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(What Seems Like A) Sexpat Has A Go At Some Holidaymakers


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She was a lot louder than him, and she had her 'hate face' on .................. tell me again who was shouting?

She was a cutey, the type the sexpat could never dream of scoring in a 1st world country. whistling.gif

So what was she expecting in a red light area? A box of chocolates and red roses? rolleyes.gif

she was not there to interview sexpat, but Thai women from Isaan, he just inruded

Yes by the allegedly sexpat set her straight on all the lies she was fed. Ever wonder why so many of those girls work to "take care" of their kids and almost always for school, yet the kids end up working in the same bar once she is old enoughwhistling.gif

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The Video was quite clear: This merry band of probably ex University Graduates? came to Thailand with fixed naïve ideas that the Girls are being exploited and they can talk them into getting a low paid regular job, and like all Knights in Shining Armour failed to do research before they came. And with no concept of why these woman choose big money rather than a low paid job as the vast majority of the rest of the Thai population do.

This will be another do gooder mission failed. They will never understand that money is number one, and not Virtuous employment, with an income that is a struggle to live on.

I guess trying to convince these Girls of the Higher Moral ground is going to be impossible to achieve, 7,000 a month as opposed to 30,000 and in some case much much more, is not going to impress these Girls one bit, converts are going to be very thin on the ground, and not much evidence and research to write a Thesis on the subject,back home.

They also would fail to understand that when the girls go back to the village for a visit, they are revered and perceived to be wealthy ,and where the money came from is of no consequence, money cleanses, and respect follows the money, and no matter how it was come by.

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So what was she expecting in a red light area? A box of chocolates and red roses? rolleyes.gif

Not an unreasonable expectation. I've eaten chocolate in a bar on Walking Street and been offered red roses. Swiss chocolate of all things.

Ladyboys try all sorts of tricks these days, and then you wake up raped and robbedtongue.png

Yeah. That's why I declined the roses. Sweets were from a reputable and known vendor, though biggrin.png

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many of the rich in europe, for example ugly and repulsive pro footballers are able to "pull" very attractive partners etc. Ask yourself why? Is that not a form of prostitution?

It's called "hypergamy" and it's a fundamental character of almost every woman.

Hypergamy means to sell the pussy to the man with highest status, fame, wealth - depending on her own sexual value.

Prostitution is just a subset of hypergamy. It is defined as short-term sex for money. Healthy women do love sex, but unlike men, the sex is never decoupled from what she can gain from it.

The normal non-prostitute does sell her pussy too, but unlike a prostitute, to the man who she believes gives her the highest quality of sperm. Football player, rock stars do give a woman this impression, that's why they have young groupies even at higher age.

An interesting example is James Holmes, the recent cinema killer from Denver.

This man was an extreme beta male with no access to women. But since he committed the mass murder, his status for women suddenly changed: the internet is full of groupies who talk about him in highest praise. So a man's status is not only dependent on objective status values, but also on what a woman "feels" about him. A jerk or criminal often gives her the alpha feelings she longs for.

To end my drivel: "prostitution" and "true love" are two sides of basically the same picture.

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She was a lot louder than him, and she had her 'hate face' on .................. tell me again who was shouting?

She was a cutey, the type the sexpat could never dream of scoring in a 1st world country. whistling.gif

So what was she expecting in a red light area? A box of chocolates and red roses? rolleyes.gif

she was not there to interview sexpat, but Thai women from Isaan, he just inruded

Sort of like fishing for eels and catching crabs. :rolleyes:

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Sort of like fishing for eels and catching crabs. rolleyes.gif

exactly the interesting thing is, it did not end up on the floor of the editing room

The part which i found most fascinating was the NGO who is there to help women get out of this kind of work, while the bar girl tells her she must work in the bar.

Little like NGO's in Cambodia driving around in NGO marked cars with 16 year old girlfriends

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Sort of like fishing for eels and catching crabs. rolleyes.gif

exactly the interesting thing is, it did not end up on the floor of the editing room

The part which i found most fascinating was the NGO who is there to help women get out of this kind of work, while the bar girl tells her she must work in the bar.

Little like NGO's in Cambodia driving around in NGO marked cars with 16 year old girlfriends

that's a different program

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Watching that 2nd video. Things definitely do not seem correct.

100 Baht a day wages? Then they talk about houses with swimming pools etc. How many in The U.K. have a house with a swimming pool <deleted>?

450 Baht a day for a house, especially a house like the one they chose? I pay 258 Baht a day for a 3 bed house with 3 bathrooms in Pattaya!!! Where are they getting these figures from?? There are rooms in Pattaya for 200 odd Baht a day with fan.

At 10:59 she says they can earn 100 Baht, roughly 25 pence per HOUR. Does she really know her facts and figures? Earlier she says that amount per day.

Most Thai people I have known generally earn 200 Baht a day for 1 job of work. Many have had 2 jobs.

Poor things could not stand any more rice and noodles? This is Thailand. That is staple food for many yet these poor white folks want chocolates and sweets!! They complain also about all the Thai food in the stalls? Wake up, this is Thailand, they sell Thai food.

Too many things wrong with this video IMHO. A very distorted picture.

That house in Isaan,would not have fetched 1000 Baht a month in rent,of course the makers of the film need as much sensationalism as possibly,also the wages per day are 180 baht a day in Isaan and not 100. Take it all with a large pinch of Salt!

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Watching that 2nd video. Things definitely do not seem correct.

100 Baht a day wages? Then they talk about houses with swimming pools etc. How many in The U.K. have a house with a swimming pool <deleted>?

450 Baht a day for a house, especially a house like the one they chose? I pay 258 Baht a day for a 3 bed house with 3 bathrooms in Pattaya!!! Where are they getting these figures from?? There are rooms in Pattaya for 200 odd Baht a day with fan.

At 10:59 she says they can earn 100 Baht, roughly 25 pence per HOUR. Does she really know her facts and figures? Earlier she says that amount per day.

Most Thai people I have known generally earn 200 Baht a day for 1 job of work. Many have had 2 jobs.

Poor things could not stand any more rice and noodles? This is Thailand. That is staple food for many yet these poor white folks want chocolates and sweets!! They complain also about all the Thai food in the stalls? Wake up, this is Thailand, they sell Thai food.

Too many things wrong with this video IMHO. A very distorted picture.

That house in Isaan,would not have fetched 1000 Baht a month in rent,of course the makers of the film need as much sensationalism as possibly,also the wages per day are 180 baht a day in Isaan and not 100. Take it all with a large pinch of Salt!

I thought the house rent was a bit steep too, but it could have been inflated by the day by day rate

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That house in Isaan,would not have fetched 1000 Baht a month in rent,of course the makers of the film need as much sensationalism as possibly,also the wages per day are 180 baht a day in Isaan and not 100. Take it all with a large pinch of Salt!

Most short-term farm workers pay nothing for accommodation, they just camp under a tree, or under the farm house.

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That house in Isaan,would not have fetched 1000 Baht a month in rent,of course the makers of the film need as much sensationalism as possibly,also the wages per day are 180 baht a day in Isaan and not 100. Take it all with a large pinch of Salt!

Most short-term farm workers pay nothing for accommodation, they just camp under a tree, or under the farm house.

true but they visited some other types of accommodation and they especially the girls did wanted a roof above their head and bathroom

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My take on it.

I did see the documentary and I failed to see the point of it. You take some relatively privileged kids to poor parts of the world, the kids say how awful it must be for the poor people, shed a few tears then go back to the sanctity of their homes.

I would love them to make a follow up to these types of programmes to see if all those tears were acted upon once they returned home. I guess it just becomes a story to tell their friends in the future and in that respect the old guy was right, they are phoney.

I would guess virtually all hookers don't want to be hookers, but it's a way to make more money than the would normally. Without having the figures given to me I'm going to say the average Thai wage for non graduates will be between 10 and 20k a month. Hookers I would guess get more than that, some double that, some more. Again i don't have the figures but I'm sure the percentages are about right. Now considering some posters on here can't get there monthly budget below 200k, 10-20k a month is not going to get you much - especially if you have kids.

As for hookers telling sob stories to get more money. Who wouldn't if you had to do what they do? The quicker they earn money, the quicker they can quit. I'm guessing you won't find many 40 year old hookers around, so it's a short term gig.

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My take on it.

I did see the documentary and I failed to see the point of it. You take some relatively privileged kids to poor parts of the world, the kids say how awful it must be for the poor people, shed a few tears then go back to the sanctity of their homes.

I would love them to make a follow up to these types of programmes to see if all those tears were acted upon once they returned home. I guess it just becomes a story to tell their friends in the future and in that respect the old guy was right, they are phoney.

I would guess virtually all hookers don't want to be hookers, but it's a way to make more money than the would normally. Without having the figures given to me I'm going to say the average Thai wage for non graduates will be between 10 and 20k a month. Hookers I would guess get more than that, some double that, some more. Again i don't have the figures but I'm sure the percentages are about right. Now considering some posters on here can't get there monthly budget below 200k, 10-20k a month is not going to get you much - especially if you have kids.

As for hookers telling sob stories to get more money. Who wouldn't if you had to do what they do? The quicker they earn money, the quicker they can quit. I'm guessing you won't find many 40 year old hookers around, so it's a short term gig.

You never been to Hua HIn ?

Edited by arthurwait
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That house in Isaan,would not have fetched 1000 Baht a month in rent,of course the makers of the film need as much sensationalism as possibly,also the wages per day are 180 baht a day in Isaan and not 100. Take it all with a large pinch of Salt!

Most short-term farm workers pay nothing for accommodation, they just camp under a tree, or under the farm house.

true but they visited some other types of accommodation and they especially the girls did wanted a roof above their head and bathroom

But all ranging from 14,000 to 18,000 a month for shacks in Esarn shown by the same agent who looks like shes never got her hands dirty in her life. As you know you can get either a decent condo or townhouse around central bangkok for that or a concrete house and garden little further out still on the BTS or probably a house with a pool in Pattaya for the same money.

You could probably have bought the house and land for not many more months rent.

They were either completely ripped off by the agent or the program makers have set it up.

Anyone else think the Thais lines in Esarn were scripted ? It maybe the language barrier, but they looked like they were trying to remember lines.

Probably like "we're not going to make enough money because of you so we have to cut your wages, the program makers aren't paying us any money for this oooooooooooooo noooooooooo."

Hey, but at least the girl is getting her fact filled article published in as many places as possible.

Edited by arthurwait
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My take on it.

I did see the documentary and I failed to see the point of it. You take some relatively privileged kids to poor parts of the world, the kids say how awful it must be for the poor people, shed a few tears then go back to the sanctity of their homes.

I would love them to make a follow up to these types of programmes to see if all those tears were acted upon once they returned home. I guess it just becomes a story to tell their friends in the future and in that respect the old guy was right, they are phoney.

I would guess virtually all hookers don't want to be hookers, but it's a way to make more money than the would normally. Without having the figures given to me I'm going to say the average Thai wage for non graduates will be between 10 and 20k a month. Hookers I would guess get more than that, some double that, some more. Again i don't have the figures but I'm sure the percentages are about right. Now considering some posters on here can't get there monthly budget below 200k, 10-20k a month is not going to get you much - especially if you have kids.

As for hookers telling sob stories to get more money. Who wouldn't if you had to do what they do? The quicker they earn money, the quicker they can quit. I'm guessing you won't find many 40 year old hookers around, so it's a short term gig.

You never been to Hua HIn ?

No. Is it good? Maybe Wayne Rooney would like it?

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I thought the same as well,a well put up job,if there is any urgency in Rice planting,then iv'e never seen it.

And where did they get Jenny the slave driver,who commanded the extortunate Rent,(a months Rent or two)would have bought the house,that part was designed to make the the group suffer by not having enough money for food,and she must have learn't,her English in far more luxurious parts of Thailand than Isaan,hardly any of Thai Villagers speak any English(In my wifes village,not even the school Teacher) The two bosses played their part very well,but one used the filming to renade on some of the wages. From the brief clip it didn't look as though the Thais were working any harder than the group.

And the Narrater/Producer,forgot to tell the viewers that the vast majority have land and thier own house,so no rent to pay,and they are not as poor as popular belief,its tied up in assets,and don't forget the Buffalo Herd.

Interesting Video though!

Whatever the details of the actual making of the Thai part, it is edifying that despite all the participants (the farmer guy excepted) refusal / inability to really produce the food they eat back in UK, they went back home and carried on consuming the same products just like before the program.

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Asking a sexpat if the bargirls are htere by choice is kinda like asking a junkie if heroin is bad for him - so much in denial.

Actually heroin does not hurt one's health if ingested in a safe way. It is only unhealthy if one is addicted and ones supply is interupted by the legal authorities. Some scientists say that it actually extends one's lifetime.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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This man was an extreme beta male with no access to women.

Rather an omega-male if we are to use that terminology. Actually, with exceptions (such as every rich, tall, handsome, huge cock, Thaivisa member), the so called Beta male is the male norm. There are hardly any real alphas around. Before the feminist/sexual revolution (same thing) in the 60s, hypergamy was far less common since society had clearly defined rules and even laws to prevent it from happen. But when the stigma of being a loose woman was eliminated, contraception discovered, divorce laws changed (by the feminists), that meant women now all pursue the same alpha men giving a harem situation, where a few men have sex with 'all' the girls.

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I would guess virtually all hookers don't want to be hookers, but it's a way to make more money than the would normally. Without having the figures given to me I'm going to say the average Thai wage for non graduates will be between 10 and 20k a month. Hookers I would guess get more than that, some double that, some more. Again i don't have the figures but I'm sure the percentages are about right. Now considering some posters on here can't get there monthly budget below 200k, 10-20k a month is not going to get you much - especially if you have kids.

The average Thai wage is 10k a month, that includes billionaires and farm workers.

As 67% of the population are rural poor, they would all be getting considerably less than 10k a month.

In my village a family's entire income rarely exceeds 5k a month.

I would guess 50% of the population are getting less than 5k a month (as a family)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Wow, that's pretty rude of the old guy (sounds American, unfortunately). Not sure why the video wouldn't show the guy's face. Would have liked to see what the bozo looked like.

Listening to those ridiculous young women made me feel embarrassed to be english. The fake tears from the bar girl, clearly looking for a tip was equally nauseating.

aside of all this they had all been drinking and should not have been interviewed for their opinions whilst drunk

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Asking a sexpat if the bargirls are htere by choice is kinda like asking a junkie if heroin is bad for him - so much in denial.

Actually heroin does not hurt one's health if ingested in a safe way. It is only unhealthy if one is addicted and ones supply is interupted by the legal authorities. Some scientists say that it actually extends one's lifetime.

Are you saying bar girls arn't bad for you if you wear protection?

I get your point about heroin but i should add for the more gullable members its not a good idea either way! whistling.gif

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Wow, that's pretty rude of the old guy (sounds American, unfortunately). Not sure why the video wouldn't show the guy's face. Would have liked to see what the bozo looked like.

Listening to those ridiculous young women made me feel embarrassed to be english. The fake tears from the bar girl, clearly looking for a tip was equally nauseating.

aside of all this they had all been drinking and should not have been interviewed for their opinions whilst drunk

If you'd watched the whole series you would have been even more embarassed. These were kids who couldn't tie their own shoelaces, who complained about how disgusting everything was and who'd never done a real day's work in their lives.

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I would guess virtually all hookers don't want to be hookers, but it's a way to make more money than the would normally. Without having the figures given to me I'm going to say the average Thai wage for non graduates will be between 10 and 20k a month. Hookers I would guess get more than that, some double that, some more. Again i don't have the figures but I'm sure the percentages are about right. Now considering some posters on here can't get there monthly budget below 200k, 10-20k a month is not going to get you much - especially if you have kids.

The average Thai wage is 10k a month, that includes billionaires and farm workers.

As 67% of the population are rural poor, they would all be getting considerably less than 10k a month.

In my village a family's entire income rarely exceeds 5k a month.

I would guess 50% of the population are getting less than 5k a month (as a family)

I can vouche for that since a friend of mine in Isaan got 3000 baht a month as a truckdriver, delivering building material. What I didn't get is why he didn't try to change his position, some people are really down in the dirt and don't see a way out. The irony of this is was that his boss was the village leader who happened to be one of the richest persons in the province.

Edited by maxme
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Asking a sexpat if the bargirls are htere by choice is kinda like asking a junkie if heroin is bad for him - so much in denial.

Actually heroin does not hurt one's health if ingested in a safe way. It is only unhealthy if one is addicted and ones supply is interupted by the legal authorities. Some scientists say that it actually extends one's lifetime.

Are you saying bar girls arn't bad for you if you wear protection?

That is not what I was saying, but I agree with it as long as one also avoids falling in love.

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Girls who are forced to be prostitutes arent fun, they provide the physical aspects of sex thats all. This can be had anywhere on earth.

Many thais seem to want to be prostitutes-why do you think guys keep coming back. The girls deliver more than the sex!

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