in the real world


The "Thai huggers" have integrated really well into Thai way of things, "you can say/ask/speak whatever you like, but no one is listening"

really how?? by accepting everything that is thrown your way? I think the peace corps should use thai visa as a recruiting tool. so many whiter than white people on it

Please read again what i saidrolleyes.gif

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I think the old dude was probably right.

Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

whats a respectable job then?? earning 200 baht aday is that it... Another clueless bargirl hater

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I think the old dude was probably right.

Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

whats a respectable job then?? earning 200 baht aday is that it... Another clueless bargirl hater

And you another monger?

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I think the old dude was probably right.

Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

whats a respectable job then?? earning 200 baht aday is that it... Another clueless bargirl hater

a respectable job is one which does not involve putting men's body parts into her mouth on hourly basis for a few hundred bahtthumbsup.gif

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It would be nice if they made a show explaining the sex tourism is only a fraction of prostitution in Thailand in comparisson to what goes on in the country by it's own people....but they won't and ever will and besides 'dirty old men' are there to be lambasted in this day and age.

Instead of poor country girls who haven't had a gun put to their head and chosen to do this for a living these NGO's need to concentrate on the traffickers and kiddy fiddlers....how coudl they rescue that woman in the clip with her 2 kids to feed?

The answer in the UK is to set her up in a bungalow, pay the rent and give her hand outs all donated by the working tax payer....bet thai people would love that if it was put on them...not.

missing the point about exploitation and slavery, what if that were your daughter, sister, mother etc, a culling at imigration when ticking the come for sexual tourism box

my daughter, sister, mother etc wouldnt enter that trade because they are neither lazy or motivated by material things

unless of course they were offered a job, a real job highly paid, in a different city or country, or you are trying to be ignorrant?

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