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Weird And Wonderful Names For Property Projects In Thailand

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There are some truly strange ones out there, I'm sure you've seen or heard of some of them yourself. For me, two recent launches that have made me smile are "Pattaya Posh" and "Canali Walk". Say the latter fast enough and it becomes 'can hardly walk'. :)

How about your favourites?

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"The Trendy". appologies to purchasers but what a crock of shit that name is. Perhaps a nice place to live but what cheap name.


   [tren-dee] Show IPA adjective, trend·i·er, trend·i·est, noun, plural trend·ies.



of, in, or pertaining to the latest trend or style.


following the latest trends or fashions; up-to-date or chic: the trendy young generation.


appealing to faddish taste: a trendy hotel.

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It is a cultural practice of Thais to confer nicknames to their children contrary to some percieved deficiency, like giving the nickname "Fat' when the child is thin and slender, etc.

Is this same principle being employed for names of projects? Eg, Trendy for a building design that lacks this quality?

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I just hate the names that advertise the project as something it is not. Such as a condo near me called "Chateau in Town"...it looks like a standard big square concrete block...how the heck is that a "Chateau". Or housing projects that use words like "palace" to describe a bog standard detached house.

Edited by dave111223
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A friend of mine considered moving to Thailand and was house hunting in Bangkok. He was not aware of Thai pronunciation, and he was mortified when he saw an ad for "Thong Tip Condo." He said he could *never* tell people where he lived if he lived there.

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Slightly off topic but there is a Thai restaraunt/bar place in Hua Hin called "Get Idea". That one always bothers me.

There is a beer bar in Koh Samui called "My Friend You Friend Me". Im not kidding. The owner wasnt trying to be ironic or anything. I asked why he called his bar this stupid name and he said "because everyone come here my friend". He could have just called it "Friends Bar" but there you go.

Im sure they just drum up random names with no thought behind them. For example there is a new condo/resort being built in Hua Hin. A massive complex on hundreds of rai with a very old fasioned theme. Victorian style gardens, lots of ornate woodworks and victorian style gates etc. They decided on calling it "The Energy" which would better suit a modern bar, i reckon.

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