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My First Vistor From Outside . Snake


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Today while sitting in the living room with the wife I watched a snake slither along our double doors and under our screen door into the house . Not sure what kind it was but it was about 3 feet long brown and seemed to have a blue stripe running the lenght of his body . As far as Im concerned they are all deadly .

We got him outside with some long poles and closed the doors . I will be on my way to Big C and get a few bags of moth balls . I have been told this works and I shared it with another friend here and he has not seen a snake since . Prior to that he had one sunning on his front steps a few days in a row .....

Anythings worth a try ..

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What... no pictures? Can't have a snake topic without pictures.

Why not... If I had a snake in my house the last thing I would think of is taking a picture of it.

Would you think to throw moth balls at it?

I for one am really interested in the answer to the question. Do snakes stay away from moth balls?

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What... no pictures? Can't have a snake topic without pictures.

Why not... If I had a snake in my house the last thing I would think of is taking a picture of it.

Would you think to throw moth balls at it?

I for one am really interested in the answer to the question. Do snakes stay away from moth balls?

Not really, but I have heard they are particularly averse to butterfly penises!!!!

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we need to identify the snake...was it like this one?

I snapped this one sunbathing or "mao" on the road, very much still alive though and appeared to be more than 3ft long, nearer to 6ft.

when I came back must have sobered up or else it was due for someones evening meal.post-150623-0-98643700-1343386010_thumb.

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we need to identify the snake...was it like this one?

I snapped this one sunbathing or "mao" on the road, very much still alive though and appeared to be more than 3ft long, nearer to 6ft.

when I came back must have sobered up or else it was due for someones evening meal.post-150623-0-98643700-1343386010_thumb.

It's an upside down snake.

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we need to identify the snake...was it like this one?

I snapped this one sunbathing or "mao" on the road, very much still alive though and appeared to be more than 3ft long, nearer to 6ft.

when I came back must have sobered up or else it was due for someones evening meal.post-150623-0-98643700-1343386010_thumb.

No idea what kind of snake that is but it is most definitely not sunbathing. Unlike humans, they do not try to get an all over tan by also lying on their backs. laugh.png

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think it would work as not nice scent, have you ever smelled moth balls? Who held the wings?? (the same who hold true for buttery penises)

well......I am not putting mine anywhere near a snake thats for sure

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That's another 'makes me laugh' post. I remember eons ago when I first settled in Thailand I was quite happily sitting at my desk with back to the open front door. Wife (well, g/f back then) comes down the stairs and exclaims that there is a snake slithering up the lounge floor. My startled look round scared it out the door. I have become used to this sort of 'normal' experience after all these years living in Thailand.

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Most snakes are going to be perfectly harmless, and might be taking good care of those rats I've been seeing around. Generally speaking, the poisonous varieties tend to look a bit special. Vipers are pretty obvious because of those very triangular heads, for example. I think you could spot a Cobra easy enough. The Banded Krate is yellow and black striped. If it's kinda' drab, comparatively speaking, and doesn't have a conspicuously big head, it's probably one of the harmless ones. I'd rather one didn't kill the harmless ones.

Link to page with images of poisonous snakes in Thailand:


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When I first saw this headline I thought your bloody father in law had turned up unannounced. Regardless in Oz we just crash tackle the buggers and bite out their throats, there again maybe been oververdoing the Vegimite a little. Snakes that is, not father in laws, for them we just open the esky and turn on the Cricket or Rugby and everything is fine.

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did anyone recognise the one I photographed on the road to Samoeng, countryside area. It may have been crossing the road and got clipped by a car or a bike, injured obviously.

Why didn't you stop and give it mouth to mouth resuscitation?

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In the Ratchaburi Province drivers often stop the car to allow a snake to cross the road as taught in Buddhism, however in Isaan, people are seen jumping from a loaded bus to catch the snake and feast on it for dinner! WWJD?

I think he was more into bread and wine.

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I've only had one snake come in my house. After the fact, it turned out to be a harmless variety. However, I have a zero tolerance policy for snakes in the house. If it comes in, death is automatic regardless of species. No trial, no consideration, just automatic death.

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We had a Banded Krait come to visit this week. The wife almost steped on. My big dog had the snake cornered under my truck when I finally found it. Was a small snake about 18 in long and

little bigger than a pencil. Tried to get it out with a rake by it got away. The little bastard I fear is still some where in the yard. Next time I will have the hoe in hand. I HATE snakes of any type.


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I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

Note: You should not try to touch here with hands if you don’t know how to do it.

Edited by CMweb
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So, tonguethaied, you would expect the same treatment when you invade their territory?

Fairness has nothing to do with it. When I used to hunt, I obeyed the law, but nonetheless, considered the concepts of "fair chase" and "sporting conduct" to be rather absurd. I hunted for meat, not for sport. Frankly, I think of the "sportsman" as disrespectful to life that is giving itself up for food.

But point in fact, if I invade the snakes territory and am not pretty darn careful, I am likely to be bitten. And I am quite sure that the concept of "fairness" would never enter the snake's mind. If fairness were a factor, my house would be the snake's territory. I invaded it, took it away and built a house.

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I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

Note: You should not try to touch here with hands if you don’t know how to do it.

People kill them because they are uneducated, superstitious or enjoy killing small animals.
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I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

Note: You should not try to touch here with hands if you don’t know how to do it.

That banded krait will kill you dead. Snakes are all around Thailand (in the country, anyway). If you never see them, you are a good candidate for a snake bite, notwithstanding your love. They don't love you.

"Snakes are less danger then dogs." Not exactly sure what you meant by that. The risk of being bitten by a dog is 100's of times greater than being bitten by a snake. But the risk of being killed by a dog is pretty low. How are you defining "danger"? Would you rather be bitten by a rabid soi dog or that krait?

Kill them all, I say.

Edited by TongueThaied
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I hate the bastards, period. As a young child my older brother would catch all kind of snakes and chase me with them. Once he put a garter snake in my bed one night. Got the shit beat out him for that one. I love to look at snakes, but when the looking is over, off with the head. That krait I figure is still around the house. When I catch it, I will kill it. My dogs mean more to me than any snake.

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I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

Note: You should not try to touch here with hands if you don’t know how to do it.

That banded krait will kill you dead. Snakes are all around Thailand (in the country, anyway). If you never see them, you are a good candidate for a snake bite, notwithstanding your love. They don't love you.

"Snakes are less danger then dogs." Not exactly sure what you meant by that. The risk of being bitten by a dog is 100's of times greater than being bitten by a snake. But the risk of being killed by a dog is pretty low. How are you defining "danger"? Would you rather be bitten by a rabid soi dog or that krait?

Kill them all, I say.

A danger dog attacks a snike not!

Are you killing dogs to? No? Why not?

Snakes bite a human only if they feel in danger to protect herself, you can sit in the mitle of the jungle, and a king cobra pas buy you and she will not bite you if you don’t move. Why? You are too big and she knows she cannot eat you so she will not kill you, only humans kill for fun and not only for food.

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"fairness" is a man-made conception, which I did not allude to. Many snakes kill rats, which transmit a variety of unpleasant diseases to humans. Anything which reduces the number of rats in or around ones habitation is good.

A snake will generally avoid humans if possible. We are too big to eat, apart from a couple of exceptions, and are a potential danger.

This fear of snakes appears to be very much inspired by the media, as is the fear of spiders. Makes "good" movie material!

Kill mosquitos, ticks and rats but spare the snakes!

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I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

40% of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

If you see one in your house or garden, it likely lives there, best to kill it before it bites you or your family.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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