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House Will Not Yet Deliberate Reconciliation Bills On First Day Of New Session


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House will not yet deliberate reconciliation bills on first day of new session

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- PM's Office Minister Worawat Ua-apinyakul said Thursday that House would not yet deliberate national reconciliation bills on the first day of the new parliamentary session.

The new session will begin next Wednesday.

Worawat said the coalition whips would propose the House to put other topic on the House agenda when the House convenes a meeting on Wednesday.

Before the last parliamentary session ended, the coalition flexed his majority muscle to put the reconciliation bills as the first item on the House agenda. But the bills led to widespread criticisms that it would deteriorate the situation in the political torn country.

House Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranon and several sides have called on sponsors of the four national reconciliation bills to withdraw them to avert political confrontation.

Worawat said the drafts would have to be withdraw by the sponsors on the voluntary basis and the coalition whips have not yet discussed the issue with the bills' sponsors.

"But I hereby affirm that the reconciliation bills will not be discussed on Wednesday," Worawat said.

Regarding to Cabinet reshuffle, Worawat said he believed any reshuffle would have to be waited until after August 12.

Worawat said he believed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra would change only Cabinet members with poor performance.


-- The Nation 2012-07-26

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Regarding to Cabinet reshuffle, Worawat said he believed any reshuffle would have to be waited until after August 12.

Worawat said he believed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra would change only Cabinet members with poor performance.

With k. Worawat PM Office Minister he probably knows what he's talking about. Still I'm slightly appalled at reading he mentions "members with poor performance". That seems a slight aimed at his boss, the PM. Ms. Yingluck handpicked cabinet members on knowledge, capabilities, potential and suitability (and big brother was pleased)

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They would be absolute knuckle draggers to not withdraw the bills.

If they are for the thai poor as they proclaim, then they have plenty of movement to individual sections to improve the needs of those who voted for them...the Isannites. But then the convicted criminal fugitive leader comes into play. And the ever increasing charges being brought against him, and the increasing desent being shown against him by a growing number of thai's, going on the swing in favour from his downward spiral to his sisters gain for just looking pretty. Can I dance for you too? Democracy is at work right now. Pheu Thai have enough room to play in the sections for the better of all thai's and not just one. If they try and step over the law which in Thaiand with a constitutional monarchy should always be that it is that the reigning monarch who anoints the senior judicarcy with his signed approval then there will be more blood spilt.

Interesting call for those Pheu Thai MP's with some moral judgement that are lesser in Thaksin's favour. There must be more and more of them realising that as they look at the constant convictions and lack of even some basic human values and morality being displayed among some of the factions around them, as to why they are still on board the "Thaksin" ...icebergs constantly on the horizon and no sign of the end of it in sight. Thailand is going nowhere while His ..... Premier Thaksin "Marcos" Shinawatra has his grand illusions of him fixated in his mind...

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Thaksin's Gig wants to go home, its the Queens BD celebration til the 12th, Maybe he will join the celebrations.....

“I can smell the air of my mother land. This year I’m confident it’s a good year. It’s an auspicious year as the Prince will turn 60 and the Queen will turn 80. There are a lot of indications that I’m going to be back with my fellow brothers and sisters,”


In March, Mr Chalerm said he had figured out a way to get Thaksin home but refused to say exactly how, saying he wanted to keep it as a surprise.

Edited by waza
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They have so many things to work on.

The economy is in much worse state than they stated in June.

Rice policies are a disaster

Minimum salaries are in an awful mess

Flood remedial action is way behind schefule

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They have so many things to work on.

The economy is in much worse state than they stated in June.

Rice policies are a disaster

Minimum salaries are in an awful mess

Flood remedial action is way behind schefule

And the PM is nowhere to be found!
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