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Thai Language Course...


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Hey Ladies,

I posted this in the general topic, maybe i asked it wrong...but I am looking for a good course [like textbook CD etc] I do speak Thai [although not fluently] but looking to improve my vocabulary and was wondering if any of you had any experience with the 'learn thai fast' dvd coursethat has promotions on this forum, want to get into reading and writing, if anything just to take my mind of of things and concentrate on something useful, any suggestions are welcome.

No classes around to take on the island.

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have you thought about web based learning, I know if you google you can find thai tutors who teach via webcam, it might be an option, as might asking around for someone who wants to swap thai lessons in exchange for english lessons. a good way to learn for free.

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I would get any book that focusses on reading and writing from as early on as possible, and uses examples and vocabulary that matches your lifestyle. (For example, an embassy worker needs particular words a lot earlier on than a small business owner wanting to talk to suppliers, and is different again from the needs of a tourist or retired person.)

How fast it goes is mostly up to you, and how much effort you put into it. There is no magic bullet I think. Often it will seem to progress super slow at first, but it does get easier.

Then for speaking there are lots of Thai people around that you can use to get usage and pronunciation right; you need to find someone who is a bit critical though and willing to correct you, not everyone is a good teacher. Almost anyone would have at least one Thai person in his circle of friends who is very suitable to ask some questions to a couple times a week. Students are a good prospect too, also because you could reciprocate by helping them with English.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Thanks for the replies, I speak fairly well Thai and also have learned it the hard way and from people around, hence the southern accent :)

It's just that I can't really sleep at night and thought of it to be useful to learn some more so at least those hours are spent well and I can concentrate on something else than what has happened the last few weeks.

Mainly the reading and writing part, for sure an online course would be perfect, thats why I asked if anyone has any experience with the 'Learn Thai fast' [or was it quick?] that has or had an add on this forum.

Anyway I will look into different options...thanks ladies!

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Mainly the reading and writing part, for sure an online course would be perfect, thats why I asked if anyone has any experience with the 'Learn Thai fast' [or was it quick?] that has or had an add on this forum.

Reading and writing are mostly self-study. The best books (in my opinion anyway) are: Introduction to Thai Reading and Everyday Thai for Beginners. To learn how to write Thai realistically (not grade school Thai) get Reading Thai is Fun. Btw - DCO books (in the links) delivers anywhere in Thailand - no need to order from amazon or go through the hassle of tracking them down on bookstores.

Discussions on the 'Learn Thai Quickly' course can be found all over the Thai language forum. I have an old version. Vincent put a lot of work into the program and if you stick with it you will learn how to read Thai. It will also increase your vocabulary.

Learn Thai Podcast (advertised as 'Learn to Speak Thai Fast') will also teach you to read Thai as well as increase your vocab immensely. They have an enormous amount of videos covering many subjects.

When you get to the point where you need your Thai writing critiqued, Thai Skype teachers are the way to go. There are many decent online teachers available at various prices (just google). Learning via Skype is great because 1) you can record the conversations automatically and 2) you don't have to deal with traffic, the heat, etc.

Good luck.

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Hi Carry

I recently found a learn thai channel on youtube. I haven't really looked into it properly yet as I've been quite busy, but I subscribed and they seem to release at least a couple of videos a week. Perhaps it could be of help - the channel is called ThaiLanguageHut .

Hope it helps :) Let me know how you get on as I'm intending on using it once I get some more free time.

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