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Rush To Prepare For Floods: Thailand


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Like maybe they should take up the Dutch Govt offer of flood control experts ... not on the Thai Sonar!

Thais no more about floods than the Dutch ever will. Airport no farang advice on how to build, runway closed 206 times in one year for repairs. They know more about every thing than any farang will ever do. One thing they excel at and would good get an olympic gold for is, well dont need to say as they are world famous for it, mention Thailand anywhere in the world and one thing springs to mind. Edited by marstons
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I still have a problem understanding why everybody fears that a 1-in-70-years-flooding will now happen every year, and especially this year when there has not been especially worrying weather report so far.

Last year, the North started to be flooded by July 31st, after a few months of noticeable rainfalls ; ie: the flooding didn't pop by magic in Bangkok on October from nothing, it was then long due. (if you need your memory refreshed, head there : http://en.wikipedia....Thailand_floods )

Now, the weather forecast of the next couple weeks must become clear enough to do some estimation of a global precipitation prediction for the whole Thailand, so if we were to see some major flooding this year again, we should be aware of it by now, no ? Or I missed some big news ? blink.png

thats because the they build build build, and what used to be flood plains are now huge industrial areas with no where for the waters to go, they just make massive industrial areas but dont put in the drainiage to deal with all the rainfall coming from the concrete jungle they have built. it will take far less rain than it used to to cause similar flooding.

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